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' un1>h'r • J

HAR C(ll ll~Cl l . C(>l>I•' ( , _

- - - - -- - - ' >I• l'ONl)tJ ., ~
(Stnnda,rd of Profosslon ul ( ~ 1 I (.

oauhu·t und I'. ,He)

S1.·1.·ttl'Hl .Jllt l )l e) Pl tlw Ad, neu t , . I\ . •-li<1uc
. . t s u H>( l
' en,powl'r, ,
·ii ,l ,l h' tnH ~L' n 1h.•\ sn as to !)fl' Sl. . n. 1)(' •thl' stu I
l ,'l'"" .q n l' tl.l' to l)l' nhsL'rveJ hy , . · nt a, d.., ol pro1c, ,,<>1h11 11ll
htl·t ,\l\d l'l 1 111c ..tdvoc ut, . /\ na1
,,111. . I .i 1 h , , cs. <.: conJingly, lh ,
l \nu,1.·tl rndll l l'u t 1L' ruk·s t"L'gard in
l .
. g t. (.: stanch rd . f c
1111:t ,rnd l'ttqu cttc to he nhser vt'd hy a 1 ' s O · profe:-.~iona l
,•,1111. • > Vl . . ( vocnt es were ·
'I 1,,,11.· r II t,t I lll1 nt the Bar Coun cil f I . . inc1udecl in lhc
0 nd1 a Rules .
l • .
Thl'~l' ru lt·s cnntn m the dutie s of 'ln . d
'-of aCh· vocatc to the court, client, .
ru,ncnt und cnlle :.1 gucs . The pream ble
i'Pr· . . d' apter JI of Pan VI 0 f the
B,u- Counn l ot In 1a Rules says. "An advoc ate shall . . .
. . . b t-1ttmg. h'1s status as an office.. . f ' hat C all times, compo.. rt
himself m a mrum er e
member ot. the Commumty, and a gentleman bean· • mmd
I o t e ou11, . . a pn vtleged
ng m that what
mt1 \' he lawtul and mot e for a perso
. n who is' not a m b f h Bar
-' . . · em er o t e
or for a mem ~r of the B~r m his non-p rofess ional capac ity may still b~
improper for an Advocate .

From the preamble to the rules of standards of professionaJ conduct

and etiquette it becomes clear that these rules so made contain canon
of conduct and etiquette adopted as general guide lines and the specific
mention thereof should not be construed as a denial of the existence of
other equally imperative rules , though not specifically mentioned.
Duty to the Court
The Bar Council of India has made certain rules so as to prescribe
duties of an advocate to the Comt in Section 1 of Chapter II of Part VI
of the Rules of the Bar Council of India.
( 1) An advocate shall conduct himself with dignity an? self-resp~ct
at the time of presentatto . n f his case and whtle °
. . otherw. ise
acting before a Court. An advocate shall subrrut his gnevd~ce
(R r groun
there is prope ) or
to proper authorities whenever 1 1
serious complaint against a judicial officer u e .
d the Courts a respectful
(2) An advocate shall maintain tow~ s . f the judicial officer
attitude bearing in mind .thalat ofe adifgree
mty ~mmunity (Rule 2).
, .. f Court by
is essential for the survt v
influence .
the decision
ication s
wtf ha
(3) An advocate shall
any illegal or improper means. Private cf~rbidden. (Rule 3).
d' case are
Judge relating to a pen mg
. ,.. ·If u, e hi , tx,, t l' ltf'n ~ w rt>stram ,1111
ll '.lfl.(•h.. ,
,\r. J. ·\ 1.x
. .... e .. - t P1 r,
~ .. - .. .. (."'rtin ~ r'-) , h.lf'f' \1 r unt a1 r pr.11..' t\l'e~ t l'\t
, • ... . tr, m . .
.,- ... .. ... ._ th l "' 1 or 11or
• _ ! •-I r""'l3th 1n f (') c>- 1.. urt . '-'PP"'' llh~ c, ,l 1'
~ "' ... '::' , \.,
• • • '"' • f ' ::.. .. , i n.,c I
""' = .. ·, ~.,_ .; .\G -. ~--...·J,? hi rn~dt ought not to do. An ,id 1 t
pa."1.1e, \\ n. ... J ~ c ' ""Jlt
_ .. ,..., .. , . ~- the d1enc
.,h1·: reru ~ ~1.."l .. t .. ~-- •.
. i
,, ,10
per:,;1sL, m suc h ,,nn
t•fnl' r
x- J ti' , l not con ~tder h1rnsel f n mere 1h110
..:c ... d_;.ct ..\r J d'L • • . • • u1h
_th _. .,.,, md shJ.11 e'-'.erc1se ht~ O\' n Judgment 1·1\ h
r~e~e 0: e ._ . . h .. n. .. . ....... I I ('
. .__,., fmau 3cre m ('1.x responden~e. nvo1ding scurni
use o! r-?":;_. . .. = =
1.> . . c: ou,
•., d no, and usmg mtemperJre languaoe dun
attJc<~ m p =..,· 1-.. 3 1 - · . . '.:'.'- ng
arguments m Court. lRu le -n.
5 Ar. ad, ocare shall appear in court ar all times only in the
prescnbed dress. and his 3ppcarance shall always be preseniahle
1Rule SJ.
, 6) An adqx:are shall not make appearance. act plead or practise
in any way before a Court. Tribunal or Authority mentioned
in Section 30 of the Advocates Act 1961. if the soJe or ai1 y
member thereof is related to the Advocate as father. grandfather.
son, grandson. uncle, brother, nephew, first cousin, husband.
wife. mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, father-in-law, mother-
in-law, son-in-law, brother-in-law, daughter-in-law or sister-in-
law. For the purposes of this rule, court shall ban a Court.
Bench or Tribunal in which above mentioned relation of the
Advocate is a Judge, Member or the Presiding Officer (Rule

