Chapter One 1.1 Background of The Problem

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1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Problem

Tuberculosis is a chronic infection diseases coursed by bacteria generally referred

but a bacterium tuberculosis. Almost every ORGANIZATION IN THE BODY
CAN BE AFFECTED BUT involment of the lungs a count for more than 80% of
tuberculosis cabes. Tuberculosis while those affecting other organ is called extra
primary tuberculosis (EPTB) federal ministry of health) 2010).

The most important source of infection is an untreated. Pulmonary tuberculosis

(PTB) when infected, person cough sprit or sneezes tiny millions of Bacteria are
released. Transmission is through inhalation (Federal ministry of health 2010) to
day tuberculosis remain a global public health problem of enormous dimes on its
estimated therefore are in millions dead than any other infection disease (world
Health Organization 2008). It was estimated cause a global indene rate reaching its
peak in 2004 at 143 per 900,000. However this decent was not homogeneous
throughout the world health organization regions with European appearing to
hackle a sub stand rate (WHO, 2009).

In the WHO African region with a population estimate of 836, 670,000 as at 2010.
TB incidence was 2,300,000 prevalence of 2,800,000. And death of 280,000.

Nigerian ranking the tenth among the 22 high TB, burden countries in world has
pre balances of 133 per 100,000 and 93,050 cases were registered in (2010)
( federal Ministry of Health 2011). Treatment success measured by a standardized
process of treatment outcome monitoring is coming at the pillars of TB control and
also along with cases detection is recognized as the world programme out put its
against this rational that world health assembly (WHA)resolution was passed in
1991 Adapting two targets for global TB control to dental at least 70% at new
those detect. These targets were linked, to the millennium development goals and
stop TB partnership set the year 2005 as the dead line for achievement (Dye,
maher, Espinal and revighone 2006). Globally the treatment success rate the 85%
target for the first time in 2008 since the target was set in 1991, with a percentage
of 87% per patient starting treating in 2007 (WHO, 2009) further, more treatment.
Success rate were not. Maintaining no important between 2006 and 2007 in all
WHO region which recorded, the lowest success rate globally at 67% (WHO,
2009). The importance of strengthening treatment out, come monitoring in Europe
has long been recognized A statement put forward in the WHO and the
international union against tuberculosis and lungs disease underline in 1998 the
need for standardization and evaluation of treatment result for TB patient in the
WHO European region including those law and intermediated incidence, country
(Veen, Revigliaone) adopted the global, target of detecting 84% of the estimated
TB cases and curing 87% the detected cases year 2015 using the directly observed
treatment short course the latter target appear were readily achievable with
Nigerian recording 73# treatment success by 2004, the case detection rate
remained at low level of 22% compared to the global figure of 37% (WHO, 2007.
Katsina State is now government organization for tuberculosis control the german
leprosy relieve association provided logistic for the effective control of
tuberculosis in Katsina. Tuberculosis hospital Eku is a referral center IV also
serves as a referral hospital other of the state and environment. The tuberculosis
center, Eku, has 7 world with 904 beds having an average of 350 patient annually
due to the introduction of Dots Therapy (Directly Observed, Treatment short
course) tuberculosis referral hospital record, 2007).
1.2 Statement of the Problem

Tuberculosis is the major public health problem in the community of Runka “A”
word of Safana Local Government, Katsina State, about of 5% total population at
the community are inspected. It was declared a National Emergency in 2006 there
after which an emergency plan for the control of Tuberculosis in Nigeria it was
develop the country is cruncyly ranked 10th among the 22 high Tuberculosis
burden countries in the World (Federal Ministry of Health, 2010). The tuberculosis
are the disease affecting the people of Runka “A” ward of Safana Local
Government of Katsina State.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1. To identify the level of understanding about Tuberculosis as a disease.

2. To identify better ways for preventive measures of Tuberculosis among the

adult in Runka”A” ward Safana Local Government of Katsina State.

3. To treat the effect of Tuberculosis among adult in Runka”A” ward Safana

Local Government of Katsina State.

4. To identify Social affective of Tuberculosis among adult in Runka “A” ward

Safana Local Government of Katsina State.

