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Our ref: E-121838-187479


Company : Essfour Engineering Pvt. Ltd.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Your document (detailed below) has been reviewed.

Project Details

Project number NC002643

Project name Essfour Engineering Pvt. Ltd. - 110

Project Manager Ramesan Easwaran

Project In-Charge Veerendra P

Document Details
Plan No. VMOT-21-1001-502
Plan Title Tonnage computation and booklet
Rev.No. 02
Upload.No. 3
Submitted Date 09-November-2021
Review Status Approved
Parent Plan Title

The plan has been examined for compliance with:

Merchant Shipping (Tonnage Measurement of Ships) Rules 1987 As Amended
1. The review status Approved indicates:
The above document has been verified for compliance with the requirements of Merchant Shipping (Tonnage
Measurement of Ships) Rules 1987 As Amended and found to be in order.

The following are the approved Tonnage values for the above vessel:
Gross Tonnage: 124
Net Tonnage: 37

The vessel has been measured on 01/11/2021 at Essfour Engineering Pvt., Ltd., Rassaim, Goa and the final
dimensions indicated on the tonnage plan are endorsed accordingly.

Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,

Titus Thomas
Senior Surveyor

This is an electronically published document and does not require signature.

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