(7 ) An advoca~e shall not wear bands or gown in public places

0th er than m Courts except on such ceremonial occasions and
at sue~ places as tbe Bar Council of India or the Court may
prescnbe. (Rule 7).
(8) An advocate shall not a .
or any other th . ppear m or before any Court or Tribunal
. au onty for or . . .
institution soci·ety . agamst an orgarusat.Ion or an
Executive Cornmitt
or corporat ·f ·
wn, 1 he 1s a member of the
. ee of such O · . .
society or corporation 'E . rgamsation or institution or
name it may be called: sh~~c~tive Committee', by whatever
of persons which, for the ti mc_lude any Committee or body
ma~agement of the aff . me bemg, is vested with the general
society arrs of the • . . . ·
or corporation H organisation or mst1tut10n.
such a member appeari owever, thi s rule shall not apply to
on behalf f ng as ,am .
Bar A _o . a Bar Council In Lcus curiae' or without a fee
ssociatio · , corpo d · ,
n. (Rule 8). rate Law Society or 8
Ch••' 1 ~---- '- uunnt C'Od •
l ..ttl· e of Con••
. uuct
(q) An advocntc sho ul d t\ ()\ , L\?
. ., , . net o r I " . •
ht' htm:sc 1t 1s pecunitwi\ . . P ..:nu 111 an
. . Y intcrc~tcd p Y mattt r 1 1. ·
act "' u hankruptcy nc,,·,· · · 111 i·xurnfi\ • h n W111 ~ h
•· ion whc 1 ,. 1.: , c ,h \·'
nf the bankrupt und 1.1 . h n 1c. hitnsc\l i , \ nu u n1,t
c s ou ltl ' •l ,,, > a <.. .u
'"' l)llllJU n y of whict, h . not accent . \
r- • c 1s a D' ,. ,\ "In\;:\ 1re itqr
· trector (R · rmn '\
IJ C 9) 1 '
, \l)) An advocate shall not stand . , ·
. . as a surety .
of a ~urety
for his client requ·ire d fo . , lor cen,ry the ·soun·'une, •1
proceedmgs. (Rule 10). t le purpose of any leg.a\
outY to the Clients and opponents
The Bar Council of India has made .
. certam rules (R l
. u es I I to 33)
os to prescnbe duty of an advocate to the 1.
s0 C tent m Secf n
nof Part Vl of the Ru_les of the Bar Council of India and ion of Chapter
in Rules 34 and 35 m Section Ill of Chapter ll of opponent p:t~~~
Duty to the Clients
(1) An. advocate is bound to accept any br'ief ·m the courts or
tnbunals or before any other authority in or before which he
professes to practise at a fee consistent with his standing at
~he _Bar ~nd the nature of the case. Special circumstances may
Jusnfy his refusal to accept a particular brief. (Rule l l ).
(2) An advocate shall not ordinarily withdraw from engagements
