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Lingua XV (2) (2019)

Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya
Terakreditasi Sinta 3 berdasarkan Keputusan Dirjend Penguatan Riset
dan Pengembangan, Kemenristek Dikti No 21/E/KPT/2018



Irwan Sumarsono
Language Laboratory of Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya

Info Artikel Abstract:

Sejarah artikel: This study presents the psychoanalytic analysis of Gustave Flaubert’s Madame
Diterima Bovary. The adultery conducted by the main female character of the novel is the
Januari 2019 center of the study that is analyzed by using Freud’s psychoanalysis. The study uses
the psychoanalysis theory to analyze how the id, ego and superego influence the
Juni 2019
main character in committing the adultery, and the reasons of the female character’s
Juli 2019 adultery in the novel. It is found that the female character’s id controls her adultery
very much that drives her to conduct it.
Adultery, marriage,
illusion, id, Abstrak:
superego, ego
Studi ini membahas tentang analisa secara psikoanalis tokoh utama wanita dalam
Kata Kunci: novel karya Gustave Flaubert yang berjudul Madame Bovary. Penulis, dalam
Selingkuh, menganalisa pengaruh id, ego dan superego terhadap kejiwaan tokoh utama wanita
Perkawinan, Ilusi, yang menyebabkan dia melakukan perselingkuhan, serta motif tokoh utama dalam
Id, Superego, Ego
perselingkuhannya, menggunakan teori psychoanalysis yang dikembangkan oleh
Sidmun Freud. Dari studi ini dapat dikatakan bahwa tokoh utama tersebut sangat
dipengaruhi oleh id-nya dibandingkan superegonya, sehingga dia melakukan
perselingkuhan dengan lelaki lain.


* Alamat korespondensi P-ISSN 1829 9342, E-ISSN 2549-3183

Lingua. Volume XV. Nomor 2. Juli 2019

Introduction was published.

As an expression of society that Emma Bovary, the main character
represents a social reality, literature is a of the novel, does three dangerous sins
product of human creative imagination that made Madame Bovary considered as
created to be read, enjoyed, understood dangerous and unmoral novel; conducting
and utilized for the good of society. Since the adultery with the other man, telling a
literature can influence its society, and lie and committing suicide.
vice –verse, the literature has a very close Gustave Flaubert was considered
relationship with its society. So we can say one of the greatest French novelists in
that literature and its society are mutually Western literature and one of the most
connected. Both of them affect each other. important writers of all time. The critics
(Scott, 1962:126). Graham said that a good states that Madame Bovary is Flaubert’s
literature says something worth-saying, most important work and considered as
adds to our understanding of life in the one of the most important French novels
world around us. It embodies thoughts and of the 19thcentury. Madame Bovary is
feelings on matters of human importance the story a young woman who married
(Graham, Little, 1966; 2). Great literature to a less romantic local and middle class
reveals truth, although sometimes the truth doctor. As she cannot get what she needs,
that the authors write in their works is the romantic life, she seeks escape through
controversial and people or the authorities forbidden relationships with other men.
think it has a harmful effect to their readers, The book could be viewed as an expose of
the society. the situation of women in the19th century.
Adultery in literature is one of During that century, women did not have
the examples that is considered as a any freedom to do their activities. They had
controversial theme in the literature that to obey their husbands, stay at home or left
can harm the society. Gustave Flaubert’s for months by the husbands who went to
Madame Bovary (1857) is an example of fight in war.
adultery novel that the writer analyzes. When Madame Bovary was first
Amann states that adultery novel is “a form published as a series in La Revue de Paris,
originating from social tensions concerning the public prosecutors attacked it for
the role of women in marriage, motherhood, obscenity and resulted in a trial in January
the family and the transmission of property” 1857 that made the story notorious. In April
(Amann, 2006:3). Many countries on the 1857, it was published as a book and made
world banned the adultery novels as they it a bestseller and stands unchallenged
were controversial at that time. Madame until now as one of the most influential
Bovary was considered as dangerous and novel ever written. What this novel shares
unmoral novel, and it had to be brought to the marriage relationship and the adultery
trial and banned for several years before it committed by the female protagonists in

