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Experiment Title.

Student Name: Harshit Pant UID: 20BCS7140

Branch: BE-CSE Section/Group: 20BCS5-A
Semester:1 Date of Performance: 22.9.2020

1. Aim: To verify Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) and study its limitations.

2. Apparatus: Regulated variable DC supply (0-30V, 0-2A)-1, Digital Multimeter(0-30V)-6,

Resistors-6, Connecting wires.

3. Circuit Diagram:
4. Steps for experiment:
(i)The circuit is connected as shown in Figure .
(ii)The Voltage of DC supply was set at 9V.
(iii)The value of all the 5 resistance were taken as 220 ohm and The reading of the 5ammeters
were noted.
(iv)According, only one set of reading was taken at 9V DC supply. (v)The
Ammeter(A1,A2,A3...)are named from left to right
5. Calculations/Theorems /Formulas used etc.

Applying KCl at junction B: I1=I2+I4

Applying KCL at junction C : I2=I36+I5

6. Observations/Discussions:

SR Supply Ammeter Ammeter Ammeter Ammeter

No. Voltage(v) I1(A) I2 (B) I36 (C) I4 (D)
1 9v 5.40 1.80 3.60 1.80

8. Result/Output/Writing Summary:

As per the KCL, the value of the sum of input and output current

At the junction are equal. Hence,it obeys the law of

Conservation of charges. KCL VERIFIED.

As per Kirchhoff’s Current Law, the theoretical and calculated values of algebraic sum of currents are

3.07 1.15 3.07 1.16 0% 0..1%

Learning outcomes (What I have learnt):

(i)Learn about the flow of current as per the KCL.

(ii)About the working of Multimeter.

(iii)learnt about the mechanism of resistor and multimeter

Evaluation Grid:

Sr. No. Parameters Marks Obtained Maximum Marks

1. Worksheet completion including writing 10
learning objectives/Outcomes.(To be
submitted at the end of the day).
2. Post Lab Quiz Result. 5

3. Student Engagement in 5
and Controls/Pre-Lab Questions.
Signature of Faculty (with Date): Total Marks Obtained:

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