The Digital Workforce and The Workplace of The Future

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The Digital Workforce and the Workplace of the Future

Article  in  The Academy of Management Journal · June 2016

DOI: 10.5465/amj.2016.4003


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3 authors, including:

Gerard George
Georgetown University


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r Academy of Management Journal
2016, Vol. 59, No. 3, 731–739.



Editor’s note: This editorial is part of a series written and social media right at their fingertips (Smith,
by editors and co-authored with a senior executive, 2015), and they take full advantage of this access.
thought leader, or scholar from a different field, to According to a study conducted by Nokia, the aver-
explore new content areas and grand challenges with age American smartphone user checks their phone
the goal of expanding the scope, interestingness, and every six and a half minutes, or up to 150 times per
relevance of the work presented in the Academy of day (Spencer, 2013). With this increasing use of
Management Journal. The principle is to use the edi-
technology, major changes have occurred in the way
torial notes as “stage setters” to open up fresh, new
that we live our lives. We are in near constant com-
areas of inquiry for management research. GG
munication with one another, and our lives are
You do not have to look far to find evidence that chronicled for friends and followers in real time on
technology plays a growing role in our lives. In 2015, social media.
more than three billion people had access to the In- This editorial complements our earlier efforts calling
ternet worldwide (Internet World Stats, 2015). While for management research that examines the assump-
that number represents slightly less than half of the tions and effects of the changing workforce. Our initial
world’s population, access is more widespread in focus was on digital technologies as platforms—the
developed countries, with almost 90% of North editorial on “Managing digital money” opened the
Americans having Internet access (Internet World discussion on how technology is shaping our funda-
Stats, 2015). Within this context, special attention is mental beliefs on the socio-materiality of money, per-
being paid to the technology usage of young people. ceptions of value, and its implications for organizations
Referred to as “digital natives” (Prensky, 2001), these (Dodgson, Gann, Wladwsky-Berger, Sultan, & George,
individuals cannot remember the first time they 2015). The subsequent thematic issue on “Information,
accessed the Internet. They are completely at home attention, and decision-making” showcased how digi-
in the world of digital devices and rely heavily on tal and mobile technologies are shaping individual
technology for learning, communicating, and enter- behaviors such as creativity, information overload, and
tainment. Within five minutes of waking up, at least employee well-being as well as organizational chal-
25% of teenagers have reached for a smartphone or lenges of managing data pervasiveness and the strategic
other electronic device (Ipsos MediaCT & Wikia, costs of information (van Knippenberg, Dahlander,
2013). Tweens (children of ages 8 through 12) aver- Haas, & George, 2015). In “Managing by design,” the
age slightly more than four-and-a-half hours of emphasis was on the principles behind a new work-
screen media time each day, while teens (ages 13 place experience that called for design thinking and
through 18) average slightly over six-and-a-half management research on employee experiences, col-
hours on screens, and this excludes time spent in laborative practices, and the need for sensory and
school or on homework (Common Sense Media, emotional engagement in the workplace (Gruber, Leon,
2015). Further, many teenagers multitask when us- George, & Thompson, 2015). Now, we complete the
ing media, monitoring Twitter feeds and SnapChat series with a focus on the individual and how digital
messages while watching a video on YouTube (Nass, natives entering the workforce differ in their expecta-
2013). For many teenagers, technology use is a con- tions of work and work practices, as well as how these
stant, with 44% reporting that they never fully “un- differences might influence the future workplace.
plug” (Ipsos MediaCT & Wikia, 2013). In this editorial, we explore the ways that the in-
However, digital natives are not the only heavy users creasing prevalence of technology influences the way
of technology. “Digital immigrants”—adults who have that people approach work. We consider how the
readily adopted technology as it has become available competencies developed by digital natives and digital
(Prensky, 2001)—are increasingly comfortable with immigrants, referred to as the “digital workforce,”
and reliant on technology. For 64% of American may benefit the organizations in which they work and
adults, smartphones put access to the Internet, email, how the increasing use of technology may influence
Copyright of the Academy of Management, all rights reserved. Contents may not be copied, emailed, posted to a listserv, or otherwise transmitted without the copyright holder’s express
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732 Academy of Management Journal June

