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62 Matters of Russian and International Law.


Publishing House "ANALITIKA RODIS" ( )

UDC 347.963

Features of the prosecutor's supervision over the execution

of the laws on federal security, international relations and
combating extremism

Plieva Aina Salmanovna

Executive assistant of the investiga­tive department of the city of Karabulak,
Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Com­mittee
of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Ingushetia,
P.O. Box 386001, D. Mal'sagova str., No. 23, Magas, Ingushetia, Russia;

Author analyzes the features of the prosecutor's supervision over the execution
of federal laws on security, international relations and countering extremism.
Also the article determines characteristics of procuratorial supervision over the
imple­mentation of legislation in this area of oversight activities.

Public prosecutor's supervision, the federal security, international relations,
coun­tering extremism, subject, object.

Introduction citizens, strengthening the legality in the

country, establishing the rule of law, as
Improving the efficiency of the well as improving the organization and
fight against crime in the sphere of law functioning of the state executive au-
enforcement on federal security, interna- thorities.
tional relations and combating extrem- Problematics of prosecutorial
ism is aimed at implementation of the supervision and control has been wide-
constitutional rights and freedoms of ly discussed in the scientific literature.

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These issues are considered by A.P. V. Klochkov5, N. Shumilov6 and other

Alekhin, D.P. Bachrach, Yu.M. Kozlov, researchers.
N.M. Konin, L.L. Popov.
Prosecutorial supervision is a Supervision exercised by
powerful tool to ensure legality. Skillful
prosecution agencies over
use of its opportunities presents highly
the implementation of laws
effective means of preventing violations
of the law as well.
by federal departments and
Specificity of prosecutorial super- agencies, representative
vision over implementation of laws, in- (legislative) and executive bodies
cluding in the sphere of federal security,
has been studied by A. Vinokurov1, A. So- For the time being the system of
logubov2, V. Solomichev3, A.A. Sumin4, legal regulation of the bodies responsible
for enforcing laws on federal security, in-
1 Vinokurov, A. (2002), "Combating ex-
tremism by means of public prosecution" ternational relations and combating ex-
["Bor'ba s ekstremizmom sredstvami tremism represents a multilevel structure
prokurorskogo nadzora"], Zakonnost', No.
11, pp. 33-36. of legal regulations, characterized by the
2 Sologubov, A.S. (2006), "History and legal close relationship and interdependence.
nature of the prosecutor of the Russian Legislation clearly defines the place of
Federation" ["Istoriya i pravovaya priroda
prokuratury Rossiiskoi Federatsii"], Pravo the bodies responsible for enforcing
i zhizn', No. 96(6), pp. 201-227. laws on federal security, international
3 Solomichev, V.I. (1998), Public pros- relations and combating extremism in
ecutor's supervision over the execution
of laws by car­rying out an inquiry and the Russian security and governmental
preliminary investigation [Prokurorskii systems. Legal regulation of their activ-
nadzor za ispolneniem zakonov organ-
ami, osushchestvlyayushchimi doznanie
i predvaritel'noe sledstvie], Ekspertnoe 5 Klochkov, V. (1994), "Strengthening
byuro-M, Moscow, p. 34. rule of law and prosecution functions"
4 Sumin, A.A. (1999), Public prosecutor ["Stanovlenie pravovogo gosudarstva i
supervising the investigation of crimes funktsii prokuratury"], Zakonnost', No. 6,
that infringe on the external security of p. 29.
the Russian Federation: research manual 6 Shumilov, N. (1995), "Public prosecu-
[Prokurorskii nadzor za rassledovaniem tions – theatrical scenery on the stage of
prestuplenii, posyagayushchikh na vnesh- our secret ser­vices" ["Prokurorskii nad-
nyuyu bezopasnost' Rossiiskoi Federatsii: zor – teatral'naya dekoratsiya na stsene
Nauchno-metodicheskoe posobie], Mos- deyatel'nosti nashikh spetssluzhb"], Rossi-
cow, p. 5. iskaya yustitsiya, No. 3, p. 26.

