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Title: Role of Effective Communication while Closing Clients

Subtitle: Client in Focus

Enter the Communication: Introduction
Basic rule of any relationship is ‘Better the communication, stronger the relationship’. In fact,
even to form a relationship, you need communication. Same goes for business-client
relationship. Without clients there is no business. Thus, business must enter into a meaningful
conversation or interaction or dialogue with the client right away. And to do that they must
make a plan. That plan is called Client Relationship Management or CRM in short.
And an excellent communication strategy is the fundamental of any CRM. It is the key from
that first meeting to your first project, to your long-term collaboration months, or years
together. Great interaction or communication plan is necessary for establishing your initial
understanding, short-term bonding, long-term trustworthiness, and overall rapport with clients.
But even before that, business must shift its outlook from their own business to what the client
expects from that business. As a business, client is completely disinterested in how its internal
processes happens. Client is only interested in her/his own business and how this external
business is going to help her/him in managing her/his specific demands and is going to fulfil
her/his expectations.
So, the first thing a business must communicate is its own image and intrinsic value which it
is going to add to clients need fulfilment, while providing that unique solution to the client’s
Deal in Focus: What is in it for the client?
A business at a time deals with many clients. Some of it are potential clients. Some of it are
existing clients. And last are ex-clients or cold clients. About the third category, a business
cannot do much except after sales service, if and when needed. For cold clients the relationship
has been ended because of failure on the part of business.
Thus, the focus of any business always remains majorly on the first category. Converting
potential or prospective clients into existing clients and then retaining those clients is the main
job of any marketing or sales team.
And for marketing/sales team, effective communication has no alternative. There are many
aspects to an effective communication.
#Clear, Simple, Truthful and Transparent:
An effective communication has clarity about the business, and the exact product and/or
service. It simply, in a short and precise way conveys all the features, benefits, and worth of
that product and/or service to the client. The more truthful and transparent a marketing/sales
team stays about their advertisement/marketing messages to the client; the more trust is being
built in between the business and the client.
Whatever the companies may believe, todays client looks for honesty, transparency, and
truthfulness rather than boastful claims, glossy ads, irritating bombardment, and exaggerated
Again, constant communication, keeping the client updated and in the loop is greatly
rewarding. A successful communication happens, when, in any correspondence, both the
sender and the receiver are clear about the message conveyed.
Ensure you explain all your technical and non-technical terminologies with which maybe your
clients are unfamiliar and avoid overwhelming them with incomprehensible corporate lingo or
jargons. Most probably it will only confuse then leading to a communication breakdown.

#Bonding through Trust:

Trust is the foundation of any relationship. And if you remain in regular touch with your client,
the trust will get built automatically. A client expects instant response to
calls/SMSs/emails/messages, then it builds a respectful and trustworthy image of you in her/his
mind. Thus, it is extremely important that you remain ever accessible for your client, and when
you cannot, convey it to them in advance. Even your pre-informed unavailability will also be
the confidence building point to them.
Issues are going to arise no matter what you do. Errors, mistakes, delays, etc., are part and
parcels of business. But that is where your being completely honest, truthful, and believable
comes to your rescue. By showing the issues to your clients, whenever they occur, takes off
that last minute pressure from both of your necks and allows you to work together. It will
further cement the bond between you.

#Empathising/Respecting Clients:
Respecting leads to empathising. Putting yourself in client’s shoe, makes you understand their
situation better and allows you to feel empathy for them. This is the most important
communication skill and if you will master it and apply it then Client too will respect and
Listening to your clients clarifies any misunderstanding, or any miscommunication on both
sides. For that listening, you must converse with them regularly. Regular conversations lead to
better understanding of their needs, demands, expectations and requirements from you.

Client in focus: Professional Workmanship seals the deal.

The interpersonal trust, bonding, and working together will allow both you and your client that
personal comfort which is an essential ingredient of the long-term fruitful professional
Being available, reasonable, and personable will help you to deal convincingly with all of your
clientele and will make each of them feel special if they are in your constant focus. Practice
makes a man perfect. And for perfect communication practicing seals the deal.
- Gaurav PR Wankhade

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