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a ° [e-t0} ikea THE - area el cia Roce * A Tees Dog ieee Guidebook’ os ‘onnect with your intuition and deepen your self- Gratin hinerteder sears This whimsically illustrated deck will help you create rituals to nourish you on the deepest levels your soulis Comat et aioe and ec ereReeD aeleuees ne Nae ena aenaeas rd es ead end entice ‘me this week, how should | spend it? Re oR LaLa kao on Se consult the in-depth guidebook for mantras, journal SOUS eae Reet hae et) ee ae Rm Maes aes tees ee Pet unCn ee eee Ra ee ek cony oecea ne Sole EI) ss er Ld 5 ee eee een perenne core ; ocean femme ete Leo a eae ere a < Wa P, 2 aa. eee ae eet alee) Cd ea Tureau LAL THE SACRED eG Cre, GUIDEBOOK \ ‘ (CEO and Co-founder of Goddess Provisions LOY ILLUSTRATIONS BY TATIANA VEDENKINA ny HAY HOUSE, INC. Carlsbad, California « New York City London + Sydney » New Delhi Copyright © 2020 y Jill Pyle Published in the United States by: Hay House Inc-wwishayhouse ‘com’ Published in Australta by: Hay House Australi Pry Lic “ Published in the Unteed Kingdom by: ay House UK, Ltd: wir hayhouse.couk Published in India by: Hay House Publishers India: wewhayhouse.coin Allartwork is copyrighted bythe artist and may not be reproduced by any means, electroni of otherwise, without first obtaining the permission ofthe artist Interior design: Bryn Stare Best Interior illustrations Tatiana Vedenkina Photo of Author: Nora Wendel Chakra Artworks Lotus Eterna, Crestor of Seed of Creation and ‘Access Our Eyes All rights reserved. No part of this guidebook: may be repro- duced by any mechaniesl, photographic, or electronic process, ot in the form of e phanographie recording: nor may it be stored in ‘retrieval eystem, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public Orprivate wse-other than for “fair wee” as brief quotations embod- ied in articles and reviews without prior written permission of the ‘ublisher. The intent of the author is only to offer information of {General nature tele you in your quest for emotional and sprit Al well-being. ln the event you use any of the information in this {guidebook for youreel, the author and the publisher assume no responsibilty for your sctions Printed in Chine To Me & You CONTENTS. 4+——_+ Welcome, _ About This Oracle. ....0005 Oracle Spreads «. Card Meanings 1+ Abundance Planning. 2+ Alone Time 3+ Aromatherapy. 4+ BeStill. 5 + Beauty Ritual 6 + Build Strength 7 + Burning Bow! Ritual 8 + Chanting c 9 + Clean Your Space. ct 10 + Clear Your Energy Field... 11 + Connect with Crystals 12 + Connect with Fire, 13 + Connect with the Earth .. 14 + Connect with Your Ancestors 45 + Connect with Your Womb... 36 + Makean Altar a7 + Create Art .. 18 + Dance co ceeceeersversenseeensveees 28 19 + Deep Breathing. 30 20 + Dream Journal... 3t 21+ Drink Tea ssecsseesssecsetesseeesesseeeeee 2) 22 + Energy Work . 23 + Family... 24 + Flow Like Water 2g » Ground Yourself. 26 + Health Checkup 27 + Hydrate .. 28 + Intuition, 29 + Journal 30 + Look for Fairies. 31 + Look to the Stars... 32 + Make a Meal. 33 + Make a Vision Board. 34 + Maseage. 35 * Meditate. 36 + Movement 37 + Music, ; 38 + Nourish Your Temple continued 39 + Plana Vacation 40 + Pleasure. 41 + Positive Affirmations 42+ Read .. 43 + Rest, 44 + Sex, 45 + Sing, 46 + Soak in a Bath 47 » Sound Healing .. 50 52 53 48 + Spend Time with Animals 49 + Spend Time with Friends 50 + Sweet Treat 51 + Syne with the Moon... 52 + Takea Walk 59 + Use Your Hands 54 + Watch a Movie . 55 + Write a Gratitude List Acknowledgments n About the Artist 73 About the Author. 75, WELCOME 4+ Dearest Oracle Keeper, May you... Behold the light within you. Recognize your light when it reflects itself-you- back to you through this Oracle. Tap into your intuition and watch as the self-care practices that will nourish you on the deepest levels. are illuminated. Surrender all expectations as you meet yourself in an honest reflection. Honor the guidance you've drawn forth. Have faith, Trust. Witness the path of synchronicity, flow, ease, grace, joy, and love that unfolds before you. Celebrate each step ofthis journey you're on to meet the highest expression of yourself Meet yourself in the purest incarnation of Love and Consciousness. With heaps of love & gratitude, ABOUT THIS ORACLE +++ This Oracle was divinely channeled as a tool to inspire you to take amazing care of yourself. The cards were intui tively illustrated by Tatiana Vedenkina (@rainbowlorester fn Instagram) to capture the essence of 55 self-care activi- ties chosen to inspire you to nourish your mind, body, and spirit so you can truly shine your soul’s light, This light you ‘emanate when you take care of yourself inspires others to do the same and in turn elevates your personal networks and communities, rippling out to inspire the world, So treat yourself like a goddess and shine bright, beeause this world needs your magic! Card Storage Keep your cards in a sacred place, like on your altar, where they’te visible to you daily. Using the Oracle + Shuffle the deck and concentrate on any topie or ques: tions you'd like guidance on, ~ Cut the deck in three; then combine the three stacks of cards ina different order as you reassemble the deck. + Spread the cards out in front of you in a row or a horse shoe formation, + Rub your hands together until you feel some heat. + Close your eyes and hold your hands over the cards, + When you feel a “pull” or an influx of energy, reach down and piek up the card below your hand. + Ifyou don’t feel anything, pick at “random” (of course, itwon'ebe random!) + Start with a selection of one to three cards, or explore cone of Oracle spreads, beginning on page i. Card Meanings You may find subtle hints about the kinds of self-care rituals you need just by locking at the illustrations on the cards, You can look up the deeper meaning behind each card in this guidebook. In addition, each entry features a mantra and journal prompt for your exploration. As you reflect on the cards you choose, fellow your intuitive guidance and trust the messages that arise within your body. Notice the colors and other elements on the card that trigger visions or insight for you-they’ze exactly what you need to look into and follow up on! Your intuition will direct you-through emotions, symbols, or even other subtle nudges from the Universe—to help clarify the messages intended for you. If you wish to explore your question further, you can, ‘mix and match this Oracle with your other decks to elabo- rate on the answers you are given, ‘The most important thing to remember when working with this Oracle is to have fun and remain tuned in to your internal guidance system. Your ultimate and best resource ORACLE SPREADS +++ 1, Self-Care for the Soul A three-part self-care ritual to nourish yourself on all levels, in all directions, and along all timelines Choose three cards, using your intuition or the direc: tions from the “About This Oracle" section, As you pick each card, lay it out in SelfCare for the Soul formation and focus on the intention of the spread: 1, Inner Child: What does your Inner Child need to express? 2, Present Self: What do you need in the now? 3, Higher Self: What does your Higher Self want you te focus on? Reflect on each card and how it speaks to these three aspects of you. Create a self-care ritual that combines the ‘guidance ofall three Oracle cards, 2. Goddess Circle Inspiration for your next circle or gathering laa a \g’ Choose four cards, using your intuition or the diree- tions from the “About This Oracle” section As you pick each card, lay it out in Goddess Circle formation and focus on the intention of the spread: 2. The theme ofthe circle or gathering 2, Opening activity 3. Main activity 4, Closing activity Use the four cards to plan the theme of your next circle or gathering and the activities you'll facilitate. ORACLE SPREADS +-——_+ 1. Self-Care for the Soul A three-part self-care ritual to nourish yourself on all levels, in all directions, and along all timelines Choose three cards, using your intuition or the diree- tions from the “About This Oracle” section, AAs you pick each card, lay it out in Self Care for the Soul formation and focus on the intention of the spread a. Inner Child: What does your Inner Child need to express? 