Features of the prosecutor's supervision over the execution…

64 Matters of Russian and International Law. 7-8`2013

ity is characterized by the not full estab- federal security, international relations
lishment of their competence de jure, in- and combating extremism), that obliges
cluding that competence, which affects public authorities to submit reports to the
the constitutional rights and freedoms of prosecuting authorities on key outcome
citizens, what can and should be made​​ indicators of investigative, operational
up for an adequate change in the regula- and investigative and counterintelligence
tions that govern their legal status. activities (except for indicators constitut-
It is rather difficult to achieve the ing a state secret and characterizing the
necessary efficiency in the organization state of undercover unit).
of prosecutorial supervision over imple- The content of general supervi-
mentation of laws on federal security, sory area for prosecutorial supervision
international relations and combating over the implementation of laws on fed-
extremism, since the legal limit of pros- eral security, international relations and
ecutorial oversight competence in this combating extremism is to supervise the
field implies a lack of completeness of execution of the Constitution of the Rus-
the information and analytical frame- sian Federation, the execution of laws
work that serves as a basis for planning operating in the territory of the Russian
surveillance activities and estimation of Federation, the rights and freedoms of
their results. Absence of complete data on man and citizen observed by abovemen-
the performance of public bodies makes tioned authorities in terms of federal
it impossible for prosecutors to forecast security laws, interethnic relations and
recent developments in the sphere of pub- combating extremism.
lic relations, which is notionally named In Russia, at the moment there
as "implementation of laws on federal is no legal mechanism for implement-
security, international relations and com- ing the most important, essential rules
bating extremism". In turn, this situation to provide the most efficient state con-
causes a decrease in the effectiveness of trol over execution of the laws on fed-
the coordinating function of prosecutors eral security, international relations and
in crime prevention. Harmonization of combating extremism. There are a large
this situation is possible by issuing joint number of legal acts without unity to be
interagency regulations (General Prose- necessary systematized.
cutor of the Russian Federation and pub- The history of prosecutorial su-
lic authorities to implement the laws on pervision indicates that the activities as-

Plieva A.S.
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sociated with the execution of federal truncated form, that resulted in above-
laws on security, international relations mentioned bodies' violating the law sys-
and combating extremism was for a long tem. At this historic stage a legislator was
time almost beyond the control of any right ahead to completely withdraw the
government agency, being accountable SPD from the prosecutor's supervision.
directly to party leadership at the begin- Thus, according to the restricted part of
ning of the RSFSR (the Russian Soviet the Central Executive Committee reso-
Federated Socialist Republic), and then lution on October 16, 1922, which was
the Soviet Union. Thus, the Decree of the declared by the order of the SPD number
Central Executive Committee for Octo- 266 in 1922, the subject of prosecutorial
ber 28, 1918 No. 1 on REC (Russian Ex- supervision on "observing investigation
traordinary Commission) included that and inquisitions in terms of political cas-
the latter was a body of the Council of es and espionage charges" was limited to
People's Commissars (CPC) and worked "observing the SPD authorities' compli-
closely with commissariats for Domestic ance with rules set forth in Art. 7 of the
Affairs and Justice. Thus, formally the Central Executive Committee resolution
REC was subordinated to the SNK, but from February 6, 1922". Further, the de-
in fact there was no real mechanism for cision of the Central Executive Commit-
monitoring its activities by the govern- tee from October 16, 1922 stipulated: "In
ment. The Constitution of the Russian cases of all other crimes the implemen-
Federation having been adopted the es- tation of prosecutorial supervision shall
tablishment of prosecutorial supervision be confirmed in accordance with rights
as the unprecedented State Institute for granted to it in full under the law with
Soviet Russia somewhat changed the the following features only:
situation. In accordance with Section 9 a) investigation of cases on the
on the prosecutorial supervision in 19227 SPD employees' misconduct (Art. 105-
the prosecutor's office was responsible 118 of the Criminal Code, inclusive) is
for monitoring the activities of the SPD made with the active participation of
(State Political Directorate), but in fact prosecutor's supervision, although it
this supervision was carried out in the should be concentrated solely in the SPD
7 "Constitution (Fundamental Law) of RSF- bodies;
SR in 1918" ["Konstitutsiya (Osnovnoi
b) Bodies of the SPD notwith-
Zakon) RSFSR 1918 goda"], SU RSFSR,
1919, No. 12, Art. 130. standing articles 207, 208 and 209 of

