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Human Activities the Contributes in Air pollution

Cutting Tress
Trees act as the earth’s purification system by
absorbing airborne chemicals and releasing
oxygen. To tackle global air pollution, we need to
halt deforestation and plant billions of trees.

Burning of Wood and Coal

Burning of wood and coal causes the release
of carbon monoxide gas, carbon dioxide, and
some unburnt carbon particles in the air that
causes air pollution.


The smoke from factories contain the
greenhouse gases that pollute air. It is emitted
into the atmosphere from the factory burning
of fossil fuels. The factories smoke contribute
immensely to the release of the Carbon Dioxide
into the atmosphere.

Smoke released by vehicles

Cars and trucks are one of the leading causes of
air pollution. but cleaner vehicles can help.
Passenger vehicles are a major pollution
contributor, producing significant amounts of
nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and other

Cause of Air pollution

Asthma Skin Diseases

Bronchitis Cancer

To reduce air pollution we should take some

Planting tress

Avoid Firecrackers

Use echo friendly transportation

Avoid Burning

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