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CAMBRIDGE PRIMARY Mathematics Learner’s Book CAMBRIDGE Emma Low UNIVERSITY PRESS GAMENRSE ‘Viet He, cambridge as te ing, ‘nk Unni Pri pu fhe sie of Ce, arth Une minions aga psa ‘aon losngané sce We geen ee ee Infra mth ie cation cmbrigcng Cantley Pe 204 ‘is ovon incon ajo anny xeon {nd heron fam nese ees sone, “Siento fay prima taker aoa he wen easel Can Unie Pe spied 214 sshpenang 01s realy Matis tl A aie ‘A tle subtalar i Aha sn opb-t7 064 Pap ange Utenity Pres nsec the pecatence oe acs ‘Unison cea ory nr wes rel oa uon ‘ede ot ure a nf oon sth i ol en ee raproste lg cece ype of i war i atl ox aang Toten alte rage) ey de the felling eats: {ic uae sgt ence ilo yor cael orton the Capri Leming peer (i ee mc ene hire wi exc he tea ais {yuu pine de ce pomscn of CasrigeUtvey Pe (usher oo a lowed pode tos permis de rong Caper he Capri Desig an ens he ah chee ‘Sample the eric pasa waa catnip fess) ‘alg ad eprint prone oeingesaminaes est. Introduction This Learner’ Book isa supplementary resource that ‘consplidates and reinforces mathematical leatning alongside the Cambridge Primary Mathematics Teachers Resource 6 (9781107694361). I provides intwoductory investigations (Lets investigate) to encourage the application of mathematical knowledge, and numerous ‘questions and activitias to develop problem-solving skills Ideally session should be taught using the appropriate Core activity inthe Teachers Resource 6, “The associated content in the Leaner Book 6 can then be used for formative assessment a the end of sxsion for homework ar used fo support n earning ‘new vocabulary. There is generally 2 double page corresponding to each Care actwity in the Thacher Resouree6 printed book. The Core activity thatthe page ‘latest is indicated atthe bottom of the page ‘ints and tps ate provided throughout to support the learners They will appear as fellows Please note thatthe Learner’ Book on its own docs not com allof tae Cambridge Primary mathematice curriculum framework for Stage 6. You need to se Itin conjunction with the Teacher: Resource 6 to onsie fll coverage. ‘This publication is part of the Cambridge Primary Mathe project. Cambridge Primary Maths sa innovative combination of carriculum and resources designed to support tachers and learners osccoed in primary mathematics through best practice international maths veaching anda problem-slving approach, mats Cambridge Primary Maths beings together the workd- lass Cambridge Primary matheraties curriculum from (Cambridge International Examinations, high-quality Publishing from Cambridge University ress and expertise in engaging online ensichment materia for ‘the mathematics euriculum from NRICH, ‘Teachers bave access to an oaline tol thst maps ‘resources and liks to materials offered through the primary mathematics curicalum, NRICH and (Cambridge Primary mathematis textbooks and ebooks. These resource include engaging online actives, best-practice guidance ani eamples of Cambridge Prinary Matisin action. ‘Tae Cambridge curiculum is dedicated to helping schools deveop learners who are confident, responsible, reflective, innovative and engaged. Iis designed to agve earners the sil to problem solv effectively apply mathematical knowledge and develop aholstc understanding othe subject “The Cambridge Primary Math textbooks provide best- in-class support fr this problem-solving approach, baced on pedagogical practice found in succesful schools across the world, The engaging NRICH online resources help develop mathematical thinking and probler-selying skills To get imlved vist ‘wweweieorgukleambridgeprimarymaths ‘The benefits of being pert of Cambridge Primary Mats ae: + the opportunity to explore a maths euriculum ‘ounded om the values of the University of Cambridge and best practice in schools + access to an innovative package of oaline snd print ‘resoures that can help bing the Cambridge Primacy ‘mathematics curicalum to Iie i the classroom “This ceris is arrenged to ensure that the curriculum ‘covered whist allowing teachers to use exible approach, Tae Scheme of Work for Stage 6has been followed, thoagh not inthe same order and there wil be some deviations. The components are: + Teecher’ Resource & ISDN: 9781107694361 (printed book and CD-ROM), + Lesmers Book 6 ISDN; 9781107618596 (printed book) + Games Book 6 ISBN; 9781107667815 (printed book and CD-ROM). For associated NRICH activities, pleat vist the Cambridge Primary Maths project a worwcicong.akicambridgepeimaryraths Uti pa) ok-1 Place value Let's investigate milion: equal fo one Kaphael has eight digit cards. thousand thousands cand wiitien as 1.000 000. 