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((Q))1_PCCOE//Full form of E.I.A is ----------.

((A)) Environmental information & administration

((B)) Ecological information and assessment
((C)) Environmental Impact assessment
((D)) Ecological impact assessment

((Q))1_PCCOE//self nourishing living beings are termed as -------.

((A)) Autotrops
((B)) heterotrophs
((C)) Phototrophs
((D)) Herbitrophs

((Q))1_PCCOE//Autotrophs are aiso known as --------.

((A)) Photrophs
((B)) Producers
((C)) Herbivores
((D)) Heterotrophs
((E)) B

((Q))1_PCCOE//The organisms dirctly depending on Autotrophs are called -------.

((A)) Producers
((B)) Phototrophs
((C)) Decomposers
((D)) Heterotrophs
((E)) D

((Q))1_PCCOE//Most of the human activities are responsible for ---------.

((A)) Biodiversity
((B)) Environmental degradation
((C)) abiotic components
((D)) e-wastes
((E)) B

((Q))1_PCCOE//Meaning of biodiversity is ---------.

((A)) biological studies
((B)) Environmental degradation
((C)) varirty of biotic factors
((D)) ecosystem
((E)) C

((Q))1_PCCOE//Every ecosystem has-------major components

((A)) two
((B)) three
((C)) four
((D)) five
((E)) A

((Q))1_PCCOE//The dead or non-living components of an ecosystem is known as

((A)) non-renewable
((B)) biotic
((C)) biogeographic
((D)) abiotic
((E)) D

((Q))1_PCCOE//Meaning of foodchain is--------.

((A)) linear dependency for food
((B)) reversible dependency for food
((C)) mesh of food dependency
((D)) network of autotrophs
((E)) A

((Q))1_PCCOE//Different types of trees are --------category of forest ecosystem.

((A)) detritus
((B)) Producers
((C)) consumers
((D)) herbivorous
((E)) B

((Q))1_PCCOE// -------- is nothing but cross connections of food chain.

((A)) biogeography
((B)) heterotrophy
((C)) food web
((D)) autotrophy
((E)) C

((Q))1_PCCOE//Dead animals / organism are recycled by ---------through conversion

into simple compounds
((A)) decomposers
((B)) incineration
((C)) food web
((D)) heterotrophy
((E)) A

((Q))1_PCCOE//In any food chain or food web ------- form the last but very essential
component of an ecosystem
((A)) Producers
((B)) herbivores
((C)) Decomposers
((D)) carnivores
((E)) C

((Q))1_PCCOE//The living organisms are also called as

((A)) Biotic components
((B)) Abiotic components
((C)) Non- Living components
((D)) Ecology
((E)) A

((Q))1_PCCOE//An ecosystem consists of ___________ types of components.

((A)) One
((B)) Two
((C)) Three
((D)) Four
((E)) A

((Q))1_PCCOE//The main components of biotic components are__________

((A)) Producer, consumer, decomposer
((B)) Living and non-living
((C)) Biotic and abiotic
((D)) Natural and man made
((E)) A

((Q))1_PCCOE//Producers are also called as ________

((A)) Heterotrophy
((B)) Autotrophy
((C)) Natural
((D)) Manmade
((E)) B

((Q))1_PCCOE//____________ are mainly the bacteria and fungi that decompose the
decayed material.
((A)) Heterotrophy
((B)) Autotrophy
((C)) Decomposers
((D)) Natural
((E)) C

((Q))1_PCCOE//There are ________ basic types of food chains observed in any kind of
((A)) One
((B)) Two
((C)) Three
((D)) Four
((E)) B

((Q))1_PCCOE//Plant →Butterfly →Frog →Snake →Hawk represents ___________ food

((A)) Aquatic
((B)) Detritus
((C)) Terrestrial
((D)) Food web
((E)) C

((Q))1_PCCOE//_________ is the main producers in the forest ecosystem.