Features of the prosecutor's supervision over the execution…

66 Matters of Russian and International Law. 7-8`2013

the Criminal Procedure Code shall be Prosecuting authorities not only failed
exempted from the obligation to bring to remedy violations of revolutionary le-
to the court expedited cases which were gality, but actually legitimized these vio-
dismissed due to the lack of evidence or lations". In the future, up to the collapse
absence of the event of a crime, as well of the Soviet Union , despite of an ap-
as to the prosecutor's supervision for ap- propriate legal framework (the Constitu-
proval. tion of the USSR, the Regulation on the
Notwithstanding the Article 112 prosecutorial supervision in the USSR),
term of application to prosecutorial su- the prosecutorial supervision over the
pervisory bodies on any criminal case MGB – KGB bodies continued to exist
initiated by the SPD shall be prolonged in frames of formality and were limited
up to two weeks'"8. only to supervising implementation of
In fact, prosecutorial agencies, as laws for preliminary investigation per-
noted earlier, were almost entirely sus- formed by those authorities, as well as
pended from the supervisory activities in activities related to the expulsion of per-
respect of the SPD (later – the NKVD). sons deprived of Soviet citizenship, for-
And it leaded to such a large number eigners and stateless persons who violate
of violations that the resolution of the the rules of stay in the USSR. Supervi-
Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and sion over implementation of laws in the
SNK USSR 17 November 1938 "On the field of operational investigation and,
arrest and the prosecutor's supervision moreover, counter  – intelligence activi-
and investigation procedures" explicitly ties of special bodies were completely
stated: "The prosecutorial authorities out of question.
for their part do not take the necessary Prosecutorial supervision in its
measures to eradicate the ... deficiencies essence is a kind of supervisory process
and usually limit their participation in aimed at timely detecting, preventing
the investigation to a simple registration and removing violations by specific le-
and stamping of investigative materials9. gal means and certain legal norms, with
their combination establishing the sys-
8 Korovin, V.V. (1998), History of nation-
al security agencies [Istoriya otechest-
vennykh organov bezopasnosti], Mos- 1917-1933 years [Ocherki istorii rossiiskoi
cow, p. 154. vneshnei razvedki: V 6 t. – T. 2: 1917-1933
9 Essays on the history of Russian Foreign gody], Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya,
Intelligence Service: in 6 vols. Vol. 2: Moscow, 1996, p. 105.

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tem of legal regulation for this process10. group consists of normative legal acts
All legal provisions included in said sys- aimed at regulating the activities of pros-
tem can be roughly classified into two ecutors to implement various areas of
groups. The first group includes such supervision and detailing the rights and
legal rules that regulate the organization duties of the public prosecutor in relation
of the prosecutor's office as a public in- to these areas. This group includes de-
stitution, the constitutional basis for its partmental normative legal acts – orders
functioning; determine the goals and ob- and instructions of the Prosecutor Gen-
jectives of the prosecutorial supervision, eral of the Russian Federation, as well
establish the structure of the prosecutor's as prosecutors of the Russian Federa-
office, the power of prosecutors, the pro- tion constituent entities and equivalent
cedure for appointment and dismissal of prosecutors, with these acts being issued
prosecutors and investigators, order of within the limits of their competence. In
service in the prosecutorial authorities, accordance with the Part 1 of Art. 1 of
the basic principles of legal and social the Federal Law "On the procuratorship
protection for prosecutors and investiga- of the Russian Federation" Russian Pros-
tors11. This group includes the Constitu- ecutor General and subordinate prosecu-
tion of the Russian Federation and the tors within their competence shall exer-
Federal Law "On the procuratorship of cise supervision over the abiding by the
the Russian Federation"12. The second Constitution and the execution of the
laws in force in the territory of the Rus-
10 Lomovskii, V.D. (1987), Prosecutors and
supervisory relationship [Prokurorsko- sian Federation. Traditionally the fol-
nadzornye pravootnosheniya], Rostovskii lowing number of areas for prosecuto-
un-t, Rostov-on-Don, pp. 20-30.
rial supervisory is classified: supervision
11 "Presidential Decree on August, 11, 2003
No. 960 "Issues of Federal Security Ser- over execution of laws by federal min-
vice of Russian Federation" (as amended istries, state committees, services and
on July, 11, 2004)" ["Ukaz Prezidenta
RF ot 11 avgusta 2003 g. No. 960 "Vo-
other federal executive bodies, represen-
prosy Federal'noi sluzhby bezopasnosti tative (legislative) and executive bodies
Rossiiskoi Federatsii" (s izmeneniyami ot
of the Russian Federation constituent en-
11 iyulya 2004 g.)"], available at: http://­_doc_ tities, local authorities, military authori-
12 "Federal Law on 10.02.1999, No. 31- 10.02.1999 g. N 31-FZ "O prokurature
FZ "On the procuratorship of the Rus- Rossiiskoi Federatsii"], Rossiiskaya
sian Federa­tion" ["Federal'nyi zakon ot gazeta, No. 30 (17.02.99).

