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N ews l et t er


(Left) Juliana Ithungu, now a community worker with a degree. “If it were not for Mvule, I would not have made it. My father only
educated boys past primary school.” (Centre) Mvule trees giving a subliminal message that people can grow to be strong and tall.
(Right) Former bursary holder Samuel Kithandiko reads a statement to the Mvule visitors.
L: Jackline Akello, Mvule beneficiary, is now a Clinical Officer and Tuberculosis Focal Person at Joseph’s Hospital Kitgum. C: “Today this
is what I am,” says Mvule beneficiary John Osidi. “I am earning a salary and supporting a wife and a child and my siblings in school. I am
Dear Mvule supporters,
also farming and plan to buy land.” R: Twariki Muhammad, now funding himself atIn
rich crop which also supplies twigs for cooking and is ideal in refugee settings,nine
total we now
have 22among
land to produce
pigeon 13
peas, a protein
food and fuel.
males, 13 just awarded bursaries, and nine
What a year it has been! Uganda’s education carried forward.

Mvule and the crisis

sector continued its COVID closure, the longest in Ten are in health, four in forestry, three
the world to date. And our former beneficiaries in teaching, two in animal husbandry, two in
were hit hard by the pandemic. But very happy engineering, and one in environmental science.

in northern Uganda
holidays nonetheless! You are supporting a bumper
load of students. Thank you so very much.
Joyleen Tugume is one of them, starting a full-
Further good news is that we can support more.
Fees for an 18-month upgrade from a certificate to
a diploma in nursing are £1,166, a fortune for young
GREETINGS! Let me begin with a story. In mid-2016 refugees began
time four-year university course while continuing people earning £147 a month.
to pour into Uganda. By August 2017 one million were calling it
with her job as a wildlife ranger in Queen Elizabeth National But it is doable for Mvule. We are virtual with minimal costs
home. Mvule Trust thanked its stars that it had funded almost
Park on weekends. “If I have a degree, I have chances of being and in December transferred GBP 46,000 to Uganda. These were
150 foresters. The refugees were in dire need of fuel and poles.
promoted to warden”. your accumulated donations.
Realising that the gravity of the situation was an opportunity,
Reuben Muhindo is another. Upgrading to doctor, he makes Thank you so much for your generosity.
Mvule organised eight of its forestry diploma holders to intern for
us burst with pride. Last term he placed second out of 258 Most stories in this newsletter come from the districts of
Lutheran World Federation, which started tree planting campaign.
students. His GPA is 3.88. Bundibugyo and Kasese, along the border with the Democratic
Four were eventually given full-time jobs, a fifth -- a young woman
Juliet Nziabake, 30, is a third, studying for a diploma in Republic of Congo, a region with low educational attainment in
whose hearing is impaired -- is being supported by Mvule in further
midwifery, which will raise her earnings by £505 a year. Uganda’s Western Uganda.
studies, and the rest are busy elsewhere.
GDP per capita was £618 in 2020, according to the World Bank. We supported 1,111 students there in 16 secondary schools
Mvule beneficiary Twariki Muhammad, who the NGO supported
and 11 tertiary institutions between 2006 and 2016. It was great to
to obtain a Diploma in Agriculture, also stepped up, escorting me
catch up with some of them.
around what had become the world’s largest refugee settlement.
“I am so glad to see you,” said Juliet Muhindo who is returning
From there I wrote a piece for The Guardian, which has led to a
to train further in medical lab technology. “I like it so much. I was
project on which we hope to take other Mvule interns. I could not
so clever in class. God saw from the beginning that I become a
have done it without his translation and local knowledge.
health worker”.
Just today one of the LWF foresters, John Osidi wrote to
Enjoy the stories and analysis. Thanks so much again!
me, saying “Madam, I am really grateful for the sponsorship at
Nyabyeya Forest College because ever since I completed, my life Cathy Watson, Mvule Trust Director
has never been the same thus I have paid tuition for my brother
who has just completed a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering.”
But if he’s grateful, how grateful are we? Our beneficiaries are MISSION VISION
The Trust’s main Mvule Trust envisions a
educating their siblings and responding to a global humanitarian cadre of young people
organisational goal is
crisis! On behalf
“Amazingly of the staffjob,
I got a government of Mvule Trust,
“Mvule found fellow Director
me when I was out who are educated, self-
to improve the lives of
and it is then
William Pike,that
andI was
our able
Boardto – David
of Lyon,
school Richard
and unhopeful
and Joel underprivileged rural Ugandan confident, self-sufficient
support my parents and siblings,” getting back,” says Patience and able to engage in
Kibazo, we thank you for your sustained interest. I can say truly --
says midwife Juliet Nziabake. She Biira. She is “so delighted” to be families by providing young
Cathy- prima
interviews refugees from South
sustai Sudan
nable livelihin in Bidi
no one
adds, does scholarships,
“Heartfelt follow-up
thanks to Mvule and nimble
upgrading like we
to a higher do.
midwifery people rily girls with
settlement,. December 2016 their home areas .
and my mother, a peasant, who qualification. Her younger sister is scholarships
fought tooth
Cathy and nail
Watson, Mvulefor me.” her “greatest responsibility”.
Trust Director
Mvule is the name of the endangered African hardwood Milicia Excelsa.
Mvule Trust 2021