Lingua. Volume XV. Nomor 2. Juli 2019

the novel are the things that the novel share the female protagonist conduct the adultery
to its readers. in Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary, and
As this study analyzes the psychology the motives of her adultery. This study
of the character and the motives of her uses the theory of Freud’s psychoanalysis,
adultery, the study applies the theory especially the concept of id, ego and
of Freud’s psychoanalysis. Freud’s superego to analyze the problems.
psychoanalysis has three premises, first The main source of data is the novel of
that most of individual processes are Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary (1857).
unconscious, second is that all human As the supporting data is taken from
behavior is motivated libido or sexual articles, journal of literature, e-book, and
power, and the third one is the power of other related sources related with the main
social taboos attached to certain sexual data. The data were collected by intensive
impulses (Guerin, 2005: 155). According close reading, note taking, classifying the
to the theory of psychoanalysis, the psychic data, interpreting, and discussing the data.
zones are divided into three, namely the id, After analyzing and discussing both the
the ego and the superego. novels, the collected data then displayed.
The id is the source of all drive
energies, the energy in the life and death, Finding and Discussion
sexual and aggressive instincts. The ego
The analysis is divided into three
develops gradually from the id to enable
parts. First, the researcher analyzes the
human to deal with reality. The ego is
influence of id, superego and ego in the
one of the other psychic agencies that
female character’s family problems. The
protect the individual and society from
second analysis is focused on the adultery
the id’s dangerous potentialities. Superego
committed by the female character. The
represents the moral branch of our
third one is focused on the motives of the
functioning. It contains ideals we strive
adultery committed by the character.
for and the punishments we expect when
we do something against our ethical code
(Pervin, 1984: 77). The duty of superego is The Influence of the Id, Ego and Superego
to control human behavior in accordance in Emma’s Family Problems
with the rules of society, offering rewards
Emma’s Id
for good behavior and punishment for bad
behavior. The id is the representative of the
unconscious, the reservoir of libido and
the source of all drive energy, such as the
Research Method energy in the life and death, and sexual
This study is to analyze the family instincts. The id is the human psyche that
problem of the main characters that makes focuses more on the prohibited desires of

Lingua. Volume XV. Nomor 2. Juli 2019

all kinds in the society, such as the desire a romantic marriage. She does not want
for power, sex, amusement, food and so on. to live in her father’s farm anymore, that
Those desires that are consisted in the id is why she agrees to marry to Charles
are forbidden by social convention, norms, when he proposes her. Charles is a young
and religions. The influences of the id in doctor that can make Emma believe that
driving Emma to commit adultery in this she can find happiness and romantic love
novel is discussed and analyzed in this part. in her marriage with him. Unfortunately,
Emma, the main female character in she finds her husband different from what
this novel, is described as a young woman she expects. He is a dull, un romantic, does
who likes reading romantic novels. The not know how to make a woman happy,
novels that she reads have influenced her in and always he is always preoccupied by
dreaming her future life. When she meets his work (Flaubert, 2004: 38). She starts
Charles Bovary, a middle-class provincial imagining another man. In this situation
doctor, who takes care her father sickness, her id starting to raise from her psyche. She
she is agree when Charles Bovary asks her starts dreaming that she will meet another
to marry him. Her reading romantic novels man who is like the man in the novel.
makes her have a highly spirited with For Emma, marriage life should be
energy to release to fulfill her desires, and beautiful, full of happiness and wealth just
her dreams to have a romantic husband like the life of the heroine of the books she
and romantic life. The pressure that she reads. But what she gets after marriage is
has makes her find any way to release the disappointing her.
desire, or her id. The id that is described in For Emma, the source of spirit of life
this novel, Madame Bovary, is the fulfillment is driven by the fulfillment of the happiness,
of happiness as she always dreams from the joy and perfection of love. Therefore, it
her reading romantic novels. is her id which cannot be fulfilled within
Her reading romantic novels her marriage with Charles raising family
influences her very much until she fails to problem in their marital relationship.
differentiate between illusion and reality. Finding her marriage is different so
She spends her whole life seeking for the far from her imagination makes her see
perfection of love (Flaubert, 2004: 32-33). her marriage with Charles as boring. This
She dreams to have a perfect and romantic condition leads her to an idea of getting
love in her life. She expects that she will an escape. It causes her to seek happiness
meet someone, a man that can make her outside the marriage institution (Flaubert,
have a life like the life of the heroine’s in the 2004: 40).
Her id starts taking its influence and
She has a great expectation when controls Emma’s psyche. It drives her have
she gets married to Charles. Emma wants fantasies with another man like in the
to live among the bourgeoisie and expects

