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List of Vocabulary in Arabic

Below is a list of the vocabulary and expressions in Arabic. Memorizing this will
help you add very useful and important words to your Arabic vocabulary.

English Vocabulary Arabic Vocabulary

Vocabulary ‫ ْال ُم ْف َردَات‬/ almofradaat
Different objects ‫ َكائِنَات ُم ْختَلِفَة‬- kaa'enaat mokhtalefah
Art ‫ فَن‬- fan
Bank ‫صرِّف‬
َ ‫ ُم‬- mosaref
Beach ِ ‫ َش‬-
‫اطئ‬ shaate'
Book ‫ ِكتَاب‬- ketaab
Bicycle ‫َّاجة‬
َ ‫ َدر‬- daraajah
Bus ْ‫ َحافِلَة‬- haafelah
Car ‫ ْل َّسيَّا َرة‬- bealsaeeaarah
Earth ‫ أَرْ ض‬- aarth
Flowers ‫ ْال ُّزهُوْ ر‬- alzohowr
Football ْ ‫ ُك َر‬-
‫ةالقَدَم‬ korah alqadam
forest ‫ غَابَة‬- ghaabah
game ‫ لُ ْعبَة‬- lo'bah
garden ‫ َح ِد ْيقَة‬- hadeeeqah
geography ‫ ُج ْغ َرافِيَة‬- joghraafeeeah
history ‫َاريْخ‬
ِ ‫ ت‬- taareeekh
house ‫ ُمنَ َّزل‬- monazal
island ‫ َج ِزي َْرة‬- jazeeerah
lake ‫ ب َُحي َْرة‬- bohaeerah
library ‫ َم ْكتَبَة‬- maktabah
ِ َ‫ ْالرِّ ي‬- alreeeaatheeeaat
math ‫اضيَّات‬
moon ‫ ْالقَ َمر‬- alqamar
mountain ‫ َجبَل‬- jabal
movies ‫ أَ ْفاَل م‬- aaflaam
music ‫ ُموْ ِس ْيقَى‬- mowseeeqaa
ocean ‫ ْال ُم ِحيْط‬- almoheeet
office ‫ َم ْكتَب‬- maktab
on foot ‫ َس ْي َرا َعلَىاأْل َ ْقدَام‬- saeeraa 'alaa alaaqdaam
player‫ اَل ِعب‬- laa'eb
river ‫ نَهْر‬- nahr
science ‫ ِع ْلم‬- 'elm
sea ‫ بَحْ ر‬- bahr
sky ‫ َس َماء‬- samaa'
ْ ‫ ُك َر‬- korah alqadam
stars ‫ ْالنُّجُوْ م‬- alnojowm
supermarket ‫ َسوْ بِر َمارْ ِكت‬- sawber maarket
swimming pool ‫احة‬ ْ ‫ َح َم‬- hamaam alsebaahah
َ َ‫امال ِّسب‬
theater ‫ َمس َْرح‬- masrah
tree ‫ َش َج َرة‬- shajarah
weather ْ ‫ اأْل َحْ َو‬- alaahwaal aljaweeeah
‫االل َج ِّويَّة‬
ْ ‫ س َُوءاأْل َحْ َو‬- sowa' alaahwaal aljaweeeah
bad weather ‫االل َج ِّويَّة‬
cloudy ‫ غَائِم‬- ghaa'em
cold ‫ارد‬
ِ َ‫ ب‬- baared
cool ‫ارد‬
ِ َ‫ ب‬- baared
foggy ‫ضبَابِي‬
َ - thabaabeee
hot ‫ َحار‬- haar
nice weather‫ ْالطَّ ْقسلَ ِطيْف‬- altaqs lateeef
pouring ‫صب‬
َ - sab
rain ‫ َمطَر‬- matar
raining ‫ تُ ْم ِطر‬- tomter
snow ‫ ثَ ْلج‬- thalj
snowing ‫ يَ ْن ِزاللثَّ ْلج‬- eeanzel althalj
ice ‫ َجلِيْد‬- jaleeed
sunny ‫ ُم ْش ِمس‬- moshmes
ِ ‫ عَا‬- 'aasef
spring‫ ال َّربِيْع‬- alrabeee'
summer َّ ‫ ْال‬- alsaeef
autumn ِ ‫ ْال‬- alkhareeef
winter‫ ْال ِّشتَاء‬- alshetaa'
people ‫ ْالنَّاس‬- alnaas
aunt ‫ ِع َّمة‬- 'emah
baby ‫ ِط ْفل‬- tefl
brother ‫ َشقِيْق‬- shaqeeeq
cousin ‫ ابْن َعم‬- abn 'am
daughter ‫ ا ْبنَة‬- abnah
dentist ‫ طَبِيْبأ َ ْسنَان‬- tabeeeb aasnaan
doctor‫ ْالطَّبِيْب‬- altabeeeb
father ‫ اأْل َب‬- alaab
grandfather ‫ َجد‬- jad
grandmother‫ ُج َّدة‬- jodah
husband ‫ زَ وْ ج‬- zawj
mother ‫ َوالِدَة‬- waaledah
nephew ‫ ابْنأَخ‬- abn aakh
niece ‫ ا ْبنَة‬- abnah
nurse ‫ِّضة‬
َ ‫ ُم َمر‬- momarethah
policeman ‫ ْال ُّشرْ ِطي‬- alshorteee
postman ْ ‫اع‬
‫يالبَ ِريْد‬ ِ ‫ َس‬- saa'eee albareeed
professor ‫ أُ ْستَاذ‬- aostaath
son ‫ نَجْ ل‬- najl
teacher ‫ ُم َعلِّم‬- mo'alem
uncle ‫ عَم‬- 'am
wife ‫ زَ وْ َجة‬- zawjah

