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1. Below is a list of subjects for informative speeches.

Your task is two-

fold: (1) Select two of the topics and prepare an informative speech

about each of the two. Make sure that your include at least one that

deals with its topic as an object, one that deals with its topic as a

process, one that deals with its topic as an event, and one that deals

with its topic as a concept. (2) Explain what method of organization

you would most likely use in structuring a speech about each of your

specific purpose statements.

 computers 

 sports

 animals

 music

 science

 cultural customs

 education

 technology

 television

 hobbies

Objects are the things which are tangible, thus identify by our sights, our
hearing, from our touch or taste is known as an object.

Objects include: things, people, animals or products.


I choose” television” as an object.

The world's first television stations first appeared in the United States in the
late 1920s and early 1930s. The first mechanical TV station was called W3XK
and was created by Charles Francis Jenkins (one of the inventors of
mechanical television). That TV station aired its first broadcast on July 2, 1928.
A television can be considered as an object that has the following
characteristics and behaviors:

Characteristics of Television:

It is rectangular in shape.

It has a flat screen

It contains the specific number of channels.

Behaviors/ uses of Television:

It is used to view news

It is also used to watch games like: Cricket, Football and Tennis.

It is used to view different entertainment channels like: Kapil Sharma show


A television set is owned by someone giving it an identity. Hence, television set

is a real world object.


A process is how something is made, how something is done or how something


Organizing a Process speech:

 When informing about a process, you will almost always arrange your
speech in chronological order.
 Describe the process step by step from beginning to end.
 Make sure every step is clear and easy to follow.
 If you have four or more steps, group the steps into units to limit the
number of your key points.

The device we called the television is really a television receiver that is the end
point of a broadcast system that starts with the television camera or transmitter
and requires a complicated network of broadcast transmitters using ground
base towers cables and satellites to deliver the original picture to our living
rooms in 1928” filo farms worth” made the world first working television
system the basic idea of television is radio with pictures
How a Color CRT TV Works

1. Beam of electrons are sent from the cathode/anode setup

2. Directed beam sweeps the screen many times per second
3. The eye sees it as continually changing picture
4. Each “dot” on the screen one of three types of phosphor– chemicals that
emit red, green, or blue light when hit with an electron
5. These combine to make any possible color Diagrams

Events are happenings or occurrence’s, from both past and present

The Battle of Uhud: To inform my audience about what occurred at the Battle
of Uhud

The Sundance Film Festival: To inform my audience about how films are
chosen to be shown at the Sundance Film Festival.

Organizing Your Event Speech:

• Curate your event with the audience in mind

• Provide your speakers with a handbook
• Check in early and often
• Don’t micromanage the content
• Set expectations
• Provide on-site tech support
• Follow-up with feedback

I choose “culture customs of Pakistan” as an event.

Pakistan is an Islamic state. Pakistan is based around Islam and Pakistani

culture is basically based on the Islamic way of life. All other cultural aspects
are influenced by Islam. Pakistani culture is characterized by its greatness,
simplicity, firm belief, noble deeds and ideas.

Here are 11 key traits of Pakistani culture:

Religious Equality

• Pakistan came into existence to provide its people with a system based on
Islam. The people, in spite of some language differences, customs and
traditions commonly follow one religion. Islam is practiced by all

• A number of languages are spoken in Pakistan. Some of them are

Punjabi, Sindhi, Pushto and Baluchi. But Urdu is spoken and
understands in all parts of Pakistan. Being the official language, it is the
media of communication between all regions of Pakistan

Literature and poetry

• Literature is an important aspect of our cultural life. Most of our poets

reflect the Islamic code and convey the message of love and brotherhood.
The similarity of thought between poets and writers from all regions is an
important element of our cultural life.
• Sufi poets hold an honorable position. Sufis such as Lal Shahbaz, Data
Ganj Bakhsh, Shah Abdul Latif, Sachal Sarmast, Hazrat Sultan Bahoo
and Waris Shah rendered excellent services for the spread of Islam in the

Clothing and food

• Clothing is an important manifestation of culture. Pakistan's regional

dress has changed due to local traditions, economic conditions and
wealth. But people in all provinces usually wear the traditional salwar
kameez. The food we eat and the social etiquette strongly affirms Islamic

Religious festival.

• Festivals are an important part of our culture. Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-

Adha are our two main religious festivals. They are celebrated with great
joy all over the country.

• Sports like wrestling, hockey, cricket, football, squash etc. are popular in
every part of our country. These games reflect our cultural identity.


• Pakistan's education system plays an important role in culture, unity and

solidarity of the nation. Therefore, it is important that the entire
curriculum from kindergarten to high school be kept in line with the
ideology of Pakistan

Arts and Architectures

• Islam has given a special shape and pattern to the use of beautiful
designs, based on geometric figures and flower shapes borrowed from
nature. Shah Jahan Mosque, Shalimar Garden, Badshahi Mosque, Royal
Fort and many such charming buildings are living proofs of Mughal style

A male-dominated society

• In Pakistani culture, a male family member holds a key position. The

head of the family is headed by a male member and in most cases he is
the only source of income for other members of the family.

Mixed culture

• Pakistani culture is a mixed culture even though the majority of people

are Muslims by birth and faith. However, Hindu and British culture has a
great influence on the present Pakistani society.


Concepts include beliefs, theories, ideas, and principles. Concepts are more
abstract than objects, processes, or events.

Friendship or truthfulness is considered as concept.

Organizing a Concept Speech:

• Imaginary speeches use topical order.
• Focus on the key features of your concept.
• Describe the concept you are working with, identify the key elements, and
illustrate it with specific examples.
• Be sure to pay special attention to avoiding technical language and
clearly stating the terms.
• Use examples and comparisons to illustrate your point.


I considered “culture custom” as a concept.

A custom is defined as a cultural idea that describes a regular, patterned

behavior that is considered a feature of life in a social system. Shaking hands,
bowing - all rituals - are ways to greet people. The method commonly used in a
society helps to distinguish one culture from another.

First I tell you about how customs are made or origin in our society

Customs can last for generations, as new members of society learn about
existing customs through social processes. In general, as a member of society,
most people follow customs without any real understanding of why they exist or
how they started.

Social customs often become out of habit. Let’s take an example: One man
greets the other when he greets you first. Note the other person - and perhaps
others who are still observing. When he later meets someone on the street, he
raises his hand. After a while, the handshaking action becomes habitual and
takes on a life of its own.
The importance of customs

Over time, customs become the rules of social life, and since customs are so
important to social harmony, breaking them can theoretically lead to an
upheaval with customs. It has little or nothing to do with the custom itself—
particularly when the reasons perceived for breaking it have no bearing in fact.

For example, after handshaking becomes a norm, an individual who declines to

offer his hand upon meeting another may be looked down upon and or
perceived as being suspicious. Why won't he shake hands? What's wrong with

Assuming that a handshake is a very important custom, consider what might

happen if an entire segment of the population suddenly decided to stop shaking
hands. Enmity can grow between people who keep shaking hands and those
who don't. It can also increase anger and anxiety. People who keep shaking
hands may assume that non-shakers refuse to attend because they are washed
or dirty. Or perhaps, people who no longer shake hands are convinced that they
are superior and do not want to deceive themselves by touching an inferior

Customs in cultures

Different cultures, of course, have different customs, which means that what
may be a tradition in one society may not be in another. In the United States,
for example, cereals are considered a traditional breakfast food, but in other
cultures, breakfast may include dishes such as soups or vegetables.

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