Lingua. Volume XV. Nomor 2. Juli 2019

novels that she reads. Her marriage with never gets from Charles. And she finds
the doctor cannot give her happiness. Her that life is full with passion, ecstasy and
id says to her that she has to seek for the high romantic love with Rodholpe. She
happiness outside the marriage institution. forgets that she is still Charles’s wife. But
Moreover, her husband who cannot fulfill this relationship does not last long since
her dream drives her not only to start having Rodolphe, as a man of experienced, just
fantasies, but also to committing adultery wants to get the sexual pleasure with
with another man (Flaubert, 2004:97). Emma. He does not want to continue the
When she meets a 34 years old man, relationship, and it makes Emma down.
named Rodholpe, that she considers as a Being left by Rodholpe, Emma meets
man of experienced. She thinks that he is a young man who works as a clerk, named
the man that can understand her and has a Leon. She meets Leon in Yonvile just before
romantic love for her. Here, her id controls he continuous his study and moves to
her psyche very much. Her id makes her not Rouen. When Emma meets Leon again, that
able to avoid from committing an adultery is the time when her id starts controlling her
with Rodholpe, She commits the adultery psyche again. Emma does not care with the
with Rodholpe to fill her emptiness in fact that she is still bound with Charles in
her marriage life that she cannot get from a marriage institution. Her id drives her to
Charles Bovary, her husband. fulfill her sexual desire, her sexual instinct to
Comparing Rodholpe from Charles fulfill her principles of pleasure. She breaks
Bovary, it can be stated that Charles Bovary her sacred marriage institution because
is a dull man. He does not know anything she cannot stop her id from controlling her
about romantic love. He does not know psyche. She believes that she is destined
how to make a woman happy. He does not to live together with Leon. This forbidden
know how to praise a woman, and he has relationship is the same as the one that
no ambition in his life that cannot make she did with Rodholpe before in which she
Emma fulfill her dream to live among the just finds an unreal romantic love. At the
borgouis. While, Rodholpe is a man who end of her extramarital relationship she
knows how to care a woman. He knows has with both of the men she realizes that
how to make women happy and fall in love she cannot find her idealistic love that she
with him by praising with beautiful words. always seeks for.
That is a man that Emma always imagine
to see, just like the romantic character that Emma’s Superego
she reads in the romantic novels.
Everybody must have the moral value.
It is her id that makes her run away It is the moral value that makes someone
from her marital life and seek for sexual accepted to live among the others in a
happiness from Rodolphe. It is her id that society. When we talk about the moral value,
drives her seeking for romantic joy she