Vocabulary and expressions have a very important role in Arabic. Once you're
done with Arabic Vocabulary, you might want to check the rest of our Arabic
lessons here: Learn Arabic. Don't forget to bookmark this page.
Structurally, there three types of sentences in Arabic: the basic ‫األَصْ لِيَّة‬, the
compound ‫ال ُك ْب َرى‬, and the clausal ‫ص ْغ َرى‬ ًّ ‫( ال‬i.e. a clause). The basic, which can be
either verbal ‫فِ ْعلِيَّة‬or nominal ‫اِ ْس ِميَّة‬, has two parts. In the case of the verbal, which is
our focus here, the first part is the verb ‫الفِعْل‬and the second is the subject ‫اعل‬ ِ َ‫الف‬.
Following are some essentials that you should help you make communicative basic
verbal sentences.

The Verbal Sentence:

The verbal sentence always starts with a fully conjugable verb. The verb can be
perfective (past), imperfective (present), or imperative (command). Only particles,
such as ‫قَ ّد‬qadd ‘maybe, already’, ‫ َما‬maa ‘not’, ‫ال‬laa ‘not’, ‫لِـ‬li- ‘why not, shall we’,
among others, can precede the verb. Here are some examples:

‫الولَ ُد‬
َ ‫خَر َج‬.
َ kharaja al-waladu The boy went out.
‫خَر َج ْت َسالِي‬
َ ‫قَ ّد‬. qadd kharajat Sally. Sally already went out.
‫!اُ ْخ ُرجُوا‬ ukhrujuu! Go out!
‫لِن َْذهَ ْبإِلَىال ِّس ْينَ َما‬. li-nadhhab ilaa assiinama. Let’s go to the cinema.

It is an action sentence (i.e. expresses an action). The action is represented by the

verb, and this why it should be put at the beginning. If a sentence begins with a
noun, then the noun becomes the focus, and the sentence becomes declarative (i.e.
states a piece of news of some sort). To illustrate, let’s invert the order of the first
two examples above:

‫الولَ ُد‬ َ (verbal) becomes ‫( ال َولَ ُدخ ََر َج‬declarative, nominal). Likewise, ‫قَ ّد َخ َر َج ْت َسالِي‬
َ ‫خَر َج‬
(verbal) becomes ‫خَر َجت‬ َ ‫( َسالِيقَ ّد‬nominal). Hence, the difference between the two is
the focus, and subsequently, the type. With respect to meaning, they are almost the

Parts of the Verbal Sentence:

For a verbal sentence to be meaningful, it should be composed of two essential

parts: the verb ‫الفِعْل‬and the subject ‫الفَا ِعل‬. The verb by itself does not constitute a
complete meaning. If you come across a meaning sentence composed of one word,
such as ْ‫اُ ْكتُب‬uktub ‘write!’, it means that its subject is implicit (i.e. it not overt,
rather it is implied within the verb, known ‫ ُم ْستَتِرـ‬in Arabic).
The remaining parts of the sentence are called ‫ ُم َك ِّمالت‬complements. They can be an
object ‫ َم ْفعُول‬, a prepositional phrase ‫شبْه ُج ْملَة‬,
ِ an adverb ‫ظَرْ فـ‬, among others. They
complete the verb or the subject. See the table at the top for illustrations.