Features of the prosecutor's supervision over the execution…

68 Matters of Russian and International Law. 7-8`2013

ties, supervisory bodies, their officials, Russian Federation – by the department

authorities and managers of commercial for Supervision of laws on federal secu-
and non-profit organizations as well as rity and the Main Military Procuracy; in
supervision over the legality of legal acts the field  – by military prosecutors and
issued by these bodies, supervision over prosecutors of the Russian Federation
the execution of rights and freedoms of constituent entities. The competence of
man and citizen by specified objects of territorial and military prosecutors in this
prosecutorial supervision (general super- area of prosecutorial supervision is estab-
vision); supervision over the execution lished by the order of the Prosecutor Gen-
of the laws by investigation bodies, that eral of the Russian Federation on April 9,
perform inquiry and preliminary inves- 1996 № 24 "On delimitating competence
tigation; supervision over the execution of territorial prosecutors and prosecutors
of laws by bailiffs; supervision over the of specialized area" (as amended by the
execution of the laws by the administra- orders of the Prosecutor General of the
tions and institutions executing punish- Russian Federation from May 23, 1997
ment and applying coercive measures No. 26, August 4, 1997, No. 48, Decem-
appointed by the court, the administra- ber 8, 1998, No. 88, November 9, 1999
tion of the remand13. No. 84). According to this departmental
For the time being supervisory ac- normative legal act territorial prosecu-
tivities in respect of bodies executing laws tors shall monitor the execution of laws
on federal security, international relations by bodies engaged in investigation, in-
and combating extremism are performed: quiry and preliminary investigation in
in the General Prosecutor's Office of the the territorial security agencies against
individuals specified in the same order
13 "Federal Law on 03.04.1995, No. 40-FZ except military personnel; military pros-
"On Federal Security Service" (as amend­
ed on December, 30, 1999, November, 7, ecutors supervise execution of laws, le-
2000, December, 30, 2001, May, 7, July, gality of issued legal acts, the execution
25, 2002, January, 10, June, 30, 2003)"
["Federal'nyi zakon ot 03.04.1995 g. N of rights and freedoms of man and citizen
40-FZ "O federal'noi sluzhbe bezopas- by security agencies in the army, as well
nosti" (s izmeneniyami ot 30 dekabrya
1999 g., 7 noyabrya 2000 g., 30 dekabrya
as by territorial security agencies and
2001 g., 7 maya, 25 iyulya 2002 g., 10 structural units of the FSB central appa-
yanvarya, 30 iyunya 2003 g.)"], avail-
ratus of the Russian Federation, as well
able at:
base/?req=doc;base=LAW;n=73085 as the execution of laws by the Federal

Plieva A.S.
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Security Service in frames of operational The abovementioned CATUs