2, Present Self: What do you need in the now? 3. Higher Self: What does your Higher Self want you to focus on? Reflect on each card and how it epeaks to these three aspects of you. Create a self-care ritual that combines the guidance of all three Oracle cards. ‘The card you pick for each moon phase will represent the self-care activity that's speaking to you for that particu lar phase. Make a note of the cards you pulled in your jour- zal, on your phone, or in your ealendar so you can reference them and plan for a full lunar eyele's worth of self-care. You don't need to wait until the next new moon to begin; you can jump in and start using the Oracle guidance at any point in the cycle. 3. Moon Ritual Self-care activities for each moon phase Choose eight cards, using your intuition or the direc: tions from the “About This Oracle” section. As you pick each card, lay it out in the Moon Ritual formation, Focus on the moon phase and envision its shape and essence as you draw the cards: 1 @ New moon 2. © Waxing crescent First quarter Waxing gibbous Full moon ‘Waning gibbous Third quarter @eo000ee Waning crescent CARD MEANINGS > 1* Abundance Planning uur financial health is an esse overall wellness practice. I's time to how you're spending, saving, and making review all your bank accounts, investments, and credit cards, as well as any loans you're carrying. Doing so will hel get clear on your financial stat hen make a practical lower your expenses, e and savings, and repay your excellent pl cial advisor. bank or advisor to optimize yo! accounts to have the lowest fees and highest interest rate possible, In addition, you can get set u bill payments, transfer monthly deposits in 3 and begin consolidating any debt you ‘The other side of your rabund is generating more money. When you put your energy toward it, you'll often find new ways to do so. If you've working, this can be achi Consider a on a side gig, or educating yourself on a new topic or skill with income-generating potential Ifyoure an entrepreneur, lock into raising your fees or prices, developing new marketing strategies, and expand: ing your product offerings, as well as other ways to increase your margins, Journal Prompt: What was your family’s relationship with money like when you were growing up? How has that impacted your relationship with money? 2+ Alone Time Mantra: I make rime 10 focus on myself Joyously explore your alone time. Think about what ‘you would like to do in solitude; then plan so that your time is reed up and your commitmente are put on pause, Find peace and stillness by completely tuning in to your own needs. You can keep it simple and plan something like a quiet night at home to journal and be introspective. Go for a walk, work on a creative project, meditate or ty any eolo activity that feels restorative to you, Be sure to communicate to your loved ones how import- ant this is to you. Make them aware of how it allows you to show up more fully in daily life, That way, they can support you by respecting the time you need to be alone, without interruption, Journal Prompt: How does having alone time make you feel? What emotions and memories come up for you when you're alone? 3+ Aromatherapy Mantra: mn in touch with all my senses and find bliss inexploring them. Aromatherapy isa powerful toolo connect with plants, Rowers, herbs, and the environment around you. Take time today to notice what you smell. Pay close attention to how different scents make you feel and what memories they trigger. Try going for a walk in nature and breathe in the fragrance of the plants, trees, and air. Tune in deeper with your sense of smell, You can create a simple daily aromatherapy ritual by anointing yourself with your favorite eetential-oil blend. Apply the oil to the inside of your wrists, both sides of your throat, and the back of your neck. Your body will then act as ‘personal aromatherapy diffuser to disperse the scent of the oil for your enjoyment and the pleasure of those around you, You can go one step further by setting up an aroma: therapy diffuser near your bedside or in your office. Use calming and relaxing essential oils like chamomile and lavender to help you get into the right mental state for sleep. For brain stimulation, explore essential oils like peppermint and rosemary to keep your mind sharp at work. Journal Prompt: What is your favorite scent from ehild- hood, and what does it remind you of? 6 4+ Be Still Mantes my center and hear stillness, Ii the messages meant for me. Stillness is an anchor that returns us to ourselves and our true path, It is not a distancing of daily activities but a deepening of our relat Schedule a time to reet in stillness ronment for this practice. If necessary, be sure to commu: nicate with the people around you so they understand your need to be free from intern Notiee how much time in stillness feels nourishing for you. Even five minutes can have a significant impact on your mental state. Refect on how the stillness makes you houghts and emotions before and after the experience so you can see how it helps shift your el, Journal about you mind-set, onside: how more stillness on a regular, ideally daily, overall self care practice, basis could be supp: Journal Prompt: Take two minutes to it still, What thoughts and feelings arise? 5+ Beauty Ritual Mantra: fam beautiful Inside and out, Whatever makes you feel like you're manifesting your ‘most besutful self is worth putting energy toward. Plan a beauty ritual that feels sacred and indulgent. Set an intention for your ritual and stay in a mindful state throughout the experience. If other thoughts and distrac tions enter your awareness, gently let them go and redirect your focus to yourself. By being intentional, you can turn a face mask, the application of makeup, or even something as simple as your daily shower into a sacred experience. Beyond that, look for ways you can create the time and space to have that special beauty treatment. Consider how you could adorn your body to express your unique essence. For example, dye your hair a funky color, wear new jewelry, cor perhape get a tattoo. Journal Prompt: What could you do to make your daily beauty routine feel more sacred? 6» Build Strength Mantra: Fam strong. My body, ‘mind, and spirit are resilient It’s time to move and strengthen your body in @ new way. Consider a new fitness class or exercise video, a session with a personal trainer, or any other creative strength-building ideas that come to mind, Remember to not get caught up in your physical appearance; strength can manifest in the body in many different ways. To maintain focus, think of a goal you'd like to accomplish that requires some additional strength, like hiking @ steep trail or running a certain distance. Focus on the outcome you wish to attain instead of how you want your body to look. ‘Most importantly, be sure to celebrate yourself when you reach this goal! Journal Prompt: What makes you feel strong? 7+ Burning Bow! Ritual Mantra: [surrender to the fre of transformation and allow light to quide the way. Fire is a powerful tool for transmuting negative ener les, letting go of old patterns and stories, and sending fers out to the Universe, Connect with the fre element to release whatever is no longer serving you and to manifest your desires, ‘To prepare for your ritual, ask yourself these questions and write down the answers on individual pieces of paper P 1, What old stories about you, people in your life, the world do you want tolet go of? 2. What experiences have you lived through or conquered that require acknowledgment? 3. What thought patterns, beliefs, experiences, or people do you want to let go of? 4. What do you want to manifest? Next, prepare a safe fie. Burn your pieces of paper and send your wishes off into the Universe for manifestation. 