1.4 Research Questions

1. What is the level of Understanding about Tuberculosis as a disease?

2. What are being better ways for preventive measure of tuberculosis among

3. What are the treatments of Tuberculosis among adult?

4. What are the social effective of tuberculosis among adult.

1.5 Significant of the Study

This study it will help the people to be fully versed and acquainted with technique
that improve quality of their and serve as an identifier of their problem that
improve quality of their health and serve as an identifies problem. Therefore this
project of the after successful compiling it will assist the government and non-
government organization (NGOS), public at large and expert preventer of
tuberculosis infection among Adult Rnka “A” ward Safana Local Government
Katsina State.

1.7 Limitation of the Study

The study was limited in Runka “A” ward Safana Local Government Area of
Katsina State due to courage in gathering data. The variable to be study includes
the affect of Tuberculosis in the Community.

1.8 Definition of the Terms

 TB ---Tuberculosis

 RI---Routine Immunization

 Immunization ---Act of introducing immunity

 HIV---Human Immune Virus

 AIDs---Acquire Immune Deficiency Syndrome

 DOTs---Direct Observed Treatment

 CDC---Communicable Disease Organization

 WHO---World Health Organization

 MOH---Ministry of Health

 NGOs---Non-Governmental Tuberculosis

 WHA---World Health Assembly

 APTB---Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis

 TOM---Treatment out Come Monitoring


2.0 Introduction

Review of Related literature.

Conceptual Review and Summary of Literature Review.

2.1 Conceptual Review

Tuberculosis is an infection Bacterial disease caused by mycobacterium

tuberculosis which commonly affect the lungs it is transmitted from person to
person via droplet from the throat and lungs of infected person with the active
respiratory diseases. (Corbetts, 2003) in health people infection with the
mycobacterium tuberculosis often courses symptom of active tuberculosis are
coughing. Sometime with sputum or Blood, chest pain, weakness of the body
weight loss fever and night sweat, tuberculosis can be treated with 6month cause of
antibiotics (WHO, 2010). Tuberculosis is a deadly infection disease which is
transmitted from one person to the by the infected person usually of the body
affected lungs and it may spread to same organ which seat to the bone and join.
The bacilli, case to the active when the study is unable to liver, come the disease
infection. A first infection is known as primary tuberculosis, if primary one is
known as past primary tuberculosis which is usually is attract the lungs (WHO,

2.3 Effect of Tuberculosis in Vulnerable Group

One million women a year died from TB leading single infection causes of female
death in the world. TB kill more women each year than all other causes of the
disease them self most woman with Tuberculosis at any given time are become
they woman do not receive treatment include (WHO, 2008).

a) Poor education which limit access to information about system and

treatment of active disease.
b) Lack of time because of the work and family demand.
c) Lack of money and transport family to visit a health centre.
d) Stigma.
According to the worker manual of the national Tuberculosis control programme
(2000). Stated that one this responsibility of the federal government is to provide
the financial of drugs laboratory equipment regent, transport and other essential
material for the programme. The manual further stressed the preparation and
distribution of health education materials of the state Local Government Area.

 Population and distribution of poster and TV/radio. Jingle to all State and
Local Government.
 Cooperation with national and international agency as well as non
Governmental reagent and as may necessary for the NTBCP. Shargle and

2.4 Diagnosis of Tuberculosis

The definite diagnosis of tuberculosis depends on the diagnosis of tuberculosis

should be based mostly on the sputum smear examination and in a few case on
chest x-ray experienced clinician clinical examination by an experiences physician
is even more importance for the diagnosis of the type of disease especially in adult
since culture and historical services are usually not available in small countries
(WHO, 2010).

The main tool for diagnosis of tuberculosis is the sputum smear examination by
direct microscopy for acid fast bacilli (AFB, therefore, a case of suspected
tuberculosis should be referred to the Dots centre for sputum examination he/she
should submit this sample in the following ways:

 Day 1 first sample health workers to the time of consolation or under.

Supervision of health workers at this time a sputum container is given to
the suspect for a section early a second morning containing.

 Day 2 the suspect brings the early sample to the health facility.
 Day 3 the third sample is called on the sport under supervision when the
suspect brings the early morning sample to the health facility (WHO,
2010). According to the result of sputum smear examination of tuberculosis
are classified as:
1. Tuberculosis sputum smears positive.
2. Tuberculosis sputum smear Negative

2.5 Treatment of Tuberculosis

The principal of tuberculosis treatment are ensure tha drugs are:

a) Taking for sufficient period of time.

b) Prescribed the right dosages
c) Prescribed in all appropriate combination to prevent development of

The most commonly drugs used for treatment of tuberculosis.

