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A Project Report


Automatic valve opening for irrigation

A report submitted to the

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education
In Partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the award of the diploma
Diploma In Engineering
(Mechanical Engineering)
Kolekar Shubham
Bhise vallabh
Kurdale Shubham
Godse Bhushan

Under the Guidance of

Prof. Khalate J. V.

Phaltan Education Society’s

College of Engineering Phaltan (Polytechnic)

Phaltan Education Society’s
College of Engineering Phaltan
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Department
This is to certify that, the project entitled,
“Automatic valve opening for irrigation ”,
Submitted by,
Name of students
Mr. Kolekar shubham (1716740033)
Mr. Bhise vallabh (1716740030)
Mr.Kurdule shubham (1816740146)
Mr. Godse bhushan(1716740046)

Is a record of their own work carried by them in partial fulfillment for

award of the diploma in Mechanical Engineering, under my
guidance an
supervision during the academic year 2018-2019.
Place: Phaltan. Date:

Mr. Khalate J. V. Mr. Gundage V. V Mrs. Tilekar

J. S.
Guide Project Coordinator H.O.D

External Examiner Seal Dr.

Phadatare M. K
COE, Phaltan
We would like to take this opportunity to thank one and all that provided their valuable
advice and guidance without which this project would not have been completed. We thank all
have helped us directly or indirectly but some in particular have to be singled out since they
given us more than just guidance.
I wish to express thanks to my guide Mr. Khalate J. V. and Project coordinator Mr. V.
V. Gundage for his kind support and providing all facilities and academic environment for our
Project work.
Our profound thanks to Mrs J. S. Tilekar Head of the Department of Mechanical
in Diploma for her invaluable advice and constant encouragement to complete this project
report in a successful manner.
I would like to express my gratitude to our esteemed Principal Dr. M. A. Natu for his

Mr. Kolekar shubham (1716740033)

Mr. Bhise vallabh (1716740030)
Mr. Godse bhushan (1716740046)
Mr. Kurdale shubham (1816740146)
Sr. No. Figure Name Figure Number Page Number

1 Flow chart for methodology 1 6

2 Experimental Setup 2 19
3 Cantilever model with one end Fixed 3 23
4 Cantilever model with Force acting at the end 4 24
5 Stresses developed in the Cantilever beam 5 24
6 Strain plot in the Cantilever beam model 6 25
7 Deflection in the Cantilever beam model 7 25
8 Cantilever beam model with PZT Patches and 8 26
one end Fixed
9 Cantilever model with PZT patches and Force 9 26
acting at the end
10 Stresses developed in the Cantilever beam 10 27
model with PZT Patches
11 Strain plot of the Cantilever beam with PZT 11 27
patches model
12 Deflection in the Cantilever beam model with 12 28
PZT patches

Sr. No Table Name Table Number Page Number

1 Project plan 1 7

2 Quality rejection 2 12

3 Dimensions of the beam 3 21

4 Elements types used 4 21

5 System of units 5 22
Sr. No. Page No.
ii. Acknowledgment i.
i. ii.
iii. List of Figures iii.
iv. List of Tables iv.
v. Contents v.
vi. Abstract vi.
1 Introduction
1.1 Passive vibration control 01
1.2Active vibration control 02
1.3 Vibration measuring technique 03
1.3.1Time domain analysis
1.3.2 Frequency domain analysis
2 Problem Statement 04
3 Objective 05
4 Methodology 06
5 Piezoelectric model 08
5.1 Piezoelectric material property
5.2 PZT Patches Piezoelectric Actuator
6 Literature review 10
7 Experimental setup 21
8 Analysis of cantilever beam 23
8.1Dimensions of beam
8.2 ANSYS element used
8.3 System units
8.4 Material properties
8.5 Design conditions
8.6Boundary conditions
8.7Analysis Results
9 Conclusion 48
10 Future Scope 49
11 References

Irrigation is the art of applying water to the plants/ fields to grow and to increase the

quantity as well as quality of the fruits, food grains etc., Automatic irrigation system is a modern

method of irrigating the vegetable, fruit fields, farms, gardens and land scalping areas as against

the conventional method, which uses large number of men- hours and uncontrolled water quantity.

This modern drip irrigation method has the advantage of precisely applying water for irrigation in

both location and point, thus offering the potential of increased profit due to reduced water.

This project work describes about “Automatic Plant Watering System depending on soil

condition” designed with micro- controller. The main purpose of the project work is to apply water

to the plants automatically.