8+ Chanting Ifyou're new to chanting, you can start with lesrning to tone “OM" and the sound for each chakra, At first, practice chanting on your own to gain a level of comfort © cwown chatroom © rireeyecsaes-on © oowoar chakra HAM Heart chakra-YAM © secrat chakra-VAM © serch ta0 You can use a campfire, abarbecue, ora small bow! placed in yoursinkto keep it extra safe. ‘As you wateh the paper burn, imagine your wishes as if they have already happened. Imagine yourself free of worry. Imagine yourself liberated from what’s been holding you back, Say to yourself, “And so its. So it must be.” Journal Prompt: How do you feel after completing the fire burning ritual? Is there anything more you'd like to release? Experiment with different tones, noticing which ones ‘come easily or feel challenging. Free yourself from worrying about how you sound; allow your unique voice to resonate and express itself! ‘When you're ready to go deeper and experience the sensation of chanting in @ group, look for local singing, chanting, or kirtan events. Most yoga studios will include chanting ae part of the practice, typically at the beginning or the end ofthe class. You can also pioneer the effort within your community and gather some loved ones who are willing to chant with you. This activity is especially fun to try in an enclosed space that has @ loud echo or outside surrounded by beau- tiful nature, Journal Prompt: What blocks, seal or imagined, prevent you from chanting? What practical steps can you take to ‘liminste these blocks? a 13 9+ Clean Your Space Mantra: When my physical space is clean and tidy, my mind is clear. Giving yourself the gift of a clean space has a ripple effect. allows more things in your life to fal into their right fal place. By clearing and cleaning your surroundings, you can also declutter your mind, Start with cleaning your bed- room, and then work your way out to all comers of your home. Dont just stay on the surface: take the time to clean inside cupboards and drawers, sort through old paperwork, and get Fd of the dust bunnies. Also, review the objects you've collected and consider opportunities to donate or sell things you no longer need. As you minimize the number of belongings in your space, it will become easier to clean in the future Notice how having a clean space makes you feel ener getically clear. Create a routine that will allow you to keep it up. To start it can be as simple as making your bed each morning or keeping an area like your desk organized; let it ‘grow from there Journal Prompt: What cleaning project are you dreading, ‘and why? What support would you need to get this project Bnished? “ For significant issues, it may take s long-term commit ‘ment to clear your energy held. However, once you do, you'll feel the difference and see the changes reflected in all areas of yourlife Journal Prompt: When do you struggle to maintain clear energy? 6 10 + Clear Your Energy Field Mantra: My energy is clear, my mind is clear, ard my heart is ful of love In the same way that we need to clean our homes, we need to clean our energy fields! Through energy clearing we ccan remove blocks, leaks, and entities or spirits that have attached to us. This process also helps us free ourselves of ‘any emotions of stories that others have implanted within us that are no longer serving us. ‘Start to clear your energy field by taking a few deep breaths, emptying your mind, and visualizing being sur rounded in white or golden light. Use tools like sage, palo santo, incense, crystals, candles, or water to cleanse your metaphysical body. You'll know your energy is clear when you experience the sense of a weight lifting from your shoulders. Feel yourself coming into a more peaceful and loving vibration If you're having trouble getting to this point, you can seek. the support of a professional energy worker and try Relki, chakrabalancing, ThetaHealing, oranothertype of ene: work session. 5 Tl+ Connect with Crystals Mantra: Jom a guardian ofthe crystals, and Lallow their healing energies and ancient wisdom ro-crystallize in my body. Crystals are living, sentient beings. They are keepers of wisdom and light, offering a connection to other realms. You can tallto them out loud or telepathically in waking i as well asin your dreams and meditations. They can inspire different energies within you. They can amplify your inten tions. They ean attract, absorb, or repel energies. Whatever ‘you're working on, theresa erystal for that purpose! For example, ose quarts is known for inspiring aelf love, Citrine is used to eall in abundance. Blue crystals like sodalite or kyanite are linked with the throat chakra to cultivate clear communication. It isthe perfect time to learn more about the properties of different erystals and begin ‘working with them in more profound ways Try holding a erystal in the palm of your left hand vile meditating. Feel into its energy and pay attention to wat thoughts, feelings, and visions come to mind. Sleep with a crystal under your pillow and notice how it impacts your dreams. Carry a crystal in your pocket or purseto keep its energy with you throughout the day ” ‘Make a crystal grid by arranging a collection of erys- tals into. pattern. This simple action can bring extra energy {nto your sacred space, as well as give power to all that you are manifesting. Look for opportunities to mine erystals yourself in an ethical way. You may be surprised by what local options are available. It can be very fun to buy crystals and receive them as gifts, but finding one yourself in nature is an incredibly rewarding experience, Journal Prompt: What crystal do you resonate with the ‘most or find the most attractive? 8 12+ Connect Mantra: My inner ire burns bright, and Ishine my light throughout the Universe, Fite is the perfect tool for setting intentions aroun go, as well as for sending your prayers and m tations out into the world vie its smoke. Fire is one of the five ith earth, ar, water, and ether— classical elements—along bat aide from lighting candles, we rarely inert with tin ~The ritual of sitting around a fie or ina wood burning sauna at night, especially under a full moon, with a circle of loved ones is an unparalleled experience. Cultivate a more intimate relationship with fire by coordinating a fire ritual within your community~maybe storytelling around a camp ‘or organizing a sauna night ora sharing circle where you light candles. Candles can transform everyday activities into sacred rituals. Think of an intention and light a candle when taking a bath, working, meditating, or doing yoga to ‘his element into your energy field. Watch the flames dance, and your worries fade away, as the path forward is illuminated. ‘As you deepen your relationship with this element, you may feel the call to explore the tradition offre keeping, ‘where you tend to the logs and embers of the fire. This role hhas been deeply honored by many ancient cultures, who ‘gathered around the fire during rituals and ceremonies long before there were matches. Journal Prompt: What old patterns and beliefs would you like to transmute with the alchemical magie of fire? 20 13 * Connect with the Earth ‘Mantra: Iam one with the earth. Immerse yourself in Mother Nature's medicine by walking on the grass, feeling her raindrops, touching the snow, swimming in her waters, or sniffing her flowers. Spending time outdoors is wonderful for your body, mind, land spirit, so get outside! Take a hike at sunrise or sunset, head to the beach for the day, go on a bike ride, or work in your garden. Just get some sir, and be grateful forall that nature provides for us. If there's an unexplored outdoor activity that you feel ‘connection with, think about how you can manifest that experience. Do what you can to get outside for at least 15 ‘minutes every day so you can enjoy the fresh air and tune into the beauty of your natural surroundings ‘Journal Prompt: What local nature spot have you meant to go to but have not yet made the time to visit? What has been holding you back? a 14+ Connect with Your Ancestors Mantra: As [heal my wounds, Thea! my lineage and bring ‘peace that reverberates infinitely throughout time and space. ‘Through understanding our history, we gain a deep sense of appreciation for all the time and people it took to bring us into this world, Connecting with our ancestors is cone way to better understand ourselves, our patterns, and the patterns present within our lineage. It allows us to make peace with all that has happened before, It also provides motivation to evolve and find new and better ways to live. Building this bridge is something that you can do by researching and connecting the dats between family stories, DNA analysis, and traditional archives, You can also learn ‘about your family line in more intuitive ways, like meditat- ing, dream work, and working with a past life regression spe- cialist of someone who specializes in reading the Akashic records—a metaphysical archive of everything that has ever happened within the Universe, including all your past life times and those that will come in the future. Call on your ancestors to tap into centuries of wisdom, protection, and guidance. As youlook back and connect with your forebears, your path forward will become more evident. 