Isoniazol (H) refancin (Z) Ethanbutol (t) pyraziamide (Z) streptomycine (S) and
threacetazine (I)same of the drugs are available in combination e.g ironized with
Rampicin (RH) Isonized (drugs dosage and length of treatment) which contain
both isonized and ramfampicin is such a useful anti Tuberculosis drugs it should
not be treat other disease most countries now have national guideline
recommending the treatment regiment to be for tuberculosis.

Length of Treatment

Until recently the standard regiment was 12 – 3 month. However the treatment, this
meant they are not cure and be shorten eight month if they include refampicin

these regiment are called short courses, chemotherapy (SCC) W.H.O was
encourage national tuberculosis programme which developing countries.

However, the drugs for the short treatment are only little more expensive
successful completion of treatment, is higher and suffer care rate are achieved.
(W.H.O, 2010).

Drug Resistance

Drugs resistance means that certain strains or tuberculosis bacilli are not killed
those antidrugs. Who defined, much drugs resistance strain as that is at last
resistance or ionized and refampicin some one infected with tuberculosis will.

Therefore not be cured by occur in smear positive patient who have previously
received two or more cause of treatment (WHO, 2008).

How Drugs Resistance Develops

Drugs resistance is caused by inadequate tuberculosis treatment and poor

tuberculosis control program, the most common, reason for development of the
resistance are:

a) Lack of supervision and follow-up

b) Irregular supply of the drugs
c) In correct prescription

Outcome of Tuberculosis Treatment

The goal treatment is not only to cure the disease but also prevent its transmission
and development of drugs resistance. This can be achieved with, short course
chemotherapy (SCC) regimes (Kassam, 2002).

Detection of tuberculosis disease as early as possible, and to ensure that those
diagnosis complete their treatment and get cured or the key element in
Tuberculosis control. WHO target for treatment success is 87% of all detected
smear positive cases. Eaten where free medication is available, many patient are
not successfully treated Death (While on treatment or before start of treatment and
loss to follow-up are the main reason for non success in complete treatment may
result in prolonged excretion of Bacteria of disease that may also acquire drugs
resistance, transmission of disease and lead to increase mobility (B June, 2005).

It is essential to minor the outcome of treatment, in order to evaluate the effective

of the intervention. Recommendation on how to evaluate outcome using standard
categories have been issue by the WHO conjunction with international union
against tuberculosis and disease. An agreed set six possible and mutually exclusive
categories of treatment.

Supervision and Dots

Health workers need or make the people with tuberculosis take all their drugs and
complete their treatment, were same time patient stop taking drugs if we seeing
getting better. All supervision program which include monitoring record keeping
training and supervision on of staff is also important, same programme how
specialized patient for the initial phase of the therapy, if there is no other way to
guarantee supervision.

2.7 Direct Observed Therapy (DOT)

This system called direct observation therapy (DOT) this method of ensures high
level of completion of treatment. Dots means some are usually a healthy workers
takes responsibility for observing the person take each dos of drugs. The

supervision can be a source of encouragement and sport for adult patient and for
patient taking tuberculosis treatment parent and supervision must now how the
table is given and how often if a family member is responsible for given his /her
treatment at home. The health workers need to visit patient regularly to check if the
person is taking his medicine. Direct observed therapy is essential during the initial
treatment phase each does of treatment take must be observed WHO recommended
that every country, should adopts the DOTS approach but only where the is a
proper functioning tuberculosis programme with trained staff, good record keeping
and guarantee, supplies of drugs (WHO, 2003).

Because of poor health services, only about 500,000 at the million people who
developed tuberculosis disease each year DOTS prescription of drug and many
field take the complete dose.

2.8 Factors that Contribute to Treatment Failure

Tuberculosis is Stigmatized Disease and lack of support from health workers

family member and friends and wall as length of the treatment period, all
contribution to the compotation of discontinue, tuberculosis therapy many studies
showed that the preseason for non- adherence to tuberculosis treatment
multifaceted, ranging from the personalities of patient, to their social and economic
environment (Sumartoge, 2010).