Chapter No. Title of the Chapter Page No


1 1.1 Introduction
1.2 Objective

2 Literature Review

3 Construction & Working of Project

4 Design of the Project

5 Manufacturing process of the project

6 Advantages, Disadvantages and Application of project

7 Future Scope of the project

8 Conclusion

9 Reference


1.1 Introduction

In India agriculture is the most important occupation of the people. More than 60% of our total
population depends for their subsistence on agriculture. After independence due to various development
projects introduced in the field agriculture, production of food grains has been continuously
increasing. The entire Indian economy is depends on agriculture. Any fluctuation in agriculture income
will directly affect the India’s national income. In this regard, a thought is given to develop an
Automatic Plant Watering System Depending On Soil condition designed with micro-controller.
Irrigation engineering comprises of a full knowledge of sources of irrigation water, their proper
preservation and application of this water to the land after conveying it from the source through an
irrigation system, consisting of canal and connected works. It also includes a working knowledge of
different types of soils and the water requirements of various crops sown in them.
Irrigation Control Valves:
These are the valves that turn on and off the sprinklers, they also may be used for drip
irrigation systems. Other names sometime used for them are irrigation valve, sprinkler
valve, solenoid valve, and lawn valve. Sometimes they are incorrectly called Garden
Valves.  A garden valve is a manual valve that you connect a garden hose to.
In this project work lot of importance is given for the drip irrigation, such that by sensing the soil
humidity water supply can be controlled automatically. For sensing the soil condition copper electrodes
are used. Irrigation is usually required when the yearly rainfall is either insufficient or ill distributed or ill
timed. Yield is much better where irrigation is practiced and fields are watered at the proper time. In
countries like India and Egypt, irrigation provides employment for large sections of people. It raises the
standard of living and prosperity. Irrigation projects are successful only when sufficient quantities of water
are available and the land is suitable to grow remunerative crops. No irrigation is normally required if the
total annual rainfall is 100cms. Or more and takes place at correct times. When it is proposed to grow
valuation and better types of crops like Rice, Sugar cane, Vegetables, Cotton etc., and Irrigation is very
This project work, in addition to the controlling of pumping motor, it is also aimed to
control the overhead tank automatically, for this purpose the controller circuit is designed with micro-
controller. With the advancement of technology in the electronics. Particularly in the Hybrid electronics and
Microelectronics, the electronics has entered in to each and every field, whether it is a communication
electronics or control electronics or computer electronics.
To make more innovative and more comfortable for modern drip irrigation, it is decided to develop a
project in plant watering automation.
By using the concept of modern irrigation system a farmer can save water up to 50%. This concept depends
on two irrigation methods those are: conventional irrigation methods like overhead sprinklers, flood type
feeding systems i.e. wet the lower leaves and stem of the plants. The area between the crop rows become dry
as the large amount of water is consumed by the flood type methods, in which case the farmer depends only
on the incidental rainfalls. The crops are been infected by the leaf mold fungi as the soil surface often stays
wet and is saturated after irrigation is completed. Overcoming these drawbacks new techniques are been
adopted in the irrigation techniques, through which small amounts of water applies to the parts of root zone
of a plant. The plant soil moisture stress is prevented by providing required amount of water resources
frequently or often daily by which the moisture condition of the soil will retain well. The diagram below shows
the entire concept of the modern irrigation system. The traditional techniques like sprinkler or surface
irrigation requires / uses nearly half of water sources. Even more precise amounts of water
can be supplied for plants. As far as the foliage is dry the plant damage due to disease and
insects will be reduced, which further reduces the operating cost.
Now the project mainly concentrates on designing a suitable operating system. To maintain
simplicity and economy in the design the locally fabricated unit has been used.
Our project achieves higher safety, reduces human effort, increases the efficiency, reduces the
work load, reduces the fatigue of workers and reduces maintenance cost.
1.2 Objective of the project
 To understand the basic principal of the our project
 Describe the construction and working of various parts of our project
 Development of the working model of the our project
Literature Review

It is a simple project more useful in watering plants automatically without any human interference.
We know that people do not pour the water on to the plants in their gardens when they go to vacation or
often forget to water plants. As a result, there is a chance to get the plants damaged. This project is an
excellent solution for such kind of problems. Many irrigation systems exits such as,
1. Monitoring of rice crops using GPRS and wireless sensors for efficient use of water and Electricity.
2. Wireless Sensor Based Remote Monitoring System for Agriculture Using Zig-Bee and GPS.
3. Design of Embedded System for the Automation of Drip Irrigation.
4. A Survey of Automated GSM Based Irrigation System.
5. Wireless Sensor Networks Agriculture: For Potato Farming.
6. Design and Implementation of GSM based Irrigation System Using ARM7.
7. Automated Irrigation System Using a Wireless Sensor Network and GPRS Module.
8. Automated Irrigation System Using Solar Power.
Review for ARM based agriculture field monitoring system.
10. Automatic Irrigation Control by using wireless sensor networks.
11. Remote Sensing and Control of an Irrigation System Using a Distributed Wireless Sensor Network.
2.1 Problem Statement
Irrigation of plants is usually a very time- consuming activity, to be done in a reasonable amount of time, it
requires a large amount of human resources. Traditionally all the steps were executed by humans.
Nowadays some systems use technology to reduce the number or workers or the time required to water
the plants. With such systems, the control is very limited, and many resources are still wasted. Water is
one of these resources that are used excessively. Many irrigation is one method used to water the plant.
This method represents massive losses since the amount of water given is in excess of the plant’s needs.
The excess water is evacuated by the holes of the pots in greenhouses, or it percolates through the soil in
the fields. The contemporary perception of water is that of a free renewable resource that can be used in
abundance. It is therefore reasonable to assume that it will soon become a very expensive resource
everywhere. In addition to the excess cost of water labour is becoming more and more expensive. As a
result, if no effort is invested in
optimizing these resources, there will be more money involved in the same process.
Technology is probably a solution to reduce costs and prevent loss of resource, this project can
be a strong way to tackle such a situation.
2.2 Scope of project:
Day by day, the field of electronics is blooming and have caused great impact on human
beings. The project which is to be implemented is an automated irrigation method and has a
huge scope for future development. The project can be extended to greenhouses where manual
supervision is far and few in between. The principle can be extended to create fully automated
gardens and farmlands. Combined with the principle of rain water harvesting, it could lead to
huge water savings if applied in the right manner. In agricultural lands with severe shortage of
rainfall, this model can be successfully applied to achieve great results with most types of soil.
Automation eliminates the manual operation of opening or closing valves
Possibility to change frequency of irrigation and fertigation processes and to optimise these
Adoption of advanced crop systems and new technologies, especially new crop systems that are
complex and difficult to operate manually
Use of water from different sources and increased efficiency in water and fertiliser use
System can be operated at night, water loss from evaporation is thus minimised
Irrigation process starts and stops exactly when required, thus optimising energy requirements