1 million = 10 x 10 x 10x 10x 10x10 He uses the cards to make two four-digit numbers He uses each card only once. Think about the largest He finds the difference between his two numbers. | and smailost numbors you can make. What is the largest difference he can make? 1. Write the numbers shown on these charls in words and figures. (0) (come |S — OT SOT ERS aD RTD TOS 7000 | 20000 | 30000 [adoon | socco | aooon | 7ocoo | soo00 | 9ncco 1000 2000. 3000 4000 ‘5000, 5000, 7000 ‘3000 3000, oo © 3 os woo [ 200 [00] 400 won] 70 | 00 | 0 10 20 2 2 2 70 a o 7 2 3 a 6 z 3 3 ar o2| 03 | __0a oe| 07 |__ 08 [mow oor] ona] ——o08| 00a] c0s[ 005] cor] 00s] ay (©) (raseaa 0 nn —Fooneco [aon ane —saveRO—[eovoND —raneee [ena o60 [wane To000 | 20000 | s0ec0 | 40000 | somn0 | soon | 7ouumT| soon | 0000 Too [2060 [2000 | anon [> so00m] 6000 | r000 [00 [9000 yoo | 200 omsoom] ao | so | ooo | 700 e00_[ 900. 30 20 20 2 fa 2 0 @ 90 7 2 3 a 5 6 = 3 2 or 02 | os [uma] os] oa| or] 0a | cor] ona] os] 00a] ans] 006] aor] 008] 009 Qc EEE (©) (fecan0 Jaoncco [soo 000 [aonca [500.000 [ecco [roo 00 [ance [00000 0000 | 20600 | soon] «oan —| soom—| ena | roo] epcco | 9000. ‘o0o [2060 [3000 [000 | 5000 [4000 [7000 [000 [> a000 10 | 0 | |_| sm | «|r| co] ow. o | 2 | »| 0 | » | «| | 0 |=w 1 2 3 4 S| 6 7 [6 2 or[ az | oa] oa | os | 0a | 07] 8 | 09 oor] aoa] oa] aoa] 05] 006] 07] 008/009 2. Write these numbers in figures: (a) one million (b) five hundred thousand and five (c) four hundted and three thousand, and thirty four point six six. 3. Write these numbers in words: (@) 345678 —(&) §37914—(c) 188.035.4 (a) 303.033.03 4 (Q) Write half a million in figures. (b) Add 10 to half a million. Write your answer in words and figures. 5 What value does the aigit 7 have in these numbers? (@) 6703465 (b) 702138 (ce) 606 456.7 (b) 234 560.07 6 Write these numbers in words and figures. (2) 200.000 + 6000 + 300 + 2 (b) 900.000 + 90000 + 900 +9 +0.9 (©) 100.000 + 20 000 + 5000 + 600 + 20 +5 +0.4 + 0.03 7 Noura has these cards. (@) What is the largest even number she can make using all the cards (b) What is the smallest odd number she can make using all the cards. —[——... . __—-__.g@ Ordering, comparing and rounding numbers Let's investigate There are 1187 students in a large city school. De not attomat| fo work out on There ara 42 classes in the school. accurate anawer Approximately, how many students are in each class? Explain to a friend how you made your decision. 1 Draw a line 10 centimetres long. Mark 0 and 10 000 at the end points. 0 10 Estimate the positions of the following numbers. Mark each one with an arrow and its letter: 6000 marked A 3500 marked B 9050 marked C 2 Round these numbers fo the nearest hundred (@) 45678 (b) 24055 (©) 50505 3 Round these numbers to the nearest thousand. (@) 147950 (b) 65507 (©) 157846 4 Order the following sets of numbers from smallest to largest. (@) 64754 65475 55547 54775 55447 () 45064 45540 45504 45045 45500 (©) 456.065 450566 455656 456565 450666 Use any of the numbers in part (c) to complete thes: inequalities, H-B 8 @B 5 The fable shows the heights of mountain summits in five different continents, ‘Mountain summit [Continent | Height (in metres) Kilimanjaro Atfica 5895 Everest Asian 2848 Kosciuszko Australia 2228 Mekiniey North America 6198 ‘Aconcagua: South America 6961 (@) Order the heights starting with the smallest. (b) Round each height fo the nearest hundred metres, 6 Choose one of these numbers to complete each inequality, 35055 35550 35050 35005 35500 38505 (@) Bj> 35055) 35500> BH} (B< 35505 7 Here Is a number sentence. [BB)- 1200 > «600 Which of these numbers will make the number sentence correct? 