The global case load is almost certainly rising driven upward sub-sahara Africa by
the spread of HIV/AIDs and in Europe by deterioration of health in general and
Tuberculosis control in particular, burium of tuberculosis is a failure to address the
principal risk factor (WHO, 2002) WHO has been promoting the integration of
national tuberculosis control programme (WTCP) within general services, in other
to increase access to effective tuberculosis case while integration has gone a long
way to increase access to tuberculosis services as expected, the generally limited
covered of public health services and inadequate human material resources (WHO,
2003 and 2004). In all the studies, the intervention is the introduction of treatment
and supervise member of a community organization is supporting tuberculosis
patient and directly observing their treatment implanting this intervention.
Involving and dressing the following issue (WHO, 2004).

1. How to develop links between general Health Services, NTCP and the
community organization.
2. How to identify and mobilized the appropriate community organization.
3. How to distribute anti-tuberculosis drugs and prevent potential abuse
(particularly rifampicin).
4. How to train and supervise community members.

2.9 Preventive Measure of Tuberculosis

 Immunization
 Health Education
 Personal Hygiene
 Environment sanitation
 To avoid Over Crowded Area.



3.0 Introduction

This chapter deal with the research methodology and consist of research design.
The target population area of the study sample and sampling techniques, research
instruction, data collection.

3.1 Research Design

According to (Cooper and Schindler, 2006) research design is the strategy for
study and plan by which the strategy is to be carry. Specifying the methods and the
procedure of data collection, measurement and analysis of data. This study design
was descriptive. Survey design, this a method of collection information by
interview or administrating a questionnaire to a sample of a individuals (Kambo
and Tromp, 2006)this types of design was, also useful when collecting information
about people attitudes, opinions and habit (Kamboat at, 2006) this types of design
was also when collecting information about people attitudes opinion and habit
(Kombo et al, 2006). This therefore was within the focus of this study.

3.2 Historical Background of the Area of the Study

Safana is a Local Government Area in Katsina State Founded over 150 years ago.
The Name ‘’Safa’’ derived from the genus of an onion (Whitish gene of opinion on
that surrounded the area by that time). White ‘’NA’’ is a name of person that are
first founder of safana town and this he is a hunter man. Safana Local Government
was created in may 1989, By the former head of state and commander in chief of
the armed force of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, General Ibrahim Badamasi
Babangida (IBB)and the headquarter of Local Government was is the Town
Safana. However, Safana Local Government Area, Safana town consist of two
district Head. Yariman Katsina District Head of Safana and Gatarin Katsina
District Head of Zakka and also has the total Number of 15 ward heads which

Magajin gatarin Safana, Sarkin Adon Yariman Katsina.

Magaji Gora

Magaji Runka

Magaji Tsaskiya

Magaji Dan-nagayya

Magaji Ummadau

Magaji Guzurawa

Magaji Zakka

Magaji Babban Duhu

Magaji Illela

Magaji Danjikko

Magaji Bare-Bari

Magaji Yarlilo

Magaji Mai kada

Magaji Muniya.

Safana Local Government is located at the South West of Katsina State and the
head quarter is located at eastern part of the area at 12 0 2430”10/70 2425”E /12
403330N7, 406940S. Safana Local Government a border with Zamfara state at west
dan- musa Local Government at South, Dutsinma and Kurfi at the east and Batsari
Local Government at the North part of the Area.

3.4 Climate

Safana Local Government is located in the tropical region of thr country with (2)
main season i.e dry which span through November to march and wet season from
May to October in year.
3.5 Population

Based on 2006 census. Safana Town has a total population of 15, 780 (183,779).
Fifteen thousand seven hundreds and seventy eight three thousand seven hundred
and seventy nine) people (National Census, 2006) Must of the people are Hausa
and Fulani Consist of 90% Igbo and Yoroba,1% of the population general
development of safana Local Government.

3.6 Health Development

Safana Local Government has reach the development at age of primary health care
and secondary care information.

Secondary health Care: A comprehensive health care centre in safana town.

Primary health care development has twenty two (22) dispensaries, ten (10)health
centre three (3) leprosy clinic twenty (20) health offices attached to each
dispensaries and one (1) cold chain store at the headquarter. The primary health
care of five (5) units as listed below.

1. Essential drugs and equipment unit

2. Immunization and disease control unit
3. Maternal and child health (MCHC) including family planning.
4. Health education and water sanitation unit.
5. Monitoring and evaluation (M & E) education.

