PTV Document

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The board of director comprises 13 directors, whit the secretary, Minister of Information and
broadcasting of Pakistan as its chairman The executive head of the corporation is Managing Director.

 Mrs. Shahera Shahid

Secretary, M/o Information & Broadcasting/Chairperson, PTVC
 Mr. Aamer Manzoor
Managing Director, PTVC
 Maj. Gen. Babar Iftikhar
Director General, ISPR Ex-Officio Director, PTVC
 Mr. Muhammad Tanveer Butt
Additional Secretary (Budget), M/o Finance/Ex-officio Director, PTVC
 Sayyed Mubashar Tauqir Shah
Additional Secretary, M/o Information & Broadcasting/Ex-officio Director, PTVC
 Mr. Sohail Ali Khan
Principal Information Officer M/o Information & Broadcasting/Ex-officio Director, PTVC
 Ms. Ambreen Jan
Director General, Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation/Ex-officio Director, PTVC


PTV now has approximately 5197 employees in all its office around Pakistan whether the sanctioned
posts are 6750 in number so still there is a room for 1553 employees in PTV. The employees of PTV are
divided in nine pay scale groups on the basis of Work, Skills, Responsibilities, Work position etc. Every
group than accordingly has a different pay scale. The pay for higher group is more than lower group.


The Managing Director of the Corporation, duly appointed by the Government of Pakistan and
approved by the Board of Directors, is the Administrative and Executive Head of the Corporation. He
is the competent authority to implement rules for the Corporation and its employees.

 Managing Director, PTV

 Chief Human Resource Officer
 Chief Technology Officer
 Chief Commercial Officer
 Director Admin & Personne
 Director Finance
 Director Programmes
 Director Sports & Syndication
 Director Engineering
 Director News
 Director Training Academy


Each TV Station is headed by a General Manager who is the Administrative and Executive Head of
TV Station

 GM, PTV Karachi

 GM, PTV Lahore
 GM, PTV News/ Islamabad
 GM, PTV Home / Islamabad
 GM, PTV Academy / Islamabad
 GM, PTV Peshawar
 GM, PTV Quetta
 GM, PTV Multan



The Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy sets out the ethical principles and professional
standards of conduct for PTV Board of Directors, Senior Management and all
employees. The Code of Conduct shall articulate acceptable and unacceptable
behaviors. The PTV Board shall ensure that appropriate steps are taken to
communicate throughout the Company, the Code of Conduct it sets, together with
supporting policies and procedures, expected to adopted in the course of employment
and in performance of the duties.

This policy applies to Board of Directors, Senior Management and all employees.

PTV is committed to maintaining a Code of Conduct and Ethics that outlines the
standards of behavior expected of Board of Directors, Senior Management and all
employees and ethical standards expected of them to promote sound professional
behavior in order to safeguard the welfare of stakeholders and the integrity of PTV. The
organizational values, moral imperatives and ethical principles will form the basis for the
development of this code. Failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct and Ethics can
result in disciplinary action against the individual involved.


The Managing Director in consultation with the Board of Directors will issue and maintain a
Code of Conduct and Ethics that will apply to the Board of Directors, Senior Management and
all employees. The Board of Directors shall ensure that appropriate steps are taken to
communicate throughout the Company the Code of Conduct it sets together with supporting
policies and procedures, including posting the same on the company’s website.


PTV’s values are centered around teamwork and professional ethics the core belief that
everyone can help each other grow in an ethical work environment. Our actions and decisions
are guided by our core belief and values:

• Everyone can help each other grow

• Having empathy with others and a passion to enable them
• Being resourceful and creative in finding practical solutions
• Showing thoughtful concern for the rights and interests of others
• Being committed and having enthusiastic drive


Employees have a right to:

1 Work in an environment which, as far as is practical, is free from exposure to hazards;
2 Refuse to work where there is a risk of imminent and serious injury or harm;
3 Be given clear expectations of required performance;
4 Object to directions which are illegal, improper or against your particular religious’ beliefs;
5 Work in an environment that is free from harassment or discrimination on the grounds of
gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, age, impairment and religious or political conviction;
6 Equal opportunity in employment and to have applications for positions treated on merit;
7 Raise grievances in an atmosphere which is not threatening and without fear of retribution in
accordance with the HR Policy and Procedures;
8 Have all grievances and allegations made by or against you dealt with in a confidential and
prompt manner;
9 Participate in public life including interest groups.
10 Be given adequate training and equipment to do the job;
11 Be treated with respect and dignity and receive clear and honest communication from
supervisors and managers;
12 Have information about you kept confidential unless you give permission for it to be passed
13 Fairness and equity in the way management administers the policies and procedures of PTV;
14 Access the Board to express a grievance when the internal Workplace issues and processes
are not properly followed and your grievance is not addressed.

 Gifts and Favors

It is unacceptable for Board members or employee to encourage gifts or favors for services
provided in connection to their official duties for themselves or their family. When a gift or favor
is received, Board member or employee must declare it to administration or Managing
Director/Chief Executive Officer. If Board member or employee believe that a gift is given to
induce favored treatment, their manager must be advised immediately, who shall report to the
Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer. Gifts from the supplier or other officers/officials
connected with PTV will remain the property of PTV even received by any individual employee.


PTV employees must treat all people fairly, with sensitivity and involve them in
decisions that affect them. Must be responsible for any decisions made and ensure that
they have observed the legal requirements, established the facts and avoid improper
exercise of powers

Work Environment
PTV aims to foster and maintain good working relations. Employees must respect, and seek
when necessary, the opinions of others and acknowledge their contribution. Female staff must
be addressed with respect and dignity on equal rights and privileges.

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