Lingua. Volume XV. Nomor 2. Juli 2019

then we talk about the role of the superego. she lived in convent where she was taught
One of the moral branches of someone’s with Christianity makes her know how
functioning is superego. As stated above to differentiate the right and from the
discussion that Emma is controlled by her wrong. The teaching of Christianity says
id. It is the superego role that will try to that having an extramarital relationship is
stop or to minimalize the control of id upon against the moral and religion values. Her
Emma’s psyche. The moral values, however superego does not allow her to fulfill her
influences Emma’s actions in some degree. id’s drive to get the satisfaction as much
When Emma and Charles move to as Leon provides that Charles cannot. It is
Yonville, Emma meets a law clerk, Leon, obviously wrong to commit an adultery,
whom she falls in love with. These two and she knows it well.
characters, Emma Bovary and Leon have the When Emma attends the agricultural
similarities that both of them like reading festival, she is seduced by Rodholpe. She
romantic novels. Both of them are bored knows that she can betray her husband and
with rural life and love to find an escape accepts Rodholpe at that time. From the
through romantic novels. These similarities conversation of Emma’s and Rodolphe, it
make them to fall in love to each other, but can be seen that her superego does its role
Emma tries to deny and kill her love with to stop or minimalize the id’s drive. Emma
Leon. She realizes that she is Charles’s wife believes in and has to accept the opinion of
and she has to keep her sacred marriage the world and its moral code, that it is not
institution with her husband. She has to right to have an extramarital relationship
reject Leon (Flaubert, 2004: 110). She with another man.
refuses her id to control her from driving Emma knows, to some extent, that
her to commit adultery with Leon. She does they have to pay attention to what the
not want to betray her husband. At that neighbors will say when they have an
time, she knows that having an extramarital extramarital relationship, and conform to
relationship is a kind of breaking the moral the accepted standard of morality of the
values. It is the role of her superego to society (Flaubert, 2004: 128).
reject him. She does not want to be haunted
Emma has knowledge and agreement
by the feeling of guilty, so she rejects Leon’s
with the morality that people have to pay
love. She then throws herself in the role of a
attention on the opinions of others and
dutiful wife and tries to be faithful with her
accept the standard morality. This can be
husband. She does not want to make the
possible since she was educated and lived
same mistake for the second time. She does
in a convent before she married to Charles.
not want to be disappointed like what she
got from Rodholpe. In this case she knows When her marriage with Charles is
how to differentiate the right from wrong. being tested by the appearance of Rodolphe,
a 34 years old man who knows well how to
Her education that she got when

Lingua. Volume XV. Nomor 2. Juli 2019

praise a woman to fall in love with, we can When Emma finally has to commit
see how her superego tries not to follow her an adultery with the other men, both
id in fulfilling her seeking of pleasure that Rodholpe and Leon, Emma tries to hide her
she cannot get from her husband. She does adultery from other people, especially from
not agree with Rodolphe’s offer to lend her her husband. It is an indication that she
his horse and have a horse ride with him. has an awareness related to the superego,
But finally she cannot reject related to the moral values that a wife must
Rodholpe’s invitation to have a horse be faithful to her husband in whatever
ride with him, after she does not see her condition. She hides her adultery with Leon
husband’s insensitive feeling that it can from Charles by pretending that she has to
give them the possibility to have a certain learn playing piano. This idea of learning to
relationship behind him. This riding horse play piano is her excuse that makes her be
together with Rodholpe makes her start to able to meet Leon to make love. All the love
be in love with him. Although Emma begins making is done in a hotel room that she
to fall in love with Rodolphe, she still has considers as their own room.
her superego not to have an extramarital They used the word “our” to describe
relationship with him. the situation that they consider all belong
When Rodholpe seduces her, Emma to them, such as ‘our room’, ‘our car-pet’,
knows how to avoid it. Her superego still ‘our armchairs’, ‘our slippers’(Flaubert,
controls her from committing any mistakes 2004 : 234-235).
and sins. She knows that God is seeing Choosing a hotel as her place in
them although they are with nobody in the committing adultery with Leon is her way
forest. She knows that Rodholpe is trying not only to hide her adultery from her
to seduce her to get advantages from her, husband and the society, but also to avoid
when they are in a remote place far from her family from being a shame. The moral
anybody. Nobody will know what they can values that she breaks will make her family
do in that place, including her husband, in a shame, when the society finds out
Charles. And it makes her to close her ears her committing an adultery behind her
from listening to what Rodolphe talks to her husband.
and to drive away her intention to commit The influence of the superego on
adultery with him. Emma’s life can also be seen When Emma
The superego still works on Emma is deeply in debt; she has asked the bank
when she meets Leon for the second time for money, but they will not lend her any.
in a theater after he left her to continue his Turns to Guillamin for money, but he offers
study. This meeting awakens her love to his assistance to Emma for sexual pleasure,
Leon that she has buried for a long time. she angrily declines. It is her superego that
But this time her superego says that it is not declines his offer to help for. She refuses it
right to continue it. because it is not right to sell her body for