The systems can be very expensive
Self-help compatibility is very low with big-scale systems, which are very complex
Most automated irrigation systems need electricity
Construction & Working of Project
1. Parts used in the project
Solenoid valve
1. Diagram of the project
1. High-Tech Principles
Factsheet Block Body
Automation of irrigation systems refers to the operation of the system with no or
minimum manual interventions. Irrigation automation is justified where a large
irrigated area is divided into small segments called irrigation blocks and segments are
irrigated in sequence to match the discharge available from the water source. There
are six high-tech automation systems, which are described below.

2. Open Loop Systems

(Adapted from BOMAN et al. 2006)
In an open loop system, the operator makes the decision on the amount of water to be
applied and the timing of the irrigation event. The controller is programmed
correspondingly and the water is applied according to the desired schedule. Open loop
control systems use either the irrigation duration or a specified applied volume for
control purposes. Open loop controllers normally come with a clock that is used to
start irrigation. Termination of the irrigation can be based on a pre-set time or may be
based on a specified volume of water passing through a flow meter.
Closed Loop Systems
(Adapted from BOMAN et al. 2006)
In closed loop systems, the operator develops a general control strategy. Once the
general strategy is defined, the control system takes over and makes detailed
decisions on when to apply water and how much water to apply. This type of system
requires feedback from one or more sensors. Irrigation decisions are made and
actions are carried out based on data from sensors. In this type of system, the
feedback and control of the system are done continuously. Closed loop controllers
require data acquisition of environmental parameters (such as soil moisture,
temperature, radiation, wind-speed, etc) as well as system parameters (pressure, flow,
Irrigation System

Power Supply
230 VAC

et Pi Solenoid
pe Valve

3.3 Working of the project

In this project consist of the digital timer, motor pump, pipes and tank. We fill
the tank with water for irrigation purpose. In the timer we set the value as per required
condition for one week and this value will repeat. As per value the motor pump will on
/off conditions work.
Flow Control
I strongly recommend that if you are going to use automatic valves, you select a
valve model that has a manual flow adjustment control feature on it. Don’t
confuse the flow control with a manual on/off switch. The flow control is a
separate handle (sometimes a screw) in addition to the manual on/off control on
the valve. This flow control feature is not found on many of the less expensive
“budget” valves. The flow control bypasses the automatic valve features allowing
the valve to be closed in an emergency by turning a handle just like a standard
manual valve. More important is that it also allows the valve to be “throttled”, that
is, the water flow may be adjusted to any rate desired. This ability to adjust the
flow rate is very useful in many different situations, both when installing your
sprinkler system and later when managing it.  It can literally make the difference
between being able to make a troublesome valve work and having to remove and
replace it!  I very strongly suggest that this is a feature worth the extra cost.
•Using the manual flow control you can manually force the valve closed if it sticks
open. The manual on/off switch will not close the valve if it is stuck open. Failure to
close automatically is one of the most common valve problems, so there’s a good
chance that someday you will use the flow control to force closed a valve that is stuck
•If your flows are on the low end of the valve’s operation range, it may be helpful to
throttle down the flow control to make the valve close faster and more reliably.
Without the flow control feature you may have a lot of problems in this situation, you
will probably have to replace the valve.
•Partially closing the flow control will make the valve close faster, which is not
something you want to do normally, but sometimes it is desirable. On automatic
systems it is common for the next valve to open before the previous one fully closes.
The resulting loss of pressure due to two valve circuits being on at the same time can
cause the first valve to never fully close. A flow control on the valve can help correct
this problem.
Design and design consideration of the project
4.1. Design consideration of the project
4.1.1 Introduction:
Project design may be defined as the iterative decision making activity to create a plan or
plans by which the available resources are converted, preferably optimally, into systems, processes or
devices to perform the desired functions and to meet human needs. In fact project design has been
defined in many ways but the simplest ways to define project design as
“An iterative decision making process to conceive and implement optimum systems to solve
society’s problems and needs.”
Project design is practical in nature and must be concerned with physical reliability, or
economic and financial feasibility Design is essentially a decision-making process. If we have a
problem, we need to design a solution. In other words, to design is to formulate a plan to satisfy a
particular need and to create something with a physical reality.
4.1.2 Basic concept of project design:
Decision making comes in every stage of design. Consider two cars of different makes.
They may both be reasonable cars and serve the same purpose but the designs are different.
The designers consider different factors and come to certain conclusions leading to an
optimum design. Market survey gives an indication of what people want. Existing norms play
an important role. Once a critical decision is made, the rest of the design features follow. For
example, once we decide the engine capacity, the shape and size, then the subsequent course
of the design would follow. A bad decision leads to a bad design and a bad product.
Design may be for different products and with the present specialization and knowledge
bank, we have a long list of design disciplines e.g. ship design, building design, process design,
bridge design, clothing or fashion design and so
4.1.3 Types of project design:
There may be several types of design such as
1. Adaptive design
This is based on existing design, for example, standard products or systems adopted for a new
application. Conveyor belts, control system of projects and mechanisms or haulage systems are some
of the examples where existing design systems are adapted for a particular use.
2. Developmental designs
Here we start with an existing design but finally a modified design is obtained. A new model of