identity development and patterns of relating within online role-playing games (MMORPGs) such as World
organizations. We also discuss how technology in- of Warcraft or EverQuest. While some MMORPGs can
fluences the way that work is structured and carried be played solo or with computer-simulated team-
out. Finally, we consider how jobs and organizations mates, many of the tasks that must be completed in
might be redesigned to take advantage of the compe- these games require the cooperation of a group of
tencies of a digital workforce, to ensure effective players. In World of Warcraft, groups are needed to
communication and collaboration, and to leverage accomplish tasks such as slaying the dragon or taking
technology while countering its potential downsides. on the high-end dungeons, which require 10 to
Because digital natives are just starting to enter the 25 players. These tasks also require a specific com-
workforce and the role of technology in our lives is bination of roles, making it difficult to quickly form an
constantly shifting, we are only beginning to un- ad hoc group that possesses the necessary combina-
derstand the implications for how people approach tion of skills. Instead, players strategically form guilds
work and how work could be redesigned. made up of members with complementary skillsets
who have some degree of loyalty to one another.
THE DIGITAL WORKFORCE Managing a guild entails many of the same challenges
as managing work groups. Guilds tend to have high
Competencies of the Digital Workforce levels of diversity, with players of different ages,
The digital workforce has developed many com- backgrounds, and life experiences coming together to
petencies in the course of their interactions with complete a task. Completing a task often provides the
technology that may be leveraged at work. Among guild with access to a limited amount of rare loot,
the most obvious of these competencies is their which must then be divided among the members of
proficiency and comfort in achieving desired out- the guild. Managing conflict in the context of high
comes using technology, often referred to as “digital diversity and limited resources is as difficult in an
fluency” (Briggs & Makice, 2012). Digital fluency online game as it is in the world of work. Guild leaders
goes beyond simply knowing how to use a few in games like World of Warcraft explicitly compare
programs or basic applications. Those who are their role as guild leaders to real-life managerial roles
digitally fluent have achieved a level of proficiency (Yee, 2014). Research is needed to investigate the
that allows them to manipulate information, con- degree to which leadership skills developed online
struct ideas, and use technology to achieve strategic transfer to work and to explore the potential of using
goals (Hsi, 2007). Although digital natives are often virtual worlds for leadership development (e.g., Lisk,
characterized as having high levels of digital flu- Kaplancali, & Riggio, 2012).
ency simply because of the ubiquitous nature Online games may also train people to task risks
of technology in their lives, it is experience with and learn from their mistakes, another competency
technology, rather than generational membership, that is valued in many of today’s workplaces (Glen,
that best predicts digital fluency (Bennett, Maton, & Suciu, & Baughn, 2014). Games are specifically
Kervin, 2008; Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005). Thus, designed to place obstacles in the path of gamers so
both digital natives and digital immigrants may that they must fail, learn, and try again. Without this
have the digital fluency that is necessary to utilize challenge, there would be no point to the game.
technology to manipulate data, creatively represent Thus, gamers are accustomed to learning by trial
information, solve problems, and design new and error, a technique that is key to design thinking
products and ways of working. Future research is and innovation processes (Brown & Martin, 2015).
needed to fully understand how digital fluency may Survey data reported by Beck and Wade (2004)
influence job performance and career progression show that this experience of learning from failure
across a range of professions. may cause gamers to be more willing to take risks
However, the competencies possessed by a digital than nongamers, even outside the gaming context.
workforce go beyond digital fluency. The activities Of course, it is key to remember that games are
that they engage in provide the opportunities for the designed to present players with optimal chal-
development of other skills as well. For example, in lenges, matched to their skill level (McGonigal,
his research on how playing online games and 2011). Thus, organizations will be able to leverage
interacting in virtual worlds change us, Yee (2014) risk-taking propensities most effectively by ensur-
found that gamers may develop important leader- ing that employees are presented with optimally
ship skills while playing massively multiplayer challenging tasks (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990).
2016 Colbert, Yee, and George 733

