Creation of Website Using HTML5

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Experiment 1 Creation of a Website

Title : Creation of website using HTML5

Aim : Creating Website of College Profile
Apparatus : H/W : Computer System, Printer
S/W : Windows operating system, Notepad, Internet Explorer or any browser
Procedure :
Step 1 : Code for first page (Index.html) : Information about college profile.
File Name : Index.html

<TITLE> Left page</TITLE>
H1 {font-family : Courier New; font-style: italic; color : Blue}
BODY{background-color : Pink; vlink:green; link: gray}
<I> <H1 ALIGN = CENTER> Late Sau. G.F. Patil Junior College, Shahada </H1> </I><P>
<IMG SRC = College.jpg ALIGN = LEFT HEIGHT = 200 WIDTH=280 HSPACE = 15 ALT =

“College Photograph”> <BR> <BR>

<font size = 5 >
<U> <B> ADDRESS : </B> </U>
Dondaicha Road Shahada <BR>
Dist, Nandurbar – 425409 <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR></font>
<H2> Department </H2>
<font color = green>
<LI> Department of Physics
<LI> Department of Chemistry
<LI> Department of Biology
<LI> Department of Mathematics
<LI> Department of Information Technology
</OL> </font>
<A HREF = page2.html> About Us </A>

Exclusive Rights by : © Vilas Patel (M.C.M.)

(Late. Sau. G.F.Patil Jr. College, Shahada)
Step 2 : Code for last page (Page2.html) : Use of Registration Form.
File Name : Page2.html

<TITLE> Vikas College </TITLE>
<BODY bgcolor = Pink>
<Form Method = Post>
<H2> Feedback Form </H2>
<B>Enter Your Name :</B> <INPUT TYPE = TEXT NAME = SNAME> <BR>
<B> Select Your Age between :</B>
<SELECT Name = Age>
<OPTION> 10-15 </OPTION>
<OPTION> 16-20 </OPTION>
<OPTION> 21-25 </OPTION>
<OPTION> 26-30 </OPTION>
<B> Stream : </B> <INPUT TYPE = Radio NAME = str value = Arts> Arts
<INPUT TYPE = Radio NAME = str value = Commerce> Commerce
<INPUT TYPE = Radio NAME = str value = Science> Science <BR> <BR>
<B>Select Your Favorite Subject :</B>
<INPUT TYPE = Checkbox NAME = sub value = Mar> Marathi
<INPUT TYPE = Checkbox NAME = sub value = Hin> Hindi
<INPUT TYPE = Checkbox NAME = sub value = IT> Information Technology
<INPUT TYPE = Checkbox NAME = sub value = Phy> Physics
<INPUT TYPE = Checkbox NAME = sub value = Che> Chemistry
<INPUT TYPE = Checkbox NAME = sub value = Maths> Maths
<INPUT TYPE = Checkbox NAME = sub value = Bio> Biology <BR>
<B> Comment : </B><BR>
<Textarea Rows = 4 Cols = 25 name = detail> </Textarea> <BR>
<INPUT TYPE = Submit Value = Submit> <INPUT TYPE = Reset Value = Reset>
<a href="mailto:"></a> <BR>
<br><A HREF = Index.html> Goto Home Page </A>

Exclusive Rights by : © Vilas Patel (M.C.M.)

(Late. Sau. G.F.Patil Jr. College, Shahada)

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