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Neuroscience 162 (2009) 549 –559

M. GLICKSTEIN,a* P. STRATAb,c AND J. VOOGDd Key words: cerebellum, Purkinje, neuroscience history, Golgi
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, University College method, ramon y Cajal.
London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK
Department of Neuroscience and National Institute of Neuroscience– Contents
Italy, University of Turin, Corso Raffaello 30, 10125 Turin, Italy Experimental evidence of cerebellar function 552
Clinical interpretation of cerebellar lesions and disease 553
EBRI-Santa Lucia Foundation (IRCCS), via del Fosso di Fiorano 64, Functional localization and comparative anatomy 554
00143 Rome, Italy
The related problems of recovery from cerebellar lesion and
Department of Neuroscience, Erasmus Medical Center, 3000 CA cerebellar agenesis 555
Rotterdam, The Netherlands Histological structure of the cerebellar cortex and the functions
of the two distinctly different afferent systems to the
cerebellum: the climbing and mossy fibers 555
Abstract—This paper will outline the history of study of the Physiological and anatomical studies in the 20th century and
cerebellum from its beginnings to relatively recent times. current questions 557
Although there is no unanimous agreement about what the Some unsolved questions 558
cerebellum does or how it does it, some principles of its Acknowledgments 558
structure and function are well understood. The historical References 558
approach can help to identify remaining questions and point
the way to future progress. We make no effort to separate
anatomical, physiological and clinical studies; rather, we The cerebellum has always been recognized as a distinct
hope to emphasize their interrelation. The cerebellum has
subdivision of the brain. The cerebellum is not visible when
always been seen as a distinct subdivision of the brain. Over
the years there was an increasingly accurate description of looking down at the surface of the human brain, since it is
its gross appearance and major subdivisions. By the begin- overlaid by the occipital lobe of the cerebral cortex. In
ning of the 19th century, the classical descriptive anatomical many animals, the cortex does not extend over the cere-
work was completed, and experimental study of the functions bellum, so it can be seen from the top. This species differ-
of the cerebellum began. Lesions were made in the cerebel- ence lay at the root of Vesalius’ (1514 –1564) questioning
lum of experimental animals, and the behavioral deficits that
an earlier description by Galen. Vesalius (1543) wrote:
were caused by the lesion were studied and described. These
early animal studies powerfully influenced clinical interpre- “Anatomists describe the site of the cerebellum as if it
tation of the symptoms seen in patients with cerebellar dis- filled the whole region of that prominence of the occiput,
ease. Several questions are implicit in the anatomical and clin- that swelling which the mass of the people consider a
ical studies of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, measure of the power of memory and talent. The very
some of which remain incompletely answered. Many of these highest part of the cerebellum extends only to the middle
are addressed in other chapters in this volume. 1. Do different
[the middle here refers to the occiput; ed.] although some,
parts of the cerebellum do different things? The uniformity of
the neuronal architecture of the cerebellar cortex suggests that deluded by oxen and asses or by dreams, have written that
each small region must operate in a similar way, but it is also the cerebellum ascends from the posterior site of the fora-
clear that different regions control different functions. Is there a men, to the lambdoid suture . . . .”
systematic sensory and/or body representation? 2. What are Vesalius was one of the first in a long tradition in
the functions of the cerebellar hemispheres? Massive in hu- cerebellar research of questioning the worth of your pre-
mans and very large in primates, their functions remain in dis- decessor’s contribution. Vesalius suggested that Galen’s
pute. Because the size of the cerebellar hemispheres parallels
the development of the cerebral cortex, some have suggested
descriptions were in error, probably because he based his
that the hemispheres in humans and the higher primates may descriptions, not on the human cerebellum, but on that of
play a role in cognitive functions. 3. If one part of the cerebellum an ox.
is damaged, can another part take over? A related question is The earliest anatomical descriptions were limited by
whether normal motor function is possible in cases of complete the usual procedure of dissecting brain structures from
or near-complete agenesis of the cerebellum. 4. What are the above. Costanzo Varolio (1543–1575) introduced the prac-
functions of the two distinctly different afferent systems to the
cerebellum; the climbing and mossy fibers? Crown Copyright
tice of dissecting from below (Varolio, 1573). He described
© 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IBRO. All rights and illustrated the pons, a massive structure in humans
reserved. which is intimately related to the cerebellum, and often
referred to as “the Pons of Varolius.”
*Corresponding author. Tel: ⫹44-2067-388-0679.
E-mail addresses: (M. Glickstein), Piergiorgio. The description of the external features was in place. (P. Strata), (J. Voogd). There followed an increasingly accurate portrayal of the
0306-4522/09 $ - see front matter. Crown Copyright © 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IBRO. All rights reserved.