a car is a typical example of a developmental design .

3. New design
This type of design is an entirely new one but based on existing scientific principles. No
scientific invention is involved but requires creative thinking to solve a problem. Examples of this type
of design may include designing a small vehicle for transportation of men and material on board a

ship or in a desert. Some research activity may be necessary.

 Types of design based on methods
4. Rational design:
This is based on determining the stresses and strains of components and thereby deciding their
5. Empirical design:
This is based on empirical formulae which in turn are based on experience and experiments. For
example, when we tighten a nut on a bolt the force exerted or the stresses induced cannot be
determined exactly but experience shows that the tightening force may be given by P=284d where, d is
the bolt diameter in mm and P is the applied force in kg. There is no mathematical backing of this
equation but it is based on observations and experience.

6. Industrial design:
These are based on industrial considerations and norms viz. market survey, external look,
production facilities, low cost, use of existing standard products.
4.1.4 Factors to be considered in project design
There are many factors to be considered while attacking a design problem. In many
cases these are a common sense approach to solving a problem. Some of these
factors are as follows:
(a) What device or mechanism to be used? This would decide the relative
arrangement of the constituent elements.
(b) Material
(c) Forces on the elements
(d) Size, shape and space requirements. The final weight of the product is also a
major concern.
(e) The method of manufacturing the components and their assembly.
(f) How will it operate?
(g) Reliability and safety aspects
(h) Inspectibility
(i) Maintenance, cost and aesthetics of the designed product.
 What device or mechanism to be used:
This is best judged by understanding the problem thoroughly. Sometimes a
particular function can be achieved by a number of means or by using different
mechanisms and the designer has to decide which one is most effective under the
circumstances. A rough design or layout diagram may be made to crystallize the

thoughts regarding the relative arrangement of the elements.

1. Material:
This is a very important aspect of any design. A wrong choice of material may
lead to failure, over or undersized product or expensive items. The choice of materials
is thus dependent on suitable properties of the material for each component, their
suitability of fabrication or manufacture and the cost.
This is a very important aspect of any design. A wrong choice of material may
lead to failure, over or undersized product or expensive items. The choice of materials
is thus dependent on suitable properties of the material for each component, their
suitability of fabrication or manufacture and the cost.
1. Load:
The external loads cause internal stresses in the elements and these stresses
must be determined accurately since these will be used in determining the component
size. Loading may be due to:
i) Energy transmission by a project member.
ii) Dead weight.
iii) Inertial forces.
iv) Thermal effects.
v) Frictional forces.
4.1.5. Steps in project design
Project Design or mechanical design is primarily concerned with the systems by which the energy is
converted into useful mechanical forms and of mechanisms required to convert the output of the project to
the desired form. The design may lead to an entirely new project or an improvement on an existing one.
Thus project design is the production or creation of the right combination of correctly proportioned moving
and stationary components so constructed and joined as to enable the liberation, transformation, and
utilization of energy.
The basic procedure of project design (Mechanical Project Design) consists of a step by step
approach from given specifications of functional requirement of a product to the complete description in
the form of blue prints of the final product. The following steps are involved:
First Step:
In the very first step a complete list of specifications for the functional requirement of the product is
to be prepared. The requirement may include, for example:
(a) Output capacity;
(b) Service life;
(c) Cost;
(d) Reliability; etc.
In consumer products, in addition appearance, noiseless operation, and simplicity in control are important
requirements. Depending upon the type of product, various requirements are given Weight age and a
priority list of specifications is prepared.
Second Step:
After a careful study of the requirements the designer prepares rough sketches of different possible
mechanisms of project and depending upon the cost competitiveness, availability of raw material, and
manufacturing facilities, the possible mechanisms are compared with each other and the designer selects the
best possible mechanism for the product
Third Step:
In the third step of the design procedure a block diagram is to be prepared which showing the general layout
of the selected configuration. In this step designer specifies the joining methods, such as riveting, bolting, and
welding to connect the individual components. Rough sketches of shapes of individual parts are prepared.
different possible mechanisms of project and depending upon the cost competitiveness, availability of
raw material, and manufacturing facilities, the possible mechanisms are compared with each other and the
designer selects the best possible mechanism for the product

Third Step:
In the third step of the design procedure a block diagram is to be prepared which showing the general
layout of the selected configuration. In this step designer specifies the joining methods, such as riveting,
bolting, and welding to connect the individual components. Rough sketches of shapes of individual parts are