once accepted, without sufficient cause and unless reasonable
and sufficient notice is given to the client. Upon his withdrawal
from a case, he shall refund such part of the fee as has not
been earned. (Rule 12).
(3) An advocate should not accept a brief or appear in a case
in which he has reason to believe that he will be a witness
and if being engaged in a case, it becomes apparent that he
. a wt·tness on a maten'al question of fact, he .should. not
'f he can retue w,thout
continue to appear as an advocate 1
jeopardising his client's interests (Rule l3).
, encement of his engagement
(4) An advocate shall _at the comm f make all such fu\\ and frank
and during the contmuance thereo . t·on with the vartie~
. . 1 t'10g to his connec 1
disclosures to his cbent re a . v 11s , re \ike\y to
. b t the controvers J ~ - '1 . .
and any interest m or a ou • him or (on\mumg
. , . t 1·neither engagmg
affect his chent s JUdgmen
the engagement (Rule 14)- . , ., 't~ of his dient
h \<l the mtc1cs . ~,
(5) An advocate shall fearlessly up ~ h · t reu.ard to any unp\eas,
ans wit ou ...
by all fair and honourab\e me "
)'ro tt•s~1u11&u .,. ... - - . llJ. (Jt r,
138 ~lJ
consl'quc 11..,·cs10 hi msolf or any tother. He shall defe"'d
• u a
, J O,- •1 1.·riinc ro~..1rd less .of hi s personal -iopi· . Pers11n
111.:c u~ct · . . . . nton
iill 0 ,- tht· a<.:dlscd, bcan ng mind: that his loy as tr1 in
1I1C _µ l . ho l aIty i
. ,, whid i rcl1tllroh'
IIll 1,I\
th al no m:..i n s u <l be t onvictect . ~ lri
'1 \IJ11h
:i<lequutl' c vid~tHW (Ru ic l.5). ' ,. '1 °u,
(()) An advocate appearing fo r the ptosecution in a criminal .
. . h . d
shaJ I so conduct .the prm~ecut1on t ar 1t oes, not leadtric11 11

conviction of the innocent. The suppressiorl of material ca bto

. . Pa le
of cstahl ishing the mnoc;ell~MRl, .w. e ~f,f 4S~4.~hftJ~bel~ r4pplous1y
avoided. (Rul e 16 ).
,. t l I ' II JI I j 'J J , , ' I' >' . .
~ q i
' ,
(7) An advocate shaJI not >pirept).)'-1W jP.<lire,~fiL.¥, 9'9mmit, <\ b~each 1

of the obligatio~s irppqse~ by~~e~tion, ~J~ l?f t~~ lppja,i ijydderycc

Act. (Rule 17)." 11 , ,,,! 1 · ( ,.· . . . " ' .: ,, ;, ,

According to Section 126 of the Indian Evid~nce,,.~t,. f\p @arrista-,

pleader or vakil, shall at, anv t~ll}e, be . .pe~tted _, u~e~~,with his
, ,, , r' H , ,. ,1 Jv ,i, 1 1, f1 ,
client's express _consent,. to ~,i,~~~?~,e ~?.Y~?F]up,wa.9