550 M. Glickstein et al. / Neuroscience 162 (2009) 549 –559

Fig. 1. Figure of a split brain and cerebellum from Vieussens (1684). The floor of the fourth ventricle is visible, the initial portion of the spinal cord is
indicated by a T. The cerebellar halves are further dissected to show the corpus rhomboideum, indicated as an area with double hatching, located in
the white matter between N and P.

gross anatomical structure of the cerebellar cortex and dissected the brain from all approaches, and he gave a far
recognition of the cerebellar nuclei which are encased more accurate description of the cerebellar cortex and
within its white matter. nuclei than any of his predecessors.
Marcello Malpighi (1628 –1694) wrote (1665): “All the Malacarne named cerebellar subdivisions for their re-
fibres dispersed through the brain and cerebellum seem to semblance to some other structure, e.g. lingula (Italian;
have origin from the trunk of the spinal marrow contained linguetta, a cat’s tongue) uvula (Italian ugola). He wrote:
within the cranium like a noteworthy collection of fibres: for “. . . is seen a thick pyramidal eminence . . . . I have called
they ramify hither and thither from four reflected crura of the laminate pyramid . . . . to these lateral tangles . . . I give
the marrow until they end in the cortex in branching ex- the name of tonsils of the cerebellum and to the conical
tremities. This course is more apparent in the cerebellum eminence uvula, because they greatly resemble the parts
because the fibres are extended in the form of a tree and of the same names located in the human body.”
on the extreme branches, almost like leaves, the cortex is In Malacarne’s time cretinism was widespread in the
delicately placed. It is not attached to anything so it resem- Po valley due to a lack of iodine in this region of Italy. He
bles a free leaf.” described two cases of cretins that came to autopsy in
Shortly thereafter, the cerebellar nuclei were recog- which the cerebellum was smaller than normal, and with
nized by Raymond de Vieussens (1641–1716) as an ash fewer folia. Malacarne also suggested that the cerebellum
grey area of glandular substance (Fig. 1: the corpus rhom- might be involved in plastic changes. In his book on the
boideum), buried within the white matter of the cerebellum. anatomy of the cerebellum he described the presence of
Félix Vicq dÁzyr (1746 –1794) provided a more realistic variability in the number of folia from 500 to 780. In an idiot
drawing of the corpus rhomboideum, and renamed it as the they were 340. In a series of letters that he exchanged with
corps dentelé (Moreau de la Sarthe, 1805). The other
cerebellar nuclei were first labeled as the emboliform, glo-
bose and fastigial nuclei by Stilling (1864). Vicq dÁzyr drew
attention to the distinctness of the indentation on the su-
perior surface of the dentate and their relative absence on
its inferior surface (Fig. 2), corresponding to the two divi-
sions of the human dentate now known as the dorsal
microgyric division or palaeodentatum and its ventral, mac-
rogyric division, also known as the neodentatum, the latter
receiving its name from the large undulations of the cell
band in this part of the nucleus. A division of the monkey
dentate into a dorsal (motor) and ventral (nonmotor) por-
tions, with projections to (pre-)motor and pre-frontal corti-
cal areas and eye fields recently was proposed by Dum
and Strick (2002). See Fig. 3.
In the eighteenth century there was a succession of
increasingly accurate anatomical descriptions in which
Fig. 2. Diagram of a parasagittally dissected cerebellum from Vicq
subdivisions of the cerebellum began to be named. Vin- dÁzyr’s collected works (Moreau de la Sarthe, 1805). The dorsal part
cenzo Malacarne (1744 –1816) published the first work of the dentate nucleus, with small dentations is indicated with 21 and
entirely devoted to the cerebellum (Malacarne, 1776). He 22, the macrogyric ventral dentate with number 23.
M. Glickstein et al. / Neuroscience 162 (2009) 549 –559 551