investigation, inquiry and preliminary in- (Closed Administrative-Territorial Unit)
vestigation – only on cases and materials and facilities are serviced in operational
regarding the servicemen and registrants sense either by territorial security bodies
drafted into training and test musters, ci- (CATU and highly secure facilities), or the
vilian personnel of the Armed Forces and security authorities in the army. In both
other military formations of other min- cases general supervision falls within the
istries and agencies in connection with competence of military prosecutors as
crimes committed while on duty. This the withdrawal procedure is established
normative legal act did not sufficiently only in respect of military control bod-
regulate the competence of military units' ies and military units being under super-
prosecutors, i.e. prosecutors carrying out vision of military unit procuracies. The
supervisory activities in closed adminis- federal Law of May 31, 1996 No. 61-FZ
trative-territorial units (CATU), in spe- "On Defense" does not consider territori-
cial and highly secure units, in closed and al security authorities and security agen-
isolated military camps and highly secure cies in the army as military authorities14.
military units in frames of supervision Despite the conditional name "military
over the Federal Security Service. unit", these bodies cannot be considered
The abovementioned order of the military units supervised by prosecutors
Prosecutor General of the Russian Fed- of military units, for the same order as it
eration includes two basic premises stip- was mentioned above, treats them as ob-
ulating that: jects for territorial and military prosecu-
1) Federal security agencies are tors' supervision. By studying territorial
not included to the list of objects being competence of prosecutors who super-
subject to general supervision; vise execution of the laws by the Federal
2) Prosecutors of military units Security Service in frames of operational
are entrusted to supervise the execution investigation, interrogation and prelimi-
of laws by bodies performing operation- nary investigation , the order of the Pros-
al investigation, inquiry and preliminary ecutor General of the Russian Federation
investigation in the CATUs, secure mili- 14 "Federal Law on 31.05.1996 No. 61-
tary facilities, in highly secure military FZ "On defense" ["Federal'nyi zakon ot
31.05.1996 g. No. 61-FZ "Ob oborone"],
units and military works, according to
available at:
the current list, on scenes of offence. line/base/?req=doc;base=LAW;n=93507

Features of the prosecutor's supervision over the execution…

70 Matters of Russian and International Law. 7-8`2013

establishes the exemption only for sub- areas. These prosecutors should have the
jects – individuals, the specified activity appropriate form (form number not less
aims at (servicemen, reservists , drafted than 2) of access to state secrets15.
to training musters, civilian personnel of In its supervisory activities pros-
the Armed Forces of the Russian Federa- ecutors:
tion in connection with the commission – exercise powers independently
of the offense while on duty). In such of the federal bodies of state authority,
circumstances, it can be concluded that state authorities of the Russian Federa-
prosecutors of military units do not use tion constituent entities, bodies: of local
supervisory powers for supervision in government, public associations and in
respect of the Federal Security Service. accordance with the current laws of the
However, the Deputy of the Prosecutor Russian Federation;
General of the Russian Federation, who – act publicly to the extent that is
supervises the second department of the not inconsistent with the requirements of
Russian General Procuracy ruling the the legislation of the Russian Federation
prosecution system – military units, ex- on the protection of rights and freedoms
pressed a different opinion and referred of citizens, as well as the legislation of
to the fact that the authorities of the Fed- the Russian Federation on the state or
eral Security Service are part of the au- other specific secret protected by law;
thorities for operational investigation, – inform federal authorities of
inquiry and preliminary investigation on state bodies, state bodies of the Russian
facilities supervised by prosecutors of Federation constituent entities, local au-
military units.
Actually the supervision over the 15 "The list of information classified as state
execution of Law by the Federal Secu- secrets. Approved by a Presidential decree
on August, 2, 1996 No. 1136" ["Perechen'
rity Service, the legality of regulations svedenii, otnesennykh k gosudarstven-
adopted by them, these bodies' com- noi taine. Utverzhden ukazom Prezidenta
RF ot 2 avgusta 1996 No. 1136"], SZ
plying with the rights and freedoms of RF, 1995, No. 49, Art. 4775; "The list of
man and citizen, enforcement of laws by information classified as state secrets. Ap-
proved by a Presidential decree on August,
conducting preliminary investigation, 2, 1996 No. 1136" ["Perechen' svedenii,
inquiry, operational investigation is per- otnesennykh k gosudarstvennoi taine.
Utverzhden ukazom Prezidenta RF ot 2
formed by specially authorized prosecu-
avgusta 1996 No. 1136"], SZ RF, 1998,
tors of territorial and military prosecutor No. 5, Art. 4671.