Lingua. Volume XV. Nomor 2. Juli 2019

money. She does not want people think that instinctual drive of the id that sometimes
she is prostitute (Flaubert, 2004: 270). put someone in dangerous situation has
From the quotation above it can be to be regulated, and directed to behave in
studied that her superego does not allow nondestructive behavioral patterns. And it
her to accept his offer for money to pay is the role of the ego to do it.
back her debt with the compensation that It is found out how Emma’s ego plays
Emma will make love with him. She thinks predominant role with some reasons when
that she is being taken advantage by him on she accepts Charles’ marital proposal. She
her distress. His offer for money makes her was educated in Christianity when she
angry very much that she has to leave him. lived in a convent, so she knows well about
At the end of the novel, she realizes religious norms or values. She has a dream
that what she has done with both Rodholpe to live among the bourgeoisie and expects a
and Leon is wrong. It is breaking the moral romantic marriage, and of course she wants
values. Betraying a husband who promised to leave her father’s farm immediately. And
in front of God to build a happy marriage these all dreams that she has must meet
with her is a big sin. Although her id takes within the reality of the society.
a big part in controlling her psyche, it is She believed that she was in love
also her superego that drive her to commit with Charles, before she married to him,
suicide to solve her problem. She realizes but when she found out that the happiness
that what she has done is morally wrong. she has expected by marrying him does
Her committing suicide is her only way to not really come, she starts thinking that
avoid her from the punishment that will be she must have been mistaken to marry him
given by her society. It is a proof that her (Flaubert, 2004: 32).
superego still works. When she finds her marriage with
Charles does not bring happiness, Emma
Emma’s Ego does not try to leave him, but she tries to
improve her marriage. She tries to change
From the three zones of human psyche,
the boring marriage into a romantic one.
it is the id that has the most dangerous
She shows Charles his weakness as a
potentialities. If someone’s id is stronger
husband and hopes that he will be able to
than the other two zones, it will make him/
improve his weakness and change it into
her in a dangerous situation, since he or she
his strength. She tries to make herself love
will never be able to deal with the reality he
him. When she in the garden under the
or she has. To minimalize the id, someone
moonlight, she reads some love poems
needs the role of the ego. It is the ego that
all she knows for him. She recites all the
enables human to deal with real world,
most passionate lines of verse. She sings
and to protect the individual and society
a melancholic song to attract him, but all
from id’s dangerous potentialities. The
she has done is useless. Charles is not a