were speculations about its functions. Although the ana-

tomical descriptions were accurate, early claims for cere-
bellar functions remained speculative; typically based on
very little evidence. Johann Christian Reil (1759 –1813)
and Karl Friedrich Burdach (1776 –1847) used alcohol fix-
ation to verify and extend Malacarne’s earlier description,
resulting in the classical nomenclature for the lobules of
the human cerebellum, still in use today (Reil, 1807-1808;
Burdach, 1819 –1826). Reil’s paper contains a meticulous
description of the cerebellar lobules. Beautiful engravings
illustrate this paper (Fig. 4).
At the time that these anatomical studies were being
reported, Volta’s discovery of a bimetallic source of elec-
tricity was the newest thing in physics. Reil suggested that
the alternating layers of grey and white matter constitute a
sort of voltaic pile, generating animal electricity. Other
interpretations were based on even less-well-founded ev-
The phrenologists Gall (1757–1828) and his followers
(Combe and Combe, 1838) viewed the cerebellum as the
organ of sexuality: philoprogenitiveness (love of making
babies). The claim was taken seriously, some authors
Fig. 3. Title page of Malacarne’s “Il cervelletto,” the first book devoted supporting the proposed role of the cerebellum in sexual
entirely to the cerebellum. functions, others rejecting it. In this lectures on diseases of
the brain, reported in The Lancet, Andral cited M. Voisin
the Swiss anatomist Carlo Bonnet Malacarne (1791) dis- who had studied the heads of 372 convicts sentenced to
cussed whether such variability is innate or was acquired the gallerys at Toulon. On the basis of the shape of their
by experience. He proposed raising animal twins in poor skulls he identified 20 of these as potential sex offenders.
and enriched environments and determining the number of Voisin wrote that “thirteen of these twenty had actually
folia. If the experiment was ever done, it has not been been confined for rape or attempts upon female chastity.”
reported. Voisin also cited Dr. Ferroresi of Torino who had obtained
By the end of the 18th century there was an accurate the cure of a young girl afflicted with nymphomania and
picture of the gross anatomy of the cerebellum, and there two young men who suffered from a habit of masturbation

Fig. 4. Ventral aspect of the human cerebellum. From Reil (1807-1808). k, Quadrangular lobule; l, flocculus; m, posterior medullary velum; n, nodulus;
o, uvula; p, pyramis; q, transverse band (tuber vermis), connecting the gracile lobule of both sides; r, transverse commissure (folium vermis) of the
superior lobule; s, tonsil; t, biventral lobule.
552 M. Glickstein et al. / Neuroscience 162 (2009) 549 –559

clude that the production and the coordination of move-

ments form two classes of essentially distinct phenomena
and that they reside in two classes of organs also essen-
tially distinct: with coordination in the cerebellum and pro-
duction in the spinal cord and medulla oblongata.”
Flourens dismissed as unfounded the claims for the
sexual functions of the cerebellum. He removed the cere-
bellum of a mature rooster. The animal was still deeply
interested in the hens, but motor dysfunction made it diffi-
cult for him to express his feelings towards them. The
animal’s deficit seemed to be entirely motor in character.
Flourens’ descriptions of the effects of cerebellar lesions
remained as the definitive work for much of the remainder
of the 19th century, and many of his conclusions remain
valid today.
Towards the end of the century Luigi Luciani (1840 –
1919) used improved operative technique and sterile pro-
cedures to re-address the question of cerebellar symp-
Luciani (1891) (Fig. 7) distinguished between the im-
mediate transient effects of lesions (unstabilized defi-
ciency), and their more permanent effects (stabilized defi-
ciency). He emphasized that the permanent effects of
cerebellar lesions could be understood in terms of elemen-
tary deficits in muscle control. The three cardinal symp-
Fig. 5. Bust of Rolando presently in the Department of Neuroscience toms according to Luciani were asthenia, or weakness,
of the University of Turin, Italy. atonia, lack of normal muscle tone, and astasia. Luciani
characterized astasia as an inability to maintain normal
by the simple application of ice to the back of the head, fusion and continuity of movement, reflected in the inten-
below the occipital protuberance. Gall’s speculations about tion tremor that is seen in cerebellar patients. He wrote:
cerebellar function attracted supporters, even though ex- “To this group of phenomena which include tremor, tituba-
perimental evidence began to be available.