Interm of education safana has primary has post primary school which include:
Ummar Musa yar’adu pre-degree and remedial ,Government day Secondary
School Runka, GDSS, Gora.

3.7 Agriculture:

Safana Local Government is one of the food production are Katsina State. The land
of the area is reach in the infertile capable of producing both crops and food crops
in large Groundnut, cassava, potato, cotton, produce include maize, guinea corn
milk, rice, rearing like slurp, goat, chicken e.t.c.

3.8 Area of the Study

Runka “A” is among the word Safana Local Government Area, 10 Years Runka
“A” its has population of about 900 people and its a village on which comprise
Guzurawa, Gora and Marina. So Runka “A” it is the area the study because its my
destiny area Among the village, Mention i choose the sample from each Village /
look to people of the may sampling.

3.9 Sample and Sampling Techniques

Sample is the smallest part of the statistical population on which are study to gain
information about the word. Runka “A” ward were being selected to be sample
size of any research work among the communities of Runka, “A” Word the ward
sampling techniques adopted in the sample random sampling method so as to
compile the work successfully and easily. Random sampling was use to selected
(1501 among the 3 village in runka “A” ward).

3.10 Instrument used for Obtaining Data

Relevance data on this topics is Questionnaire in which relevance data on related to

provided by take the topics are asked so that respondent can chose from the
alternative answer provided by taking the appropriate answer of their choice like
wise various text books and journals were also use so to emphasized the project

3.11 Validly and Reliability by Instrument

For the instrument to be valid and reliable the questionnaire design and prepared
was thoroughly read and screened by the project supervisor who authorized the
distribution of the Questionnaire were distribution to be people mentioned above
was correctly and return to time in order.

3.12 Administration of the Instrument

The manner was administration was by the researcher in which. 112 questionnaires
were administered and only were retrieved.

3.13 Techniques / Method of Data Collection

This process whereby research will use a statistical, method to analyze data in
order to achieve a good result of the research work (Rio NUHU, 2007). Therefore,
the research decided to frequency table and percentage distribution and also on the
experiences to the participant after questionnaire been fail.

3.14 Ethical Issue

The research has been sure that ethics of the research worked are been carry out in
normal manner, their names in the questionnaire and also the appropriate
authorities of the research was been consulted.


4.0 Introduction

Data analysis and presentation that all data are analyzed and presented accordingly
using tables.


Table 1: Distribution of gender of the respondent


Male 85 56%
Female 65 43.3%
Total 150 100%

The table shows indicate the distribution of gender of the respondent in which male
has a frequency of 2.

Table 2: Distribution of the Age of the Respondent


20-25 40 26.66%
26-30 20 13.33%
31-35 29 19.33%
36-40 36 16.66%
41 and above 25 16.66%
Total 150 100%
The table shows above indicate the distribution age of the respondent in which 20-
25 has frequency of 40 (26.66%) has frequency of 20 (13.33%) 31-35 has
frequency of 29 (19.33%) 36-40 has frequency of (24%) and 40 and above has
frequency of 25(16.66%).

Table 3: Distribution of Marital Status of the Respondent

Single 65 43.33%
Married 40 26.66%
Divorced 30 20%
Widow 15 10%
Total 150 100%
The above table shows the marital status of the respondent single has frequency of
65(43.33%),Married has frequency of 40(26.66%), Divorce has a frequency
30(20%), widow has a Frequency of 15 (10%).

Table 4: Education Level of the Respondent


Primary 15 10%
Secondary 85 56.66%
Tertiary 50 33.33%
Total 150 100%
The table above shows the level of education of the Respondent were primary has
frequency of 15(10%) secondary has frequency of 85(56.66%) Tertiary has
frequency of 50(33.33%).

Table 5: Religion of the Respondent


Islamic 135 90%
Christian 15 10%
Total 150 100%

The above table shows the Religion of where Islamic has frequency of 135(90%)
and Christian has frequency of 15 (10%).

Table 6: Tribe of the Respondent


Hausa 65 43.33%
Fulani 59 39.33%
Igbo 21 14%
Yoruba 5 3.33%
Total 150 100%
The above table shows Tribe of the respondent where hausa has frequency of
65(43.33%), Fulani has frequency of 59(39.33%), Igbo has frequency of 21(14%)
and Yoruba has frequency of 5(3.33%).

