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Ethics, Privacy, and Indormation Security

Gabriel Evann 2440024554

 Basically, ethic is the principles of right and wrong
General framework of ethic:
1. Recognize an ethical issue
2. Get the facts
3. Evaluate alternative actions
4. Make a decision and test it
5. Act and reflect on the outcome of your decision
There are some fundamental tenets of ethic:
1. Responsibility
2. Accountability
3. Liability

 Ethical issue
We have four category that involve IT application in it.
1. Privacy Issues (it is related to someone’s private information)
2. Accuracy Issues (related to the quality of the information )
3. Property Issues ( related to the ownership and value of information )
4. Accessibility Issues ( who should have, or should not have the acces)

 Privacy
Privacy is the right for someone to be alone for some reason
There are some threats to privacy :
1. Data aggregators, digital dossiers, and profiling
2. Electronic Surveillance
3. Personal Information in Databases
4. Information on Internet Bulletin Boards, Newsgroups, and Social Networking Sites
Data aggregators : company that collect and keep our personal data
Digital dossier : information of ours that is made from the data aggregators
Profiling : is a process to make digital dossier
 Protecting Privacy
o Opt-out model : Request our data to not being collected by the
o Opt-in model : prohibition for a company to collect our data, this
model is preferred by the advocates.
 Information Security
Factors that increase the vulnerability of information security :
• Interconnected, interdependent, wirelessly-networked business environment
• Smaller, faster, cheaper computers and storage devices
• Lower standards to be a computer hacker
• Cybercrime taking over
• Almost zero management support
Unintentional threats to information security :
o Human error : higher acces priviledge means higher threat
o Social engineering : tricking an employee to spoil a company’s important info.
 Example of social engineering:
1. Tailgating
2. Shoulder surfing
Deliberate threats to information security:
o Espionage : includes Competitive intelligence and Industrial espionage
o Information Extortion
o Sabotage
o Theft of information
o Identity theft
o Alien software
What organisations are doing to protect their themselves?
o Risk management
o Risk mitigation
Risk mitigation strategies:
1. Risk acceptance
2. Risk limitation (minimizing the effect)
3. Risk transference
Information security control
o Physical control
o Access control ( authentication and authorization )
o Communication control ( Malware, firewall, encryption, etc )
Notes on Tour de France
The article about Tour de France is telling us the importants of technology for the
competition, in this case, Dimension. Dimension is a technology that can provide data from
the bikers to the audience, like the top speed of the bikers. The information that Dimension
give is almost realtime. This kind of tech will make the competition more enjoyable for the
audience, and also it help the pundits to aquire data faster and much easier. It can also
eliminate faulty business process step in the business world

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