At the beginning of the nineteenth century, animal exper-
iments began to give a more accurate functional under-
standing. Luigi Rolando (1773–1831) identified the specif-
ically motor symptoms which follow cerebellar lesion
(1809) (Fig. 5). The lesions impaired motor and not sen-
sory or intellectual functions.
Rolando concluded that the cerebellum was the brain
region responsible for initiating movement, but his experi-
ments were rather crude. With the development of in-
creased surgical skill and later of aseptic technique more
accurate evaluation of the effects of cerebellar lesions
became possible. Two of the great experimenters of the
19th century were Pierre Flourens and Luigi Luciani.
Flourens (1794 –1867) (Fig. 6) made the fundamental
observation that animals are not paralyzed. Movements
are not completely lost after cerebellar ablation. He argued
that it is the coordination of movement, a property which
had not previously been considered by physiologists. Flou-
rens also noted there may be considerable recovery from
the initial symptoms caused by a cerebellar lesion.
Flourens (1824) wrote:
“. . . All movements persist following ablation of the
cerebellum: all that is missing is that they are not regular
and coordinated. From this I have been induced to con- Fig. 6. Pierre Flourens; portrait.
M. Glickstein et al. / Neuroscience 162 (2009) 549 –559 553

tion and rhythmical oscillating movements, we gave the

name astasia for the sake of brevity and owing to their
probable common origin.”


These 19th-century studies profoundly influenced clinical
interpretation. Two of the great twentieth-century neurolo-
gists based their analysis on experimental findings. Joseph
Babinski (1857–1932), following Flourens, emphasized
deficits in coordination especially of antagonistic muscles
used in rapid movement sequences (dysdiadochokinesis),
while Gordon Holmes, following Luciani, emphasized more
elementary losses in muscle control.
Babinski (1902) (Fig. 8) cited “Flourens’ memorable
“Cerebellar symptoms are asynergia, adiadokokinesia
and cerebellar catalepsy. I am adding to it excessive mo-
tions . . . . Adiadokinesia is the suspension or decrease of
the ability to carry out rapidly successive voluntary move-
ments. It is the very loss of this function which makes us
aware of its existence.”
Gordon Holmes (1876 –1965) (Fig. 9) based his inter-
pretation on the experiments and conclusions of Luciani.
He wrote (1917):
“Atonia or diminution of that slight constant tension Fig. 8. Joseph Babinski; portrait.
which is characteristic of healthy muscle, is such a con-
contractions . . . . Clinical observations consequently con-
stant and striking feature of all early injuries . . . that it is
firm Luciani’s conclusion that atonia, asthenia, and astasia,
obviously a primary and direct result of the lesion.”
the triad of symptoms to which he attributes all the func-
“Asthenia . . . lack of normal power in movements that
tional disturbances, resulting from cerebellar lesions.”
demand its exertion . . . . It is probably pronounced only
Both Luciani and Holmes agreed that cerebellar le-
when the cerebellar nuclei are involved.”
sions produced symptoms on the same side of the body as
“The tremor that occurs in maintaining an attitude and
voluntary muscle movement is due to this defect in the
regularity and stability of the muscular contractions. Lu-
ciani has described the condition as astasia, and has
attributed it to the imperfect fusion of the single twitch

Fig. 7. Luigi Luciani; portrait. Fig. 9. Gordon Holmes; portrait.

