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Reading in Professional Contexts Week 07

R. Dian Dia-an Muniroh
Definition An educated Reading
guess about the between the
The author implies, text lines
but you the reader
infer when you make
an educated guess.
Using inferences help
readers take the
meaning of a text Not directly
deeper Conclusion is the
stated in the text
you are reading
Look at the following picture.
Inferring vs What can you see? What can you infer?

Stating the

Using background knowledge • stating the obvious: the baby is crying

of why babies cry, combined
with the details in the picture • correct inference: the baby is tired or hungry
makes this a plausible • incorrect inference: the baby is probably
upset because his brother just made fun of
him (the baby is too young to understand that
he was being made fun of)
Possible inference: The boy does not like vegetables.

Evidence: He has a plate of veggies in front of him

and a scowl on his face. The student might use
his/her own feelings about veggies to understand
what he might be thinking.

Possible inference: The girl wants to buy chips, but

her mom is not going to allow it.

Evidence: The girl looks like she is hopeful her mom

might let her put the chips in the shopping cart, but
the mom is holding up her hand as if to say “no.”
Everyday Inferences
Here are some inferences that you
probably make on a daily basis.

If your professor writes You infer that it is important

information on the board during information that you may
a lecture need later.

If your son or daughter You infer that they

runs in the house holding have somehow hurt
their knee and crying their knee.

You may not always be correct in your inferences,

but they are assumptions that you make based on
the given clues.
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Practice • My family and I have everything we need:
inferring skills tickets, popcorn, and candy!

using short (Inference: The family is going to a movie)

• Sam sat with a puzzled look on his face and
then raised his hand in class.
(Inference: Sam has a question or is confused
about something)

• We all grabbed our raincoats and umbrellas.

(Inference: It’s raining outside)
Apply inferring
skills to longer
How do you know One of these verbs will be used:
*suggest (Which answer does the text suggest is
that you are being …)
asked to make an *imply (Which answer does the author imply is …)
inference? *infer (What can you infer from the text as the
*reasonably infer (What can you reasonably infer
*suggested that (The author suggested that
*with which would the author agree
(With which answer would the author agree as
*which sentence would the author most likely
use…(Which sentence would the author most
likely use to explain…)
What • Define unknown words using context
inferring • Learn about a character
can do for • Picture the setting
you? • Determine the author’s/character’s
feelings and bias
• Draw conclusions and make predictions
based on facts
• Use your prior knowledge to
understand the reading
Let’s Go through These One at a Time.

unknown words using
Inference Context Clues
The resilient survivors were soon cracking jokes.
Can you guess what “resilient” means from the sentence?
A skilled reader uses context clues to “infer” the meaning
of the word. He knows that the prefix “re” means again.
He knows the meaning of “survivors.” He “infers” from
the fact that they are soon cracking jokes, that the
survivor is doing fine now. “Resilient” must have to do
with overcoming something.
Learn about a character.

“My mother had to try to keep track of us.

She finally took us and tied us all together so
that we would stay together. And that’s the
way we came off the boat.”
--A Swiss Immigrant
A skilled reader can infer from these words of the
character about his belief that his mother wanted to
keep them safe.
Inferences: Character Personalities & Emotions

Author’s often use word pictures to give you clues about the
personalities and emotions of the characters. For Instance:

If the character is shown refusing

to be controlled by others such as We infer that they
their parents, boss, or other
are rebellious.
authority figure

If the character storms out of the

room, slamming the door behind We infer that they
them are angry.
If we see them doing things that
show good character in front of We infer that they
other, but exhibiting negative traits are deceptive.
when alone

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Picture the setting

The French town was in shattered ruins:

buildings were jagged shards now and rubble
was scattered everywhere.

The skilled reader can infer from the details a picture of

this devastation in his mind.
Determine the author’s feelings and

“The credit card has risen as a new symbol of

“status” that lets people rent a plane or boat or car
…without having to pay a penny.” --TIME magazine

A skilled reader infers that TIME magazine was biased

about the use of the new credit card. Wanting status,
people would think they had to get a credit card and
purchase as their neighbors did because of the
magazine’s article. Credit cards have faults too—
interest. Quotation marks can mean sarcasm.
Draw conclusions and make
predictions based on facts
President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed
in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas on Nov. 22nd
A skilled reader can infer (conclude) that
someone needs to take control of the United
States government immediately.
Assessing • Are students using text evidence to support
their inferences?
skills • Are students using background knowledge
and/or personal experiences to support their

• Are their inferences logical?

• Can students clearly justify their inferences?

Good readers are detectives who are
always looking out for clues to help
them better understand stories and

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