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Dawlafu Deegmnh Soommlida P0qh hhh snt1fit

Xaliiska Maamulka Degmada l)h/buur

gH'lutlf mcs
hfi+BRt fr / tLT
Somali Regional State
Degahbur Wored.a Adminstration Of f ice
s"* "dl.M l2 /?l{,$r. S *fu.
r,"'iion , i1/ua /=utS
To Ethiopia Telecom Eer Office S.R.S
Case to Request Maintenance of Not Working Mobile Sites and To Request New Mobile Sites

Before All We Would Like to Thank Ethiotelecom StaffTechnicians and Managemens Being with Us
Serving Our Community

As We Have Tried to Touch on Tifle. Here We Are Glade to Request You Maintenance of Mobile Sites
Those Are Physically There butN O T Working forlongTime

As Refence Here Is the List of Not Working Sites

Also, W.e'Need New Sites at The Following Kebeles

. Lasgalol
. Maygaga ,

o Dabile
Note We Are Very Effected Socially. Economically. .And Political$ by Being Out of
Communication at Those Kebeles

So, We Expect from You Fast Response Specially on Sites That Need Only Maintenance Again
We Are Very Happy If Any Developmeirt on New Site Constaction

ETell: Fax: P.O.Box: Dh/bour Ethiopia

4a {o--e, ct}*h, JL

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