Plieva A.S.
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thorities, as well as the population about Constitutional Court of the Russian Fed-
the state of law. eration on February 18 , 2000 No. 3-P ,
In order to guarantee the inde- this provision is considered to be not con-
pendence of the prosecutor's office in trary to the Constitution of the Russian
accordance with Article 5 of the Federal Federation as it is a safeguard against im-
Law "On the Procuracy of the Russian proper interference in the activities of the
Federation" it is prohibited without the prosecution of the Russian Federation, it
permission of the prosecutor to disclose exempts the prosecutor and investigator
materials of inspections performed by from the obligation to give any explana-
the prosecutor's office, pending their tion on the cases and materials in frames
completion, along with any form of in- of legal proceeding, and provide them to
fluence on the part of federal security anyone for review.
service is prohibited, as well as pressure Restricting the activities of the
by the part of their representatives and prosecutor is only possible when prop-
officials on the prosecutor or investigator erly prescribed by the federal law. At the
to influence upon the decisions made by same time, in accordance with the same
it or any form of obstruction to its activi- decision of the Constitutional Court of
ties. Violation of this prohibition entails the Russian Federation this right of pros-
a statutory responsibility (administra- ecutor does not apply to cases where
tive penalties is stipulated by art. 13.11 prosecutorial authorities are obliged to
, 13.14 and 17.17 of the Administrative provide citizen with materials directly
Code of Russia, criminal responsibility affecting his rights and freedoms, if
is set in Part 2 of Art. 294, Art. 295, Part there are no adequate grounds provided
2, and 3 of Art. 296, Part 2 and 3 of Art. by the federal law and related to content
298, Art. 310 of the Criminal Code of of these materials and the restriction of
Russia). access to them.
At the same time the Law stipu- To execute supervisory functions
lates that prosecutor is not required to prosecutors are given powers prescribed
give any explanation on legal proceed- in art. 22, 27, 30, 33 of the Federal Law
ings, and provide the materials to some- "On the Procuracy of the Russian Fed-
one else for review, except in the cases eration", the provisions of the Code of
and manner prescribed by the federal Criminal Procedure, art. 21 of the Fed-
law. According to the Resolution of the eral Law "On operational investigation",

Features of the prosecutor's supervision over the execution…

72 Matters of Russian and International Law. 7-8`2013

the commented article , as well as the prosecutors; supervision over the territo-
order of the Prosecutor General of the rial bodies of the Federal Security Ser-
Russian Federation of April 25, 2000 vice and the military security agencies'
No. 56 "On organization of prosecuto- executing laws in terms of preliminary
rial supervision over the implementa- investigation, inquiry and operational
tion of the Federal Law "On operational investigation is assigned respectively to
investigation". Depending on the nature the territorial and military prosecutors;
of the violations identified in the process supervision over the activity of territori-
of supervision the prosecutor takes the al security agencies on the highly secure
relevant measures of response: recom- facilities in the closed administrative  –
mendation to eliminate violations of the territorial units is carried out by prosecu-
law, protest against the illegal normative tors of military units. This situation de-
legal act, and cancellation of the illegal termines the complexity of supervisory
resolution made by investigator or body activities.
of inquiry, criminal proceedings. Methods to execute prosecutor's
Organizing prosecutorial supervi- supervision over the enforcement of the
sion over the activities of the FSB is also laws by the Federal Security Service
characterized by an essential feature16. (general supervision, supervision over
Thus, the main scope of supervision over enforcement of the laws in frames of op-
the implementation of laws, legality of erational investigation, inquiry and pre-
issued legal acts, adherence by rights liminary investigation, supervision over
and freedoms of man and citizen (gen- law enforcement in pre-trial detention
eral supervision) on the part of territorial facilities of the abovementioned bodies)
security agencies and security authori- in this commentary are not considered
ties in the troops is assigned to military (methods of prosecutorial supervision
are one of the subjects in the commen-
16 Sumin, A.A. (1999), Public prosecutions tary to the Federal Law "On Prosecutor's
over the execution of laws by the Federal
Security Service of the Russian Federa- Office of the Russian Federation").
tion: legal, organizational and method- Prosecutor or his deputy brings
ological aspects:Author's thesis [Proku-
rorskii nadzor za ispolneniem zakonov
protest to the act violating human and
organami federal'noi sluzhby bezopasnosti civil rights to the body or to official who
v Rossiiskoi Federatsii: pravovye, or-
published this act, or it turns to court in
ganizatsionnye i metodicheskie aspekty:
avtoref. dis. … d. yurid. n.], Moscow, 60 p. the manner prescribed by the procedural

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legislation of the Russian Federation. prosecutor or his deputy to the body or