22 Journal Prompt: What patterns or trends exist in your family line, especially among the women? Do these pat terns appear in your life? ONE 23 15 + Connect with Your Womb bring my dreams to Meditate on dravring forth the ereative energy of your womb, or the cosmic womb. This will help you gather insight about th is calling forward from within you, rations that the Universe yy opening up this inte itive dialogue with your womb, you will also better under: stand what needs releasing, hands on your lower belly and send gy to this space. Ask your womb (physical or Rest one loving e1 energeti ne forward through me? What energies are stored here? What womb traumas within me, or from my lineage, need healing? fertility or birthing isin your energetic held, take this ime to tune in deeper to your womb as the vessel through vwhich new life can enter this realm. Ask your womb how you ean support it ying a new life, Listen catefully to the anewere that reveal themselves. the following questions: What my healing or in Journal Prom; What feelings, thoughts, and beliefs do you associate with your womb, and why? 24 16+ Make an Altar Mantra: [dedicate space for my sacred ritual practices. An altar is a place to gather sacred objects, set inten tione, reflect, pray, and feel connected to yout spirit and the Universe. Whether simple or elaborate, permanent or tempo: rary, small or big, inside a home or outside in nature, it is a ‘space for honoring the people, places, things, and activities that enrich the soul. ‘Tune in to what feels right for you; do you need to refresh your altar space or create a new one? ‘You can create anything from a money altar to a fer~ tility altar—but whatever direction you go in, begin with intention, Look inside youreelf for clarity on what you want to focus on. Photos, crystals, candles, animal totems, and objects to represent the five elements—earth, air, water, fie, and ether—are all perfect items to use. Intuitively select, items that feel right and meaningful to you, Craft your altar to reflect your own creative power and the sacredness you bring to everyday life. Sit in front of it ‘and focus on manifesting your intention. Remember that the altar itself does not hold the power of manifestation, but the energy within you as you interact with it does. 25 Journal Prompt: What do you feel that your altar is miss- ing that you would like to add? Or, ifyoudon'thave an alter, ‘hat is stopping you from creating one? 28 17+ Create Art Mantra: [am an artist, creating a ‘masterplece that is called My Life. Weare all artists, creators ofthe lives we're leading and ‘many works of art within them. To gain more confidence in yourinner artis, look for opportunities to ereate art for your own pleasure. Consider signing up for a local art workshop, or gather some supplies to create art at home, If you're unsure where to start, try representing your surroundings, favorite things, or current state artistically, When you're ready to go deeper, express a feeling or a mem: cory you'd like to transmute or connect with through art. You ccan keep your creations simple by drawing with a pen and paper or be more elaborate and colorful with paint, seulp ture, or mixed media. You can even be creative about the veay in which you create art by using natural props such as leaves, branches, and stones. Even rock stacking by the river isa form of art! Feel into which artistic modality will allow you to express yourselfin the most mesningful way. Journal Prompt: What blocks, real or imagined, stop you from making art? What practical steps can you take to work. through these blocks? 2 18 + Dance Mantra: [feel empowered to express myself through movement, embracing my unique dance style, Dancing can be an incredibly liberating experience, allowing for # unique form of self-expression and a more profound sense of embodiment. It allows us to return to the body in the here and now, to clear energetic blocks, to push our physical limitations, and to etreteh into new realme of ‘movement and creativity. So, whether you want to put on your dancing shoes or go barefoot, it’s time to move and shake what your mama gave you! Take a dance class, watch a video tutorial about = specific dance style, or just enjoy dancing at home for your ‘own pleasure. As you gain more confidence in your ability to move and express yourself, you might try ecstatic dance, nights out dancing at club, burlesque, dancing for your lover, oreven taking a class and performing onstage. Ifyou have a physical limitation that prevents you from dancing, try a closed-eye meditation in which you viewalize yourself dancing, While doing so, notice how your energy is ‘moving, and release any limiting beliefs and old stories that no longer serve you. 28 Journal Prompt: De you feel comfortable dancing? If yes, ‘what style of dance makes you feel most radiant and best expresses you? If no, why do you feel uncomfortable, and how do you think you could work through this discomfort? —t ~ 19 + Deep Breathing 2p to rake lear my vith love Breath, I nd lea Tap into your breath and watch how quickly your mood and circumstances can shift to @ more positive state—one ntentional breath at a time, Sometimes, taking a few deep b n be the most potent medicine and allow you to come into the present moment with a fresh perspective. Long, deep breaths that go all the way down your chest and fill your belly will nourish the nervous system. Practice deep breathing at every opportunity. I's especially useful before or after any stressful situations that have put your nervous system into a tailspin. To go more in depth with your breathing practice, try a breathwork class or exercises. Taking the time to tune in to your breathing and pi tlee specifie breathing patterns—such as the rapid exhala- ‘Breath of Fite," a cleansing breathing tech nique rooted in Kundalini yoga—can have amazing effects on your physical and metaphysical body. Journal Prompt: If you stopped to take a deep breath before responding to challenging situations, what do you think the impact on your life would be? 30 20 + Dream Journal Mantras I remember my dreams, control my dreams, and use my dreams ‘azaplayground for my growth. Dream journaling is s powerful practice. Once you establish a flow with it, there are many insights to gather from your astral adventures. Commit to interaeting with your dreams in a new way and looking for the wisdom and guidance they hold for you; maybe even jot down a few {Questions you can ask before falling asleep, calling in the answers to appear within the dream realm. Starting with @ seven-day commitment to just write down what you remember about your dreamsas soon as you ‘wake up, before you forget them, can get you in the right ow. Or record voice notes for yourself and later transcribe them if you wish. Try naming your dreams, like a book or a movie, to help organize recurring themes. Review what you have written or recorded to see what guidance presents itself. Journal Prompt: Recall a recent or powerful dream you hhad, writing it out ae if it were a story. What lessons can you learn from this dream? a 21+ Drink Tea Mantra: 'm inspired by ‘the wisdom of the plants and the beauty of ceremony. ‘The preservation, preparation, presentation, and drink ing of tea is an ancient ceremony—one that has a lotto teach us about the reverence and care we can show our guests and ‘ourselves in simple moments. You can create your own personal ritual with any drink—whetheri’s tea, a smoothie, coffee, an elixir, or soda— with the right intention and setting. By being incredibly present in the now, feeling sincere gratitude for the drink youare consuming, and savoring the favors and sensations fully, you can elevate a simple sip into a mindful, awakened ‘moment in your day. Make the setting where you enjoy your drink peaceful and beautiful. Take the time to venture out of your usual preferences and try a new café or tea shop where you can ‘experience some different types of tea. Make an adventure ‘out of visiting 2 local teahouse to learn more about the history and traditions of tea ceremonies. Journal Prompt: How do you feel when you drink tea or ‘another beverage with intention, taking the time to enjoy it without any distractions and focusing on all the Javore and feelings that arise? 