Day 5 (Dec 2020)

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Welcome to

ACCA’s Practice to Pass Session

For December 2020

(Day 5)

WhatsApp +971 555 245 672

Today’s Plan
• Exam Technique:
o Should We Answer Questions In Sequence?

• Topics:

o Formats SBL Dec 2018 Paper

o Professional Skills SBL Mar/Jun 2019 Paper

o Financial Ratios / Budgets / MIS SBL Specimen Paper # 3: Q4A

o Growth Strategies -

o Recap of Important Exam Techniques -

o Study Approach From Now Onwards -

o List of important topics & models -

o List of Practice Questions -

Word Of Caution


• SEP Webinar included several of the important topics

• DEC Webinar includes additional (new) important topics

• It is MANDATORY MANDATORY MANDATORY to watch SEP Webinar so that you can cover
maximum topics


• SEP Webinar was based on CBE approach

• DEC Webinar is based on Manual Paper approach

SBL WhatsApp Group

+ 971 555 245 672

Technique# 5:
Should We Answer Questions In Sequence?
Should We Answer Questions in Sequence:

Follow sequence in first THREE hours


Decide / Change The Sequence
• See which questions are still pending (topic & marks)
• Start that question which is more easy / high scoring
• Change sequence if required (no negative marking)

In the end whichever Question was unfinished was actually the question
which you didn’t knew how to answer (smart thinking) !!!
Technical Articles
Presentation Slide Format
Pitfalls of CBE Software

Please see
SEPTEMBER Webinar - Day 5
Report format:


This report {copy from question}

Ethical Factors

Remember: Don’t give Conclusion or Recommendation UNLESS

question specifically asks you to give recommendation
Section of the Report Format:

Section of A Report

Performance from an Integrated Reporting Perspective

This section evaluates the performance of DCS Company between 2012 and 2015 from an integrated reporting
Briefing Note / Briefing Paper / Memo Format:

Briefing Note / Briefing Paper / Memo


This briefing note (or Briefing Paper or Memo as the case may be) ………..
Email Format:



This email ………..

Presentation Slide Format:

Slide 1:
HR Issues

▪ High turnover
▪ Low staff morale
▪ Salaries not aligned with market

Supporting notes:
{Explain above 3 bullets in 3 respective paragraphs of 3-4 lines each}
Letter Format:
Assistant Auditor
National Audit Authority
DATE: dd-mm-yyyy

Rail Co Trust Board

Subject: Internal Controls and CEO Fiduciary Duties

Respected Chairman,

I have reviewed the effectiveness of the internal controls and below are my
findings and comments:
Press Release / Web Release Format:

Press / Website Release

{Company Name}

For further information: Contact our Company’s public relation department

Business Case Format:

Current Situation

Proposed Option

Benefits of Proposed Option

Project Initiation Document:
Scope & Objective Implement online ticketing system to increase revenue and
passenger satisfaction
Cost Benefit Analysis Costs:
Hardware, software, website development, maintenance,
licenses, etc.

Increase in revenue
Project Sponsor IT Director
Project Manager IT manager (or consultant)
Project Team Full time team / outsourced
Key Stakeholders ▪ Passengers
▪ Board of Directors
Duration 12 months
Key Risks ▪ Quality risk
▪ Time overrun
▪ Cost overrun
Constraint ▪ Human resource / expertise
▪ Funding / finance
Project governance / monitoring Board of Directors / monthly
Weakness and Recommendation:

Weakness Recommendation

Risk and Mitigation Factors:

Risks Mitigation Factors

Professional Marks

Evaluation Skill Analysis Skill

- Include both Pros and Cons - Investigate reasons for variances from the Exhibits

- If financial spreadsheet given, then analyze the

numbers in detail linking with the case

Communication Comm Accumen Scepticism

- Give required format - Don’t use financial / accounting - Use negative tone in your
terminologies answer
- Keep tone of your answer
keeping in mind the reader - Use business words like market - Use words like ‘I disagree’, ‘its
share, competitive edge, seems incorrect’, ‘its not clear’
opportunities, threats, risks, or ‘should be further
etc. investigated’
Formats and Professional Marks

SBL Dec 2018 Paper (Hilite Hotels)

SBL Mar/Jun 2019 Paper (Smart Wear)
Financial Ratios
Calculate Following Ratios presentin Exams:
P&L Ratios
▪ Sales trend
▪ Gross profit margin %
▪ Net profit margin %
No need to show
Balance Sheet Ratios
▪ Current asset ratio
▪ Gearing
▪ Interest cover (optional)

Efficiency Ratio
▪ Revenue per employee

One Para on P&L Commentary

One Para on B/S Commentary

Budgets / MIS
1- Master Budget
▪ Master budget is the “Budgeted” P&L, B/S and Cash Flow statement of the organization
▪ First Sales Budget is prepared
▪ Then other departments make their budget based on Sales Budget
▪ Then overall P&L, B/S and cash flow budget is prepared.

