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molded formed, created формований

petal a delicate coloured part of a flower пелюстка
bud a small closed part that grows on a plant and бутон
from which a flower
slip to slide a short distance by accident so that просковзнути
you fall or nearly fall
drag to pull somebody/something along with тягти
effort and difficulty
lean to bend нагнутися
hover over to stay in the same position in the air without парити, зависнути в повітрі
moving forwards or backwards.
contemplate o think about whether you should do міркувати
something, or how you should do something
formerly in the past раніше
freaking a swear word that many people find чертов
offensive, used to emphasize an angry
statement to avoid saying ‘fucking’
maze a system of paths separated by walls or лабіринт
hedges built in a park or garden,
gaze out on sth to look out on something from inside a Дивитися назовні
building or from a particular spot
nightstand a small table next to a bed тумбочка
perk something you receive as well as your wages привілегії; пільги
for doing a particular job
toss to throw something lightly or carelessly кидати
shrugs to raise your shoulders and then drop them to знизувати плечима
show that you do not know or care about
squeal to make a long, high sound верещати
grin to smile widely скалитися; усміхатися
sheepishly in a way that shows that you are embarrassed боязко; соромливо
dejectedly in an unhappy and disappointed way пригнічено
bubble up to rise to the surface or become obvious кипіти, ставати очевидним
wizard  a man with magic powers чарівник
linger  to continue to exist for longer than expected затримуватися
fade to become or to make something less bright тускніти, вицвітати, зникати,
goofy silly; stupid дурний
swell  to become bigger or rounder набухати
flare-up  a sudden painful attack, especially after a вспишка(захвор.,) загострення
period without any problems or pain
slam to make something shut, with a lot of force, швирнути, хлопнути
making a loud noise
glance into to look briefly глянути швидко в
barren not producing anything useful or successful непродуктивний
fraction a small part or amount of something частина
raging fever very serious fever, causing strong feelings бушуюча лихорадка
and continuing over a period of time
blare out announce loudly Викрикувати; проревіти(машина)

rattle off to say sth quickly or easily from memory протараторити;

dosage the amount of a medicine or drug that is доза
taken regularly
wholeheartedly completely, in an enthusiastic way щиро; від всієї душі; сердечно
exhale to breathe out the air or smoke видихати; видих
dodge to avoid уникнути
drip to produce or let fall drops of liquid капати(медикам)
subtly in a way that is not very obvious or easy to не помітно; делікатно
rigid very strict жорстокий; строгий
curfew a law that says that people must not go комендантська год; відбій
outside after a particular time
adamantly in a way that shows you are determined not категорично
to change your mind
flinch to make a sudden movement with your face смикатися
or body as a result of pain, fear, surprise
corsage a small bunch of flowers that is worn on a бутанерка
woman’s dress
go stag to go to a party without a partner мальчішнік; олень
labored slow and taking a lot of effort тяжкий
suave  confident, attractive and polite, sometimes вічливий
in a way that does not seem sincere
duffel a large bag made of strong cloth or soft рюкзак; спорт.кост
sneak to go somewhere secretly проникнути
piss sm’s off to annoy someone very much бісити когось
fragile weak and uncertain; easy to destroy or harm нестабільний; вразливий; ранимий
hallway a space or passage inside the entrance or прихожа
front door of a building
valid that is legally or officially acceptable законний; допустимий
lurk  to wait somewhere secretly, especially ховатися
because you are going to do something bad
or illegal
gurney a type of trolley that is used for moving носилки
patients in a hospital
tumble out to fall, drop from something випригувати
ream sm out to criticize somebody strongly  because they доганити когось
have done something wrong
saunter a slow relaxed walk прогулка
spit to force liquid, food, etc. out of your mouth плювати
sigh  to take and then let out a long deep breath вздихати
that can be heard
gaze  to look steadily at sm/sth for a long time дивитися
incurable that cannot be cured невиліковний
recliner a soft comfortable chair крісло
squint  to look at something with your eyes partly щуритися
rally a large public meeting мітинг, зібрання
mucus a thick liquid that is produced in parts of the соплі
body, such as the nose
jealousy a feeling of being jealous ревнивість, зависть
clench press sth together tightly сжимати
embellish to make something more beautiful by adding приукрашувати
decoration to it
chives the long, thin leaves of a plant зелена цибуля
smirk to smile in a silly or unpleasant way усміхатися нег.зн
rack a piece of equipment, usually made of metal стійка, вішалка, стелаж
or wooden bars, that is used for holding
scoop out  remove, , take away викреслити(з голови)
exasperated extremely annoyed розсерджений
commitment  a promise to do something or to behave in a зобов’язання, готовність
particular way
sputter If some stuff sputter it makes a series of шипіти
short sounds
choke to be unable to breathe because the passage задихатися
to your lungs is blocked подавитися
fidget  to keep moving your body, your hands or непосидіти, йорзати
your feet because you are nervous, bored,
hurry off to leave or depart in haste поспішно уходить(йти)
fundraising the activity of collecting money for a charity збір грошей
or organization
snort to make a loud sound by breathing air out вдихати
noisily through your nose
manically in a busy, excited or anxious way маніакально
warily warily обережно
strum away to play casually ьринчати(часто)
hum to make a low continuous sound гудіти, наспівувати
tiptoe walking on the front part of your foot, in ходити на ципочках(прокрадатися)
order to move very quietly
stifle  to prevent something from happening запобігти, стримувати
ship sm off to send somebody to a place where they will відправити
hazmat a special suit that protects a person's body хімзахисний костюм
when they are dealing with dangerous
pledge  to formally promise to give or do something клястися, обіцяти
brawl a noisy and violent fight involving a group бійка, потасовка
of people
void a large empty space пустота
snarky criticizing somebody in an unkind way придирчевий
helmet a type of hard hat that protects the head шлем
duck back having no effect не мати ефекту
confined small and surrounded by walls or sides тісний, обмежений (в просторі)
jamb a post at the side of a door or window откос( у вікні, стіні)
inevitably as is certain to happen неминуче
suffocate to die because there is no air to breathe задихнутися(і вмерти)
puddle a small amount of water or other liquid, калюжа
especially rain

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