2 22+ Energy Work Mantra: My energetic body is clear and radiating love Prioritize the maintenance of your metaphysical known as your energetic body, it needs just as much atten: tion as your physical body. The two are inherently linked, so taking care of one takes care of the other ‘Cheek in with your metaphysical body through a self guided meditation: close your eyes and tune in to the sensa tone you're feeling within, Start at the top of your head and work your way dovn. Ask each part of your body or each of your chakras how they feel and what emotions they are nold ing on tothat need tobe processed and brought into balance, Be patient; the response will come, Frequently, our physical ailments can be the result of unresolved metaphysical issues. Look for a well-trained healer who you intuitively feel is a good ft for your needs. re Reiki, ThetaHealing, somatic therapy, Watsu aquatic bodywork, chakra alignment, voice activation, sound heal: 1 any other healing modalities that feel right for you. Journal Prompt: Do you have an intuitive sense of how the different energy centers in your body feel? Which ones do you intuitively feel need some attention? 33 23+ Family Mantra: [share unconditional love and receive tin return Peaceful relations with your family, whether biological, adoptive, or chosen, are incredibly important. Families can offer s sense of unconditional love and be there for you in times of need. You're being called to tune in to the eneray of unconditional love Many of us store unresolved family traumas. As time passes and we evolve our perspective, wecan find forgiveness in our hearts. We eventually realize that our families have always done the best they could withthe resources, level of emotional development, and knotledge they had at the time. Tap into your divine motherly nature as you practice forgiveness and unconditional love. Look for opportunities to heal any old wounds with family members and find ways to connect with them, whether it through a phone call, sharing a meal, o: planning a visit. If connecting direct is not possible, ty finding peace through meditation and by setting the intention to transform any negativity into fee ings of love ‘Journal Prompt: What problem areas, if any, remain unre solved with your family? How do you think resolving any ‘outstanding issues would impact your life? 34 25 + Ground Yourself Mantra: Fam grounded, stable, and strong. Come into the present moment, connect with the earth, and stabilize yourself ins harmonic state through grounding. ‘This practice helps you integrate higher messages and call ings by bringing them fully into your physical body through the earth’s energy feld. To ground yourself, sit or walk bare foot on the ground. Meditate on the sensation of connecting with the earth. Close your eyes and imagine your body grove ing roots into the ground. Visualize the roots going deep, all the way tothe center of the planet, Picture yourself drawing in the energy from the earth’ core and using it to nourish your mind, body, and spirit. When you open your eyes, allow your self wo fee] calm, centered, and cleat. You can also ground yourself by eating a nourishing meal that contains root vegetables, gardening, shaping things with clay, or spending time in nature. Find an activity that makes you feel fully present in your body and apprecic: tive of the connection you have to the earth. Journal Prompt: How do you fee! after taking the time to connect with the earth physically and through a visualiza tion meditation? 36 24+ Flow Like Water Mantra: [give thanks for the abundant waters of Mama Gaia. Water naturally carries intentions within it. As one of the five classical elements, it is an incredibly valuable resource for our physical and energetic bodies. It holds the powerto purify us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. ‘You can infuse water with intention through your speech, thoughts, and prayers, or by placing sacred symbols, or words of positive affirmation onor under drinking vessels, Tune in to your mind's eye and picture the water cleansing you. Where are you? What kind of water is cleans ing you-is it from the ocean, a river, your bathtub, or an ‘ancient water temple? Manifest this vision in your life and look for new ways to connect with water. Skate on the ice, surfin the sea, paddleboard on allake, or even simply shower with an intention, Whichever way you go about, offer great reverence and sincere gratitude for the waters ofthis earth. ‘Journal Prompt: What beliefs and patterns would you like to wash away with the help of water? 35 26+ Health Checkup. Mantra: Jam healthy in my ‘mind, body, and spirit. Good health empowers us to thrive in all areas of our lives. Take @ moment to tune in with yourself: scan your body and feel what is right and what needs attention. Even if you'e feeling generally wel, most of us have a little fine-tuning to do, like drinking more wates, eating more fruits and veggies, o simply geting more nights of restful sleep. ‘Whether you work with a doctor who practices eon: rn medicine or a trusted natural or holistic wellness professional—like a nutritionist, a practitioner of ‘Traditional Chinese Medicine, an herbalist, an Ayurvedic Physician, of @ doctor of functional medicine—consider booking an appointment to stay on top of your yearly check ups and tests. If you have an ongoing issue that perhaps you've been putting off now isthe time to address it with @ professional who aligns with your needs. ventional We Journal Prompt: What aspect of your health is your body calling you to focus on? 37 27+ Hydrate Mantra: Jam made of water and ‘in touch withthe tides of life. Water is life, I's a resource we need to greet with deep reverence and respect. On this blue planet, water is in abundance. However, clean, fresh drinking water can be challenging to find in some communities Whenever possible, go out of your way to have enough clean water to drink and set the intention to make drinking water a sacred experience. Infuse your water with positive intentions. Adorn your water vessels with sacred symbols and uplifting words to infuse the contents with positive vibes. Drink springwater to enjoy many vital minerals and nourish your body. Remain in awareness of how blessed you are to have clean drinking water, and be mindful of how you can ensure that others have it too. Through making eco-conscious choices, you can help preserve the resources of this planet and support access to clean drinking water for all beings. Journal Prompt: Are you happy with your water source? If not, how can you upgrade your water supply? 38 28 + Intuition Mantra: [listen t0 my intuition as it leads me on my highest path. Intuition is the insight that comes before thought ‘and without thinking-it is an innate knowledge of what is in alignment with our highest good, It is the energy of the Universe that directs us on our life path, nudging us toward the choices that will fuel our growth. Intuition resides within the heart and goee beyond logie or reason. Its messages are shared without judgment or a need to be defined. Reinforce intuition's essential role in maintaining your ‘well-being and connection to the spiritual realm by listening to it and acting upon it regularly Keep track of when you receive an intuitive message ‘and how often it ture out to be right, either by making a mental note or writing it down, As you notice the trend of your intuition as a guiding foree, you'll come to trust it more ‘and more Journal Prompt: Recall a time when you intuitively knew something was a bad idea but ignored your intuition. How ‘can you learn from this experience? 29 29+ Journal Mantra: Abundant wisdom resides within me Journaling is a profoundly intimate and powerful practice, one that provides a safe space for selfrexpression and channeling wisdom. It’s just what you need to get your thoughts in order and to process emotions. If you're unsure where to etart, try writing about what’s ‘currently happening in your life or about whatever comes into your mind, Surrender to your stream of consciousness! Don't worry ifit eomes out looking like chicken seratch or if it appears incoherent~it doeen’t need to be pretty. The pro: cess of weiting free from expectation will allow you to exer: cise different parts of your brain. It will get you in @ groove that will undoubtedly lead to more enlightening insights. ‘Journaling will help you keep track of your progress and see how far you are coming in various areas of your life. So, put pen to paper, and see what itis within you that needs tobe expressed, Journal Prompt: What thoughte or stories would be help ful for you to write about to gain more clarity? 