Lingua. Volume XV. Nomor 2. Juli 2019

romantic guy. He knows nothing about love to hide her relationship with Leon from her
poems and the song she sings. Charles does husband. And to avoid of being known by
not read novels, dramas and poems, even he the society, she asks Leon to rend a hotel
never listens to music, therefor he does not room where they can meet and make love.
know anything about the poem or the song. That all Emma’s relationship with her
He does not know how to be a romantic lovers are not succeed and she has a lot of
guy in front of his wife (Flaubert, 2004:40). debt that she cannot pay, makes her ego try
All she does to improve her marriage with to compensate the situation. She wants to
Charles is driven by her ego. clear the conscience. From the explanation
After she fails to improve her above, it is clear that due to the strength of
marriage with Charles, Emma meets two the id, the ego of Emma’s tends to satisfy
different men that will bring her life in a the demand of the id.
tragedy. But she is still able to control her
id. When Emma begins to fall in love with
The Adultery of Emma with Rodolphe,
Leon, she is still able to differentiate the
and Leon
right from the wrong. She is in a dilemma
whether to be a faithful wife for Charles or When a married person does a sexual
to leave him and love the other man, Leon, intercourse with a man or a woman who is
but she is still able to solve her problem in not her or his spouse known or unknown by
her dilemma. She chooses to be a faithful others then it can be said that he or she has
wife for Charles. It is her ego that says that committed an adultery. The psychological
she has to reject Leon who can offer her a condition of someone plays an important
pleasure and romantic love. role in driving someone to commit an
adultery. Freud says in his theory of
Her ego begins to satisfy to demand
psychoanalysis that it is the id that works
of her id’s drive when she cannot stand
based on the pleasure principle that drives
any longer in her marriage with Charles.
someone in committing adultery.
Rodolphe’s romantic words has teased her
that make her ego try to find any way or plan Emma committed adultery with two
how she can fulfill her need of satisfaction. different men at different time. All she does
because she does not get any satisfaction
When Emma sees Leon for the second
on her marriage with Charles. The romantic
time, her id says that it is her time to fulfill
novels that she reads influence her very
what she cannot get from her husband. Her
much especially on how she dreams to
love for Leon that she refused before grows
have a romantic love. Her dream to have a
again. This time her id insists her to be
romantic life makes her unable to face the
satisfied. She has to meet Leon to satisfy her
reality. She fails to differentiate the reality
sexual desire. And her ego finds the way to
from the illusion.
satisfy it by telling a lie to her husband that
she has to Rouen to learn piano. It is the way That her husband cannot give what

Lingua. Volume XV. Nomor 2. Juli 2019

she needs makes her id control her psyche. cannot stop or minimalize her id’s drive.
Although she tries to entertain herself This condition makes her not able to stop
that she loves her husband and is able to her sexual instinct to commit an adultery
improve her marriage, when there is a with Rodolphe. What makes her commits
temptation coming to tease her, to fulfill the adultery is not only caused by her
what she cannot get from her husband, unfulfilled needs, her failure to stop or
finally she falls in a sin. When she meets the minimalize her id, but also caused by her
other men who can give what she needs, she husband’s stupidity. Charles, as the husband
starts betraying her husband. All she does always thinks that Emma is happy and will
since her husband cannot fulfill what she never betray him. He does not know that
needs. She has to commit her first adultery Emma is not happy and despaired. She
with a man called Rodolphe. Her id drives betrays him and finds other men to get
her to be in love with him. After several what her husband cannot give. Rodolphe is
meeting with Rodholpe, Emma is willing to not the only man Emma commits adultery
sleep with him. Rodholpe is a man whose with. She also commits an adultery with
characteristic is like the male character a young man, called Leon who she meets
in the novels she reads. He knows how to again in the theater in Rouen incidentally.
tease and praise her with romantic words Leon, who falls in love with Emma at the
that she never hears from her husband. It first time he met her, did not have any
makes her have to follow her sexual instinct courage to love her at his first time meeting
and break the social values, the morality Emma, but at her second meeting he does
to satisfy her id that has has weaken her not want to lose his chance to get her
superego. love. He is braver and more aggressive in
‘This is wrong, wrong,’ she said. ‘I’m seducing Emma. Leon comes at the right
insane to listen to you.’ ‘Why?... Emma! time just after Emma is disappointed by
Emma!’ ‘Oh, Rodolphe!’ said the young Rodolphe and thirsty of a passionate love.
woman slowly, leaning against his shoulder... Being teased by Leon makes Emma start to
her white throat filled with a sigh as she grow her love with him. She plans a way to
let it fall back and, half-fainting, weeping, meet Leon and get what she really need. She
hiding her face, with a deep shudder she has to fulfill her id’s drive. Turning a corner,
gave herself to him (Flaubert, 2004: 143). she would recognize him by his curly hair,
which invariably escaped from beneath his
This quotation above tells the readers
hat. Léon continued along the pavement.
that Emma finally gives up herself and
She followed him to the hotel; he climbed
lets the adultery happens after she tries
the stairs, opened the door, entered the
very hard to avoid of committing it. As
room... Then, what an embrace! After the
she has lived in a convent and educated
kisses, came the rush of words. They told
in Christianity, she knows that it is wrong
one another all the vexations the week had
to betray his husband, but her superego
brought, all their forebodings, all their fears