Fourth Step:
 After selecting the required or deciding the configuration of mechanism / project
in third step above. The design of individual components of the selected
configuration is to be done in this step. It consists of the following stages:
 Determine the forces acting on each component;
 Selecting the proper material for the component depending upon the functional
requirement, such as strength, wear, rigidity, hardness and bearing properties etc.
 Determine the likely mode of failure & select the criterion of failure like, yield
strength, ultimate strength, deflection etc.
 Determine the geometric dimensions of the components using suitable factor of
safety and modify the dimensions from manufacturing considerations. This
stage involves the detailed stress analysis.
Fifth Step:
The last stage in design process is to prepare the blue prints of assembly and
individual component. On these drawings, the material of the components,
dimensions and tolerances, surface finish and machining methods are specified.
The designer prepare two separate lists of components
 Standard components to be purchased directly from the market;
 Special components to be projects in the factory;
Thus the project design or mechanical design process is a systematic step-by-step
approach from known specification to unknown solution
4.1.6. Planning for project design
Project design is the chronological vertical structure of the various phases or
steps together from the project analysis to the retirement of the product. Thus Project
of design includes the following steps:
(i) Feasibility Study:
The aim is to produce a number of feasible and useful solutions. Here the alternatives
are assessed in stages. The first stage is made on the basis of common sense. Many
of the broad solutions may not be worth consideration. Considering technical
feasibility some of the solutions can be eliminated. The last stage is the economic
assessment. Systematic technical, economic, social and legal considerations provide
a rapid convergence towards the useful solutions.
1) Preliminary Design:
Feasibility study yields a set of useful solutions. The aim in this phase is to choose the
optimal solution. To do this, criterion of optimization must be explicitly delineated. The
chosen alternative is then tested and predictions are made concerning its performance.
2)Detailed Design:
The purpose of the detailed design is to produce a complete project description of a tested
and producible design for manufacture. A detailed design includes manufacturing drawings
with tolerances. Planning for Manufacturing- A procedure sheet is to be made which contains
a sequence of manufacturing operations that must be performed on the component. It
specifies clearly the tooling, fixtures and production projects. This phase may include
planning, and inventory control, quality control system, the fixing of standard time and labor
cost for each operation.
3) Planning for Distribution, Use of the Product:
The success of a design depends on the skill exercised in marketing the product. Also the
user-oriented concern such as reliability, ease of maintenance, product safety, and
convenience in use, aesthetic appeal, economy and durability must meet.
Manufacturing process of the project

1. Introduction
Manufacturing is the backbone of any industrialized nation. Manufacturing and
technical staff in industry must know the various manufacturing processes, materials
being processed, tools and equipments for manufacturing different components or
products with optimal process plan using proper precautions and specified safety
rules to avoid accidents. Beside above, all kinds of the future engineers must know the
basic requirements of workshop activities in term of man, machine, material, methods,
money and other infrastructure facilities needed to be positioned properly for optimal
shop layouts or plant layout and other support services effectively adjusted or located
in the industry or plant within a well-planned manufacturing organization.
The complete understanding of basic manufacturing processes and workshop
technology is highly difficult for anyone to claim expertise over it. The study deals with
several aspects of workshops practices also for imparting the basic working
of the different engineering materials, tools, equipment’s, manufacturing processes,
basic concepts of electro-mechanical controls of machine tools, production criteria’s,
characteristics and uses of various testing instruments and measuring or inspecting
devices for checking components or products manufactured in various manufacturing
shops in an industrial environment. It also describes and demonstrates the use of
different hand tools (measuring, marking, holding and supporting tools, cutting etc.),
equipment’s, machinery and various methods of manufacturing that facilitate shaping
or forming the different existing raw materials into suitable usable forms. It deals with
the study of industrial environment which involves the practical knowledge in the area
of ferrous and nonferrous materials, their properties and uses. It should provide the
knowledge of basic workshop processes namely bench work and fitting, sheet metal,
carpentry, pattern making, mould making, foundry, smithy, forging, metal working and
heat treatment, welding, fastening, machine shop, surface finishing and coatings,
assembling inspection and quality control. It emphasizes on basic knowledge regarding
composition, properties and uses of different raw materials, various production processes,
replacement of or improvement over a large number of old processes, new and compact
designs, better accuracy in dimensions, quicker methods of production, better surface finishes,
more alternatives to the existing materials and tooling systems, automatic and numerical
control systems, higher mechanization and greater output.
Manufacturing is derived from the Latin word manufactus, means made by hand. In
modern context it involves making products from raw material by using various processes, by
making use of hand tools, machinery or even computers. It is therefore a study of the processes
required to make parts and to assemble them in machines. Process Engineering, in its
application to engineering industries, shows how the different problems related to development
of various machines may be solved by a study of physical, chemical and other laws governing
the manufacturing process
manufacturing reveals those parameters which can be most efficiently being
influenced to increase production and raise its accuracy.
1. .Manufacturing Process
Manufacturing process is that part of the production process which is directly
concerned with the change of form or dimensions of the part being produced. It does
not include the transportation, handling or storage of parts, as they are not directly
concerned with the changes into the form or dimensions of the part produced.
5.2.1. Classification of Manufacturing Processes
In the manufacturing processes used in manufacturing concern for changing the
ingots into usable products may be classified into six major groups as primary
shaping processes, secondary machining processes, metal forming processes, joining
surface finishing processes and processes effecting change in properties. These
are discussed as under.
1. Primary Shaping Processes
Primary shaping processes are manufacturing of a product from an amorphous
material. Some processes produces finish products or articles into its usual form
whereas others do not, and require further working to finish component to the desired
shape and size. Castings need re-melting of scrap and defective ingots in cupola or in
some other melting furnace and then pouring of the molten metal into sand or
metallic moulds to obtain the castings. The parts produced through these processes
may or may not require undergoing further operations.
Some of the important primary shaping processes is:
(1) Casting, (2) Powder metallurgy, (3) Plastic technology, (4) Gas cutting, (5) Bending
and (6) Forging.
Secondary or Machining Processes
As large number of components require further processing after the primary
processes. These components are subjected to one or more number of machining
operations in machine shops, to obtain the desired shape and dimensional accuracy
on flat and cylindrical jobs. Thus, the jobs undergoing these operations are the
roughly finished products received through primary shaping processes. The process of
removing the undesired or unwanted material from the workpiece or job or component
to produce a required shape using a cutting tool is known as machining. This can be
done by a manual process or by using a machine called machine tool (traditional
machines namely lathe, milling machine, drilling, shaper, planner, slotter). In many
cases these operations are performed on rods, bars and flat surfaces in machine
These secondary processes are mainly required for achieving dimensional accuracy
and a very high degree of surface finish.
The secondary processes require the use of on or more machine tools, various single or multi-point
cutting tools (cutters), job holding devices, marking and measuring instruments, testing devices and gauges
etc. for getting desired dimensional control and required degree of surface finish on the workpieces. The
example of parts produced by machining processes includes hand tools machine tools instruments,
automobile parts, nuts, bolts and gears etc. Lot of material is wasted as scrap in the secondary or
machining process. Some of the common secondary or machining processes are:
(1) Turning, (2) Threading, (3) Knurling, (4) Milling, (5) Drilling, (6) Boring, (7) Planning, (8) Shaping, (9)
Slotting, (10) Sawing, (11) Broaching, (12) Hobbing, (13) Grinding, (14) Gear cutting, (15) Thread cutting and
(16) Unconventional machining processes namely machining with Numerical Control (NC) machines tools
or Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines tools using ECM, LBM, AJM, USM setups etc.
3. Joining Processes