Table 7: Occupation of the Respondent


Civil Servant 45 30%
Business 20 13.33%
Student 35 23.33%
Farmer 50 33.33
Total 150 100%
The above table shows occupation of the respondent where civil servant has
frequency of 45(30%), Business has frequency of 20(13.33), Student has a
frequency of 50(33.33%).


Table A: What are the levels of understanding about tuberculosis as a disease.


1 Bacteria can cause TB 30 45 35 40 150 2.43 Disagreed
2 Inhalation of dust can 50 79 11 10 150 3.12 Agreed
Cause Tb
3 Virus can cause TB 35 20 45 50 150 2.0 Disagreed
4 Acute pneumonia can lead 70 54 21 5 150 3.26 Agreed
to Tb
5 Hypertension can cause 21 19 70 40 150 2.14 Disagreed
The table above indicate the opinion of the respondent where agreed with the
statement giving with the exception of 1 and were disagreed with the statement.

Table B: What are the better ways for preventive measures of TB.

1 Routine immunization can 71 49 20 10 150 3.20 Agreed
prevent TB
2 Environmental sanitation 30 45 35 40 150 2.43 Disagreed
can prevent TB
3 Isolation of infected 50 79 11 10 150 3.12 Agreed
4 Tuberculosis can be 21 19 70 40 150 2.14 Disagreed
prevented through (ANC)
5 T.B can be prevented 35 50 45 20 150 2.66 Disagreed
through health Education
The table above indicate that the respondent where agreed with the statement
giving with the exception of question 2 and 4 were with disagreed with the
statement giving.

Table C: What are the treatment of Tuberculosis among Adult.


1 Isonizide can treat TB 50 79 11 10 150 3.2 Agreed
2 Amoxicillin can Treat TB 70 40 19 21 150 2.08 Disagreed
3 Rifanpicin can treat TB 54 70 21 5 150 3.15 Agreed
4 Pyrazinemide can treat TB 71 49 20 10 150 3.20 Agreed
5 Paracetamol can treat TB 43 30 35 40 150 2.53 Agreed
The table above shows the view of opinion of the respondent where agreed with
the statement giving but the only are disagreed with the statement giving.

Table D: What are the social effects of Tuberculosis among adult.


1 TB patient may be rejected 30 18 35 40 150 2.43 Disagreed
by family

2 TB patient may be reject 54 70 21 5 150 3.15 Agreed
by friend and also be lose
there jobs
3 TB can cause 50 79 11 10 150 3.2 Agreed
psychological problem
4 The consequences of TB 35 50 45 20 150 2.66 Agreed
an society are huge
5 Tb can transmitted by 70 54 21 5 150 3.26 Agreed
close contact with can
infected person
The table above shows the views of the respondent agreed with the statement
giving with the respondent of question 1 where disagreed with the statement


5.0 Introduction

This chapter deals with discussing of finding recommendation, conclusion

suggestion of further study.

5.1 Discussion of Finding

 The socio-demographic data show that the gender of the respondent are

Male has the frequency of 85 (57%)

Female has a frequency of 65 (43.3%).

 The age of the respondent from 20-25 has frequency of 40 (26.66%). From
26.30 has a frequency 36 (24) and 40 and above has a frequency of 25

 Marital status of the respondent

Single has a frequency of 65(43.33%)

Marred has frequency of 15 (10%),

 Educational level having

Primary with having a frequency of 15(10)

Secondary has frequency of 85 (56.66),

Tertiary has a frequency of 50(33.33).


TABLE A: What are level of understanding about tuberculosis as a diseases. As

shows the respondent on section B Table A shows the respondent that agreed. With
the following as what are the level of understanding about tuberculosis as a

 Inhalation of dust can cause TB.

 Acute pneumonia.

This daily shows that people of them respondent in the study area on level of
standing of tuberculosis as a disease, and the major of them were disagreed with
the following statement.

 Bacteria can cause tuberculosis.

 Virus can cause tuberculosis.

 Hypertension can cause tuberculosis


TABLE B: What are the better ways for preventive measures of Tuberculosis. As
presented on section B table B shows the respondent that majority are agreed with
the following as what are better ways for preventive measure of Tuberculosis?

 Routine Immunization can prevent tuberculosis.

 Isolation of infected person.

