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Module in Life and Works of Rizal (GEC 109)

History Department, MSU-GSC

Name: Josh Nicole E. Pepito Date: 12/16/2021
Name of Instructor: Prof. Joshua Castillo
Class Section/Schedule: GEC109 - A12.2
Instruction: Within one page, write your reflection on the statement below.

“Rizal’s experiences around the world showed journeys to distant lands not only
cure one’s ignorance of the unknown but also the ignorance of one’s own.”

The quote about Rizal’s Journey made me think of these questions : How will I
improve? And Which aspect of my being needs to change?

Traveling and going on a journey is not all about killing our time, it’s about
creating experiences, widening our knowledge, making a difference in our point of
views. Rizal went to Paris and Germany to learn ophthalmology and cure his mother’s
eyes, This made me realize that we all have goals that we are eager to achieve and
enable to do that, we have to go through hard times and sufferings.

“How will I improve?” because of Rizal’s goals and ambition to learn new things
in every aspect of himself he sought for improvement and his way of improving himself
is through traveling around the world, We as a normal human being are driven by goals
and ambitions that makes us compassionate even in any thing that we do, because we
are born to make our own path and journey.

“Which aspect of my being needs to change?” When Rizal lived in Germany, he

knows that there are things that can help him change some aspects of his being. Mainly
to gain information about ophthalmology, to further his studies of science and
languages, to observe the economic and political conditions of the German nation, to
associate with famous German scientists and scholars, and to publish his novel Noli Me
Tangere he knows that by these things he can change an aspect of himself that will help
him become a effective individual.

Hence, Rizal’s Journey is more than just learning facts and logic but also
understanding the self and curing ignorance of oneself. We have to explore ourselves
and discover things that will make us improve, things that are beneficial in our growth as
a person.

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