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UWI1A2-English for Global Career Readiness

My Dream Job

Retno Hendryan,, Ph.D

Department of Learning Services, Curriculum Development, and

Student Internship
Telkom University
Course Learning Outcomes - CLO 2

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

CLO 01 CLO 02 CLO 03 CLO 04

use simple sentences in use simple and compound use complex sentences use simple, compound, and
complex sentences in present
present tense to present sentences in present to in present tense to describe tense to describe (1) the work
some interesting facts par8cipate in short your dream job with sufficient culture in their home country;
about themselves in the conversa8ons about details regarding the name of a (2) the work culture in their
dream country; (3) similarities
form of a monolog with themselves, especially about posi8on as well as the task and and differences of two
“intermediate mid” fluency their experience of being responsibili8es pertaining to countries; and (4) your dream
job abroad with the fluency
level freshmen with “intermediate the posi8on with level of intermediate-high.
mid” fluency level “intermediate mid” fluency
Focus of Lesson 5 3

In this lesson, you will learn:

Present Tense Colloca9ons Actively engaged in conversations

use complex sentences in present Collocation with the word My dream job
tense to describe your dream job with
sufficient details regarding the name of
a position ion with “intermediate mid”
fluency level
Job titles you may think about:

ü Quality Assurance Manager ü Account Auditor
ü Quality Control Representative (QC ü Accountant
ü Auditor
ü Industrial Engineering Analyst
ü Financial Auditor
ü Multimedia Telecommunications
Systems Integrator ü Financial Accountant
ü Telecommunications Management ü Business Development Director
ü Communica6on Manager
ü Telecommunication Systems Designer
ü Director of Development and Public
ü Application Programmer Analyst
ü Object-Oriented Programmer
ü Media Rela6ons Director
4 Reference:
Job titles you may think about:


ü Market Risk Analyst ü Computer Game Designer
ü Operational Risk Analyst ü Computer Video Game Designer
ü Media Relations Director ü Game Engineer
ü Director of Communications ü Video Game Maker
ü Art Framing Manager ü 3D Artist
ü Newscast Director ü Mural Artist
ü Television Producer ü Medical Illustrator
ü Beaded Jewelry Artist
ü Comic Book Designer
5 Reference:hKps://
Job titles you may think about:
ü Computer-aided drafting.
ü Network administration.
ü Food Photographer
ü Food truck owner
ü Food writier
ü Airline Radio Operator
ü Radio Communication Coordinator
ü Signals Analyst
ü Antenna Installer
ü Customer Service Technician (CST
ü Data Communications Technician
6 Reference:hKps://

Let’s Review what a collocation is

Ø a word or phrase that sounds natural and correct when it is used with
another word or phrase (Cambridge Learner’s Dic,onary)
Ø a no,ceable arrangement or conjoining of linguis,c elements ,such as
words (Merriam-Webster Dic,onary)
Ø The combina,on of words consists of various part of speech with no
exact rules.
Ø It is based on how na,ve speakers combines the words.
Ø The combina,ons just sounds right to na,ve speakers who use them
all the ,me.
§ to save time (verb + noun)
§ have so much in common (verb + phrase)
§ outgoing personality (adjective + noun)
§ extremely important (adverb = adjective; also
called adjective phrase)
7 § A pile of books (noun + noun)
Remember, here are three strategies
you can do to learn English colloca9on:
1. Regularly read authen?c reading sources writen by
English na?ve speakers.
2. Regularly watch or listen to the news or your
favorite shows in English.
3. Regularly prac?ce your English thorugh speaking
and wri?ng ac?vi?es.

8 Sumber Referensi:

Colloca9ons to describe your dream job

ü very undemanding job

ü challenging job
ü ideal job
ü demanding job
ü decent job
ü regular job
ü worthwhile job
ü steady job
ü plum job
ü boring job
ü dead-end job
v It's a regular 9-to-5 job.
v Having a steady job will help you when applying for a loan.
v I think it's ,me for me to find a more challenging job and look for other opportuni,es.
v She got a plum job at the Metro TV.

9 Reference: hKps://
Review of Complex Sentence Structure

Independent clause + at least one dependent clause

Independent Clause Dependent Clause

Bambang wants to be an Applica,on who design, develop and implement computer

Programmer Analyst programs

Complex sentence

Bambang wants to be an Applica,on Programmer Analyst, someone who design, develop

and implement computer programs.

10 Sumber Referensi:


Picture is downloaded from: h"ps://


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