554 M. Glickstein et al. / Neuroscience 162 (2009) 549 –559

Many of Bolk’s descriptive terms are still used (lobulus

simplex, ansiform lobule, crus I and II and paramedian
lobule). Bolk’s use of the terms “formatio vermicularis”
divided into the “crus circumludens” and the “uncus termi-
nalis” was discarded and replaced by the terms parafloc-
culus and flocculus.
Bolk’s and Larsell’s organization scheme formed the
basis for subsequent analysis of the dimensions of the
human and animal cerebellum by Sultan and Braitenberg
(1993) (Fig. 11). They measured the width of the cerebellar
folia, and the depths of the fissures between them. They
used the measurements to construct a flat map of an
unrolled cerebellar cortex in mammalian species ranging in
size from mouse to human.
Bolk, in the last pages of his great monograph tried to
make sense out of the comparative anatomical differ-
ences. Assuming that subdivisions would reflect differ-
ences in the capacity for complex movements, he looked
Fig. 10. Lodewijk Bolk; portrait. for differences among mammals in size of one or another
cerebellar region. In this he assumed a single somatotopic
the lesion, but neither found evidence for a more detailed plan, with vermian cerebellum involved in the control of
localization. Holmes wrote: “But although my observations proximal muscles; hemispheres of distal muscles. Bolk
lend no support to the theory of focal localization of func- reasoned that the giraffe, whose neck movements are
tion in the cerebellar cortex they cannot be accepted as
proof that such localization does not exist.”
André Thomas was particularly fascinated by the pa-
thology and neurology of the cerebellum, a topic over-
looked by J. M. Charcot. Thomas described olivoponto-
cerebellar atrophy with Dejerine and lamellar atrophy of
the cerebellar cortex.


Comparative study revealed similarities and differences
among vertebrates in cerebellar structure. Vesalius and
others had emphasized the fact that the folding and fis-
sures of the cerebellum seem to be much less variable
than in the cerebral cortex. One of the great contributors to
comparative anatomy, often poorly recognized, was made
by the Dutch anatomist Lodewijk Bolk (1866 –1930).
Bolk (1906) (Fig. 10) compared the structure of cere-
bellum in 69 different mammals. He identified a common
plan in (virtually) all of them. Bolk divided the cerebellum
into four fundamental regions: a unitary anterior lobe com-
bined with lobulus simplex, a posterior vermis and paired
cerebellar hemispheres. All four of these divisions he be-
lieved to reflect independent “growth centres.” One of
Bolk’s most important contributions was his recognition
that in all mammals, despite the complexity of its folds,
there is a continuity of the folial chains of the vermis and
Fig. 11. “Unrolled” cerebellum in a series of mammals. Outlines of the
hemispheres. Lobules are delimited by sudden changes in
shapes of the cerebellar cortices, obtained by connecting the ends of
direction or local expansions of the folial chain. Bolk gave the most prominent folia. The scale is the same in the laterolateral and
us a common plan for interpreting cerebellar structure in all anteroposterior direction. Note division of posterior cerebellum in the
mammals. folial chains of vermis and hemispheres, and the relative width and
Bolk also contributed to cerebellar nomenclature. He length of these chains in different species. 1, Mouse; 2, bat; 3, flying
fox; 4, guinea pig; 5, rabbit; 6, pigeon; 7, hare; 8, chinchilla; 9, squirrel;
used a simple numbering/letter scheme for the vermis 10, dog; 11, cat; 12, macaque; 13, sheep; 14, human; 15, bovine.
which was later replaced and expanded by Larsell (1886 – Magnifications differ for the diagrams 1– 4, 5–9 and 10 –15. Adapted
1964) who recognized 10 vermian lobules (Larsell, 1970). from Sultan and Braitenberg (1993); J Hirnforschung, with permission.
M. Glickstein et al. / Neuroscience 162 (2009) 549 –559 555