Many products observed in day-to-day life, are commonly made by putting

many parts together may be in subassembly. For example, the ball pen consists of a
body, refill, barrel, cap, and refill operating mechanism. All these parts are put together
to form the product as a pen.
More than 800 parts are put together to make various subassemblies and final
assembly of car or aero-plane. A complete machine tool may also require to assemble
more than 100 parts in various sub assemble or final assembly. The process of
putting the parts together to form the product, which performs the desired function, is
called assembly. An assemblage of parts may require some parts to be joined
together using various joining processes. But assembly should not be confused with
the joining process. Most of the products cannot be manufactured as single unit they
are manufactured as different components using one or more of the above
manufacturing processes, and these components are assembled to get the desired
Joining processes are widely used in fabrication and assembly work. In these
process two or more pieces of metal parts are joined together to produce desired
shape and size of the product. The joining processes are carried out by fusing,
pressing, rubbing, riveting, screwing or any other means of assembling. These
processes are used for assembling metal parts and in general fabrication work. Such
requirements usually occur when several pieces are to be joined together to fabricate a
desired structure of products. These processes are used developing steam or water-
tight joints. Temporary, semi-permanent or permanent type of fastening to make a
good joint is generally created by these processes. Temporary joining of components
can be achieved by use of nuts, screws and bolts. Adhesives are also used to make
temporary joints. Some of the important and common joining processes are:
(1) Welding (plastic or fusion), (2) Brazing, (3) Soldering, (4) Riveting, (5) Screwing,
(6) Press fitting, (7) Sintering, (8) Adhesive bonding, (9) Shrink fitting, (10) Explosive
welding, (11) Diffusion welding, (12) Keys and cotters joints, (13) Coupling and (14)
Nut and bolt joints

4. Surface Finishing Processes

Surface finishing processes are utilized for imparting intended surface finish on
the surface of a job. By imparting a surface finishing process, dimension of part is not
changed functionally; a very negligible amount of material is removed from the
certain material is added to the surface of the job. These processes should not be
misunderstood as metal removing processes in any case as they are primarily
intended to provide a good surface finish or a decorative or protective coating on to
the metal surface. Surface cleaning process also called as a surface finishing process.
Some of the commonly used surface finishing processes are: (1) Honing, (2) Lapping,
(3) Super finishing, (4) Belt grinding, (5) Polishing, (6) Tumbling, (7) Organic finishes, (8)
Sanding, (9) Debarring, (10) Electroplating, (11) Buffing, (12) Metal spraying, (13)
Painting, (14) Inorganic coating, (15) Anodizing, (16) Sheradising, (17) Parkerizing, (18)
Galvanizing, (19) Plastic coating, (20) Metallic coating, (21) Anodizing and (22) Sand
5.3. Product development process

A product development has to go through the following concepts of product

engineering which are given as under.
 Product functions
 Product specifications
 Conceptual design
 Ergonomics and aesthetics
 Standards
 Detailed design
 Prototype development
 Testing
 Simulation
 Design for manufacture
 Design for assembly
 Drafting
5.4 Manufacturing process of the project
1. Measurement of the material required dimension:
Measurement is the foundation of scientific inquiry. In order to test our
hypotheses, we must observe our theoretical concepts at the operational level. In
simple words, we must measure what we have defined. But there are different levels of
measurement, which provide differing amounts of information about the theoretical
construct. There are also some basic issues about the adequacy of measurement

which we must address.