Identity Development and Interpersonal Relating address the possibility of reduced self-awareness
and authenticity among members of the digital
While the digital workforce clearly brings impor-
workforce while also remaining aware of the ways
tant competencies to the workplace, the prevalence
that technology might be used to promote healthy
of technology in employees’ lives may also impact
identity development.
identity development and expression, interpersonal
The prevalence of technology in our daily lives
relating, and collaborating in ways that have impor-
may also impact the quality of our interactions. In her
tant implications for organizations. Emerging re-
book Alone together: Why we expect more from
search shows that the increasing use of technology has
technology and less from each other, Turkle (2011)
complex effects on the development and expression
observed that the continual presence of technology
of identity. The ubiquitous presence of technology in
has changed how we interact with one another and
our lives may limit opportunities to develop deep what we expect from our relationships. According to
levels of self-awareness and to behave authentically. a Gallup poll (Newport, 2014), texting is the most
Whether waiting in line at the grocery store or for prevalent form of communication for adults under
the tip-off at a basketball game, we rarely just wait. 50, with nearly two-thirds of 18- to 29-year-olds
Technology provides a welcome distraction during saying that they texted “a lot” on the previous day.
these times, but, without those moments of un- Connecting via text is seen as more efficient and al-
scheduled solitude, we may not find the opportu- lows us to edit and self-present in a way that face-to-
nity for reflection that increases our self-awareness face or telephone conversations do not. Perhaps as
(Erikson, 1980; Turkle, 2015). Self-awareness may a result of their reliance on communicating via email
also become more difficult because of the many or text, employers say that young adults have trouble
opportunities for self-presentation in digital worlds. starting and ending conversations and report that
Whether crafting a text or curating a social media talking on the telephone makes them nervous
profile, individuals have the opportunity to create an (Turkle, 2015). This is problematic because face-
aspirational image rather than presenting an authen- to-face communication has some advantages over
tic self (Turkle, 2015). Over time, the opportunity to technologically mediated communication. In texts
develop multiple identities may obscure people’s or emails, we lose the ability to ask questions that do
awareness of who they really are and their ability to not have easy replies, to develop closeness, and to
act authentically. feel known and understood. Even when we are with
On the other hand, although the opportunity to another person, we may miss out on the benefits
be someone else for a while may draw people to of face-to-face conversation because our smart-
online worlds, they often choose avatars that pro- phones are often close at hand, ready to interrupt our
mote identity development. As Turkle (2015: 84) conversations with a single buzz. In fact, a new
explained, “When people construct an avatar, they word—“phubbing”—has been added to the dictio-
often give it qualities that allow them to express as- nary to describe the act of maintaining eye contact
pects of themselves they would like to explore.” while texting (Turkle, 2015). Again, this is problem-
Consistent with this idea, Bessière, Seay, and Kiesler atic because the mere presence of a cell phone
(2007) found that the personality traits of the main during a face-to-face conversation reduces ratings
characters created in World of Warcraft were more of closeness, trust, and relationship quality, even
similar to players’ ideal selves than their actual per- when the phone is not used during the conversation
sonalities were. In this way, online identities can (Przybylski & Weinstein, 2013).
serve as provisional selves, allowing people to ex- It is also possible that increased usage of tech-
periment with and elaborate on possible selves that nology is associated with declining levels of em-
point the way for identity development (Ibarra, pathy. Empathy is most broadly defined as “the
1999). Additionally, Gonzales and Hancock (2011) reactions of one individual to the observed experi-
found that viewing one’s own Facebook profile en- ences of another” (Davis, 1983: 113). It includes
hances self-esteem, likely due to the selective self- both a cognitive understanding of the other’s per-
presentation present in most Facebook profiles. spective and an affective response to the other’s
However, this effect was dampened for those who experiences. A cross-temporal meta-analysis found
also viewed others’ Facebook profiles, likely due to that dispositional empathy levels decreased be-
a comparison effect. Given the complex association tween 1979 and 2009 among college students in the
between technology use and identity development, United States (Konrath, O’Brien, & Hsing, 2011).
managers and organizations need to consider how to Specifically, empathic concern, or other-oriented
734 Academy of Management Journal June