40 30+ Look for Fairies Mantras ivhat Ib I see appear before me. 2 and ears open for evidence of fairies ‘re genuinely all Keep your e and other ethereal around you, brimmin help you on your journey. You just have to tune in to their presence. But first, you have to believe that they exist! Whatever we focus on and put energy toward will shape our life experience. The magic surrounding us can typically be seen only by those who are in a state of joy, looking at the world through the eyes of a child, and open to infinite possibilities. Soften your gaze when you are outside in nature, a keep aware of what you spy in your peripheral vision. ‘may just see fairies playing in the sunshine and by flowing fater, If you whisper to them from within, they'l often wh per back ttle remark. Be kind and respectful tothem, and they won't toy with you too much! ‘Journal Prompt: How do you think you ean conne with your childlike sense of wonder and keep open to life’s nhnite potential? ings. Remember, th a cheeky 4“ 31+ Look to the Stars Mantra: The stars refect my magic. "As above, so below. This ancien how our human experience reflects the movements of ;phorism represent he stars and the Universe, Just as our ancestors did, look to the heavens for insight into our shared experien people on thie planet. Astrology is a powerful tool for recognizing patterns impacting the collective conseiousness, which we can often yy out among our friends, family, lovers, community, own life. Deepen your understanding of yourself he astrological patterns through self-study or by work ng with a professional astrologer. ‘As you tune in to the different astrological ‘you can gain great insight into what energies are working in you to flow with the ener swimming in opposition your favor. This practice will al ies, instead of feeling like you ‘othe currents of life, Journal Prompt: How can you best work with the eurrent astrological season? If you're unsure what it is, take a ‘moment to look it up and read what it’s all about. ry 33+ Make a Vision Board Mantra: My dreams have come true. Visualization is a key part of manifestation and making a vision board sa potent way t call in what you've been seeking. Geterafty with paper and scissors to construct a vision board with images that represent the things, people, and experiences you want in your life. Alternatively, use motive tional images on your computer or phone background for & portable, digital vision board. Pairimages with words toadd specificity and energy to yout manifestation process, For example, ifthere isa certain type of job opportunity, romantic partner, or life experience that you want co eall in, you can write out 2 detailed list explaining kow you'd like that person or event to manifest and how itwill make you feel. These techniques work because we are made to hone in con what's important. In turn, we start to prioritize taking the necessary steps to bring our desires to life. “As you get clarity on what you want, you're more likely to recognize it and work toward it as it becomes more real and feels more tangible. See it feel it, be it Journal Prompt: What are the top three things you want to ‘manifest in your life? 46 32+ Make a Meal Mantra: Jam nourished by food infused with love When made with love and intention, food has the power to nourish us beyond a physical level. Prepare your self a beautiful meal that's healthy and delicious, perhaps a favorite from childhood or a dish with seasonal ingredients bought from a market or shop offering organic and local produce. Remain mindful and present throughout the entire pro: cess, consciously infusing love and gratitude into the food that you make. Eat it with the same level of presence and appreciation. Whether you are hosting a grand feast with loved ones or a weeknight dinner for one, a simple dish or the most complex cuisine, take great pride in knowing that your two hands created it. Journal Prompt: What is your favorite meal from child- hood? How can you re-create this meal for yourself and ‘make it equally meaningful and tasty? 43 34+ Massage ‘Mantra: I'm fully relaxed and feel peaceful in my body. Bodies love to be touched. Massages are a vital part of self-care because most people live with some amount of dis comfort. Sometimes specific places in our bodies scream out for attention through pain, while others make more subtle requests through stiffness and limited mobility. ‘Before you start a massage, scan your body from head to toe, Feel into the areas where you're holding tension. Set the intention of releasing your physical and emotional dis- comfort during the massage. If it’s within your budget, book a massage with a pro- fessional as a royal treat for yourself. Alternatively, create a relaxing space at home with subtle lighting, aromatherapy, and candles, and by setting an intention. Massage your hands and feet, exploring reflexology techniques or your own intuitive movements. You can also ask a loved one if they'd like to exchange massages with you. Remain mindful throughout the process and see what comes up for you on ‘ physical, emotional, and spiritual level as you give and receive the gift of touch, Journal Prompt: What part of your body needs « massage right now? 4s 35+ Meditate Mantra: Fam at peace. Find a comfortable seat in a quiet place and close your eyes. As you sit in stillness, listen as you inhale and exhale, and allow your mind to settle so you can take a journey inward and upward, Meditation can be that simple. Although there are many approaches, the main goal is to empty the mind and become an observer of your thoughts, allowing them to enter and eave without attachment, labeling, or judgment, Starting with just five minutes in the morning or the evening ean lay the foundation for a daily meditation prac tice and create significant shifte in perspective. As you beginto see the benefits, you can go more in depth with your practice, incorporating guided meditations, breathwork, or classes in different modes of meditation to see which reso nates with you the most. Journal Prompt: What blocks, real or imagined, prevent you from meditating? What practical steps can you take toward removing these blocks? 6 37+ Music Mantra: My heart sings the song of truth Choose music that resonates with you and holds a pos itive vibration. Allow the rhythms, melodies, and lyris to shift you toward your desired mood with ease and grace Let the musie move you, inspire you, and be away for you todo the eame for others, Share a motivating, uplifting song that you like with friends, or play musie that invigorates you and your team ihe you work Whether you've always wanted to get up onstage for learaoke, start a band, or Gnally write down those lyrics oating through your head, there's a song inside you thats waiting to come out! There can be many expectations built up around expressing yourself through musi, but dont le them hold you back from having fun or sharing your unique voice and message Artend a concert or festival, make a playlist with just the right vibe, take up an instrument, or join a singing eir cle—just look for more ways to bring music into your life Open your mind and your ears, and the music will move you injust the right direction Journal Prompt: What do you think your choices in music say about you? 48 36+ Movement Mantra: [feel embodied and ‘empowered to move with strength and grace. Create a clear energy flow throughout your body by introducing a new movement practice into your life. Struc tured or free-flowing, this could be anything from yoga, walking, or Qigong, to rock climbing, running, or swim- ‘mingwhatever suite your tastes. With any movement prac tice, the most important thing isto tune inte how your body. is feeling and move ina supportive way. Relish the feeling of being present inside your miraculous body. Diversify your movement practices so that you're working in all areas of your body. Seek out a new or forgot ten movement practice to help gently push the boundaries of your comfort zone. I's better to start small than not start at alll Even fit’ just 15 minutes per day, get your body moving ina way that feels exhilarating for you! Journal Prompt: What movement practice would you like to try but find excuses not to pursue? How would working through these blocks and moving more freely make you feel? 4” 39+ Plan a Vacation Mantra: Ind adventure and inspiration everywhere Get ready for a