The protest is subject to mandatory re- official authorized to eliminate viola-
view not later than in ten days from the tions and is subject to immediate review.
date of its receipt. In exceptional circum- By collegial body's considering a rec-
stances requiring immediate remedy of ommendation the prosecutor is reported
law violations prosecutor has the right to about date of the hearing. Within one
establish a reduced term for the protest month from the day of submission actual
being considered. Prior to its consider- measures shall be taken to address the vi-
ation this protest may be revoked by a olations of the law, their causes and con-
person who brought it. Prosecutor is re- ditions that contribute to them; results of
ported on the results of the consideration measures taken must be reported to the
in writing immediately after the report prosecutor in writing.
was considered. In order to prevent offenses and
The compliance of legal acts is- if there is information about upcom-
sued by the Federal Security Service and ing wrongful acts the prosecutor or his
their officials is subject to the supervi- deputy submits to officials of the Federal
sion over legality of issued legal acts. Security Service the warning report on
In case of federal security forces delict in writing. The results of warning
and officials' violating the law in ac- report are sent to prosecutor in writing.
cordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 21, In case the requirements set out in this
paragraph 3 Art. 22 and Article 23 of the warning report were not satisfied, the of-
Federal Law "On the Procuracy of the ficial to whom it has been declared, may
Russian Federation" prosecutor or his be prosecuted in accordance with the law.
deputy protests legal acts being contrary In particular, in accordance with Article
to law, turns to the court or arbitration 17.7 of the Code of Administrative Of-
court to declare such acts invalid. fences willful failure to comply with the
Execution of laws is verified on prosecutor's requirements being within
the basis of the information received by its powers established by the federal law,
prosecutorial authorities on violations of is punishable by an administrative fine
laws requiring the adoption of appropri- on officials – from twenty to thirty mini-
ate measures. mum wages.
Recommendation on remedying Depending on the nature of the
violations of the law is submitted by a violation by the law officer the prosecu-

Features of the prosecutor's supervision over the execution…

74 Matters of Russian and International Law. 7-8`2013

tor issues a reasoned decree to institute executive bodies, including the constitu-
criminal proceedings or administrative ent entities of Russia. Currently in Rus-
proceedings. The prosecutor's decree on sia there is not the system but rather the
administrative violation shall be issued: combination of the supervisory bodies,
immediately after the fact of an adminis- there is no unification of legal acts.
trative offense was disclosed; if addition- The system for legal regulation
al clarification of the case circumstances of the bodies responsible for executing
is needed or data on an individual or a laws on federal security, international
legal entity in respect of which proceed- relations and combating extremism is
ings on administrative offense are initi- a multilevel structure of legal regula-
ated  – two days after an administrative tions having a close interaction and mu-
offense was detected. The prosecutor's tual interdependence. The legislation
decree on administrative offense is sent clearly defines the place of the bodies
to judge, to authority, or official autho- responsible for executing laws on fed-
rized to hear the case of an administra- eral security, international relations and
tive offense, within a day from the date of combating extremism in Russian secu-
court order on an administrative offense. rity system and system of governmental
The prosecutor's decree on administra- bodies. Legal regulation of their activity
tive offense, which involves administra- is characterized by the insufficient estab-
tive arrest or administrative deportation, lishment of specified bodies' competence
is submitted to the judge immediately af- in frames of the federal laws, including
ter its pronouncement. The decree on the the competence which affects the consti-
case concerning administrative offense tutional rights and freedoms of citizens
is declared immediately after the termi- that can and should be compensated by
nation of the proceedings. The prosecu- an adequate change in the regulations
tor is informed on the results of hearings determining their legal status.
in writing. Efficiency in organizing prosecu-
torial supervision over the implementa-
Conclusion tion of laws on federal security, intereth-
nic relations and combating extremism
Thus, executing laws on federal involves the increase in efficiency of in-
security, international relations and com- formation and analytical framework that
bating extremism is carried out by state serves as a basis for planning superviso-

Plieva A.S.
Publishing House "ANALITIKA RODIS" 75

ry measures and evaluating their results. may be possibly improved by issuing

This is due to the fact that the absence joint interagency regulations (the Gener-
of complete data on the performance of al Prosecutor of the Russian Federation
public bodies makes it impossible for and public authorities executing the law
prosecutors to forecast the development on federal security, international rela-
of situation in the sphere of public rela- tions and combating extremism), which
tions, which is by conventionally called obliges public authorities to submit re-
as "execution of laws on federal secu- ports on key indicators of investigative,
rity, international relations and combat- operational investigative and counterin-
ing extremism." In its turn, this situation telligence activities to the prosecutorial
causes a decrease in the effectiveness of authorities (except for indicators being a
the coordinating function of prosecutors state secret and characterizing the state
in their fight against crime. This situation of undercover unit).