feelings of sympathy (Davis, 1983), decreased by 48% knowledge-sharing platforms have become ubiqui-
among college students over this time period, and tous within organizations, and have become central
perspective taking, or the tendency to understand to problem solving in multi-location, geographically
others’ viewpoints (Davis, 1983), decreased by 34%. dispersed offices (e.g., Haas, Criscuolo, & George,
Although the study was not designed to examine why 2015). However, the increasing use of technology
empathy is declining, the authors speculated that the also presents challenges. Much recent research has
increasing use of technology, especially social media, focused on the challenges presented by email and
may play a role (Konrath et al., 2011; see also Turkle, other information and communication technolo-
2015). Social media not only encourages a focus on gies. In a study of escalation engineers, technology
the self by allowing users to document every aspect of writers, and marketing personnel at a technology
their lives, but may also result in more distant in- company, Barley, Meyerson, and Grodal (2011)
terpersonal connections that make it difficult to take found that employees who spend more time pro-
another person’s perspective or express concern for cessing email perceived higher levels of overload
another’s feelings. The kinds of fully present, face-to- at work. Because email is set up such that unread
face interactions that foster empathy have become messages are retained in an inbox and responses
less common in a world of digital communication. can be sent at any time of day, email backlogs were
However, research has shown that the effects of common. Employees felt normative pressure to
technology on empathy may be reversible. Uhls and avoid an email backlog because they did not want
colleagues (2014) studied a group of preteens who to appear unresponsive or miss important in-
attended a camp that prohibited technology, in- formation. Thus, email has become a cultural
cluding telephones, computers, and televisions. symbol of excessive work demands. Further, with
Without the option to communicate via technology, the continuous interruptions that come via email,
the campers engaged in increased amounts of in- people may have a difficult time focusing their at-
person interactions. After five days at camp, the tention on complex problem-solving or creative
preteens’ ability to recognize nonverbal emotion idea-generation tasks (Jackson, Dawson, & Wilson,
cues improved significantly more than that of 2001). While the productivity and well-being ben-
a matched control group. Although it is not possible to efits of being fully immersed in an activity are well
determine the exact cause of this effect, the idea that established (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990), achieving
limiting technology use or increasing in-person con- flow may be difficult in a technologically connected
nections might increase emotion recognition, a key workspace.
step in the process to empathic concern, is intriguing. Additionally, technology has blurred the lines
More research is needed to fully understand how between work and nonwork domains (Ramarajan &
digitally mediated communication may influence Reid, 2013; Reyt & Wiesenfeld, 2015). While email,
communication, relationship quality, and empathy, the Internet, and even social media are integral
especially in the workplace. Further, as digital natives tools for doing work, they also provide easy access
enter the workforce, research is needed to shed light to family, friends, online shopping, and other
on the ways in which their experience with techno- nonwork purposes while at work. Almost all em-
logically mediated communication influences their ployees (83%) admit to using technology at work
communication styles, levels of empathic concern, for personal use (Cisco, 2008); however, it is when
and collaboration preferences. this usage diverts employee attention in a way that
reduces productivity or introduces security risks
that organizations become concerned (Stanko &
Beckman, 2015). Further, technology makes it
Just as increased technology usage has influenced possible for employees to remain connected to
the competencies, self-awareness, and relational work when they are at home (Boswell & Olson-
expectations of the digital workforce, the way that Buchanan, 2007; Perlow, 2012). Being able to re-
work is structured and carried out has also been spond to email from the stands of a little league
impacted by technological developments. In many baseball game can provide much-needed flexibil-
ways, these developments have been positive. Em- ity for employees; however, responding to emails
ployees have a world of information at their finger- during nonwork hours reduces the opportunity
tips, can collaborate with colleagues across the for psychological detachment, relaxation, and re-
globe, and can deliver products with increasing ca- covery (Sonnentag, Binnewies, & Mojza, 2008),
pabilities at decreasing costs. For instance, digital and ultimately may lead to a norm of constant
2016 Colbert, Yee, and George 735