, 0? ·~ a9~ Jo
him in the
course ar:ip for the pu~ose ~t his. 1 e1r,nf loy~ ~Nt _as_..s~~h_,,?W,\Ster, pleader,
at!ome~ 0( va~il , by or _on bep~lf, 9,~ hir ,sF~?~ P,f :·t~,. ~~a~~ :the contents
or yonditi~D . of .any 9ocu~ent ,wi~p>;whiph ti;\~ h~.s b~cqm~.., acquainted in 1

the course and for the purpose of his professional employment or to disclose
arly advice' given by hini' to n~~h~#ent i'n 1t~~.rbours'e' ·and foi the' purpose
of such employment. ~ 11
.>· : · · J,, :.l , 11 L' ,,-~. · ..
f ' • • ' ' l ' tf J , ,, ; , • , ' •{ ' '·t I' •; , t , , r t ' . '
.\ Prov,ided that ~otning j~ .Jh~s -~~c.tion 1~ha1J protect fr9m disclosure-
• • 1 ' ~ J l t • • , • , t 4 \ .,

( I) any such communication , niac:W I itfl flirtheranae ..d' any illegal

p:urp~se; 1• , ' I

(2) any fact, observed by any·ibamster,1lplaader, 'attorney or vakil,

·•ii)' the co~rseof his employment as such 1showing1that any crime
·or fraud has been-· t orlunittetl ' since the commencement of his
. employment ' • j' ' 1'· ·l. ' ' . '.~ :., . .,~ .. 1

1t is immaterial wlieth~r the ~tienti~II ~~· ~u~~ b~s•ier, ·;;1eader, attorneJ

or vakil was ·? r was not .~~cted l~ subh fact ,1):y or on Behalf ot his client.
The explanatrnn to Sectto;.;11 11-.,·r: · ...:-1'...' • ;, • · d
• , •· .cu n'lal\.eS 1tl clear ·thaf 'the>otiligation state
tn this section continues after' the ; Arri ·1 ,~ . ., .,.. ,
. • . , c; P 01ment 'has>ceais~.
(~) An .advoc~te
. .
shai'( nof ~
.- , , . 1
at any. time be a p~rtv to 11"omentingI " · ' : • • \ ' •

of 1ittgation (Rule 18). ' ·i -,7 ?" ., ~·., , ,.1

,1 1 'I \ I

.\ 9) An advocate shall not ·' · . · ·.1 on

. other thcµ1 his ·die . ' !1Ct_or,i. t~e r mstruc.ti9~s ,of apy pers
· · Qt or hi s ; ut_hotjsed agent (Rule 19).
- ·•uu~, ,
l1,1' "
An mlvot.;utc shnll not t-· 1,JI>
( IO) f 1· . . ~ IJ)Ulatt: ror a
rcsvlls o it ,g"hon or agr" J~e ,
20) . n lq Nhun: lh~ p,o~~~nUngc nt on tlw
('~s lhc,ec,f (u
· "Hie
( I11 AH ndV()r ntc shull llht ht1\J L tt'aff" •
· . 1 Or
tu 1·tce1vc any share or infA-1• , . tc ll1 or stipulat . 1or o, ·1g
"'' est tn an,1 . ble cJa t:
N , rec
in 'th i~ Rulc shall i- t '
ar)Nly t
o ~lOck ·b
J uct,onu
nn. oth1n ,
government SC<.:l,lr itics or l . . · s arcs and uebe g
. b. . \, o any Lnstrum "' nl urc, or
ltnW cmg, by law or ,·ust . · . cuts which arc , 1or r h
· . . "' , om rlegotl' bJ t c
document of tttlc lR• good (R a e, or lo any mercan1,-1c
>-' s. uJe 21).
( 12) An advocate shall not directl . .
• t h
, ' ,
. own ,namp
.m his Y or tnd1rectly , b'd
1 r
ior or purchase
e1t er Or
m any other n r . ,
t-. ' , l"'
, i
beneut or for the benefi t of a,ne, 1
or his own
s~ld .•~ the execution of a decany other pe~son, any property
- · ree or order m
or other proceeding in which he , . any suit, appeal
was m any way proi · 11 y
. h
engaged. This prohib 1'fton, ess1ona 1 •
?wever, does not prevent an advocate
• • •

f~om ?imrl1ug foe_ or pur0has10g for ,his clioot which


,, ,11, ·" , hls d1ent _may himself. legally bid for•,-0r purchase, provided the
1 1
I advocate 1s1eKpr~ssly:ij.Uthorised in writing in this behalf. (Rule

11, I
· 22~.
'(13) An ttdVooate ·Shall riot directly· or indirectly bid in Court auction

