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12/17/21, 10:25 AM Try Out Quiz CLO-3: Attempt review


Dashboard / My courses / CII2G3-IF-44-INT / WEEK-10: CLO 4 – SAMPLING DISTRIBUTION / Try Out Quiz CLO-3

Started on Thursday, 16 December 2021, 9:49 PM

State Finished

Completed on Thursday, 16 December 2021, 11:19 PM

Time taken 1 hour 29 mins

Marks 8.50/12.00

Grade 70.83 out of 100.00

Question 1


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

[ID] 200  penumpang telah memesan tiket untuk suatu penerbangan luar negeri. Peluang penumpang yang telah mempunyai tiket
ternyata tidak datang sebesar 0.007.  Pilih pernyataan yang benar ...

[EN] 200 passengers already made payment for an international flight. A probability that passengers not attending their flight is 
0.007 . Which one of the following are true ...

Hint: n = 200 → ∞, θ → 0

Select one or more:

 A. X ∼ P oisson(λ = 1.4)

B. X ∼ P oisson(λ = 0.7)

 C. P (X = 2) = 0.2417

 D. X ∼ Binomial(200, 0.007)

E. P (X = 2) = 0.3241 1/9
12/17/21, 10:25 AM Try Out Quiz CLO-3: Attempt review

Question 2


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

[ID] Pada tahun 2019 dilakukan penelitian di pedalaman desa Alamjaya. Diperoleh data bahwa rata-rata terdapat 2.5 orang berambut
lurus dari 175 orang. Tahun ini (2020) diambil 525 orang sebagai sampel. Tentukan peluang paling banyak dua orang di 2020 orang yang
memiliki rambut lurus?

Tulis dalam desimal dengan '.' dan tiga angka dibelakang titik, contoh 0.030.

Petunjuk:  X ∼ P oisson(λ)

[EN] In 2019, a research is conducted in Alamjaya village with sample 175people. The research revealed that people in the village have
straight hair with the average 2.5. This year (2020), the researcher randomly picks 525 people as sample. Determine the probability
that at most two people in 2020 has straight hair?

Write in decimal with '.' and three numbers after full-stop, example 0.030.

Hint:  X ∼ P oisson(λ)

Answer: 0.71271

Question 3


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

[ID] Pimpinan KPK sebanyak tiga orang akan dipilih secara acak dari polisi dan profesional.
Jika terdapat lima kandidat polisi  dan
empat kandidat profesional yang memenuhi. Tentukan ekspektasi kandidat profesional terpilih ...

[EN] KPK consist of three managerial leaders that randomly chosen from police and expertise. There are five polices and four professionals
candidates. Determine expectation of professionals are chosen ...

Select one:




d. 2/9
12/17/21, 10:25 AM Try Out Quiz CLO-3: Attempt review

Question 4


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

[ID] Sebuah
toko elektronik memiliki 600 lampu putih dan 400 lampu kuning.
Jika seorang konsumen membeli 20 lampu secara
acak dari toko tersebut. Berapa peluang bahwa terdapat lima lampu kuning ...

[EN] An electronic store provides 600 white lamps and 400 yellow lamps. If a consumer decides to buy 20 lamps randomly.  What is
the probability five yellow lamps are chosen ...

Select one:

a. 0.750

b. 0.075

c. 0.025

d. 0.503

Question 5


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

[ID] Banyaknya panggilan yang diterima oleh suatu mesin penerima panggilan  berdistribusi Poisson dengan rata-rata menerima 5
panggilan/menit. Tentukan nilai mean dan variansinya dalam empat menit ...

[EN] The number of received calls from a machine is Poisson distributed with the average 5 calls/minute. Determine the mean and
variance in four minutes ...

Select one or more:

a. E(X) = 15

 b. V ar(X) = 20

c. V ar(X) = 4

d. E(X) = 4

 e. E(X) = 20 3/9
12/17/21, 10:25 AM Try Out Quiz CLO-3: Attempt review

Question 6


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

[ID] Dalam satu minggu komputer akan mengalami kelambanan proses merupakan peubah acak yang berdistribusi Poisson dengan
λ = 0.2 . Peluang bahwa paling banyak satu komputer akan mengalami kelambanan dalam waktu dua minggu adalah ...

