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Indian Institute of Technology Jammu

Department of Chemical Engineering



Visualisation of mitosis in onion root

Instructor Name


Experiment carried on: August xx, 2021

Report submitted on : August xx, 2021


a) Data analysis and interpretation of information
b) Presentation of relevant information (including results
on graphical, tabular or equation forms)
CONCLUSIONS (05) ______
REFERENCES (05) ______
a) Original data, sample calculations, BioCOSHH (05) ______
a) Conciseness and neatness (05) ______
VIVA-VOCE (10) ______

TOTAL (100) ______


Executive Summary :
According to biology's cell hypothesis, all cells emerge from pre-existing cells. In eukaryotes, this is
usually performed by mitotic cell division. This describes how tissues produce new cells to develop,
repair, and sustain themselves. We used an onion (allium cepa) root tip as a specimen in this
experiment to investigate/observe the various phases of mitotic division in eukaryotic cells.
The mitotic cell division sample is made by soaking an onion tip in water for 2-3 days, during which
time the tips were seen to dramatically develop. The next step was to prepare a section of the tip and
immerse it in a fixative solution (Glacial acetic acid and Ethanol in a 1:3 ratio). The sample was
simply placed on the glass slide for inspection as the final step.

Introduction :
The most crucial component of cell division is DNA. Condensed DNAs are kept in chromosomes,
which are split during the cell division process. After division, the daughter cells have the split
chromosomes that carry the genetic material. Chromatin is not tightly packed during interphase.
Prophase follows, during which chromosomal condensation causes the nucleus to look grainy.
Because of the coiling of chromatins, the chromosomes appear to be one-of-a-kind. During
metaphase, chromosomes are positioned along the cell equator to separate sister chromatids. The
tugging action of the centrioles is also visible. The chromatids reach the cell's opposing poles during
anaphase. During telophase, two nuclei arise in the cell, as well as the dissolution of the spindle fibre.

Objectives :
The goal of this experiment was to see how mitosis progressed. In eukaryotic cell division, the
observation of mitotic cell division.

Scope :
The experiment is highly useful in understanding how cells divide and may be applied in applications
such as artificial healing treatments and other biological advances.

Procedure :
1.Soak the onion bulb's root tips in water for 2-3 days in a beaker. Place the bulb on top of the half-
filled beaker, barely dipping the root tips.
2. Trim any root tips that have grown into the root tip of the onion bulb. Place it in a petri dish with
the Aceto Alcohol fixation solution and let aside for 24 hours.
3. Using a pair of forceps, transfer the root tips on a clean and dry microscopic slide.
4. Using a dropper, bring one drop of N/10 HCl into close contact with the root tip.
5. Heat the slide for about 5 minutes over a flame, making sure it doesn't dry out.
6. Toss in a couple of drops of acetocarmine. Continue to softly heat the slide for another 5 minutes to
avoid drying it out.
7. Blotting paper can be used to absorb extra stain in a gentle manner.
8. Apply a few drops of water on the slide to dilute part of the stain.
9. Using forceps or a needle, gently lay the cover slip over the slide.
10. The slide for the onion root tip cells is now ready for mitotic analysis at various phases.
11.Observe and investigate mitosis by placing the slide under a compound microscope. Focus as
desired to obtain a crisp and clear image.

Results and Discussions :

Mitosis is a cell division process that divides root tip cells fast.
Chromatin is not tightly packed during interphase. Prophase follows, during which chromosomal
condensation causes the nucleus to look grainy. Because of the coiling of chromatins, the
chromosomes appear to be one-of-a-kind. During metaphase, chromosomes are positioned along the
cell equator to separate sister chromatids. The tugging action of the centrioles is also visible. The
chromatids reach the cell's opposing poles during anaphase. During telophase, two nuclei arise in the
cell, as well as the dissolution of the spindle fibre.

Conclusions and Recommendations :

The many phases of mitosis can be easily recognised, and hence the notion of cell division may be
vividly visualised.

● abs/

● Mitosis (Definition, Diagram & Stages Of Mitosis) (

Date of access: December12 , 2021. Both of them were interested in learning more about mitosis.

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