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Jadavpur University

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Subject: Heat Transfer
(Class Test-18/12/2021)
Time: 2 hours Answer all questions Full Marks: 30
1.(a) Derive the heat conduction equation in an isotropic solid bar as shown in Fig. 1 10
below with the two-dimensional heat flow in x- and y-directions under the steady-
state condition. Heat transfer from the lateral surfaces is due to convection with
convective heat transfer coefficient h. The fluid temperature Ta is maintained at a
constant. There is a heat source inside the solid with the constant volumetric heat
generation rate (qg). It is assumed that the thermal conductivity of the material, k is a
constant. Two ends of the solid bar have been attached to the walls keeping constant
temperatures at T1 and T2.
(b) Write the boundary conditions to solve the above heat conduction problem. 5
(c) If the temperature variation does not exist in the y-direction in the case of problem 12
1(a), derive the energy equation for the temperature field. Also, determine the
temperature distribution by solving this governing equation and calculate the heat
transfer rate through the bar.

Fig.1. Geometrical parameters with the coordinate system.

2. The attachment of insulation to a plane surface has no critical thickness of insulation – 3


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