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Research questionnaire

I hereby declare that the data collected is solely towards the purpose of completion of my project and will be kept
highly confidential.

Demographic profiling
Q.1 Name of the organization ____________________________________________________________
Q.2 Area/taluk of the branch ________________________________________________
Q.3 Number of employees in the organisation ___________
Q.4 Plans for employment next year

☐retain all the employees ☐ employ new workers ☐ lay off employees ☐ others

Nature of organization
Q.5 Ownership form of the organisation ________________________________________________
Q.6 Nature of activity ________________________________________________
Q.7 Increase in revenue for the year 2017-18 compared to previous year in % __________________
Current banking details
Q.8 Is your current major bank SBI? (if not, please specify the existing major bank)
☐yes ☐no _____________________
Q.9 Type of account in the existing bank? (SB,CA,CC,OD,etc) ________________________________
Q.10 Have you diversified your assets in different banks?
☐yes ☐no
Q.11 What are the services that your organization avail most from your existing bank?
Q.12 How many times do you visit your bank in one month on an average? _____________________
Current banking services/products
Q.13 Tick mark the facilities currently being availed from bank
☐credit cards ☐business loans ☐cash management(payroll services, deposit services)

☐Online, mobile, and tablet banking ☐ insurance ☐ savings a/c ☐ salary a/c

☐Transaction a/c ☐Merchant services (credit card

processing, reconciliation and reporting)

☐Other digital banking products ☐others (please specify) ________________________

Gaps in current banking relationship
Q.16 What is the reason for choosing the existing bank as your major bank?
☐family tradition ☐quality of products/services offered
☐nearness to office/residence ☐just by chance
☐others (specify)______________________________________________________
Q.17 Are you satisfied with the existing banker?(if not, please specify the reason)
☐yes ☐no ____________________________________________________
Q.18 For this question, rank your current bank on a scale of 1-5 in terms of the criteria specified.

1-extremely 2-good 3-neutral 4-bad 5-extremely bad

Security and
And fees
Wide spectrum
of services
interest rate
charged on
Promptness in
solving requests
Online banking
and other
Fast and
delivery of
location of
branches &

Q.19 What do you expect from SBI apart from the products/services already availing?

Q.20 Name, Contact number and signature


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