highly subtle and complex, should show a greater devel-

opment of the appropriate cerebellar region. Bolk formu-
lated a hypothesis to account for the representation of the
body surface on the cerebellum in which he proposed that
there is a single somatotopic map. The suggestion of a
single somatotopic map was contradicted by the work of
Adrian (1943) and Snider and Stowell (1944) who demon-
strated a second map in the hemisphere of the anterior
lobe and the adjoining lobulus simplex, and in the parame-
dian lobule.
Larsell (1970) based his scheme of the folial pattern on
the continuity of the transverse fissures from the vermis
into the hemisphere (which is not always present) and on
their development as vermian fissures that extend into the
hemisphere (which is also not always the case). Larsell,
therefore, emphasized the composition of the cerebellum
of a series of 10 transverse units, where the hemispheral
lobules were considered as the lateral expansions of the
vermal ones, whereas Bolk emphasized the longitudinal
continuity in the folial chains of vermis and hemispheres,
and the relative independence of the lobules therein.


Fig. 12. Jan Evangelista Purkinje; portrait.
The initial symptoms which follow cerebellar lesions may doctrine; the idea that the brain and spinal cord are made
improve over time. In the extreme case of cerebellar agen- up of individual elements (later called neurons) and their
esis, it has even been stated that the cerebellum may not supporting elements. Neurons may touch one another, but
be necessary for normal movement. Although some au- they do not fuse. The first characteristic cells in the human
thors have concluded that cerebellar agenesis is not nec- brain to be accurately described were by Jan Evangelista
essarily associated with motor impairment, the conclusion Purkinje in 1837 (Fig. 12), 2 years before Schwann (1839)
is probably wrong (Dow and Moruzzi, 1958). A young girl formulated and published the cell doctrine. In a paper read
who died from an unrelated disease was found at autopsy in Prague, September 1837, Purkinje reported on his re-
to lack a cerebellum (Anton and Zingerle, 1914). Her cent observations with a newly acquired microscope using
mother said that she had never learned to speak clearly achromatic objectives to observe thin, unstained sections
although she understood language. She could not stand of the brain. After discarding the concept of elementary
until the age of three, and then only with support. Another nerve-fibers as hollow tubes, he discussed the ganglion-
case of agenesis (Tennstedt, 1965) was cited in one re- like constitution of certain parts of the brain. Among other
view as having normal movement, but the family said he structures he described the large neurons in the cerebellar
only learned to walk when he was 7. The source of some cortex which bear his name as “a great number of similar
of the claims that agenesis may not be associated with corpuscles, which surround the yellow substance [the
motor impairment was a case from Cambridge (Glickstein, granular layer, ed.]. Each corpuscle faces the yellow sub-
1994). A man came to autopsy whose brain seemed to stance with a blunt, rounded pole and contains the central
lack the cerebellum. On the death certificate the man was nucleus within the space of its flask-like body; the other
listed as having been a “building worker.” The designation pole is tail-like and directed outwards; its two prolongations
“building worker” was interpreted as suggesting that the get lost in the grey substance near the outer periphery,
man had motor skills. Although nothing was known, how- where this is covered by the meninges. This is visible over
ever, about the man when he was alive. The myth of the entire extent of the folial gyrations of the cerebellum
normal movement in cases of agenesis fed upon itself. that thus displays the characteristics of a ganglion.” The
figure accompanying Purkinje’s paper (Fig. 13) shows a
HISTOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE distinct nucleolus within the nuclei of his corpuscles. The
CEREBELLAR CORTEX AND THE FUNCTIONS nucleolus was not mentioned by Purkinje, but received its
OF THE TWO DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT name from his student Valentin (1836).
AFFERENT SYSTEMS TO THE CEREBELLUM: In Purkinje’s time there were few methods available for
fixing and staining neuronal tissue. Further progress re-
quired better methods of tissue preparation. There is a
Recognition of the cell and fiber types in the cerebellum paradox. The single most important tool for histological
was closely related to the development of the neuron study of the cerebellum and for ultimately validating the
556 M. Glickstein et al. / Neuroscience 162 (2009) 549 –559