 Tuberculosis can be prevent through health Education. With the test were
disagreed with the following: Environment Station.

 Tuberculosis can be prevented through ANC.


TABLE C: What are the treatments of tuberculosis among adult. As presented on

SECTION D and C shows the respondent that majority are agreed with the
following as treatment of tuberculosis among adult.

 Ionized can treat tuberculosis

 Rifampin can treat tuberculosis.

 Amoxicillin can treat tuberculosis.

And other of them where disagreed with the following statement.


TABLE D: What are the Social effects of tuberculosis among adult as presented
on section B Table D: shows the respondents that majority are agreed with the

 Tuberculosis patient may be rejects by friends and also loss of job.

 Tuberculosis can cause psychological problem.

 Tuberculosis can transmit by close contact with no infected person.

 The consequences of tuberculosis on society are hug.

And the others were disagreed with the following statement.

 Tuberculosis may be rejects by family.

5.3 Recommendation

Based on the research experiences and data analysis, research here by male
following recommendation.

 The state control programme service board to support the Tuberculosis

programme on integration

 There should be clinic to carry out Tuberculosis programme including

Health care clinic.

 There should be awareness to the community on the dangerous disease

 There be good supervision and management.

 There should be adequate supply of man power.

5.4 Conclusion

In view of the finding from effect of Tuberculosis among adult at Runka “A”
Ward, the government is the back bone of every community need to put more
effort in the improvement of Tuberculosis programme especially in generally in
regard to man power supply of tuberculosis drugs. The health status of the citizen
can be to measure the nation level of development there should be high quality of
health of individual in that country. This should be achieved when the nation on
policy is implemented based on philosophy of justice and equality primary health
care service.

5.5 Suggestion for Further Studies

The research is to final

 The effect of tuberculosis among the daily people.

 The effect of tuberculosis among the pregnant woman.

 The effect of tuberculosis among children under five years.

 To find the prevalence of tuberculosis among the pregnant woman.


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College of Health Science School,

Health Technology Kankia,

Department of Reproductive Health,

Katsina State.

Dear Respondents

I am a final year student of the above named institution, for the award of diploma
in Reproductive Health, currently undertaking a research project on the Topic:



Cooperation in supplying the below information is highly needed, kindly fill the
following question as you are needed.

Section A Socio Demographic Data.

Section “A”

Personnel Data of the Respondent

1. Age range
a) 20 - 25 years ( )
b) 26 - 30 years ( )
c) 31 – 35 years ( )
d) 36 – 40 years ( )
2. Gender:
a) Male ( )
b) Female ( )
3. Marital Status
a) Single ( )
b) Married ( )
c) Divorce ( )
d) Widowed ( )
4. Education Level
a) Primary ( )
b) Secondary( )
c) Tertiary ( )
d) Non Formal( )
5. Tribe
a) Hausa Fulani ( )
b) Yoruba( )
c) Igbo ( )
d) Others Specify ( )
6. Occupation
a) Student ( )
b) Civil Servant ( )
c) Business ( )
d) Other Specify ( )
7. Religion
a) Islam ( )
b) Christian ( )
c) Other ( )

Direction: Please tick the appropriate space that you need.


SA ------------ Strongly Agreed ( )

A ------------- Agreed( )

SD ------------ Strongly Disagreed ( )

D ------------- Disagreed ( )

Table A: What are the levels of Understanding about tuberculosis as a disease.

1 Bacteria can cause TB
2 Inhalation of dust can cause
3 Virus can cause TB
4 Acute pneumonia can lead
to TB
5 Hypertension can cause TB


What are better ways for preventive measures of Tuberculosis?

1 Routine Immunization
prevent TB
2 Environmental sanitation
can prevent TB
3 Isolation of Infected person
can Prevent TB
4 Tuberculosis can be
Prevented through (ANC)
5 Tuberculosis can be
Prevented through health


What are the treatments of tuberculosis among adult.

1 Isonized can treat TB
2 Amoxicillin can treat TB
3 Rifanpicin can treat TB
4 Pyrazimide can treat TB
5 Paracetamol can treat TB


TABLE D: What are the social effective of tuberculosis among adult.

1 TB patient may be reject by
2 TB patient may be reject by
friend and also lose their job
3 TB can cause psychological
4 The consequences of TB
and society are huge.
5 TB can transmit by close
contact with an infected


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