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Winter 2022

403 Union Street

Millersburg, PA 17061
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News from Lifeline Pregnancy Care Center

From the Managing Director

“In everything give thanks; for this himself, a moment in time that is a part
is the will of God in Christ Jesus for of a much larger story, it is then that we
you.” ~1 Thessalonians 5:18 see our waiting is never wasted. And the
greatest victory, when we get to see a client,
As we enter the season of thanks, or former client, give their heart to Jesus.
I am reminded of all that we have And in that moment, we did not just save
to be thankful for – as individuals an earthly life, we saved a life for eternity.
and as members of a ministry. For Our journey is made up of moments.
me personally, I am thankful that I Moments after moments to change eternity.
live in a free country where I can choose to I wish I could see all the fruits Lifeline has
worship. I am thankful for family, friends, reaped throughout the last 30 years. I know
health, laughter, and the list could go on. our reach has gone well beyond what we
For Lifeline, I am thankful for you. You, know and what we can see. Through the
who pray for us and keep us covered. You, ups and downs, the challenges and the
who support our work. You, who give of victories, God’s faithfulness to this ministry
your time. I am thankful for our clients, for is evident.
without them this ministry would not exist. Thank you for being a Lifeline partner.

Special ‘Thank you' I want to support the work of Lifeline Pregnancy Care Center
Our work often goes beyond the
physical. What we do is about being
Thank you for being more than a partner,
but family. Thank you for your faithfulness
q General Donation q Baby Bottle q Banquet q End of Year patient, loving, and present. It is in these to Lifeline! May the beauty and blessings of
The Erdman Agency, Millersburg moments, where we put our own desires this holiday season be with you and yours.
___$5000 ___$1000 ___$500 ___$100 ___$50 Contact Us: asides, our own thoughts on how many We pray blessings upon each one of you!
403 Union Street

___Other $ ____________ Millersburg, PA 17061 clients we should be seeing, when we
Please indicate method of giving below: surrender to the moment we are in- the Faithfully in Him,
$_______ Check, made payable to Lifeline PCC
$_______ Cash, enclosed
Donate 717-692-2183
moment that was preordained by God Heather Weaver, Managing Director
$_______ Please charge my
____ Mastercard ____VISA ____AmEx ____Discover
Center Hours:
Card #_______________________________________ 30th Annual
Exp. _________________________ CCV ____________ Tuesday
1PM-4PM & 6PM-8PM Banquet Report and
I want to give a monthly pledge
I would like to give $________________ Monthly
photos inside.
___ Please send me monthly envelopes Thursday
1PM-4PM & 6PM-8PM
___ Please charge my __Mastercard __VISA __AmEx __Discover Friday-Monday Pastor Allan Briggs of David’s
Card #_______________________________________ Closed
Community Bible Church presented
We want to give a special ‘Thank You’ to The Erdman Agency
Exp. _________________________ CCV____________ the keynote address.
of Millersburg for choosing us as their Charity of Choice. The
Erdman Agency, along with their partner Goodville Mutual Signature: ____________________________________
Casualty Company, chose Lifeline to be the charity recipient as Monthly authorization: Please transfer my monthly gift from the selected account each month
an essential community resource. Thank you for thinking of us until further notice from me. By signing above, I understand that this agreement is the same as
signing a check each month and I may change it at any time by contacting Lifeline PCC.
and standing with us! What a blessing to be partnered with such
a loving and giving community. 4 1
30 Years! Snapshots from our banquet Special Thanks to Our
2021 Banquet
Annual banquet celebrates ministry Sponsors
“With a burden in their hearts for “In those 30 years so much has
teens in a crisis pregnancy situation
and a concern about the abortion
O n October 11, 2021 we had the
privilege of celebrating 30 years
at our annual fundraising banquet.
happened. God has greatly used
this ministry, through the men and