[EN] In a week, a delaying process in computers is Poisson distributed with λ = 0.2 . What is the probability that at most one
computer will be delayed in processing in two weeks ...

Select one:

a. 0.9384

b. 0

c. 0.1563

d. 0.0615

Question 7


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

[ID] Sebuah mesin pemotong

kayu  menghasilkan lembaran dengan
ketebalan (dalam cm) berkisar antara 150 dan 200 . Jika
ketebalan kayu  dianggap berdistribusi Uniform, maka
fungsi peluangnya adalah ...

[EN] A wood-cutter machine produces plywood sheets with a particular dense between 150 and 200 cm. Suppose the wood thickness
followed Uniform distribution, then the probability function will be ...

Select one:

f (x) = 1 , 0 ≤ x ≤1

f (x) = , 150 ≤ x ≤ 200

f (x) = , 0 ≤ x ≤ 50

f (x) = , 150 ≤ x ≤ 200
6 4/9
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Question 8


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

[ID] Waktu untuk truk mengangkut beton ke lokasi suatu konstruksi berdistribusi Uniform selama interval 50 hingga 70 menit.
Berapa peluang bahwa waktu truk mengangkut beton akan melebihi 65 menit.

[EN] An amount of time for truck contained with concretes heading to particular construction is Uniformly distributed within interval 
50 until 70  minutes. Find the probability that the truck need more than 65 minutes to arrive in the location.

Select one:




Question 9


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

[ID] Rata-rata perintah mencetak  dikirim dari komputer ke printer adalah 3 pekerjaan per jam. Berapa rata-rata waktu antara
setiap perintah mencetak?

[EN] A average of sending printing orders from a computer is three task per hour. Then, how is the average of interarrival time
between each printing orders?

Select one:

3 menit


5 menit

20 menit 5/9
12/17/21, 10:25 AM Try Out Quiz CLO-3: Attempt review

Question 10


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

[ID] Kedatangan pembeli di Toko Litlemart mengikuti distribusi Eksponensial  dengan rata-rata 5.8 setiap 50 menit. Berapa
kedatangan pembeli selang waktu 15 menit atau kurang?

[EN] The number of Litlemart visitors is following Exponential distribution with mean 5.8 every 50 minutes. Find the probability that
the visitor come in 15 minutes or less?

Hint. X ∼ Exp( 1

), μ is mean of time,
P (X ≤ a) = 1 − e

Select one:




Question 11


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

[ID] Seorang pekerja setiap hari menggunakan angkutan umum

dari rumah ke kantor. Rata-rata waktu yang diperlukan untuk
menempuh satu
kali perjalanan adalah 24 menit dengan standar deviasi 3.8 menit. Diasumsikan waktu tempuh rumah ke kantor
berdistribusi Normal. Tentukan peluang dalam satu kali perjalanan memerlukan waktu kurang dari 30 menit adalah ...

[EN] An officer always goes to office using public transportation and he spend 24 minutes on average from home to his office with
standard deviation is 3.8 minutes. Suppose his trip to office follows Normal distribution. Determine the probability that he will spend
less than 30 minutes oh his trip ...

Select one:




0.94 6/9
12/17/21, 10:25 AM Try Out Quiz CLO-3: Attempt review

Question 12


Mark 0.50 out of 1.00

[ID] Diketahui 30% pengguna media sosial menggunakan Instagram. Misalkan X adalah banyaknya pengguna Instagram, jika
dipilih 200 orang pengguna media sosial secara acak, maka ...

Petunjuk. Gunakan toleransi pendekatan diskrit ke kontinu.

[EN] Given that 30% of social media users prefers Instagram rather than others. Suppose X is the number of Instagram users, if 200
social media users are chosen randomly, then ... 

Hint. Use the margin continuous transformation from discrete.

Select one or more:

a. P (X < 50) = 0.052

 b. μ X = 60; σX = 6.48

c. P (X < 50) = 0.061

d. μ X = 7.74; σX = 42 7/9
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12/17/21, 10:25 AM Try Out Quiz CLO-3: Attempt review

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