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Калинина ПП 19-1 ПКАГ (NOVEMBER, 8th) : go on studying Grammar material about THE GERUND p 10

- learn all expresions with prepositions, p 11-12 - study the material; do ex 12- 13, 21, 25 in writing, pay
attention to the usage of the Gerund!
Ex 12

1. There's no point in contradicting women, is there? 2. Think twice before selling

the house, will you? 3. Don't be frightened ... making decisions and of taking
initiative. 4. Excuse me for rushing you around like that. 5. He is addicted from
drinking. 6. It's really rather late for ringing people up. 7. I'm terribly keen of
watching fashion shows. 8. She is mad about cooking. Imagine the amount of
time she loses for cooking. 9.I am far from exaggerating, I'm just stating facts. 10.
He blamed himself for not having seen the spot before, and still more for having
lit the fire himself. 11. I am used to eating salads and drinking juices. 12. Stars are
getting huge money from acting and producing. 13. She is thinking of hiring
someone to clean her apartment. 14. You should have seen her face for being
caught red-handed. 15. Score one for the Brits! By creating a most unique vehicle
with combining refined elegance and brute strength -The Range Rover.

Ex 13

1. You should give up the idea of going to the south in the summer. 2, I'm sure I
have a chance of winning the lottery. 3. Schoolchildren have a bad habit of
drawing things on their desks. 4. My grandmother has a good habit of drinking a
cup of kefir before going to bed. 5. Today I have a need to speak out, to pour out
my soul. 6. Will you ever give me a chance to see you again? 7. The risk of being
caught red-handed terrified him. 8. The prospect of staying in a stuffy city all
summer didn't make me happy. 9. Will you give me a chance to prove to you that it
wasn't my fault? 10. Women have a talent for inspiring men to great feats. 11. The
easiest way to develop a thought is to move from the general to the particular. 12.
Fred has the art of persuading people. 13. He had no intention of discussing his
private life with anyone. 14. I have the impression that I am being deceived. 15.
There is little hope that the climate will change for the better.

Ex 21

1. We rely on everyone arriving on time. 2. I am relying on the fax being sent now.
3. She is responsible for making sure that all the folders are in order. 4. The parents
were against the children having a noisy party. 5. I don't mind you using my printer
at all. 6. I can't stand it when people speak ill of others behind their backs. 7. No
one demands that you take part in negotiations. 8. Don't deny that Charles
intervened in this case. 9. Everyone insisted that the project should be funded by
the committee. 10. I'm not happy that you made that mistake again. 11. The doctor
insists that the patient needs to stay in hospital for another week. 12. They agreed
Калинина ПП 19-1 ПКАГ (NOVEMBER, 8th) : go on studying Grammar material about THE GERUND p 10
- learn all expresions with prepositions, p 11-12 - study the material; do ex 12- 13, 21, 25 in writing, pay
attention to the usage of the Gerund!
that the police officers were very prompt. 13. I remember Carol once saying that
she was writing novels. 14. she couldn't bear the thought that someone might steal
her happiness. 15. My whole future depended on my loved ones supporting me.

Ex 25

1. I don't like to be seen off, I prefer to be seen off. 2. You shouldn't insist on being
told the truth. 3. The fact that he has come makes a difference. 4. I remember that I
put the money in my bag. 5. I can't afford to buy such expensive things. 6.You
have nothing against him coming over tonight. 7. She went on talking without
paying attention to what we were saying. 8. He was angry with us for bothering
him. 9. The thought of telling her everything openly frightened him. 10. We
wanted to see her off, but she insisted on going alone. 11. I don't remember him
ever making such a request of me. 12. Instead of thinking the matter through
properly, she immediately refused. 13. By working with a tape recorder, you can
improve your pronunciation. 14. What a slacker you are! You didn't even bother to
wash the cup after you! 15. Why do you avoid using non-personal forms of the
verb in speech? 16. What stopped you from going there yourself? 17. On hearing
the happy news, the girl couldn't help crying. 18. Her parents are against her telling
everyone about her engagement now. 19. I remember that my mother often
reproached me as a child for being untidy. 20. I don't feel like studying today. Do
you think I should go to the lecture on Saturday? - That's for you to decide.

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