The Type of Subject:

The subject of the verb can be ‫اِسْمظَا ِهرـ‬ism DHahir ‘an overt noun’ (i.e. proper
noun, common noun, interrogative noun and so forth) ‫ض ِم ْيرـ‬ َ Damiir ‘a pronoun’.
The pronoun can be ‫صل‬ ِ َّ‫ ُمت‬muttaSil ‘attached’ or ‫ ُم ْستَتِر‬mustatir ‘implicit’. The
subject can also be ‫ َمصْ دَر ُمؤَ َّول‬maSdar m’awwal ‘a noun clause’. For now, we will
focus on the first two. Here are some examples:

(a) overt noun subject:

‫َالولَ ُد‬
َ ‫ َرقَد‬. raqada al-waladu ‘the boy slept.’

‫تَرْ قُصُالبِ ْنت‬. tarquSu al-bint ‘the girl dances.’

‫يَجْ ِريالرِّ َجال‬. yajrii ar-rijaal ‘the men run.’

‫ج َرتالنِّ َساء‬.
َ jarat an-nisaa’ ‘the women ran.’

(b) covert/implicit or attached pronoun subject:

‫ َرقَ َد‬. raqada ‘he slept.’ [implicit subject]

‫نَرْ قُص‬. narquS ‘we dance.’ [implicit subject]

‫ج ِريْـنَا‬.
َ jarajna ‘we ran.’ [attached subject]

َ‫يَجْ َر ْيـن‬. yajrajna ‘they (f) run.’ [attached subject]

The subject can also be singular, dual or plural. In terms of gender, it can be
masculine or feminine, as in:

‫ األَوْ اَل د‬/ ‫الولَدَان‬

َ / ‫َالولَ ُد‬
َ ‫رقَد‬.
َ raqada al-waladu / al-waladaan / al-awlaad ‘the boy/two
boys/boys slept.’

Verb-subject Agreement:

As for the gender, the verb must agree with the subject. That is, if the subject is
feminine in form, the feminine marker, which is ‫ـت‬ْ (‫ت‬with sukoon) should be
appended to the end of the perfective (past) verb and ‫ت( تَـ‬with fatHah) should be
added to the beginning of the imperfective verb, as in these examples:

‫ َسافَ َر ْت َسالِي‬. saafarat Sally ‘Sally travelled.’

‫جلَ َسـ ْتالبِ ْنتَان‬.

َ jalasat al-bintan ‘the two girls sat.’

‫خَر َجـ ْتال ُمدَرِّ َسات‬.

َ kharajat al-mudarrisaat ‘the teachers (f) went out.’

‫تــ ْقفِزالبَنَات‬. taqfiz al-banat ‘the girls jump.’

As to number, if the subject an overt noun, the verb remains singular in form even
if the subject is dual, plural, or compound (more than one doer/actor). If the subject
is attached or implicit pronoun, the agreement is reflected on the verb through the
respective pronominal suffixes, as illustrated above.

List of Vocabulary in Arabic

Below is a list of the vocabulary and expressions in Arabic placed in a table.
Memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your
Arabic vocabulary.

