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Compiled by Matt Roberts on 28th June 2016


On the 23rd of June 2016 I did a survey to provide contours at a plot of land in Addis Ababa. The
data that I was given was some copies of land title certificates with coordinates supplied showing
points on the perimeter of the property. I was also given a land map of the surrounding areas that
was supplied from Gulele Sub-city Integrated Land Information Center.


Interpreting the coordinates

The coordinates supplied showed an X and Y grid format. The Ethiopian Mapping Agency (the
government department responsible for the survey) tend to use Universal Transverse Mercator for
projection and the Adindan system as the datum.

The Adindan system uses metres as a way of displaying coordinates. The X coordinates start at
approximately 34.46°E whilst the Y coordinates start on the equator. Therefore the values given are
the distances in metres from these points.

Below are the coordinates that were supplied;

A - X: 474410.1537 Y: 1000342.4029
B - X: 474417.4584 Y: 1000320.9918
C - X: 474440.6899 Y: 1000283.1364
D - X: 474390.1937 Y: 1000256.5101
E - X: 474375.9769 Y: 1000250.7279
F - X: 474372.8478 Y: 1000247.4570
G - X: 474370.8478 Y: 1000247.3952
H - X: 474367.6768 Y: 1000262.9608
I - X: 474334.8261 Y: 1000258.5425
J - X: 474334.7324 Y: 1000286.2759
K - X: 474335.4620 Y: 1000288.0320
L - X: 474334.3400 Y: 1000302.6015
M - X: 474368.7604 Y: 1000318.4572
N - X: 474344.0349 Y: 1000241.4821
O - X: 474339.3792 Y: 1000252.4941

Verifying the accuracy of the coordinates

When I visited the site, I checked the positions with a Garmin GPS with the display set up to show
Adindan coordinates. Generally I found that the positions were relatively accurate and the
difference in the readings from the GPS and the information supplied lay within the margin of
accuracy given by the available satellites.

However, the area is quite heavily covered by trees which affected the accuracy of the GPS so the
accuracy was mainly around five metres.

When I got home I plotted the coordinates from the title certificates onto a GIS program and
verified it by using satellite data. What I did find was that the coordinates were accurate enough as
not to cross over into the adjacent properties. Therefore the points indicated by the letters used the
coordinates that were already supplied by the relevant government departments.

The map below shows the lines and points superimposed on a satellite image.

Area calculation

From the coordinates that were given I have calculated the areas of the future plots. The total area is
of 7260 square metres with the future plots having areas of 5760 square metres (A) and 526 square
metres (B) with the area to be taken by a road in the future (C) covering an extra 977 square metres.
They are slightly different (<10%) to the figures given by the authorities.

While I was at the site I criss-crossed the area taking altitude readings. When they were plotted onto
a map with the erroneous readings removed it showed the land sloping downwards towards the NE
where a river runs parallel to the boundary. The slope is steeper towards the SW but it the gradient
reduces closer to the river.

On the maps that are supplied I have plotted the contours at one metre intervals with the elevation
values ranging from 2471 metres to 2484 metres in elevation.

Other information

While I surveyed the area there are a couple of areas of waterlogged ground, one was near the water
tank near the southern end of the site (possibly a burst pipe) and the other is close to the river
immediately downhill from the main house. I also noticed a hole in the ground near to the car park
where I believe that the roof of a drain has partially collapsed.

As from what has previously been stated, the boundaries seem to have been plotted quite accurately
and I cannot see that the boundaries have crossed into the neighbouring properties.

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