'. ot adquire· by ~ay of -sale~ gift, exchange or any other mode

., , ,.,, 1 1 , oX~ Jr.~~fer ie~$.yr in,.his ,owq name .9r in aey other name for
,I 1'•1 1 .,, ws ,,ow,µ , b~neflt prior .~~ b~p~ t of ;my '
otheJ person, any
property which is subject matter of any suit ,appeal or other
proceedings in which he is in any way professionally engaged.
- ,, ,, i11 ·: , , l• tRult, 2Q.A:).' '• •, . J'•' ,. ' .. , , · · - ,

(14) An ;d~o~ate sh'a1f'~ot a<lj~si' fee payable t? him b~ hi~ cl_i~nt


"', ·, : 1 against 'his own personal liability to the

chent, which liabili ty
;1 • , , ' , does, not arise in the course of his employment as an advocate.
'l • , , (Rule 23). ·· · 1
• • . •

,1 • • , • hi whereby 'he abuses or takes

, - r•

( 11) An advocate shall not do anyt ns~d in him by his client. (Rule
· advantage of the confidence repo. •,
, 24). '• t d
, '. . f the client's money entrus e
(lq) An advocate shquJd keep a_pcounts 9 h the am~unts received
. . to him and the accounts shoo.Id s ow. nses' incurred. 'fordhim
' h. behalf the expe with respecuve ates
· from the client or on is ' f p es
, 00 ccount o ie
I: and the debits made a articuJars. (Rule 25).
and all other necessrui' P
I IJ'l•L ··· - ' -- u, '-Onduct
l· ~ t

( I0) An ~dvo_cl~t~ ~~a11 nm Htipulate for r 139

(esults ot tt1gatton or tJ.grce t 'h . a Jee contingem
Q" a1e th~ on the
20). , proceeds thereof. (Rule
( 11 1 An advocate shal1 not buy . o\~tr f'f' .
. a ic in or 'st' Iate for or agre
to receive any share or interet,t . . · ipu
i."I in any aet1011 'bl . . e
in this Rule shall apply to sto ,1,. h . a e claim. Nothing
.. cl\., s ares antl debentures or
government secunues or to an .
. ' Ymstrum~pts wh . lflC,, are, for the
· ,h
time being, by law or custom n,e t:' I

. ' 'i go taPJe or ~o a .

document of t1tl~ t9 gopd~r (Ru~e '.2.I). ' . .,ny mercantile
, I .I , ,

( 12) An advocat~ shall not, djrectly or indirectl b'd c

· I h · hi' , , Y, I 1or or purchase 1

e1t er tn S pwn nam~ or in anv other n~~· c h'1s own'

~ . -r-e, 1or
, 1:-. • , 1r1
benent or tor the benefit of any 'other perso
·' h . J' . ,•t, ,r, . n, .~ny property
sold m t ~ execution of a aecree or order 1·n any sm·t, appeaI
, , • •, , , 1

or other pro~eedm~ '.~,which ~e ~f/n,:any wa7 v,rofessionally

engaged. This proh1b1t1on, however, does not' prevent an advocate
i 1 • , from bidding for or put~hasing fot ,his#client amy:property which
1 11 I j 1 I .his cli~nt ·m~y himself legaUy,, bid for'.JOr ,purohase, provided the
advocate is>,expressly:•c,tijthQrised.jn wri.ting jn,tbis behalf. (Rule
I I I • I 22J, •( I • ' , ;, , ••',''.,• • ., : ,I , •,

' t:(13) An advooate ·shall ri6t direetlf or indirectly bid' in Court auction
· or acquire· by -way of 'sale; gift', exchange ·or 'any other mode
, sfer ,.e~tl:ter: ip.,;W,s ,OW)) i-,naµie ,,9rf jo ~y hoiher, name for
of, tran ny
lµs :.own b~p.efi t pr ..f?r lJ~er ~~p~~ l o,1; , ~~y ,pt eJi person, a
, i .,, , ' '