English Vocabulary Arabic Vocabulary

Vocabulary ‫ ْال ُم ْف َردَات‬/almofradaat
different objects ‫ َكائِنَات ُم ْختَلِفَة‬- kaa'enaat mokhtalefah
art ‫ فَن‬- fan
bank ‫صرِّف‬
َ ‫ ُم‬- mosaref
ِ ‫ َش‬- shaate'
beach ‫اطئ‬
book ‫ ِكتَاب‬- ketaab
by bicycle َ ‫اسطَة َدر‬
‫َّاجة‬ ِ ‫ بِ َو‬- bewaasetah daraajah
by bus ‫ بِ ْال َحافِلَة‬- bealhaafelah
َ ‫ بِ ْال َّسي‬- bealsaeeaarah
by car ‫َّارة‬
by train ‫ بِ ْالقِطَار‬- bealqetaar
cafe ‫ َمقّهى‬- maqha
country ‫ بَلَد‬- balad
desert ‫صحْ َراء‬
َ - sahraa'
dictionary ‫ قَا ُم ُوس‬- qaamowos
earth ‫ أَرْ ض‬- aarth
flowers ‫ ْال ُّزهُوْ ر‬- alzohowr
football ْ ‫ ُك َر‬- korah alqadam
forest ‫ غَابَة‬- ghaabah
game ‫ لُ ْعبَة‬- lo'bah
garden ‫ َح ِد ْيقَة‬- hadeeeqah
geography ‫ ُج ْغ َرافِيَة‬- joghraafeeeah
history ‫َاريْخ‬
ِ ‫ ت‬- taareeekh
house ‫ ُمنَ َّزل‬- monazal
island ‫ َج ِزي َْرة‬- jazeeerah
lake ‫ ب َُحي َْرة‬- bohaeerah
library ‫ َم ْكتَبَة‬- maktabah
ِ َ‫ ْالرِّ ي‬- alreeeaatheeeaat
math ‫اضيَّات‬
moon ‫ ْالقَ َمر‬- alqamar
mountain ‫ َجبَل‬- jabal
movies ‫ أَ ْفاَل م‬- aaflaam
music ‫ ُموْ ِس ْيقَى‬- mowseeeqaa
ocean ‫ ْال ُم ِحيْط‬- almoheeet
office ‫ َم ْكتَب‬- maktab
on foot ‫ َس ْي َرا َعلَىاأْل َ ْقدَام‬- saeeraa 'alaa alaaqdaam
player‫ اَل ِعب‬- laa'eb
river ‫ نَهْر‬- nahr
science ‫ ِع ْلم‬- 'elm
sea ‫ بَحْ ر‬- bahr
sky ‫ َس َماء‬- samaa'
ْ ‫ ُك َر‬- korah alqadam
stars ‫ ْالنُّجُوْ م‬- alnojowm
supermarket ‫ َسوْ بِر َمارْ ِكت‬- sawber maarket
swimming pool ‫احة‬ ْ ‫ َح َم‬- hamaam alsebaahah
َ َ‫امال ِّسب‬
theater ‫ َمس َْرح‬- masrah
tree ‫ َش َج َرة‬- shajarah
weather ْ ‫ اأْل َحْ َو‬- alaahwaal aljaweeeah
‫االل َج ِّويَّة‬
ْ ‫ س َُوءاأْل َحْ َو‬- sowa' alaahwaal aljaweeeah
bad weather ‫االل َج ِّويَّة‬
cloudy ‫ غَائِم‬- ghaa'em
cold ‫ارد‬
ِ َ‫ ب‬- baared
cool ‫ارد‬
ِ َ‫ ب‬- baared
foggy ‫ضبَابِي‬
َ - thabaabeee
hot ‫ َحار‬- haar
nice weather‫ ْالطَّ ْقسلَ ِطيْف‬- altaqs lateeef
pouring ‫صب‬
َ - sab
rain ‫ َمطَر‬- matar
raining ‫ تُ ْم ِطر‬- tomter
snow ‫ ثَ ْلج‬- thalj
snowing ‫ يَ ْن ِزاللثَّ ْلج‬- eeanzel althalj
ice ‫ َجلِيْد‬- jaleeed
sunny ‫ ُم ْش ِمس‬- moshmes
ِ ‫ عَا‬- 'aasef
spring‫ ال َّربِيْع‬- alrabeee'
summer َّ ‫ ْال‬- alsaeef
autumn ِ ‫ ْال‬- alkhareeef
winter‫ ْال ِّشتَاء‬- alshetaa'
people ‫ ْالنَّاس‬- alnaas
aunt ‫ ِع َّمة‬- 'emah
baby ‫ ِط ْفل‬- tefl
brother ‫ َشقِيْق‬- shaqeeeq
cousin ‫ ابْن َعم‬- abn 'am
daughter ‫ ا ْبنَة‬- abnah
dentist ‫ طَبِيْبأ َ ْسنَان‬- tabeeeb aasnaan
doctor‫ ْالطَّبِيْب‬- altabeeeb
father ‫ اأْل َب‬- alaab
grandfather ‫ َجد‬- jad
grandmother‫ ُج َّدة‬- jodah
husband ‫ زَ وْ ج‬- zawj
mother ‫ َوالِدَة‬- waaledah
nephew ‫ ابْنأَخ‬- abn aakh
niece ‫ ا ْبنَة‬- abnah
nurse ‫ِّضة‬
َ ‫ ُم َمر‬- momarethah
policeman ‫ ْال ُّشرْ ِطي‬- alshorteee
postman ْ ‫اع‬
‫يالبَ ِريْد‬ ِ ‫ َس‬- saa'eee albareeed
professor ‫ أُ ْستَاذ‬- aostaath
son ‫ نَجْ ل‬- najl
teacher ‫ ُم َعلِّم‬- mo'alem
uncle ‫ عَم‬- 'am
wife ‫ زَ وْ َجة‬- zawjah

Vocabulary and expressions have a very important role in Arabic. Once you're
done with Arabic Vocabulary, you might want to check the rest of our Arabic
lessons here: Learn Arabic. Don't forget to bookmark this page.

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