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 8 The table shows the lengths of some rivers in the United Kingdom. que [leat Gothe) Mite each length nearestkm) | (a) fo the nearest 10 km Deo 13 (6) to the nearest 100 km Seem 364 (©) There is another river which is not on the list. Thames 346 | It is 200 km to the nearest 100 km and 150 Trent 297 km fo the nearest 10 km. Wye 215 What are the possible lengths of this river? re el Multiples and factors Let's investigate ‘The sequence below uses the numbers 1 to 4 so that each number is either a factor or a multiple of the previous number. Each number is used once only. Find a similar sequence that uses the numbers 1 to 6 1 Which of these numbers are multiples of 87 18 24 48 56 68 72 2 Which of these numbers are factors of 30? 4°95 6 10 20 6 3. Use each of the digits 5, 6,7 and 8 once to make a total that is a multiple of . Ee - Ee 4 Find all the factors of: @w4 32 © 5 My age this year is c muttiole of 8. My age next year is c multiple of 7. How old am 1? factor: a whole number that divides ‘exactly into another number. For example, 1,2,3.and 6 are the factors of 6, Wk6=6 2eS=6 as multiple: number that can be divided exactly by another number is a multiple of that number. Start at 0 and count up in steps of the same size and you will find numbers that are multiples of the step size, For example, 43 $8 43 43 036 9 3,6,9,12...are muttiples of 3. 6 Draw a sorfing diagram like the one shown. Write one number in each section of the diagram. less than 1000 | not less than 1000 ‘multiples of 25 not multiples of 25 7. Draw the Venn diagram below. Write the numbers 8, 9, 10, 11,12 ‘and 13 in the correct places on your Venn diagram. multiples of 2 8 Use each of the digits 2, 3, 4,5, 6 and 7 only once fo make three two-digit multiples of 3. 9 Here are four labels. Draw the Carroll diagram below and add the labels. 6 mM 16 2 16 37 wT ee Odd and even numbers A elofol lO lela Let's investigate ‘odd: odd numbers You need 13 counters and a5 by 5 grid. care not divisible by 2.They end in 1,3,5, 7 or 9. for example, 7689 is an odd number, even: even numbers ate divisible by 2. They end in 2,4, 6, 8 or 0. For example, 6578 is an even number. ‘© Place 13 counters on the grid so that there is an odd ‘number of counters in each row, column and on both diagonals. Only one counter can be placed in each cell © Place 10 counters on the grid so that there is an even number of counters in each row, column and on both diagonals, Only one counter can be placed in each cell. 1 Which of these numbers are even? 9 11 2% 33 57 187 2002 Explain to a partner how you know. 2. Andre makes a three-digit number. All the digits are odd The sum of the digits is 7. What could Andre’s number be? 3. Ollie makes a threedigit number using the digits 2,3 and 6. His number is odd The hundreds digit is greater than 2. What could Ollie's number be? 4. Sora makes a fourdigit even number. The sum of the digits is 4. The thousands digit anc the units digit are the same. The hundreds digit and the tens digit are the same. The hundreds digit is 0. What is Sara’s number? 5 Copy the Carroll diagram for sorting numbers. Write these numbers in the diagram: 27 235700443660 odd not odd three-digit number not a three-digit number 6 Three different numbers add up to 50. H-H-H-« The numbers are all even. Each number is greater than 10. What could the numbers be? 7 Erik has a set of number cards from 1 10 20, He picks four diferent cards. Exactly three of his cards are multioles of 5. Exactly three of his cards are even numbers. All four of the numbers add up to less than 40. What carcis could Erik pick? 8 Which number satisfies all of these conditions: itis a multiple of 25 itis even itis greater than 550 but less than 700 it is not 600. EE : | lu Look at this statement. Here are two examples: 1 . Prime numbers ets investigate very even number greater than 2s the sum of Iwo prime numbers. Examples of prime 6=3+3 Gisaprime number) number. has only. 2=5+7 Gand 7 are prime numbers) one acon) Check if the statement is true for all the even. heen 23.6.7, numbers to 