I'd Rather Be Honest Than Impressive.": Bala Vidya Mandir SR - Sec.School

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I'd rather be honest than impressive.



CLASS: 11 TIME: 40 Minutes


DATE: 06/07/2021


1) Students to take the test in true spirit without resorting to any kind of malpractice.

2) The test must be written in A4 ruled or unruled sheets/Notebooks.

3) Each and every page of your answer script must be duly numbered with the number along

with the total number of pages used. For instance, if the total number of pages is 4, then the

first page should be numbered as Page 1 of 4, followed by Page 2 of 4, then Page 3 of 4 and

finally Page 4 of 4.

4) The answer papers must be scanned or photos of the answer scripts can be taken and sent

as a file attachment preferably in the form of PDF to the email id given below.

5) Students of Class 12 D to send the attachment to: ady11businessstudies@gmail.com

6) The file (copy of the answer script) should be saved as ‘Subject-Class-Section-Name of

student’ and attached to the email. For instance, ‘ Business studies 11D Aashrith Rajesh’.

7) The subject to be mentioned in the email should also be the same as mentioned above.

8) Answer papers should be mailed on the same day by 10 p.m. without fail.

1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of business?

a. Risk Eelement b. Production of goods and services

c. Wages and salaries d. Sales or exchange of goods and services. (1)

2.Which of the following is not a function of Indigenous bankers?

a. Accepting deposits b. Manufacturing goods

c. Lending money d. Issue of Hundis (1)

3. Surya sells his old car at a profit. Can it be termed as a business activity? Why? (1)

4. Your friend’s father, who is a doctor working in Apollo hospitals. Mention the type of
economic activity which he is involved in. (1)

5. Match the following:

a. Hindrance of Information - Insurance

b. Hindrance of time - Advertising

c. Hindrance of risk - Warehousing (1)

6.What is role of profit in business? (3)

7.Explain any THREE nature of business risk. (3)

8.Explain any four characteristics of business. (4)

9.Explain the term Industry. Write about secondary industry. (5)

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