connectivity that reduces the sense of autonomy workforce will share the workplace with an older
(Mazmanian, Orlikowski, & Yates, 2013). In a study of cohort of co-workers less comfortable with tech-
the daily intrusions of email in nonworking hours, nology, organizations will also need to reconcile
Butts, Becker, and Boswell (2015) found that time the conflicts that may arise as these groups collab-
required to respond to email outside of work was as- orate. Research is needed to determine how to de-
sociated with higher levels of anger, which in turn led sign jobs in ways that best leverage digital fluency
to increased work–family conflict. and to explore how variance in digital fluency im-
Given what we know about the characteristics pacts conflict and collaboration in diverse groups.
of the digital workforce and the increasing use of In addition to bringing high levels of digital fluency
technology at work, the question remains regarding to the workplace, the digital workforce may respond
how organizations can most effectively manage the well to motivation strategies that are similar to those
digital workforce and leverage technology while used in virtual worlds. In fact, “gamification”—the
avoiding potential downsides. Research has only application of game design principles in other con-
begun to provide guidance on these issues. In the texts (Robson, Plangger, Kietzmann, McCarthy, & Pitt,
next section, we consider ways in which work might 2015)—has already become a popular strategy for in-
be redesigned and coordinated to take advantage of creasing employee motivation in business organiza-
the competencies of a digital workforce, to promote tions (Gartner, 2011). In her book, Reality is broken:
effect communication and collaboration, and to en- Why games make us better and how they can change
sure that technology is most effectively used as a tool the world, McGonigal (2011) suggested that organi-
in service of the organization’s goals. zations might be wise to consider how online games
motivate us by providing clear goals and real-time
feedback that helps us track progress toward our
REDESIGNING WORK FOR A DIGITAL goals. In addition, current models of gamification are
WORKFORCE built around the principles of providing the right level
Leveraging Competencies and Motivations of challenge and rewarding people frequently for
achieving goals. These strategies are consistent with
With the increasing prevalence of technology in current motivation theories (Hackman & Oldham,
everyday life, even entry-level workers may join the 1980; Locke & Latham, 2002), but more research is
workforce with high levels of digital fluency. This needed to examine how the design and imple-
competency can be valuable to organizations in mentation of gamification systems impact motiva-
a number of different ways. The digital workforce tion, especially over the long term. Further, it is
will likely be comfortable with technology-based possible that applications of gamification could be
instruction (Kraiger & Ford, 2006), giving organiza- refined to focus on fulfilling employees’ in-
tions a low-cost, replicable solution for helping em- dividualized needs. Online game players have been
ployees develop the skills that they need. As it found to differ from one another in their motiva-
becomes less common for teams to be co-located, tions for playing online games, with some striving
organizations need employees who are proficient in for achievement, others for social connection, and
using virtual collaboration tools, such as Google others for immersion (Yee, 2006). As a result, games
Drive for collaborative writing, Trello for collabora- are designed to allow players to customize the ex-
tive project management, and Yammer or Slack for perience to best meet their needs. It is possible that
communication and enterprise-level social net- gamification within business organizations could
working. Further, with more organizations using be similarly customizable to allow employees to
firm-generated social media content to connect craft their work experiences in ways that are con-
with customers and build their brands, employees sistent with their individualized needs.
who understand and can leverage the power of
social media will also be valuable to organiza-
Encouraging Mindful Usage
tions (Kumar, Bezawada, Rishika, Janakiraman, &
Kannan, 2016). Along with the entry of digital na- Organizations may also consider how to encourage
tives into the workforce, improvements in health mindful usage of technology in ways that promote
care and longevity have allowed individuals to time for focused thinking, opportunities for recovery,
work longer, creating an aging workforce in many and effective collaboration. For example, some orga-
countries of the developed world (Kulik, Ryan, nizations are experimenting with technology-free
Harper, & George, 2014). Given that the digital meetings (De Vita, 2015) in the hope that reduced
736 Academy of Management Journal June

