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Star Wars: Building a Galaxy With Code (Blockly) 15 I finished! Sign in $

Score: 50 Instructions

"You're on your own now, R2-D2."

You have all the tools you need now to create your own puzzle. Feel free to explore and play with all the different
Commands and Events. When you're done, press the Finish button to continue.

+50 !
Blocks Workspace # Start Over

when run when run
Events when get Stormtrooper
set Hoth background add a Puffer Pig
remove 100 points
set circle map add a Puffer Pig
set droid to R2-D2 add a Puffer Pig
when get Probot
when up arrow add 100 points
when get all Mynocks
move droid up
Finish add 50 points
when run

when down arrow add a Probot

when get Rebel Pilot
Need help? See these videos and hints add a Probot
move droid down
set droid to a fast speed
add a Probot
when left arrow play R2-D2 random sound
add a Probot
move droid left add 300 points
add 50 points

when right arrow when get all characters

Star Wars: Building a Galaxy with Code - move droid right end game as a win when get Stormtrooper
set droid to R2-D2
when get all Puffer Pigs
when run set droid to a fast speed
add 300 points
add a Stormtrooper
add a Stormtrooper when run
% English © add a Stormtrooper set type Stormtrooper to a normal speed

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