,' property wluch 1S subject matter of any smt ,ap.peal or other

. which he is in any. way professionally .engaged.
proceedi ngs m ,I l'
! , ••
. : 1-, : .
• • )• I '
>,,;Jt ';' I l tRule 2QA1):I) . ; 11• 1 I JI . I : . • . ,, ,, • • ' • •

, , 1 <l" ·st! · fi ayab1e 'to him by his chent

... , ild·
(14) An advocate shall not ~ J~ b'l~e pt the client ·whic& liability
1 hi personal -ha 1' 1ty o
1 • '
r, agamst s .ow? , , f' his · employment as an advocate.
:< '> does not arise m the course o ' , ·..
• I.
. (Rul 23) ' 11 ' . I

e . . , , . ,. hereby 'he abuses or takes

·1 t do ·anything w . (R I
(15) An advocate shal ~o . sed fo him by his chent. u e
advantage of the confidenc.e rep~,. . ,
i . . . h,·. Iient's mpney entrusted
counts of t e c ·ved
(lq) An advocate spquJd keep ap Id .·show the amounts rece1 .
. to him and the accounts shouf. h expenses' incurred for him
' hi. beha1 't tofe fees with respec tI·ve dates
from the client or on s .
,d O0 accoun S)
· and the debits ma e ~ partICU . tars (Rule 2 ·
.. ·
and all other necessai 1
. . ,unhu,cv for l ,11wycrs...
I 'C hif S I\ ({ 4
profr~sionnl ~ .. •
• • ,d; d f1' lllt 01 on aCl'o
1 un t ot a el'
l \ n \'i h,•H' 1" "'" ' ' \\ ll' -'
unh , h('\lld co11ttun u rc tercn<.:e a, 1t• n1 11
• ,ti ll"'~ ,n l lh' .\t ld to wt ' it
t. 1 , I 1· t '.. ,
I . ,n,, ,unb 1,.\\ ~ , hL' L'tl 1L'Cl: t vet or ct s 0 1 expen~\ )tlhc
l '" • • ll the proc t:l' dtngs, no . C\ Jn11
h11 ,nr thr l lHll 'it: \

ad vocate shall
' . , e,t tN
,, ,th thl' '--' lH ),u• 1t in wi iltn\,C' l)t th~ L' hent ~o ncc111cd, he at "'--
. . t ,,·,,y l)t Hon ot the l'x penscs 1h,en\
l l) ( 1\ \ ~ I • 11 towards fees. (Rule ,. ,
21) )
( K) W hl' fl' .my amounl is received or
1 given lo h!m _on bchalr ()J
hi~ c\il'nt the fac t of such receipt
mu st be 111t1mated to the
di cnl as earl y as possible. (Rul e
( \9) After the tenn inatio n of the pr
oceedin g the advocate shaJI be
at \ihcrt y to appropri ate towards
the se ttl ed fee due to hirn
any sum retnaining unex pe nded out of
the amount paid or sen t
to him fo r expenses, or any amou
nt tha t ha s come into his
hand s in that proceedin g. (Rule 28
(20) Where the fee has been left un
settled , the advocate shall be
entitl ed to deduct, out of any mone
y of the client remaining
in his hands, at the termination of
the proceeding for which
he had been engaged, the fee paya
ble under the rules of the
Court, in force for the time being ,
or by then settled and the
balan ce, if any, shall be refunded
to the client. (Rule 29).
(21) A copy of the client's acco
unt shall be furni shed to him on
demand provided the necessary copy
ing charge is paid. (Rule
,p \ ll ,,,h c)( ,lh'
, ,h,,H t\ ot II\
,n) \\ ') L
"{"'" thr ~Hhll'\ \ fll:t\tl' t nl l 11n, 411Htnur11 it 'if ,
11\\ c~pi) , , llh
h, .,n ,tt.h,x ,\t t' l' ,t cpt ttunn h I any rxm- rrp..-"""'""'··
g h.u Hl \l1,c. jf "
2l \ n ,llh <"'M. ,Ht' , lMIi do t11 , hcq t • tr,.ul
(I \ \ff\ OlJ I ,111 l
m 4l<k tn th~ Pppn,ttc (',U\ \i \' \t•n th Hirn 1 1 pr
!!h n11t rt I 1
nt cnh,1 ccJhle lhe nilc, n l th · , · ( H t, tr 'Nllf
< " 1Ht fl, ulr ~ 1

