D20 Road Encounters

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D20 Road Encounters

1. Heavy storm. Seek shelter in a cave. Lose a day of travel.

2. Bridge is out. Lose ½ day or pay ferryman 1-5gp.
3. Fine weather. Speed up trip by ½ a day.
4. Flock of stirges.
5. Tree with strange fruit.
6. Coach with wheel stuck in ditch.
7. Coach speeds by, splashing the characters with mud.
8. Dead body in road.
9. Hanged corpses.
10. The charred corpse of an accused witch, her body still smoldering.
11. Troupe of travelling actors or bard.
12. Gibbet. 50% chance it contains an NPC.
13. Roadwardens.
14. Pack of starving wolves.
15. Press gang.
16. Bandit ambush!
17. Goblin ambush!
18. Pilgrims or flagellants
19. Pedlar
20. Mysterious rider.

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