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WEEK : 8

PERIOD : 25 Teaching date : 05/10/2015

LESSON THREE ( 4,5,6 )
A. Aim
- Reading for information and tick the correct answer
- Write an invitation card
B. Objectives
- By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to understand the passages and tick the correct answer
and write an invitation card
C. Skills
- Reading , speaking , writing
D. Teaching aids
- Pictures , cassette player
Time Steps and content Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
5’ I. Warm – up
Chatting - gives some questions - listen and answer
- When’s your birthday ?
- It’s on the ………
10’ II. Pre – reading
1. Set the scene - asks students to look at the - look at the picture and
Pictures on page 29 pictures and identify the identify the thing in each
thing in each picture picture
- You are going to read the passages to get - introduces - listen to the teacher
information then you tick the questions.
12’ III. While – reading
- asks students to read the - look at the board
passage and tick the - read the passage and
questions tick the questions
- asks students to work in - work in individuals
- asks students to share the - share the answer with
Key answer with their friends their friends
1. b 2. a 3. b - gives feedback - correct

7’ IV. Post – reading - asks students to look at the - look at the card
* Write an invitation card card on page 29
Students’ answers - introduces : You are going - listen to the teacher
to write a card. You should
write about : date, time ,
address, to someone and
from someone
- have students write the card - write the card
- asks students to share the - share the card with their
card with their friends friends
1’ - gives feedback - correct
V. Homework
- Make the card - sets up the tasks for - listen and take note into
students to do at home notebooks

Nguyen Thi Ngoc Huyen

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