Lingua. Volume XV. Nomor 2. Juli 2019

about their letters; but now, everything was romantic and cannot make her live happily
forgotten, and they gazed at one another, as she always dreams. She finds out that
laughing with delight as they exchanged Charles is a dull who knows nothing and has
murmured endearments (Flaubert, 2004: no ambition. As a man, Charles should have
234). known anything, should have intensities of
This quotation shows us Emma’s passion, but he knows, thinks and desires
adultery with Leon that she commits it far nothing. He does not know what his wife
away from her home. This happens since thinks about him. Even he does not know
she still seeks for an idealistic love that that his wife is not happy. He thinks and
she cannot get from her husband. Her id believes that he has made his wife happy
drives her to seeks for pleasure to fulfill (Flaubert, 2004: 38).
her emptiness of life with her husband. This quotation shows us that Emma
And it can be seen here that her ego tends is disappointed with the reality that her
to satisfy her id while her superego is husband is a man who knows nothing
becoming weaker that she cannot hold her and has no ambition. He does not know
morality. what Emma really feels. He believes he
has made Emma happy by marrying him.
Actually Emma is disappointed with her
The Motives of Emma’s Adultery
marriage with Charles. Since Charles does
The family problem is the background not acknowledge her disappointment, she
of Emma’s adultery. It raises her id drive that starts listening to her id’s drive that drives
grows stronger than her ego and superego. her to committing adultery with the other
As a young woman who is inspired by the men, the first one is with Rodolphe, and the
romantic novels she reads, she has to release second one is with Leon.
the high spirit of energy that she has. When
That her husband she marries to is
she cannot get her sexual satisfaction from
different from the hero in the romantic
her husband since her marriage with him is
novels that she reads make her start seeking
different from the dreams that she always
her idealistic love from the other men. This
expects to come true, she finally has to get
study finds out three motives that make
it from the other men. Although she lived
Emma commit an adultery with the other
in a convent and educated in Christianity,
men. The first one is to fulfill her illusion to
she cannot stop her sexual drive. She has
have a perfection of love just as the story of
to commit an adultery. She has no other
the romantic books she reads.
The second one is that her adultery
Emma who has a high spirit of energy
is an escape from her boredom of her
to release has serious problem in her
marital life with Charles. Emma who at the
marital life with Charles. The first problem
beginning believes that marrying Charles
that she has is she finds her husband is not
will bring happiness and joyful of love finds