2. Cutting operation as per dimension:
Cutting processes work by causing fracture of the material that is processed.
Usually, the portion that is fractured away is in small sized pieces, called chips.
Common cutting processes include sawing, shaping (or planning), broaching, drilling,
grinding, turning and milling. Although the actual machines, tools and processes for
cutting look very different from each other, the basic mechanism for causing the
fracture can be understood by just a simple model called for orthogonal cutting.
In all machining processes, the workpiece is a shape that can entirely cover the final
part shape. The objective is to cut away the excess material and obtain the final part.
This cutting usually requires to be completed in several steps – in each step, the part
is held in a fixture, and the exposed portion can be accessed by the tool to machine in
that portion. Common fixtures include vise, clamps, 3-jaw or 4-jaw chucks, etc. Each
position of holding the part is called a setup. One or more cutting operations may be
performed, using one or more cutting tools, in each setup. To switch from one
setup to the next, we must release the part from the previous fixture, change the fixture
on the machine, clamp the part in the new position on the new fixture, set the
coordinates of the machine tool with respect to the new location of the part, and
finally start the machining operations for this setup. Therefore, setup changes are
time-consuming and expensive, and so we should try to do the entire cutting process
in a minimum number of setups; the task of determining the sequence of the
individual operations, grouping them into (a minimum number of) setups, and
determination of the fixture used for each setup, is called process planning.
3. Machining operation on required parts:
Turning is a cutting operation in which the part is rotated as the tool is held against it
on a machine called a lathe. The raw stock that is used on a lathe is usually cylindrical,
and the parts that are machined on it are rotational parts – mathematically, each
machined on a lathe is a surface of revolution. Machining is an essential
process of finishing by which work pieces are produced to the desired dimensions and
surface finish by gradually removing the excess material from the preformed blank in
the form of chips with the help of cutting tool(s) moved past the work surface(s).Most
of the engineering components such as gears, bearings, clutches, tools, screws and
nuts etc. need dimensional and form accuracy and good surface finish for serving
their purposes. Performing like casting, forging etc. generally cannot provide the
desired accuracy and finish. For that such preformed parts, called blanks, need semi-
finishing and finishing and it is done by machining and grinding.
 Grinding is also basically a machining process.
 Machining to high accuracy and finish essentially enables a product:
 Fulfill its functional requirements.
 Improve its performance.
3. Drilling and tapping the material as per dimension:
These four methods all produce holes of different types. Drilling produces round holes
of different types; reaming is used to improve the dimensional tolerance on a drilled
hole; boring uses a special machine operating like a lathe, to cut high precision holes;
and tapping creates screw-threads in drilled holes. Drilling: The geometry of the
common twist drill tool (called drill bit) is complex; it has straight cutting teeth at the
bottom – these teeth do most of the metal cutting, and it has curved cutting teeth
along its cylindrical surface. The grooves created by the helical teeth are called flutes,
and are useful in pushing the chips out from the hole as it is being machined. Clearly,
the velocity of the tip of the drill is zero, and so this region of the tool cannot do much
cutting. Therefore it is common to machine a small hole in the material, called a
center-hole, before utilizing the drill. Center-holes are made by special drills called
drills; they also provide a good way for the drill bit to get aligned with the
location of the center of the hole. There are hundreds of different types of drill shapes
and sizes; here, we will only restrict ourselves to some general facts about drills.
 Common drill bit materials include hardened steel (High Speed Steel, Titanium
Nitride coated steel); for cutting harder materials, drills with hard inserts, e.g.
carbide or CBN inserts, are used;
 In general, drills for cutting softer materials have smaller point angle, while those
for cutting hard and brittle materials have larger point angle;
 If the Length/Diameter ratio of the hole to be machined is large, then we need a
special guiding support for the drill, which itself has to be very long; such
operations are called gun-drilling. This process is used for holes with diameter of
few mm or more, and L/D ratio up to 300. These are used for making barrels of
 Drilling is not useful for very small diameter holes (e.g. < 0.5 mm), since the tool
may break and get stuck in the workpieces;
 Usually, the size of the hole made by a drill is slightly larger than the measured
diameter of the drill – this is mainly because of vibration of the tool spindle as it
rotates, possible misalignment of the drill with the spindle axis, and some other
 For tight dimension control on hole diameter, we first drill a hole that is slightly
smaller than required size (e.g. 0.25 mm smaller), and then use a special type of
drill called a reamer. Reaming has very low material removal rate, low depth of
cut, but gives good dimension accuracy;
 large and deep holes are made by spade drills;
 Countersink/counter bore drills have multiple diameters – they make a
chamfered/stepped hole, which is useful for inserting screws/bolts – the larger
diameter part of the hole accommodates the screw/bolt head;
 Internal threads can be cut into holes that mate with screws/bolts. These are cut
by using tapping tools.
4. Welding the material as per dimension:
Welding is a process for joining two similar or dissimilar metals by fusion. It
joins different metals/alloys, with or without the application of pressure and with or
without the use of filler metal. The fusion of metal takes place by means of heat. The
heat may be generated either from combustion of gases, electric arc, electric
resistance or by chemical reaction. During some type of welding processes, pressure
may also be employed, but this is not an essential requirement for all welding
processes. Welding provides a permanent joint but it normally affects the metallurgy
of the components. It is therefore usually accompanied by post weld heat treatment
for most of the critical components. The welding is widely used as a fabrication and
repairing process in industries. Some of the typical applications of welding include the
fabrication of ships, pressure vessels, automobile bodies, off-shore platform, bridges,
welded pipes, sealing of nuclear fuel and explosives, etc. Most of the metals and alloys
can be welded by one type of welding process or the other.
However, some are easier to weld than others. To compare this ease in welding term
 ‘Weld ability’ is often used. The weld ability may be defined as property of a metal
which indicates the ease with which it can be welded with other similar or
dissimilar metals.
Weld ability of a material depends upon various factors like the metallurgical changes
 gas evolution and absorption, extent of oxidation, and the effect on cracking tendency of
the joint. Plain low carbon steel has the best weld ability amongst metals. Generally it is
seen that the materials with high cast ability usually have low weld ability.
5. Grinding the project welding joints:
There are several types of grinding machines. The main ones are surface grinders,
grinding wheels, cylindrical grinders and center less grinders. The figure below shows
examples of a few of these. Surface grinders produce flat surfaces. The part is held on the flat
table (steel parts can be held by a magnetic force – this is called magnetic chucking). The
table moves in a reciprocating motion, and the rotating wheel is lowered so that it just
scrapes along the surface.
To improve dimension control on cylindrical parts, center less grinders, which use long
cylindrical wheels, are employed. The axis of the regulating wheel and grinding wheel are
slightly misaligned, causing the part to travel slowly in the axial direction, and after some
time, the part automatically moves beyond the length of the wheel. Controlling the angle of
misalignment can control the time that the part is subjected to grinding. If a turned part of
complex shape (e.g. stepped shafts) are to be ground, then cylindrical grinding is used, which
employs specially made grinding wheels, whose profile fits the profile of the part to be ground.
Advantages, Disadvantages and Application of the project
6.1. Advantages of the project
Advantages of the project as per following like as:
 No conventional grid electricity required
 Long operating life
 Highly reliable and durable
 Easy to operate and maintain
 Eco-friendly