magical journey filled with synchronic: ities! Taking the time to go on vacation can give you a new perspective, spark inspiration thet will nourish your soul on the deepest level, and bring more joy to your daily life. We all have a bucket list of places wed like to visit, and there's no time like the present to get started on working toward making our dreams a reality! But planning a vacation requires just that: planning. If there's a place you'd like to travel that seems out of reach, making a budget and timeline for your trip can help guide you inthe right direction. Balancing work and vacation time is essential to well-being. If there are some roadblocks to planning a vacation or if money is tight, don't immediately set your dream plans aside. Rather, take a look at what commitments in your life would need adjustment to make the necessary time, space, and resources available. If you need to wait a while, con- sider how you can satisfy your craving for adventure with 4 staycation or by creating experiences that expose you to new cultures and ideas in your own community. Read a book 50 38+ Nourish Your Temple Mantra: Irourish my body with healthy food, clean water, ‘and posttive self talk ‘When you take pride in how you care for your physical temple you glow. When you nourish your body consistently, tending to it as you would something sacred, others pick up ‘onthe radiant light emanating from you I's often thatintan gible positive vibration that people notice and compliment ‘ut don't entirely know how to put ther finger on. “Tune in to your body and ask it what would feel nour ishing. itor lie down and place one hand on your heart tnd the other on your lower abdomen; then ask, What do ‘you need today? "You may find that your body calls for you to est healthy food or for a movement practice, even if i's just simple stretching. There may be a beauty trestment that comes to mind, ike a body serub or mask, or maybe your body wants tobe adorned with the jewelry you save for pe- cial occasions or with anew lip color. Let your intuition and the signals of your physical being guide you in the right direction to nourish yourself on all levels, Journal Prompt: What is your body ealling for, and what ‘can you do to nourish it more? ry in translation, see a movie produeed in another country, or switch up your dinner routine and try that restaurant serv- ing food that seems exotic to you, Journal Prompt: What small and practical steps can you take to manifest the resources and time you would need to take a vacation? 3 40 + Pleasure Mantra: Iam worthy of pleasure. Our bodies are magnificent temples of joy, blise, and ecstasy awaiting exploration. Most of us have an upbringing filled with limiting perspectives about how we can exper: tence pleasure and what kind is appropriate. As we begin to break free from constrictive perspectives, we ean reexplore our bodies and all our senses to find new and more profound experiences of pleasure, ‘This exploration is a very personal process, with the ‘main requirement being an open mind. Begin by closing youreyes and tuning into your body. Ask yourself where you want fo be touched and how you want to be touched, ‘You can also ask your senses what they are craving, ‘What does your nose want to smell? What does your skin want to feel? What do your eyes want to see? What does your mouth want to taste? What do your ears want to hear? Pleasure has unlimited forms, and you ean call in whatever cone you desire, Journal Prompt: What kind of pleasure do you want to call into your life? 82 41+ Positive Affirmations Mantra: [speak to myself with love ‘and compassion and extend it toall those Imeet, Love yourself and epeak to yourself as if you are the love of yourlife, Write yourself love leter, witness your beauty in the mirror end acknowledge it aloud, or take note of positive compliments you've received in recent times. Use these beau tiful words to create affirmations that support and uplift you. Make speaking to yourself with love a daily practice. This practice requires a deep level of compassion for your self, and keeping your intemal dialogue positive can be challenging st times. Set up your phone background with a positive quote or inspirational message. Write empowering statements on sticky notes and put them around your house, Before you know it, everything around you will be reflecting this positive vibratior Say eweet things to others, Share heartfelt compliments with your friends and family. As you infuse yourself with love through positive affirmations, you radiate positivity out into the world and receive more love and positivity in return. ‘Journal Prompt: What thought patterns are preventing you from being positive at all times when speaking to yourself? 53 42+Read ‘Mantra: Fenjoy expanding my mind. ‘Whether the book is a fantasy novel or a work of non: ‘ction, reading opens us to new perspectives and expands our minds, Get your hands on a book that gets you excited. Borrow one from a friend, visit your local library and ask the ibrarian for top picks, of go t0 a bookstore and browse the recommended-titles tables. Turn the experience of discover- ing what's just right for you into an adventure. ‘Make sure you set aside some time to read a few pages each day, This self-care practice can be perfect for begin: ning your day or winding down in the evening. Consider how reaching for a book, instead of your phone, could sup- port you in finding more balance, Journal Prompt: What was your favorite book to read as @ kid, and how does it make you feel to think about reading inow? 54 43+ Rest DS Manca fanteonog ee eae Sleep is an essential part of maintaining your health and energy. Take the time to make your bedroom and bed ‘cozy oasis. Ready yourself for a night of restful sleep by making sure you're fully decompressed and relaxed before you climb under the covers. Calm your nervous system with some light stretching or herbal tea and by disconnecting from technology, journal: ing, meditating, or taking a relaxing bath. You may find yous have more restful sleep if you use blackout blinds or an eye mask, wear earplugs, or use a white-noise machine. Syncing up with the sunrise and sunset can help restore the natural chythms of your body and rest cycle. At first, you can try setting the alarm for sunrise, and then with time, ‘you may find yourself naturally waking with the sun, feeling rested and ready to have your next "best day ever.” Journal Prompt: What pattems de you notice with respect to the amount of rest you're getting and how your body, thoughts, and emotions fluctuate? ss 44+ Sex Mantra: fam experiencing the cosmic orgasm. i) There isa deep wel of joy, bliss, and healing available tous through sex when it is treated as a sacred experience of divine union. To achiove the deepest states of pleasure and connection, we must have an open heart and body, trust, and be able told the frequency of pure presence Tune in to your body's innate wisdom to uncover what kind of sexual experience or lover you would like to callin. Through this reflection, acknowledge your sexual history and be honest with yourself about any limiting beliefs, blocks, or trauma you need to work through. If there is @ lot to unpack here, you may need to seek the support of professional {is you grow comfortable exploring your own body and your lover's body, as well as expressing your unique essence, desires, and emotions, you wil ind additional layers of plea sure, Sexi one ofthe most incredible ways to cultivate your potent life force energy, also known as Kundalini or Shakti, ‘which you can channel into all areas of yourlife Journal Prompt: What kind of sexual experience would ‘you like to call into your life? 86 45+ Sing ‘Mantra: My voice uplifts all who hear it. You have a unique voice and carry deep wisdom that the world needs to hear. You can share your words in any way you likeeven singing them! Many of us have fear when it comes to sharing our voices, but expressing ourselves, through song can be unexpectedly freeing. Try writing 2 song for fun and as a way to convey what you are feeling. Sing it to yourself and notice how it makes you feel in the moment. Record it and play it back for your self. What emotions come up? Does it empower you or make you feel shy? Sing your favorite song in public t an open mic, sing ing circle, or karaoke bar to break through fear and exper fence new levels of selfexpression, Sing at home, or in your car, to delight yourself and elevate the vibe. Sing to your hear’s content! Journal Prompt: What are your favorite song lyrics right now, and how does hearing them make you feel? 37 46 + Soak in a Bath Mantra: [let the healing waters restore me, Baths are an ancient ritual for energetic and bodily cleansing. Gather sacred items-like erystals, candles, essential oils, and flowers~and sink into the warm water. Imagine the water washing away all that no longer serves, you. Connect with the beauty of the meaningful objects you've assembled and imagine their illuminating energy land radiance bathing you. Take your time when washing your hair and body, cleansing and pampering youreelf like « goddess. After ‘ward, nourish your skin with natural oils and creams. Brush your hair slowly and softly. Give yourself a breast massage. Fully relax and stay naked for as long as you ean, enjoying the feeling of your body. Journal Prompt: How can you make a bath feel more like = sacred self-care ritual? 