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Esra aljabri
Health insurance:
which is coverage against the risk of incurring medical and
related financial costs, is one of the ways that people in
various countries pay for their medical needs. In every
country, there are people who are unable to pay directly or
out of pocket for the healthcare services they need, or
financially they may be seriously disadvantaged by doing so. In
lower-income countries, many forms of health insurance –
whether public or private –cover only a minimum set of
services, such that they do not provide full financial risk
What are the different types of health insurance?

-The different types of health insurance, include:

-Health maintenance organizations (HMOs)
-Exclusive provider organizations (EPOs)
-Point-of-service (POS) plans
-Preferred provider organizations (PPOs
What are exclusive provider organizations (EPOs)?
An EPO offers you a network of participating
providers to choose from. Most EPO plans do not
include coverage for out-of-network care except in
the case of an emergency. This means that if you
visit a provider or facility outside the plan’s local
network, you will likely have to pay the full cost of
services yourself.
Depending on the plan, you may or may not be
required to choose a primary care provider (PCP). If
you want to see a specialist in your network, you
don’t need a referral from a PCP.
What are health maintenance organizations (HMOs)?
HMOs give you a local network of participating doctors,
hospitals, and other health care professionals and
facilities that you are required to choose from. These
types of health insurance plans also require you to
choose a primary care provider (PCP) from the network.
The costs for an HMO plan—copays and coinsurance--
are typically lower than other types of health plans, as
long as you stay in-network.
What is a point of service plan (POS)?
Point of service plans combine features of HMO
and PPO plans. The provider network is typically
smaller than a PPO plan and the costs for in-
network care are typically lower, like an HMO.
POS plans also require you to choose a primary
care provider (PCP) from within the plan’s
network of doctors and other primary care
professionals. Your PCP is your home base for care
and advice. They get to know you and your health
needs and can help coordinate all your care.
What are preferred provider organizations (PPOs)?
PPOs typically offer you a large network of participating
providers so you have a lot of doctors, hospitals, and other
health care professionals and facilities to choose from. You
may also choose to see providers from outside of the
plan’s network, but you will pay more out-of-pocket.
-What a Health Insurance policy would normally cover A
Health Insurance Policy would normally cover expenses
reasonably and necessarily incurred under the following
heads in respect of each insured person subject to overall
ceiling of sum insured (for all claims during one policy
a) Room, Boarding expenses
b) Nursing expenses
c) Fees of surgeon , anesthetist , physician , consultants,
d) Anesthesia, blood, oxygen, operation theatre charges,
surgical appliances, medicines, drugs, diagnostic materials,
X-ray, Dialysis, chemotherapy, Radio therapy, cost of pace
maker, Artificial limbs, cost or organs and similar expenses.
References :
Ho, Anita. (2015). Health Insurance. 10.1007/978-3-319-05544-2_222-1.
Rogers, M. A., Lee, J. M., Tipirneni, R., Banerjee, T., & Kim, C. (2018). Interruptions
in private health insurance and outcomes in adults with type 1 diabetes: a
longitudinal study. Health Affairs, 37(7), 1024-1032.

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