30. Tice Can you find an even number that does not satisfy the rule? Try some numbers greater than 30. List alll the prime numbers between 10 and 20. Identity these prime numbers from the olues, @) Itis less than 30. The sum of its digits is 8. (b) Its between 30 and 60. The sum of its digits is 10. Copy and complete these number sentence by placing @ prime number in each box. Identify the prime numbers represented by [ij and |?!. © EP-4 © H+2-8 ®) @ | prime number: a prime number has exactly two different | factors; itself and 1. | NOTE: 1 is not a prime Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 Lots investigate Cheng is thinking of a number. What number is Cheng thinking of? { muttigly my number by 100. then aivide yy 10, then muttiply by 1000, My answer is one hundred ond seventy thousang. 1 Copy and complete this set of missing numbers. 25100 [i] (= 100- 250 [Bx 10-2500 250+ 10- |] 2 Whats the missing number? 100 x 10 = 10.000 ~ [i 3. Adecagon has 10 sides. What is the perimeter of a regular decagon with sides 17 centimetres long? 4 Milly soys, “Every multiple of 1000 is divisible by 100 Is she right? Exolain your answer. For more questions, turn the page .. 5 Find the missing digits. Copy and complete each number sentence. 6 Here are four numbers. 855 555 5550 55500 Which of these numbers Is 100 times smaller than 555 000? 7 Copy the diagrams and write in the missing numbers. Reese Mental strategies for multiplication near multiple of 10: Lot's Investigate a number either side of a mutipie of 10. For example, 20 s G multiple of 10, 50 f-E-8 19 0nd 21 are near multiples of 10. Find different ways of completing this calculation. 4 1 3 Use the given fact to derive a new fact and then explain your method. Copy and complete the fable, the first one has been done for you. Fact | Derived fact Method (@) [7x9 =63 [7x18 = 126 [181s double 9 so double the ansmer (b)|7x3=21 |70x3 (e)|5x7=35 |50x70= (@[exe=48 [6x16 (@) [8x13 = 104 [4x 13= @ [6x7 =42 6x70 (@ [sx9=45 [sxo1= (ny [exo=s4_ [6x 0= @ [ax7-28 [9x7 @ [sx9=27 [soxor= Use table facts to help you work out the following: (@) 30x70 (b) 50x9 (©) 20%6 (@) 50x80 (@) 8x90 () 70x60 Work out the following using a mental strategy: (@) 296 (b) 41x 5 (©) 19x7 @) 21 x8 (e) 496 ® 51x4 Explain to your partner how you worked out the answers. ee ;: | Addition of decimals Let's investigate Arrange the numbers 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 ond 0.6 in the ‘circles so the sum along each side of the triangle is 1.2. if Ty using numbers on. cords oF small piocos of oper. tha! you can move round, The answers to the following questions are in the grid. Find which answer goes with which question. Which number is not one of the answers? 8.28 43 2.05 78 541 12.18 7395 [49a [1221 (0) 461408 (6) 045416 (c) 374458 (d) 61+7.85 (© 43+068 () 75+468 (9) 425+7.96 (h) 345+085 Kiki has two pieces of rope. One piece is 93.7 metres long and the other piece is 125.9 metres long. What is the total length of her rope? Find the sum of alll the numbers less than 5.5 in this lst 5.05 555 515 55 Qe ee 4 Ashop has these items for sale. Coffes maker 3129.95 Toaster $90.75 ‘Can opener $14.25 Ice cream maker | $26.80 Darius buys an ice cream maker and a coffee, maker. How much does he spend altogether? 5 Use the digits 3, 5 and 6 only to complete these calculations. You can use each digit more than once. HH.f-BeB-« 6 Here are six number cards: 7 Choose one number from each box to make a fotal of 10. Write down the number sentence. L 8 Add together all the numbers greater than 0.7, in the following list. ‘Check your answer by adding the numbers together in a different orcier. 05 112 08 038 009 O74 254 9 Here are ten number cards: Divide the cards into five pairs so that one pair adds up fo 6, one pair dds up to 7, one pair fo 9, one pair fo 16 and one pair to 17. 10 Use each of the digits 2, 4,6 and 7 to make this calculation correct: 11 Petra buys two shirts, One costs $14.75 and the other $21.05. \What is the total cost of the two shirts? 10 Lets investigate ‘Abdul was asked how old he was. li my oge is divided by 2 0F3 ord there is 1 loft over Itmy oge is divided by 7 there is no remainder, ~~ How old is Abdul? 