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When we are faced with an incurable disease, we behave differently.

accepts a quick finale without resisting or arguing, in a hurry to enjoy life, scoring for
treatment and delaying the moment of death. Someone fights to the last. The reason
for the struggle is not necessarily faith in healing, it can be love for others and an
understanding of the fact that death will bring them grief. The authors dedicate their
book to all patients who are battling cystic fibrosis.
Stella Grant and Will Newman have one diagnosis, but their own attitude to the
disease. Will has not believed in the chance of salvation for a long time, he violates
the regime, does not follow the treatment regimens, but while driving around clinics
in different countries of the world, he will definitely climb onto the roof to see the
city from a bird's eye view. That kind of carelessness led him to catch a pathogenic B.
"Pick it up and you can say goodbye to the chance for new lungs," Nurse Stella says,
nodding at Will.
Stella is in the queue for donor lungs, it is difficult for her to understand Will's
behavior, she is doing her best, strictly observing the regime and hospital rules: she
takes medications on time, wears a pneumatic vibration vest to drain sputum, takes
liquid food through a gastrostomy tube ... In addition, she creates a computer
program for chronic patients, records video for YouTube, telling in detail and
accessible about cystic fibrosis.
Such heroes seem to be at the first meeting. In fact, not everything is so simple in
the life of Stella and Will. The author gradually reveals their secret fears, introduces
them to the course of family relations, and the love that broke out between the
heroes becomes the leading line of the plot. True love is not only a desire to touch
each other, which is in no way permissible with a given illness (not to mention
kissing), but also responsibility for the life of another. What to choose: a life away
from a loved one or a short love episode (something more than an episode, the
disease will not let go)? The book makes you think about the main human values -
love, friendship, health.
Review: Five Feet Apart is a book that will move you to tears, it is heart-felt and
gives light to the seriousness of cystic fibrosis. I liked how the authors included a lot
of detail, writing about the daily struggles and tasks that CFers have to go through.

Parents need to know that Five Feet Apart is about a budding romance between two
teens in treatment for cystic fibrosis (CF), a genetic disease affecting the lungs and
leading to severely shortened life expectancy. Though the book is essentially a
romance, larger issues of how serious illnesses affect families and the different ways
patients deal with CF are important parts of the story. The content is fairly tame, in
that there's no smoking, drinking, or drug use. Characters swear a little but not
frequently. Romance and attraction figure largely into the story.

When Stella wakes up from her surgery, she sees Will through the glass of her

room. He tells her that he only has a month to live, and he doesn't want her to
have to go through his death like all the other deaths she went through. He

tells her goodbye and doesn't know what is to come in terms of him and her.
Before he goes, he makes her close her eyes, because he said he wouldn't be

able to leave if she was looking at him. She closes her eyes and he walks away.
ill is a stereotypical rebellious teenage boy; he is an artist, very
disorganized, and never listens to his nurses. Poe, Stella's best
friend, is arguably the best character in Five Feet Apart. He is
emotionally intelligent, and sensitive, but also hilarious.

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