Fig. 13. Purkinje’s 1838 text and illustration of his description of the
monolayer of large corpuscles in the cerebellar cortex.
neuron doctrine itself, was based on the contributions of
Camillo Golgi (1883) (Fig. 14) and his “reazione nera.” But
Golgi never accepted the validity of the neuron doctrine.
Golgi made one fundamental mistake. He assumed Fig. 15. Ramon y Cajal; portrait.
that the functionally important connections of brain are
axonal fusion in a plexus. The plexus he thought is made Ramon y Cajal emphasized that in no case did axons
up of axon collaterals and branches of incoming axons, the or dendrites fuse; that interaction is made by contact from
“reticular” theory of neuronal organization. Soma and den- an axon onto a dendrite or soma of the next cell in the
drites, he believed, have a solely nutritive role. pathway. In addition to illustrating the cell types, Ramon y
Golgi’s views were challenged by Santiago Ramon y Cajal also described the two fundamental afferents to the
Cajal (Fig. 15). cerebellar cortex: the mossy and climbing fiber. The rapid
spread of Ramon y Cajal’s ideas is remarkable. Six years
after his first publications using the Golgi method which
appeared in obscure Spanish journals, he was invited to
deliver the Croonian Lecture of the Royal Society in Lon-
don (Ramon y Cajal, 1894), where he reported on the fine
structure of the retina, the olfactory bulb, the cerebral
cortex and the cerebellum (Fig. 16).
The function of the two afferent systems of the cere-
bellum, the climbing and the mossy fibers, initially received
little attention. One of exception was the work of the Dutch
psychiatrist and anatomist Gerbrandus Jelgersma (1859 –
1942; Fig. 17). He discussed his ideas on the function of
the cerebellum and of the double innervation of the Pur-
kinje cells in a series of publications and monographs
(Jelgersma, 1886, 1928, 1932). He recognized the two
circuits connecting the cerebellum with the cerebral cortex,
through cerebellothalamic and corticopontine pathways
and with the periphery, through the crossed descending
limb of the superior cerebellar peduncle and the spinocer-
ebellar tracts. From his observations in cases of olivo-
ponto-cerebellar atrophy, in which the myelinated fibers of
the granular layer had disappeared, and of spinocerebellar
atrophy, where they had been preserved, he concluded
that ponto- and spino-cerebellar fibers terminate as mossy
and climbing fibers, respectively. The pontocerebellar
mossy fiber–parallel fibers pathway informs the Purkinje
cells on intended movements, the spino-cerebellar climb-
Fig. 14. Camillo Golgi; Portrait. ing fibers on their execution. A mismatch between intention
M. Glickstein et al. / Neuroscience 162 (2009) 549 –559 557

to George Gray. The inferior olive was demonstrated to be

a major source of climbing fibers using silver impregnation
method to detect degenerating fibers (Szentágothai and
Rajkovitz, 1959; Desclin, 1974).
In the same years Masao Ito discovered the inhibitory
nature of the Purkinje cells, whose axons constitute the
only output from the cerebellar cortex. Ito’s discovery was
against the prevailing dogma that neurons with long axons
are excitatory and that inhibition is solely effected by inter-
neurons, local elements that switch excitation into inhibi-
tion (Eccles et al., 1967). Shortly thereafter Olov Oscars-
son (1979), using electrophysiology of spino-olivocerebel-
lar climbing fiber paths, Jan Voogd (1967) studying the
topography of white matter compartments in the cerebel-
lum, and David Armstrong (Armstrong et al., 1974) using
direct electrical stimulation of the inferior olive, demon-
strated that the cerebellar Purkinje cells are organized in a
series of longitudinal parasagittal bands. Each band re-
ceives its climbing fiber input from a well-defined cluster of
inferior olive cells, and projects to a specific locus in the
cerebellar nuclei. Olivary cells send collaterals to a defined
region of the cerebellar nuclei. The axon collaterals of the
climbing fibers, and the target of the Purkinje cell in the
cerebellar nuclei are in precise register.
In subsequent studies Voogd’s nomenclature for these
zones was generally adopted. A chemoarchitectonic zona-
tion of the cerebellar cortex was demonstrated by Scott
Fig. 16. The elements of the cerebellar cortex. From Ramon y Cajal’s (1963) and Hawkes and Leclerc (1987). Hawkes’ zebrin
Croonian Lecture (Ramon y Cajal, 1894). Abbreviations: A, Purkinje
antibodies to a Purkinje cell–specific epitope was shown to
cell; B, basket cell. The more superficially located neuron is a stellate
cell; C, climbing fiber; D, Purkinje cell axon with collaterals; E, gran- be present in a pattern of alternating bands of zebrin-
ule cell; F, parallel fiber; G, mossy fiber rosette; H, basket of the basket positive and -negative Purkinje cells. More recently the
cell axon. Voogd’s olivocerellar climbing fiber zones B, C and D were
shown to be congruent with particular zebrin-positive or
and execution causes the Purkinje cells to send a correc-
-negative bands (Voogd et al., 2003). Voogd’s A zone,
tive stimulus to the cerebral cortex (high-level coordina-
tion) or to the spinal cord (low level coordination). Jelg-
ersma (1928) postulated the formation of new, temporary
connections in the learning process involved in cerebellar
coordination. Although Jelgersma’s anatomy was wrong,
his ideas on the function of the Purkinje cells and the role
of neuronal plasticity in cerebellar coordination predate
modern, similar concepts on long-term adaptation of
movement by the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum (Marr,
1969; Ito, 1982).