multitasking will make meetings more efficient. found that multiple strategies were required to en-
Similarly, some organizations are reducing their re- sure that employees used technology mindfully.
liance on email, encouraging more face-to-face com- Both global and situational controls were used to
munication (Burkus, 2016) in an attempt to increase monitor technology usage, remind people of appro-
the efficiency of problem solving and decision mak- priate usage practices, and limit technology usage
ing. This solution, with its opportunities for more in an effort to manage employee attention, reduce
direct communication, may also have the benefit of the potential for the sharing of sensitive informa-
increasing empathy, as compared to technologically tion, and prevent information-technology security
mediated communication methods (Uhls et al., 2014). breaches. It is also important to recognize that the
Additionally, employees who are responsible for idea most effective way to use technology may vary from
generation or complex problem solving may see in- person to person. As Mazmanian (2013) found in her
creases in their effectiveness if they schedule periods ethnography of the introduction of Blackberries at
of work that are uninterrupted by email or other a footwear manufacturer, one employee group de-
technological intrusions (Sykes, 2011). Finally, as we veloped communication norms that avoided the
noted above, technologically mediated communica- pressure for constant connectivity while also recog-
tions not only interrupt employees during the work- nizing that different members of the group would use
day, but also follow people home at night, increasing the new technology differently. Understanding how
perceptions of stress (Barley et al., 2011), anger, and to encourage this shared understanding of hetero-
work–family conflict (Butts et al., 2015). To help geneous communication practices may be espe-
employees find time for recovery and reduce work– cially important as digital natives—with their own
life conflict, organizations such as the Boston Con- ingrained habits of technology usage—enter the
sulting Group have experimented with giving workforce. Future research is needed to expand our
employees a smartphone-free night during the week understanding of how social controls work in concert
(Perlow, 2012). This may enable employees to con- with technological features and organizational poli-
nect with their families and truly recover from the cies to influence the ways in which we use technol-
stresses of the day (Sonnentag et al., 2008). ogy mindfully.
Research is needed not only to determine how
more mindful usage of technology influences em-
Technological Advances in Virtual Collaborations
ployee engagement and effectiveness, but also to
determine how to most effectively create norms Finally, a digital workforce may develop new ways
around these practices. Practices such as continually of working that leverage the full capabilities of
checking email at work and at home have become technology. Without question, technology is preva-
ingrained habits for many people, making it difficult lent in today’s workplace. However, in many cases,
to reverse this trend. While it is possible that in- only a fraction of its potential is being utilized. Cur-
dividuals can be conditioned to use technology more rently, virtual meetings likely involve bringing video
consciously, it is likely that additional changes may feeds or avatars of all team members together in
be needed to change our technology usage patterns. a virtual room and providing all team members ac-
Some of these changes may come in the design of the cess to a shared workspace, but technology allows us
technology itself. Technological features influence to do much more. For example, Yee (2014) has sug-
the ways in which we interact with technology. For gested the possibility of having team members rep-
example, messaging software that is a part of project resented by avatars that grow in size based on the
management systems sorts and manages messages quantity of their participation or fade away as they
differently than email, allowing people to review remain silent. This visual reminder of unequal par-
messages associated with a single project as needed ticipation rates takes advantage of a technological
and separately from the general stream of commu- solution to help change behaviors in teams that are
nication. This technological design feature naturally concerned about making sure that the points of view
influences how messaging is used and its impact on of all members can be heard.
employees. However, while policies and technolog- In fact, technological advances may provide solu-
ical features may influence technology usage pat- tions to the very problems that have arisen with
terns, employees’ behavior within a situated context increased technology usage. Globalization and al-
is also likely shaped by situational controls and local ternative work arrangements have led to increasing
norms regarding technology usage. In a qualitative usage of virtual teams, but virtuality can make co-
study of the U.S. Navy, Stanko and Beckman (2015) ordination across team members challenging and
2016 Colbert, Yee, and George 737

may lead to reduced effectiveness unless virtual the growing use of technology by a digital workforce,
teams are managed appropriately (Gilson, Maynard, but also to provide guidance about how best to utilize
Young, Vartiainen, & Hakonen, 2015). To that end, technology in the service of organizational goals. We
virtual teams are increasingly using advanced tech- encourage management scholars to delve deeper into
nological solutions that facilitate collaboration, the world of digital natives in order to guide the na-
communication, and document sharing (Gilson ture of future work itself.
et al., 2015); however, the use of even more immer-
sive technologies may help virtual teams members Amy Colbert
increase their presence, or the psychological expe- University of Iowa
rience of “being there” (Cummings & Bailenson,
Nick Yee
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