RM Cnun" 11 tl lndi J Ruk, Imm 1() rn ,,, t \

<'l f111n IV in ( h,,pt ,
11 '' r.1rt \ t dea l \\-tth the du l1e" ot <ld\c\. 1tc
"'' ' 1P L n 11 c,,guc,

1t \ An adHlCate ,hall not ,ohc1t ,, orl n1 Jd,crt, ,

. . • . c11,1er 1"'"' 1
or mdtre~tly,_whether b),. ad\ cn,,cmt'nt. lout per , nal
commumcat1ons, mten 1e,\. , not \\.Jrr,mtt><l h\ rn,nn. 11rel 11 ,r,n
fu mi~hing or in~pinng 11C\\.,paper r omrncn t-, or pr11du in~ hi
photograph to be puh\i <;hed in ccmnell1nn v. 1th l J 1:;ec; in "htc.h
he ha.~ been engaged or concerned IIt -. ,i ~n h11 mJ or name
plate should be of a reasonable \ 1/C Thl' . ., en ho inl or n irnc
plate or stationery should not md1cntc 1ha1 lw '" nr h 1 ~..en
President or Member of a Bar Council rn o t ,in .., \ ,0(1,,uon
or that he has been associated \.\tith ,tn )' pn ,on 11r 41r..!..tJll \u l u n
or with any particular cause or matter or thJt ht: -.pu.·t j li"'·'
in any particular type of wo rk or that he ha, hccn .i Jud :c
or an Advocate General. (Ruic 3h).
(2) An advocate shall not pennit hi s profc..,)10nal ,cn 1'-~ " or h,,
. ·ct of or to make ruw.,1bk. thi: un.1uth(1n-.c:J
name to be used m ai . t' '

practice of law by any agency. <Ruic 37 ).

t a fee le~, th;,in thl? k l' lJ \ Jhk
(3) An advocate shall not accep ' . R I·
. nt is able to pay th~ -..JIYll t u t.:
under the rules when th e cIie ·
eannce in anv l'a5c trl , ._ hh..·h
(4) An advocate shall not make app 4 0 of ;ppearnm:c tiled
there 1s already a vak al·amama or. mem ,.., .
d f a pru1 Y e,,..,,•ep··t· with hi -. l.'< ~n..,enl .
by an advocate engage or i , <l he .,h,1ll .1ppl) tu the
t . s not prOl lilt'
in case such consen . , , . J con~~nt ,houlJ not he
. why the :-.a ll · · ion
court stating reasons I after l)bt,tining th<-' pcrmt~'.-1
produced and he shall appear on y
of the Court. (Rule 39 ).
Fthl,·~- Aet·o1111tnnc y for Lawyers... (
Prc,r,~,,u,ou 1 , lJ. fll ('
hy su• vivorsfup 01 ,nht r I1an<.:c of hy w111 ' h,J
f o IH nt .. · . , Pro
lu: dot's nof 1x·1 ~onnJly partJc1palc JO the ,nanagcrncru th viu<'u
f Rull' 'iO 1
\\' ) An ,ldv ot arc may rev iew parJjHmentary hill ~ fo
rl!muncrut,on. edi t legal text book~ at a salary, do / d
wtllng lor ncw~papcrs, coach pupils for legal cxarninp e\,.
. . , . d b. at1on
set and examine que~t1on papers, an , su ~ect to the ·
Jgwn\t advc,1is1ng an d fu11 -time
. emp Ioyment enga rule,.
. . . . d . . ge tn
broadca\Ung Joumal1sm, Jectunng an teaching suhJects, bou,
legal and non-legal. (Rule 51 ).

(vi) Noth1ng in these rules shall prevent an advocate fro

acceptjng after obtaining the consent of the State B:.
Council part-time employment provided that in the opinion
of the State Bar Council the nature of the employment does
not conflict with his professional work and is not inconsistent
with the dignity of the profession. This rule shall be subject
to such directives if any as may be issued by the Bar Council
of India from time to time. (Rule 52).

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