Mvule helped break the belief that

if you educate girls, you waste money
a job in a bustling shop offering
computer services like scanning,
mostly to schools. But with the COVID
downturn, the owner now pays her just
£15 a month.
The group is falling back on farming.
“Food is the focus”, they say.
Talking to them one by one, positive
stories emerge, however. Juliana
Former beneficiaries at the cocoa cooperative. Owen looks at roadside tree planting Ithungu, who we supported for degree
in social work, volunteers with the Red
We visited the isolated district of achieved a degree on his own. What a Cross. It pays allowances for travel and
Bundibugyo on 30 October, led by resounding success! But as a whole the lunch, from which she has bought a
Owen Muhereza, a Mvule beneficiary group was frustrated. small plot. Assets are being accrued.
who had received major support - “Our number one challenge is The group said Mvule had helped
six full years of high school and a unemployment,” said Samuel Kithandiko, to break the “cultural belief that if you
university degree. “I was one of the a history teacher who we supported for educate a girl, you waste your money”.
lucky ones who benefitted from a girl a degree. “We have tried this and that to We in turn reassured them that
focused-program.” secure jobs. It has all ended in vain. Now COVID would end. With recovery and
Only the third person in his small COVID has worsened the situation.” His growth, these young people can find
ethnic group, the Bamba, to study school is closed, and as a teacher in a roles.
environmental science, Owen has private (non-government) institution, he
worked steadily since graduating. is unpaid.
Firms buying coffee, vanilla and cocoa, Maureen with an IT degree enjoyed
the area’s main crops, are
happy to hire him.
Owen organized former
bursary holders to gather
at the Semuliki Cocoa
Cooperative, which is
Fairtrade-certified and
managed by a Mvule
beneficiary who we
supported for a Diploma Bundibugyo’s densely-cultivated slopes are prone
in Agribusiness and later to landslides while its lowland plains are becoming Recent Mvule field verification: Kasese, Bundibugyo
a “zone of firewood and charcoal,” says Owen in 2021. Soroti, Katakwi, Kitgum in 2020.

I come from a hard family – I am very happy you chose me

We reached Kasese district on 1 qualification, it was easy to see how we “I come from a hard family,” she says.
November. Reuben Muhindo, our medical could help. We awarded fresh bursaries Her mother died, and her father deserted
student, had rallied 110 students. to nine of the 11 to go back to education the home. She currently cares for six
Realizing this was unmanageable, the and upgrade. One of the most touching brothers and sisters.
group chose 11 young people to represent interviews was with Loice Kabugho. She “My first husband refused that
them. We met at a small recalled how Mvule had number of relatives. He said ‘The luggage
hotel. This time, rather come across her in a school. you are carrying, I cannot withstand it’.”
than having them speak “I was one of the cleaners. I She is now remarried.
as a group we interviewed was already 23. I was getting Despite the travails, Loice shines.
each person individually. old from there.” We funded She has been the “in charge” at two
And because only one her for the balance of her government health centres in the past
had studied for a degree, secondary school years seven years. “I am very happy you picked
and many had taken and then for a certificate me all those years ago. I am very grateful
certificate courses rather in enrolled comprehensive to Mvule because the way I am is because
than diplomas, a higher nursing. of you.” .