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Особенности прокурорского надзора за исполнением

законов о федеральной безопасности, межнациональных
отношениях и противодействии экстремизму

Плиева Айна Салмановна

Помощник руководителя следственного отдела по г. Карабулак,
Следственное управление Следственного ко­митета РФ по Республике Ингушетия,
386001, Россия, Ингушетия, Магас, ул. Д. Мальсагова, 23;

Исследуются особенности прокурорского надзора за исполнением зако­
нов о федеральной безопасности, межнациональных отношениях и про­
тиводействии экстремизму. Определяются характерные черты прокурор­
ского надзора за исполнением законодательства в этой сфере надзорной

Features of the prosecutor's supervision over the execution…

78 Matters of Russian and International Law. 7-8`2013

Ключевые слова
Прокурорский надзор, федеральная безопасность, межнациональные от­
ношения, противодействие экстремизму, предмет, объект.


1. Винокуров А. Борьба с экстремизмом средствами прокурорского надзора  //

Законность. – 2002. – № 11. – С. 33-36.
2. Клочков В. Становление правового государства и функции прокуратуры // За­
конность. – 1994. – № 6. – С. 28-31.
3. Конституция (Основной Закон) РСФСР 1918 года  // СУ РСФСР.  – 1919.  –
№ 12.– Ст. 130.
4. Коровин В. В. История отечественных органов безопасности.  – М., 1998.  –
256 с.
5. Ломовский В. Д. Прокурорско-надзорные правоотношения. – Ростов-на-Дону:
Изд-во Ростовского ун-та, 1987. – 196 с.
6. Очерки истории российской внешней разведки: В 6 т. – Т. 2: 1917-1933 годы. –
М.: Международные отношения, 1996. – 272 с.
7. Перечень сведений, отнесенных к государственной тайне. Утвержден ука-
зом Президента РФ от 2 августа 1996 №  1136  // СЗ РФ.  – 1995.  – №  49.  –
Ст. 4775.
8. Перечень сведений, отнесенных к государственной тайне. Утвержден ука-
зом Президента РФ от 2 августа 1996 №  1136  // СЗ РФ.  – 1998.  – №  5.  –
Ст. 4671.
9. Сологубов А.С. История и правовая природа прокуратуры Российской Феде­
рации // Право и жизнь. – 2006. – № 96(6). – C. 201-227.
10. Соломичев В.И. Прокурорский надзор за исполнением законов органами,
осуществляющими дознание и предварительное следствие. – М.: Экспертное
бюро-М, 1998. – 176 c.
11. Сумин А.А. Прокурорский надзор за исполнением законов органами феде­
ральной службы безопасности в Российской Федерации: правовые, органи­
зационные и методические аспекты: автореф. дис. … докт. юрид. наук. – М.,
1999. – 60 с.

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Publishing House "ANALITIKA RODIS" 79

12. Сумин А.А. Прокурорский надзор за расследованием преступлений, посягаю­

щих на внешнюю безопасность Российской Федерации: Научно-методическое
пособие. – М., 1999. – 19 с.
13. Указ Президента РФ от 11 августа 2003 г. № 960 «Вопросы Федеральной служ­
бы безопасности Российской Федерации» (с изменениями от 11 июля 2004 г.).
[Электронный ресурс].  – Режим доступа:
14. Федеральный закон от 03.04.1995 г. N 40-ФЗ «О федеральной службе безопас­
ности» (с изменениями от 30 декабря 1999 г., 7 ноября 2000 г., 30 декабря 2001 г., 7
мая, 25 июля 2002 г., 10 января, 30 июня 2003 г.). [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим
15. Федеральный закон от 10.02.1999 г. N 31-ФЗ «О прокуратуре Российской Фе­
дерации» // Российская газета. – № 30 (17.02.99).
16. Федеральный закон от 31.05.1996 г. №  61-ФЗ «Об обороне».  – [Элек-
тронный ресурс].  – Режим доступа:
17. Шумилов Н. Прокурорский надзор – театральная декорация на сцене деятель­
ности наших спецслужб // Российская юстиция. – 1995. – № 3. – С. 26-27.

Features of the prosecutor's supervision over the execution…

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