Ramon y Cajal’s great contribution could not be properly
utilized in his own day by physiologists. The development
of microelectrode recording and electron microscopy ush-
ered in a new age in cerebellar physiology in the 1960s.
Janos Szentágothai with morphological studies and John
Eccles by means of electrophysiological analysis provided
for the first time a complete picture of the functional archi-
tecture of the cerebellar cortex, identifying the excitatory
and the inhibitory nature of each cell type (Eccles et al.,
1967). Seminal contributions at ultrastructural level of the
synapses are due to Sanford Palay and at glomerular level Fig. 17. Gerbrandus Jelgersma, portrait.
558 M. Glickstein et al. / Neuroscience 162 (2009) 549 –559

however, consists of a complicated array of zebrin-positive 4. Finally what does the cerebellum do? How does it
and -negative strips, innervated by different parts of the calibrate reflex and saccadic movement? How does it
caudal medial accessory olive (Sugihara and Shinoda, combine exteroreceptive, and proprioceptive informa-
2004). tion in the control of movement? Does it initiate move-
Studies on the developmental biology of the cerebellar ment, or is it essentially a sensory structure, predicting
cortex, and the factors determining its zonation and the the sensory consequences of a movement? Does it
patterns in the termination of its mossy and climbing fiber also play a role in motor learning, language, cognition,
afferents of the last decades were reviewed by Sotelo or emotion?
(2004). That the zonal pattern is an intrinsic and funda-
The cerebellum is the brain structure most critically
mental property of the cerebellum was demonstrated in the
involved in reflex adjustments and the acquisition of fine
experiments of Zagrebelsky et al. (1996). They showed in
and sequential motor control. There are many other func-
the mature cerebellum that regenerating climbing fibers
tions that have been suggested for it, and several possible
distribute according to this pattern.
mechanisms. We believe that the historical approach can
These new discoveries served as a basis for future
help focus on current questions. Problems have been
development of cerebellar physiology. In a seminal theo-
solved in the past, and they will continue to be solved in the
retical paper, following a suggestion by Brindley, Marr
(1969) proposed that the cerebellar cortex acts as a learn-
ing device. He suggested that the pattern of activity of the
Acknowledgments—We were guided to much of the early litera-
granule cells (1011 in human), with their parallel fibers,
ture by the excellent volume by Clarke and O’Malley (1968). Some
could be stored by a long-lasting increase of the synaptic of the quotes used in this article were taken from the translations
efficacy if there was a simultaneous activation of the climb- in that book.
ing fiber. Marr provided a model of how the two excitatory
inputs which end on the Purkinje cell as mossy and climb-
ing fibers might interact. There were some undesirable
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(Accepted 24 February 2009)

(Available online 9 March 2009)

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