((A)) Rock
((B)) Tree
((C)) Soil
((D)) Tempreture
((E)) B

((Q))1_PCCOE//In forest ecosystem carnivores such as snakes, birds, lizards that

feed on the herbivores is called as ____________.
((A)) Primary consumers
((B)) Secondary consumers
((C)) Tertiary consumers
((D)) Decomposers
((E)) B

((Q))1_PCCOE//___________ of desert include shrubs especially bushes, some grasses,

cactus, and few trees.
((A)) Consumers
((B)) Decomposers
((C)) Food chain
((D)) Producers
((E)) D

((Q))1_PCCOE//_____________ component of Lake Ecosystem include several

inorganic and organic nutrients present in water.
((A)) Biotic
((B)) Abiotic
((C)) Food chain
((D)) Producer
((E)) B

((Q))1_PCCOE//In Lake Ecosystem, the main amongst primary consumers are

((A)) Insects
((B)) Fish
((C)) Zooplanktons
((D)) Bacteria
((E)) C

((Q))1_PCCOE//Fresh water from non polluted streams and rivers and light are the
main ________ components of river of stream ecosystem.
((A)) Biotic
((B)) Abiotic
((C)) Artificial
((D)) Man-made
((E)) B

((Q))1_PCCOE//In river or stream ecosystem water insects, snails fishes, crocodiles

including many birds and animals are _______.
((A)) Producers
((B)) Consumers
((C)) Decomposers
((D)) Supplier
((E)) B

((Q))1_PCCOE//Ocean cover more than _______ are of earth surface.

((A)) ½
((B)) (1/3) rd
((C)) (2/3) rd
((D)) (1/4)th
((E)) C

((Q))1_PCCOE//In ocean ecosystem the herbivores that feed directly on producers

e.g. crustaceans, fish are
((A)) Producers
((B)) Primary consumers
((C)) Decomposers
((D)) Supplier
((E)) B

((Q))1_PCCOE//In ocean ecosystem mainly large fish that feed on the smaller fish
and including cod, sharks etc. are ____________.
((A)) Primary consumers
((B)) Secondary consumers
((C)) Tertiary consumers
((D)) Decomposers
((E)) C

((Q))1_PCCOE//__________ are the paths more or less circular in nature wherein the
materials, energy and the chemical elements pass in back and forth between the
biotic and abiotic factors
((A)) Carbon
((B)) Ecological cycle
((C)) Hydrological
((D)) Nitrogen
((E)) B

((Q))1_PCCOE//More than _____________ of water out of total water in the biosphere is

entrapped in oceans.
((A)) 59%
((B)) 95%
((C)) 79%
((D)) 97%
((E)) D

((Q))1_PCCOE//Out of 3% fresh water available more than 70% is trapped in

((A)) Glaciers
((B)) Ground
((C)) Vapour
((D)) Stream
((E)) A

((Q))1_PCCOE//Water on the earth gets evaporated as vapours from ocean due to

solar heat and also goes into the atmosphere in the form of transpiration. This
vapour comes back in the form of rain water or snow fall which is normally
expressed as ______.
((A)) Seepage
((B)) Evaporation
((C)) Precipitation
((D)) Percolation
((E)) C

((Q))1_PCCOE//Nitrogen constitutes maximum percentage in air as high as_____

((A)) 76.5%
((B)) 79%
((C)) 79.5%
((D)) 90%
((E)) B

((Q))1_PCCOE//By fixation, nitrogen gets converted into various compounds, mainly

((A)) Complex compound
((B)) Simpler compound
((C)) Urea
((D)) Nitrates and ammonia
((E)) D

((Q))1_PCCOE//On absorption from soil by plants _____________ ions get reduced and
are converted into sulphydryl group.
((A)) Sulphate
((B)) Nitrogen
((C)) Carbon
((D)) Phosphorus
((E)) A
((Q))1_PCCOE//___________ is the basic element involved in the metabolic processes
of energy transfer during the growth of a living tissue.
((A)) Sulphur
((B)) Nitrogen
((C)) Carbon
((D)) Phosphorus
((E)) D

((Q))1_PCCOE//Oxygen constituting about _____________ of the atmosphere.

((A)) 10%
((B)) 20%
((C)) 50%
((D)) 60%
((E)) B

((Q))1_PCCOE//Oxygen turns blush at ___________ temperature.

((A)) 120°C
((B)) 150°C
((C)) 183°C
((D)) 185°C
((E)) C

((Q))1_PCCOE//Plants are able to use the energy of sunlight to convert CO2 and
water into carbohydrates and oxygen in a process called ____________.
((A)) Photosynthesis
((B)) Respiration
((C)) Breath
((D)) Oxidation
((E)) A
((Q))1_PCCOE//Animal breath in oxygen which we use to break carbohydrates into
energy in a process called _______________.
((A)) Photosynthesis
((B)) Respiration
((C)) Reduction
((D)) Oxidation
((E)) B

((Q))1_PCCOE//________________ are resources which are in exhaustive and can be

regenerated within a given span of time.
((A)) Renewable resources
((B)) Non-Renewable resources
((C)) Non – generated resources
((D)) Artificial resources
((E)) A

((Q))1_PCCOE//______________are resources which are available in limited quality in

((A)) Renewable resources
((B)) Non-Renewable resources
((C)) Artificial resources
((D)) Generated resources
((E)) B

((Q))1_PCCOE//About ______________ of land area of the world is covered by forest.