6.2. Disadvantages of the project
Dis-advantages of the project as per following like as:
 High installation cost
 Operating speed is low
 Maintenance cost high
 Operating cost is high
 Skilled operator required
.3. Application of the project
Our project should use for following various applications like as:
 Industrial purpose
 Agricultural purpose
 Domestic purpose
 Commercial purpose
 Automobile application
 Natural person
Future Scope of the project
1) Relatively simple to design and install.
2) It is safest system and no manpower is required.
3) The system helps to farmer or gardener to work when irrigation is taking place, as
only the area between the plants are wet.
3) Reduce soil erosion and nutrient leaching.
4) The system need smaller water sources, as it consumes less than half of the water.
5) Fertilizers can also be provided by using the system.
6) PH content of the soil is maintained through the suggestions which helps for

healthy plant growth .

Our project is successfully implemented for primary applications for this project
are for farmers and gardeners who do not have enough time to water their crops/
plants. It also covers those farmers who are wasteful of water during irrigation. As
water supplies become scarce and polluted, there is a need to irrigate more efficiently
in order to minimize water use and chemical leaching. Recent advances in soil water
sensing make the commercial use of this technology possible to automate irrigation
management for vegetable production. However, research indicates that different
sensors types perform under all conditions with no negative impact on crop yields
with reductions in water use range as high as 70% compared to traditional practices.
A] Book Reference
1) R.S. Khurmi and Gupta, “Machine Design” 14th edition, S. Chand
2) V.B. Bhandari, “Machine Design” 3rd edition, Tata McGraw Hill
U. C. Jindal, “Machine Design”.2 reprint edition, Pearson Education IndiaRichard G.
Budynas and J. Keith Nisbett “Mechanical Engineering Design” 9th edition, Tata
McGraw Hill
Hall, Holowenko, Laughlin “Theory and problems of Machine Design” Reprint 2005
edition, McGraw Hill
PSG, “Design Data Book” 8th edition, PSG College of Technology Coimbatore
Robert C. Juvinall and Kurt M Marshek, “Fundamentals of Machine Components
Design” 3rd edition, Wiley India Edition
K. Ganesh Babu and K. Sridhar “Design of machine elements” Tata McGraw Hill
Theraja B. L, “Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering” S. Chand and
company LTD
K. Sawney, “Electrical and Electronic Measuring Instruments”, Dhanpat Rai and sons
1) Thomas Malvino, “Electronic Principles”, Tata McGraw hill Publishing Company
2) V. K. Mehta, “Principles of Electrical and Electronics Engineering” S. Chand and
company Ltd.
3) R. Savan Kymar, K.V. Inoth Kumar and V. Jegathesan “Basic Electrical and
Electronics” Wiley Precise publisher

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