2- Flexed Budget
▪ You CANNOT compare Actuals numbers directly with Budgeted numbers because actual volumes are normally
different than budgeted volumes
▪ Whenever Actual numbers are given, you first calculate FLEXED budget and then you compare with Actuals

3- Comparison of Actuals
▪ Whenever Actual numbers are given, you compare it with TWO things :
1. Actual vs FLEXED budget
2. Actual vs Last Year
Budget / MIS

SBL Specimen Paper # 3: Nehby

(Read Financial & Management Accounting Information Exhibit only)
Growth Strategies
(If time available)
Ansoff Growth Matrix
▪ Penetration
▪ Product Development
▪ Market Development
▪ Diversification

Another Approach
▪ Organic Growth
▪ Acquisition
▪ Joint Venture / Alliance
▪ Franchise
Recap: Key Exam Techniques
Linking with Exhibit Number of Points
- Normal question:
- Make a List of Requirement
(CBE: on online word processor) TOTAL marks Divide by TWO

(Manual paper: Last page of your answer sheet)

- Weakness / Recom question OR Risk /
- Read 1-2 paras Recom question
TOTAL marks Divide by THREE
- Maximum Length of Answer
- Do referencing
(for Manual Paper students)
TOTAL marks multiply by THREE
(excluding format lines, heading lines
and blank lines)
Time Management Format of Your Answer
Reading (60 min) - Linking your answer with Exhibit is a MUST
- Skip 1 to 1 exhibits for later - Paragraph style of drafting (i.e. don’t use
- STOP reading after 60 min bullet style)
- One para = one point (4-6 lines each)
Drafting (180 min)
- Leave one line between each para
- 1 mark = 1.8 min
- Look for stress words (e.g. very, significantly,
extremely, etc.)
MOVE to next question when allocated
time is up - Use tabular format for weakness and
recommendation type questions
- Use of models is not mandatory
- When you give recommendation, then
mention justification
Should We Follow Sequence
Follow sequence in first THREE hours


Decide The Sequence

- See which questions are still pending
(topic & marks)

- Start that question which is more

easy / high scoring

- Change sequence if required (no

negative marking)
Study Plan In Last 4 Weeks
1. Focus on 10 Models and 15 Topics (list provided)

2. Watch Sep 2020 Webinar (vimeo or youtube)

3. Watch Dec 2020 Webinar (vimeo or youtube)

4. Practice 5-7 case study from P1 & P3 (if you have time)

5. Practice 3-5 SBL Questions in WRITING with TIME MANAGEMENT (MUST)

You can join my Mock Based Practice Session for Dec 2020 (private session)

It includes:

- Videos of top 25 topics

- Videos of 5 P1/P3 question solving

- Videos of 3 SBL question solving

- Checking and assessment of TWO mock papers


Just Use Simplified Notes &

Practice P1 / P3 / SBL Case Studies
List of Important Topics
1 PESTEL / P5F / Strategic Position (SEP’20 - Day 2) 1 Financial ratios & projections (SEP’20 - Day 1&5)
2 SFA Framework (SEP’20 - Day 1) 2 Funding strategies (DEC’20 - Day 4)
3 SWOT / TOWS (DEC’20 - Day 1) 3 Budgets / MIS (SEP’20 - Day 5)
4 Corporate Parenting / BCG (DEC’20 - Day 2) 4 Project Management / PID (SEP’20 - Day 4)
5 Ansoff Growth matrix 5 Value Chain
6 Harmon Process matrix (DEC’20 - Day 3) 6 E - Business / E - Marketing (DEC’20 - Day 3)
7 Mendelow Stakeholder matrix 7 IT / Cyber risks and security (DEC’20 - Day 2)
8 Cultural Web (MAR’20 - Day 3) 8 Big data / CRM (DEC’20 - Day 3)
9 Context of Change (DEC’20 - Day 2) 9 Prof Code of Conduct & Public interest (SEP’20 - Day 2)
10 Risk Mitigation Steps (DEC’20 - Day 4) 10 NEDs / Committees / Family Owned (SEP’20 - Day 3)
11 Integrated Reporting / 6 Capital (SEP’20 - Day 3)
12 Social & Environmental Footprints (SEP’20 - Day 2)
13 Risk management and recoms (SEP’20 - Day 4)
14 Control weakness & recoms (SEP’20 - Day 4)
15 Audit Committee / Internal Audit (DEC’20 - Day 4)
List of Practice Questions
P3 (If you have time)

Attempt Name Topics Covered

1 Jun 11 - Q1 Eco Car • PESTEL
• Porter 5 Forces
• Outsourcing / relevant costing
• Budget, succession planning, risk mgt
2 Dec 11 - Q1 Rudos Rail • Strategic position
• SFA framework
3 Jun 14 - Q1 Re Ink Co • SWOT & TOWS
• Contextual Features of Change
4 Dec 14 - Q1 Roam Group • Corporate portfolio
• SFA framework
• Cost leadership vs differentiation
P1 (If you have time)

Attempt Name Topics Covered

1 Jun 2015 – Q1 Lysus Surgical • Family owned business (differences)
• Professional code of ethics (violating)
• Public interest (acted against)
• Why risk vary by sector
• Benefits of non-executive chairman
• How risk mgt embed in company culture
2 Sep / Dec 2017 - National Football • Board committees
Q1 Association
• Bribery & corruption
• Internal control system (purpose & recom)
• Corporate code of ethics
SBL Papers (Mandatory)

Attempt Name

1 Specimen Paper 1 DCS

2 Specimen Paper 2 Rail Co

3 Specimen Paper 3 Nehby

4 Sep 2018 Cofold Construction

5 Dec 2018 Hilite Hotels

6 Mar 2020 TT4U

Attempt As Mock Under Strict Exam Conditions:

6 Mar/Jun 2019 Smart Wear Clothing

7 Sep/Dec 2019 Dulce Co

Advice from one Student

Bilal Marfani
(From Pakistan)

Scored 83 Marks
(1st attempt / only watched Sep’20 P2P Webinar)
I strictly followed 3 thing that has been shared by Sir Hassan in ACCA

First of all I answered all the question in their relevent required

structure (like report format, etc)

Secondly I strictly follow the required tone for the answer like in case
of evaluation or commercial acumen to secure maximum professional

Lastly i used many small paragraphs with headings to cover maximum

points and avoid using long paragraph

And also avoid using models.

Hope this helps you .


For future updates and questions, pls join my

Global SBL Whatsapp Group

Message me on my Whatsapp


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