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Datc of the Session:30 LLLR Time of the Sesion:

LAB-5:Classification of MNIST using ANN

Program Title: Understanding and implementing the logic behind the mult1 class
classification using soft max activation


1) What is difference between binary classification and multi class classification?

inab y caufrakiens Oe Heose taks ahese eromple ore ostlined erc h

QMe cf tco (lacae Muli rlact clautithiatren is hoie doet tuhene Yrarpleg

be audqned ecacky one cf moxe lum cloe.

2)Bricfly explain about softmax activation function?

So/tmax a mathemattal tavntton ihaf (vets o vrclo c nurnberi Tne o

veckox tt polabil? tre, whne -the wcba bstla of eoch velue Ov prepor biona

o the selakve Stale of tack valut in he veto Eorh valu n the cuhut
Sofmax funcbion 15 ner prcrd a he prcbobily of
in the ouhput of the
mem besshp ra tach clas.

3) Differcnce between softmax and sigmoid activation function.

Sstmax is sed to multi- claisihtaion n 7he gishit Regresten model, uhnral

Siqmeid is ussd los binay dlasi huaho in -he loqtshit tgentn modd
TS similaY fo the simoid



D Karthik is bored wifh using ANN for

binary elavsification.
Multi class classification on MNIST datasct using ANN.(Hint:So, he wanted
perfw to

Ue softmas activation
function for the output layer with 3-4 hidden layers
also evaluate the
consisting of Rel activation
function performance by using confusion matrin.)
Note: onc hot encoded mnist dataset is given in the form of csv file no ned to load if
from MNIST.

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Sct Lthete Real auml,es s y t e s t [(7.a maYO)


17S3074 DE

is out the applicalions ot image classification in real world.
A tmete Jmoqe Ogant3hon. trcm leud Arps fo ktricns

)stockhekngno)k and vo kirhita

)Visual Search for iniptev d ndd dice vriakitt

sncqe Bnd ke Recoqnih'on on Socdo/AjckoerK¢

efnkesackie Narkehino and (teaklvc lomfoiq n

Comment ofthe Evaluator (if Any) Evaluator's Obseryation

Marks Secured out of

Full Nanme of the lEvaluator

Signattr of the Ev aluator Date of Eva!uaton

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