1 Vincent wants to put 75 photographs in an album. full page holds 6 photographs. What is the smallest number of pages Vincent uses? 2. Which number on the grid can be divided by 8 with a remainder of 17 3 Complete these colculations: (0) 78 +4 (b) 68 +7 (©) 98+6 4° Copy the grid. Shade the squares that have a remainder in the ‘answer. What letter have you made? 5 Complete these colculations: (@) 132+6 — (b) 146 +9 (©) 147=2 0d) 10734 (2) 156-8 =f) 148 +9 SE ———— ee 17 | Vocabulary Let's investigate sequence: an ordered Choose different starting numbers to make sequences Set of numbers, shapes thatieve duale add 6" . or other mathematical i ‘objects arranged Is it possible to make a sequence where according to a rule. the rule is ‘add 5? and the terms are: For example, 3,6.9.12,15.. ele 1,4,9, 16,25 © multiples of 10? uoagosg all odd? | step: the jump size’. @ include 24 and 347 [You wil needito try For example, in the © are not whole numbers? (Storer Serins MumbS F sequence O10 160210 Oe Os 1 Here is the beginning of a sequence of the step is +60. numbers: term: one of the 8,16, 24,32, 40... numbereliva sequence. The sequence continues in the same way. Hie ails tels. vou Will 88 be in the sequence? Explain how how things or numbers you krow. ate connected. For ‘example, the numbers 2 Asequence starts at 200 and 30 is 3,7,11, 15.19... are subtracted each time. connected by the rule ana iec. ‘odd 4 fo the previous number’. What are the first two numbers in the sequence that are less than zero? Qe Fatima makes a sequence of five numbers. The first number is 2. The last number is 14. Her rule is, add the same number each time. What are the missing numbers? LBBB Copy and complete these sequences. (The step size is constant in each sequence.) @ os oo Hi Hi i 5 M558 o7 EE Om 20m @) 061 0.72 i i Copy the table and write down the next five terms in these sequences. Rule Fret term, Next five terms @ [asda z b | subtract 9 0 ¢ | mutiply by2 Z | divide by 2 128 Copy these sequences and write down the next five terms. @) -1 -3 -8 -7... (©) 60-5 -10.. @I15 The fist term and the rule of the sequence are given. Write down the next four terms in the sequence: (@) first term 8 rule! muttiply by 2 and add 1 (©) first term 4 rule: subtract 1, then multiply by 2 (©) fist term 400 rule: halve the term. ee |: | Measure Measuring length Let's investigate milimetre (mm): a Nicola needs to put up bunting around a whole room unit for measuring {for a party. The room is 4 m long and 3 m wide. length. She has lots of 70 cm lengths of bunting. Every time centimetre (em): she tles two pieces together she needs to use 50 mm. unit for measuring of each piece of string for the knot. How many pieces _length.There are 10 ‘of 70 cm long bunting does she need to go right mm in 1 om, around the room? ; metre (m):a unit for measuring length. A eae There are 100 cm in Choose to do the 1m. calculation in mm,cm See eae. kilometre (km): a unit ‘measurements have the | for measuring length. ome unt You cout There ore 1000 mii {oke, orimogine, three or poy 1 km. four pieces of sting and fe them logether to bottor understand the problem. 1 Eric has lost his umbrella. Af the Lost Property Office he looks at the list of umbrellas that have been handed in. The person who has filled in the Lost Property log seems to have confused the units of length. eect Date ended coaur Length trbrels |B Saptenter Back aim arbrela | 28 detober | Bue With fewer a) | 749 m umbrate | Abs Oetoer Red 15 em urtrete | Stovember Bick ST en enbret arember Pie Biren brea 20 Wovember ‘Siver 125 em | (@) Copy the last column of the table. Correct the sizes of the objects so that they have realistic units, keep the numbers the same. () Write the realistic measurements of the lost property in order of size, from shortest to longest. (©) Erio’s umbrella is approximately 90 cm long. Which of the listed umbrella lengths rounds to 90 om to the nearest ten centimetres? Estimate the length of each line in centimetres, then measure them to the nearest millimetre. ®—___:_ ost st—=ae For lines (2) and (f), work with a partner. Make a copy of the length of the line using string and then measure the string with a ruler. 