Lingua. Volume XV. Nomor 2. Juli 2019

out that her marriage is boring. To escape is an interesting topic to discuss since its
from her boredom of marital life she seeks society unfairness in seeing the women
for pleasure from the other men. adultery. It is also challenging since the
The third one is seeking for an limited studies that have been done by
idealistic love or a perfection of love. some researchers that analyzed the novel.
Emma who is deluded by her illusion of This condition makes the writer get some
the romantic life finds out that her love difficulties in getting the previous studies
relationship with Charles is boring and that analyzed the novel.
far from her imagination. Her adultery As described in the novel, Madame
with two different men that she commits Bovary, Emma Bovary is a young woman
at the different time is her way to seek the who lives in a convent, educated in
perfection of idealistic love, but she cannot Christianity and get influenced by the
get what she seeks from both of the men. romantic reading gets married to Charles,
She fails in getting the perfection of love a provincial doctor, to make her dream
caused by her own personality who always come true. She believes that by marrying a
demands her lovers to be like the hero of doctor will make her get the perfection of
the novels she reads. love and live happily in a romantic life, but
Charles cannot make her dream come true.
As an escape, Emma seeks what she cannot
get from her marriage from the other men
Adultery is considered a serious outside her marriage.
social problem and serious sin based on
The theory of psychoanalysis with its
social and religious norms. The adultery is
three concepts; the id, ego and superego that
not only as a serious betrayal of a sacred
is applied in analyzing the women adultery
marriage institution, but a betrayal to the
in the novel; Gustave Flaubert’s Madame
husbands as well. The history of adultery
Bovary finds out that the female character
has been existed since the existence of
in committing adultery is motivated by
human on the world.
the family problems. Emma and Charles
Adultery committed by a woman is are not happy with their marriage, but
considered more serious crime than the Charles cannot acknowledge it. Charles
adultery committed by a man. Gustave cannot acknowledge that his wife, the
Flaubert’s Madame Bovary was a novel female character of the novel, cannot get
written in 1857 when the society did not what she needs in her marriage. Emma
give any freedom for women to do any cannot get what she dreams about a happy
activities. The society believed that women romantic marriage. Emma and Connie is a
had to be a wife who had to stay at home woman who is controlled more by her id’s
to take care the husband and the children. drive than by her superego. her id drives
Studying the adultery based on that novel her to commit adultery with the other men

Lingua. Volume XV. Nomor 2. Juli 2019

to fulfill her sexual satisfaction that she her marital status, she seeks happiness by
cannot get from her husbands. Emma’s id committing adultery with the other men
is raised by her unfulfilled romantic dream, to fulfill her needs. Emma’s extramarital
her illusion influenced by the romantic relationship with her lovers does not
books she read. This study also finds out end for a long time. Her dissatisfaction
the setting of the novel, Madame Bovary is difficult to manage as portrayed in the
namely the womanhood in the 19th century. novel. Considering the time and settings, it
The background of the novel represents can be concluded that this particular issue
the unsatisfied woman with the concept was not a strange case in the 19th France.
of womanhood in the nineteenth century Considering the problems seen using
in which women had to devote their life as the psychological approach, the character
a wife and a mother who had to take care is more controlled by her id’s drive than by
husband and children. The writer, Gustave her superego. The main female character
Flaubert, makes Emma Bovary as the tries to satisfy her id’s drive in seeking for
representation of the unsatisfied women in sexual satisfaction, but her seeking comes
the nineteenth century. Understanding the out from some reasons, Emma is caused by
specific womanhood that occurred in the her illusion and unfulfilled sexual need. Her
nineteenth that becomes the background ego has supported the id to satisfy what the
of the novel makes the novel is interesting needs. The deluded ego has made Emma
to analyze. By understanding the factors commit an adultery with the other men. It
and the motives of the woman’s adultery can be said that the main female character
in the novel, we can anticipate and avoid is psychologically unhealthy or sick.
the adultery to take place in our society,
After analyzing this study, it can
especially in our family. We can also try
be concluded that the theory of Freud’s
to find the solution of any family problem
psychoanalysis dealing with the three
in order that we can avoid the adultery
systems that influence the human
to take place and hope that we will never
personality can be applied in studying
experience it in our life.
or analyzing the character’s personality,
desires and actions in committing adultery.
Conclusion By using the theory, the readers can
Women dissatisfaction against understand why the main female character
their marriage is the issue brought by the commits adultery. To finish the story of
author of the novel, Gustafe Flaubert. It the character’s adultery, Flaubert chooses
is about the female character’s, Emma to end the story by making Emma commit
Bovary, dissatisfaction. Emma as a young suicide.
woman who marries to a local prospective Adultery that a man or a woman
doctor, does not have any happiness in her commits is a serious sin for any religious
marriage. Since she is not satisfied with on the world. It is a betrayal of a sacred

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