((A)) ½
((B)) (1/3) rd
((C)) (2/3) rd
((D)) (1/4)th
((E)) B

((Q))1_PCCOE//In India ____________ is the state with higher forest area of 7.6 million
((A)) Maharashtra
((B)) Uttar Pradesh
((C)) Madhya Pradesh
((D)) Rajasthan
((E)) C

((Q))1_PCCOE//One of the main reasons for deforestation are ____________.

((A)) Raw material supply to industries and development of projects
((B)) Mining
((C)) Land slide
((D)) Erosion
((E)) A

((Q))1_PCCOE//More dependency on forests for wood as fuel is a serious reason for

__________ in India.
((A)) Urbanization
((B)) Population
((C)) Industrialization
((D)) Deforestation
((E)) D

((Q))1_PCCOE//If mining is done shallow depth it is called____________.

((A)) Sub Surface mining
((B)) Surface mining
((C)) Man made mining
((D)) Level mining
((E)) B

((Q))1_PCCOE//If mining is done from deep explorations called as ____________.

((A)) Sub Surface mining
((B)) Surface mining
((C)) Man made mining
((D)) Level mining
((E)) A

((Q))1_PCCOE//The adverse impact of mining on environment can be reduced by

adopting appropriate technique like ___________.
((A)) Cutting trees
((B)) By re-vegetation ,stabilization
((C)) Man made activities
((D)) Not constructing barrier
((E)) B

((Q))1_PCCOE//There are main ___________ types of energy resources.

((A)) 1
((B)) 2
((C)) 4
((D)) 5
((E)) B

((Q))1_PCCOE//Soil erosion results in loss of _________.

((A)) Fertility
((B)) Soil
((C)) Mobility
((D)) Yield
((E)) A

((Q))1_PCCOE//For construction activities especially in hilly areas, when excessive

cutting is done in an unprotected manner the chances of ________ are more.
((A)) Loosen the soil
((B)) Land slide
((C)) Accident
((D)) Area become marshy
((E)) B
((Q))1_PCCOE//One of the causes of desertification is _________.
((A)) Heavy Rainfall
((B)) Land Slide
((C)) Deforestation, Overgrazing and Mining
((D)) Technology Development
((E)) C

((Q))1_PCCOE//An ideal __________ city should have a circular metabolism where it

uses only local resources and all wastes are recycled back into the system.
((A)) Metro
((B)) Waste management
((C)) Non – sustainable
((D)) Sustainable
((E)) D

((Q))1_PCCOE//____________ is a tool to predict the impacts or the damage a project

will have on the environment, when the project is executed.
((A)) EIA
((B)) PIA
((C)) SIA
((D)) IA
((E)) A

((Q))1_PCCOE//___________ is that material which arises from various human

activities and which is normally discarded as useless or unwanted.
((A)) Land
((B)) Solid waste
((C)) Air pollution
((D)) Water pollution
((E)) B
((Q))1_PCCOE//___________ is non- putrescible solid waste constituents either
combustible or non- combustible.
((A)) Pathological waste
((B)) Garbage
((C)) Industrial waste
((D)) Rubbish
((E)) D

((Q))1_PCCOE//_________ waste is produced by manufacturing industries which are

solid or semisolid.
((A)) Pathological waste
((B)) Garbage
((C)) Industrial waste
((D)) Rubbish
((E)) C

((Q))1_PCCOE//In _________ service the container are placed at the alley line from
where they are picked up by workmen from refuse vehicles who deposit back the
empty container.
((A)) Curb system
((B)) Alley service
((C)) Set out service
((D)) Set out set back service
((E)) B

((Q))1_PCCOE//In____________ method, the decomposable organic matter form solid

waste is converted into a stable form under the action of micro organism
((A)) Trenching
((B)) Incineration
((C)) Composting
((D)) Landfill
((E)) C
((Q))1_PCCOE//In the ____________ process of mechanical composting, the non-
compostable material is separated from the refuse which is then pulverized in a
hummer mill.
((A)) Nosoil
((B)) Buhler
((C)) Dano
((D)) Tollemache
((E)) A

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