58 47 + Sound Healing Mantra: [receive healing eneray with grace and ease. Specific sound frequencies—like the “Love Frequency of 528 Hz—offer unique healing energies because of the way they resonate with our cells and the water in our bodies, Sound healing often involves a mix of crystal bowls, didger idoos, gongs, tuning forks, and other sacred instruments to ereate a vibrational frequency that brings on a deeply meditative and dreamlike state, often resulting in visions, memories, and bodily sensations that illuminate areas of life that need attention, Seek out a sound journey based on a specific mood, frequency, chakra, or environment. With more and more options out there, you'll find something that's just right for you. Either download a sound healing recording to listen to in your home or find out if there isa local yoga studio or healing center where you can experience one with a trained specialist. Be sure to journal about the emotions and memo: res that came up for you during the session Journal Prompt: Participate in a sound healing and write about your experience before, during, and after the journey. How do you feel in your mind, body, and heart? 59 48 + Spend Time with Animals Mantra: Animal guides are present in my life, providing protection, sharing wisdom, pointing me in the right direction, and reaching me the ways of unconditional love, ‘The association between animale and spiritual guid- ance has a long history. Animals are known for their ability to share wisdom, send us messages, and be our guardians If you have pets, spend time with them and give them lots of extra affection! Allow their unconditional love to infuse itself in your being. If you don’t have pets, get creative about how you can spend time with animals, Visit a friend or family member vuho has pets, go outside to observe cute little critters in their natural environment, watch funny cat videos, volunteer at a local shelter foster an animal, petsit for afriend, oral in an animal guardian during your next meditation, ‘Keep an eye out for animals showing up in daily life such as when you spot a bird, snake, frog, dragonfly, or spi- der. Take a moment to go within frst and find out what that animal means to you or under what circumstances you have ‘encountered it before. Then, look up the meaning of the ani ‘mal in ancient wisdom teachings for additional guidance on what its appearance in your life may signify. Trust your intur ition when decoding the message this creature holds for you. Journal Prompt: What is your fondest memory of connect ing with an animal, and why? 60 49 + Spend Time with Friends Mantra: Jam surrounded by loving reflections Friends are one of the greatest gifts in life, Plan a time tomeet up with your friends in person to de something fun, even ifi’s only the simple act of sitting around and talking bout what's going on in your lives. If you've been out of touch with friends whe keep com ing up in your thoughts, make sure you get caught up with sm. Reach out toa friend who lives far away, Share the best of what’s happened to you both and see sthat you can learn from each other to propel you forward on your journeys, To call in more fun and a more profound sense of con- nection, plan a goddess circle with your besties. Bring your friends together to share wisdom and experiences around theme, or arrange a ritual to celebrate the new moon, full moon, or solstice, Journal Prompt: Are there nev friends you want to call in? If so, write out the qualities that these new friends hold to help usher in their arrival in your life. 6 50 + Sweet Treat Mantra: Life is sweet to me, Indulging in a aweet trest every once ina while, so that it remains truly special, ean be so good for the soul. This is not the time to restrict calories: this is about treating your self to something delightful. Head to your favorite bakery to pick up something tasty, or askaa friend or family member for ‘special recipe that you can make at home, Set an intention and infuse good energy into your sweet creation. Treat the process of making it and eating it hike a secred ritual Whether you eat it alone or share with loved ones, before you take that first bite, say @ prayer to express your gratitude for the nourishment and joy twill provide. Be sure to savor every second and keep your mind clear while eating itso you can experience it mindfully, Journal Prompt: Whst is your favorite food to indulge in, what does it remind you of, and how does it make you feel? 62 51+ Sync with the Moon Mantra: erabrace my ebb and fow, ‘my many phases, and the cycles of lie. ‘The moon isa powerful celestial entity that reflects the flow of our cycles and the many phases we go through. Look up the current moon phase for guidance on which energy will serve you best at this time, Guidance for Each Moon Phase @ Now moon: Carve out the time and space to get lear on your desires and set your intentions. Write down shat you want to manifest to amplify your intentions and keep track. 2.@ Waxing crescent: Focus on manifesting your ‘intentions and keep visuals around for support. 3. First quarter: Take actions to show your devo tion to manifesting your intentions 4.© Waxing gibbous: Celebrate the beauty of the human experience and all that is moving in your desired direction. 6 5.© Full moon: Take note of how your intentions hhave manifested, reflect with gratitude, and let go cof what is no longer serving you. Put your erystals and sacred belongings outside under the moonlight, for recharging and cleansing 6.O waning gibbous: Clean house and continue releasing what is no longer serving you 7. @ Ahird quarter: Connect with the natural world and let your awareness be drawn to the divine beauty of life's eycles and timelines. 8.@ Waning erescent:Cleanse the energy and reflect with gratitude on the eyele chat’s coming toa close ‘Throughout this moon's eyele, track how you are feel ing. Notice how your energy waxes and wanes, and how your sexual appetite fluctuates. Also, ifyou are female and in your bleeding years, track the moon phase that's present when your menstrual cycle begins and ends, This is a beautiful exercise to do over the long term so that you can see more trends in how your cycles relate to those of the moon, Be sure to keap an eye out for a local moon gathering you can join, or ifthere isn't one in your area, host your own! Journal Prompt: After spending a month tracking your energetic, sexual, and other cycles throughout the moon phases, what has been illuminated for you? 64 52+ Take a Walk Mantra: With eack step forward, Trelease what no longer serves me, Experience a moving meditation and nourish your rind, body, and spirit simultaneously by carving out time to go on a walk. Commit to making a weeklong routine ‘where you go on one each day, even if it's only for a short time. Journal about how this time makes you feel and the revelations that come during your walks. Soon you'll see how much balance and joy they bring to your day. Get out into nature, be physically active, meditate, ‘and be in awe of Mama Nature's beauty all at once. To keep things interesting, find somewhere local that you haven't been to before and would like to explore, like a park, trail, or botanical garden, Schedule a walking date with a loved one for something different to do together. Journal Prompt: What sights, sounds, and smells do you notice when you go for walks, and how do these things make you feel? 65

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