issues, these 7 women met and women, mostly women who have
Pastor Allan Briggs of Davids
began to pray and seek God in what done the counseling. It began as
Community Bible Church was our
they could do in this crisis.” a phone hotline. And they have
keynote speaker. Pastor Robert
-Davids Community Bible Report, carried that through for 30 years
Stoner once again joined us as the
1989 and have changed countless lives.
Emcee for the evening, Pastor Justin
And we praise God for that tonight…
Gruber led us in a time of worship,
“We need to serve one another. God does great things from small
and Pastor David Bubb brought
beginnings. And in these 30 years a
There’s so much that needs to be forth a call to action. Steve Carrol, Board President, honors faithful servants Rocky Timber Lodge, LLC
lot has changed and a lot of good has
done in this world, and we, as the Over the last several years, we Walt & Shirley Boyer
happened, but a lot hasn’t changed
Leaders, need to follow the Lord’s have been inviting local Pastor’s,
yet. We’re still praying; we’re still
direction. He is our guide.” who support Lifeline, to participate
fighting. We’re still working for
-Walt Boyer in our banquet. What a blessing this
change, aren’t we? 47 years into this,
has been! What a joy and honor to
into the legalization in abortion in
“There are benefits in serving the be partnered with so many Pastors
this nation, 62 million babies have
Lord…there is a joy; there is a peace; and churches that not only support
been aborted. That’s the number. 62
there are times when He does things Lifeline but take an active stand
million babies—when they started
in our lives that we cannot explain for life as well. For 30 years we
the hotline it was 20 million babies…
anyway else. But it is the goodness have been an extension of the local
that could be discouraging, right? That
of God….He makes all things work churches, and we could not be more
could be discouraging. That is why
together for our future and His glory. grateful for these partnerships.
we thank God for Lifeline Pregnancy
Thank you to everyone who
Amen.” Center-they are pushing back against GOLD
-Pastor Justin Gruber came and supported our ministry.
the darkness…This is our time. We Walt & Shirley Boyer
Thank you to those that sponsored
are here for such a times as this. This Davids Community Bible Church
our event, those that gave, those
“This side of Heaven we will is what God has placed in our hands, Sheesley Contracting Inc
that prayed, and those that were
probably never know the ripple for this time. Will we step up? Will
involved. This special evening St. James Independent Church
effect that Lifeline has had. When an we continue to fight? Or, will we give
was truly time glorifying the Lord,
individual comes through our doors, up? That’s the question we have to ask
thanking Him and being reminded
ourselves all the time.” Heather Weaver, Pastor Robert Stoner, SILVER
we do not often get to see the end Emcee
of His faithfulness over the last 30 Managing Director Billow Insurance
result, we don’t get to see the seeds -Pastor Allan Briggs
years. Because of the faithfulness Grace Community Church
being watered; but we know our and generosity of all of you, this
“Tonight, our hearts have been Halifax United Methodist Church
reach goes beyond what we can see. year’s banquet already surpassed
We know that lives have been saved stirred, have they not? We have Word of Life Chapel
our financial goal of $35,000!
and changed because we are here…. been reminded how important life
If you missed this event, but
is. You’re here tonight because you BRONZE
Our clients are hurting and broken would still like to see it, check
believe in the value of life and you
in so many different ways when they out the following link: https:// Anonymous
believe in the ministry of Lifeline
come to us. For some of our clients, Armstrong Valley Bible Baptist Church
Pregnancy Care Center…You are
we may be the only Jesus they see. So 562507398370212 Steve & Betzann Carroll
here tonight because you care about
when a client comes to us, hurt and
the success of Lifeline, because you Giving Light
broken, we pray that they always
“Lifeline is servants. And we just care about the life of the unborn; you Millersburg Assembly of God
see Jesus in everything we do, in
praise God for everyone that gets care about young, needy families
everything we say.” David & Diana Sassaman
involved.” that they minister to, and you care
-Heather Weaver Pastor Justin Gruber leads a time of worship Walter Boyer Promotional Items
-Pastor Bob Stoner about the sharing of the gospel.”
-Pastor David Bubb

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