2 ate ta © Drawing length 1 Accurately draw straight lines that measure: (a) 9.60m os es, (©) 0.129m necessary convert the length into the cone fae ren '® Find'0' and the point on the scale (25 mn ‘you need to make the correct lenath (0.088 m before starting to draw the line. 2 Cures and pattems, such as those below, can be made by careful measuring and drawing straight lines Use your ruler to check that all the lines drawn on the designs are straight. ‘They were made by starting like thi = Eee or this: Look how carefully the spaces between the lines are measured. ‘Create your own curve or pattern using one of these starfing ideas. You could start by marking) dots along o straight line ot 5 mm intervals then dots ‘long the perpendicular tne ot 5 mm intervals. Join the dots systematically to create pattem. Telling the time and timetables Let's investigate Dylan has a recorded a song which he listens to SST over and over again. The song is three minutes and | ines hot the song wil 45 seconds long. When the song stops there is a Saeco: 20 second silent gap before the song starts again. He starts the song playing at one o'clock. Is the song playing at half past one or is it the silent gap? 1 These children are tolking about what time they arrived at a party one afternoon. was at the: party from twenty past ivo, forrived cat quarter fo three this ftemoon, JASON KYLE MIA Iwas at the arly from, 14:50. | got here at 12 minutes to three. NAOMI OMAR (a) Who arrived first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sith? The clock on the walll at the party showed this time: (b) How long had each child been at the party? 2. The children are all attending a holiday sports club. This is ai timetable of the activities. Time Sport Venue Monday 70:00- 11:35 | Football ‘Outside Pitch T 1100-1200 [Street Dance _ | Sports Hall T 13:30 14:40_| Tennis Tennis Court 1400-1530 [Gymnastics __| Sports Hall? Tuesday 10:15-11:30 [Trampoline | Sports Hall 1 17:00=17:50_| Swimming Teaching Pool 1200-1400 _| Cricket ‘Outside Pitch T 7520-1625 _| Rugby Oulside Pilch 2 Wednesday | 0935-1100 | Creative Dance | Sports Holl 1 7045-1200 |Tompoine | Sports Holl 2 1220-14:00_| Basketball ‘Sports Holl 7 13110-1445 _| Football ‘Oulside Fiich 7 Thursday 0950-11:00_| Tennis ‘Tennis Court 70:30-11:65_| Rugby Outside Pitch 2 1315-1415 |Sieet Dance _ | Sports Holl 1 1830-1720 _| Badminton Sports Holl 2 Friday 09:45-11:45 | Cricket Ouiside Piich 1 10:30- 11:55 _| Creative Dance | Sports Hall 1 7210-1400 _| Badminton Sports Hall 2 1340-1480_| Swimming ‘Teaching Poo! Plan sports sessions for each child, according to what they like to do. @) Jason would like to do basketball, football, cricket and swimming (©) Kyle would like to co football, street dance, badminton and cricket. (©) Lina would like to do tennis, gymnestics, creative dance and frampoline. @) Mia would like to do swimming, creative dance, trampoline, and cricket. (@) Naomi would like fo do badminton, football street dance and gymnastics, @® Omar would like to do swimming, football, street dance, tennis, badminton, cricket, gymnastics and rugby. (g) How long will Omar spend doing spor's during the holiday sports week? ee | Time intervals and calendars Let's investigate Thave been alive tor 929 000 You could use o calculator to : convert the fime info hours, mines days and then years. Use your knowledge of people and the Is this likely to be true? Why? ‘world fo give your reasoning, 1 Write these sentences and fil in the missing numbers and words. There are 100 years in a There are years ina decade. There are months in one year. There are days in one week There are hours in one day. There are 60 in one hour There are 60 seconds in one 2. (@) Copy and compiete the table with equivalent fimes Days | Hours | Minutes | Seconds 1 1440 | 86400 2 48 = 259 200 4 345 600 5 7200 6 144 ‘518 400 7 1ooso_| 604 800 () Explain how you con use the table to find out how many seconds there are in one week. hn aan

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