Mvule Trust 2021

Without Mvule I would be

at a standstill - It was a step in my life
“even if we do not have jobs.”
Youth unemployment is severe in
Africa: 10 to 12 million youth enter the
job market each year, but only 3.1 million
jobs are created, states the African
Development Bank.
It can feel particularly perplexing in
Uganda where rural secondary schools
can have only a portion of approved
positions filled, and government health
facilities usually lack a full complement
of staff.
The beneficiaries said Mvule support had reduced the precarity they faced.
A study by G Namaganda and
After the one-on-one interviews, we finish first.” (There was only money for colleagues (2015) found that “health
had a discussion as a group. Without one child.) centres had fewer nurses (42–70%) and
fishing for compliments, we asked the “Mvule picked me at S4 (year 11). Life midwives (53–67%) than required and
former beneficiaries what might have was a struggle. I was hopeless at home consequently exhibited high workload
been the path of their life had Mvule not (out of school).” pressure (30–58%) for those cadres”.
located them. The question elicited rueful For several, it was nothing short of Many initiatives in Uganda and across
laughter and “are you joking?” eye rolls. amazing and slightly strange that people Africa are underway to solve this “wicked
The consensus was that it had changed who were unknown to them had assisted problem”, a term that development
their trajectory. them. One said, “I want to thank Mvule’s practitioners and others apply to
Three answered by saying: big heart. They’ve helped people they complex problems, like unemployment
“You picked me from nowhere. I am never saw before.” and poverty, that have innumerable
now somewhere. I’ll always be grateful.” Amid the marveling, though, the causes.
“I am so grateful. I would still be difficulty in finding
rotating down there (pointing to the jobs still niggled.
ground). I would be at a standstill.” “Would I be me
“I would be digging (a subsistence now if Mvule had not
farmer). It was a step in my life.” found me?” asked
Others answered by describing where one happily. “Right
they had been or what they were doing now, we have two
when staff from Mvule found them. diploma holders in
“At the time, I was sitting at home out my family!” But she
of school so that my elder sister could added pointedly,

Funded but not met – a wildlife ranger

We are happy to say that former a ranger guide by the Uganda Wildlife
beneficiaries from Kasese who could Authority, and life changed at home
not attend the meeting were also given where I managed to put up a small house
an opportunity. for my mother and siblings. I have also
One is Joyleen Tugume, who Mvule been paying 70% of my brother and
funded from 2010 to 2011 for A levels sister’s school fees. All the happiness in
in Kisinga Vocational School and my family is due to the help Mvule Trust
then for a diploma in wildlife tourism tendered to me. I have not enough words
management at the Uganda Wildlife to use to extend my appreciation. In
Training and Research Institute. Out of case, there’s another opportunity, please
over 3,400 young people funded, she is consider me.”
our only wildlife ranger. We said “Done!” and helped her enroll
She shared her story by WhatsApp. in Kabale University for environmental
“By God’s grace I was given a job as studies in December.

Mvule Trust 2021

News of other beneficiaries

The Eastern Uganda cohort: “What is soil?”
writes science teacher on blackboard
We are happy to have finally located
Mvule students that were funded by
readers of The Guardian at the National
Teachers’ College, Kaliro, in Eastern
Uganda. After qualifying they dispersed,
and phone numbers changed, but an
advertisement in the national newspaper
The New Vision reestablished contact.
Charles Okwi is beginning a Bachelors’ in
Science in Agriculture-General by distance
learning at Nkozi University. Sarah Apolot
is upgrading her teaching qualification at
Charles then and now. He has shown commitment to
the Soroti branch of Kyambogo University. science teaching in the face of unstable employment.

Female Mvule beneficiaries

excel in animal health
Rose Nyangoma helps than 80 percent of households
farmers to care for everything classified as poor in sub-Saharan
from chickens to cattle as an Africa.
Assistant Veterinary Officer in
Kasese. We supported her for a
Diploma in Animal Husbandry
at Arapai Agricultural College
and are now funding her for
a degree at Bishop Stuart
University in Mbarara. We are
proud of her and Vivian Aneno,
another Mvule beneficiary
who is upgrading in the same
field. Both have chosen this
profession which is vital for
rural families. Livestock is a
source of income for more Rose taking part in a campaign
Rose talking with a farmer to control rabies

Scholarships have impact!

The UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 calls
for a substantial expansion of scholarships
to developing countries for higher education,
including vocational, technical and scientific

We thank you again

hugely for the support
The Mvule Trust thanks our original funders –
philanthropists Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin
Further donations
for these young people. as well as the UK Charity Commission, Charity Aid can be sent via CAF to The MVULE
Do write. We would Foundation (CAF), Anthea Case, Miss K.M. Harbison’s TRUST at https://www.cafonline.
love to hear from you. Charitable Trust, and all our Guardian donors. org/my-personal-giving/start-giving/ Our board members are: donate-now OR by CHEQUE to
and David Bowes Lyon, Joel Kibazo and Richard Dowden. 38 Upper Road, Kennington, OX1 5LJ

4 Design by Michael Bunnya Kalanzi

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