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Lab Objective
1 How to download and install Ni Multisim 14.2
2 How to crack Ni Multisim 14.2
3 How to explore Ni Multisim 14.2
4 To familiarize with basic logic NOT gate
5 To familiarize with basic logic AND gate
6 To familiarize with basic logic OR gate
7 To familiarize with basic logic NAND gate
8 To familiarize with basic logic XOR gate
9 To familiarize with basic logic NOR gate
10 To familiarize with basic logic XNOR gate
11 To design XOR logic gate using discrete components on NI Multisim Software
12 To design XNOR logic gate using discrete components on NI Multisim
13 To verify De Morgan’s Laws practically using logic gates
14 To verify Karnaugh Map validation using SOP.
15 To verify Karnaugh Map validation using POS.




To Download and Install Ni Multisim Software.

 Laptop OR Desktop

After the end of this practical students will be able to download and install
Multism themselves.

Step 1: (Downloading)
 first we click on this link
and we directly reached at update version of NI
Multisim software and make sure that

That it’s been downloading.

Step 2: (Installation)
 After the downloading process is completed,
go to your directory Where you have saved
(default directory is downloads )
 Go to your download Ni Multisim directly
convert into Zip file shown there, go to
extract and click on it.
 Atfer the extraction process two files are
showed ,Click on “NI multisim circuit
design suite 14.1 “
 Again click on menu of other folder is
showed click on “Setup”
 Goto to Dialog box is appeared and “Full
 Organization name is asked , fill These
boxes and click on “next”
 After the process again Dialog box is
appeared and following message is shown.
 “NI-Multisim Design suite 14.1.0 has been
installed “
 Click on “Finish”




Crack the license of Ni Multisim Software.

 Laptop OR Desktop
 Downloaded Multism

After the end of this practical students will be able to Crack the liscene of Multism

Step 1: Click on this link

And Click the Download NI Multisim license

Step 2:
Again we go to “Ni multisim Design suite 14.1 “
go to crack option.
Step 3:
Right click on “Ni multisim activator 1.2”
Step 4:
Run it as administrator.
 After running it as administrator A box is
appeared , tick these options :Base edition,
full edition, Power pro edition, full edition
of sub heading, ultiboard 14.0.1, and after
ticking go to “options” and click on
 Installation is finished .

 Ni-Mutilsim is successfully Activated.





To explore the Menus and Commands of Multism.

1- File Menu
The following table describes the commands found in the File menu.

Command Description
New Opens the New Design dialog box where you select the template to
use for a new design.
Open Opens a previously created design file or netlist. Displays a file
browser. If necessary, change to the location of the file you want to
You can open files created in this, and previous versions of
Multisim, and netlist files.
You can also open Ulticap and Orcad files.
Open samples Opens a folder containing sample and getting started files.
Close Closes the active design file. If any changes were made since the
last save of the file, you are prompted to save those changes before
Close all Closes all design files. If any changes were made since the last save
of the file, you are prompted to save those changes before closing.
Save Saves the active design file. If this is the first time the file is being
saved, displays a file browser. Optionally, change to the desired
location for saving the file. You can save a design file with a name
of any length.
The extension.ms14 is added to the file name automatically. For
example, a design named Mydesign is saved as Mydesign.ms14.
To preserve the original design without changes, choose File»Save
Save as Saves the current design with a new file name. The original design
remains unchanged.
Use this command to experiment safely on a copy of a design,
without changing the original.
Save all Saves all open design files.
Export template Opens the Export Template dialog box. Use to create a Multisim
template from an existing design file.
File»Snippets»Save Saves the current selection as a snippet.
selection as snippet
File»Snippets»Save active Saves the entire active design as a snippet.
design as snippet
File»Snippets»Paste Displays an Open dialog box. Navigate to the desired location and
snippet snippet (*.png) file and click Open. The snippet file will be opened
on the current design.
File»Snippets»Open Displays an Open dialog box. Navigate to the desired location and
snippet file snippet (*.png) file and click Open.
Projects and Creates a new project for grouping together related designs.
packing»New project This menu item is hidden when the simplified version option is
Projects and Opens an existing project.
packing»Open project This menu item is hidden when the simplified version option is
Projects and Saves the current project.
packing»Save project This menu item is hidden when the simplified version option is
Projects and Closes an open project.
packing»Close project This menu item is hidden when the simplified version option is
Projects and Packs the contents of a project into a single .mpzip file.
packing»Pack project This menu item is hidden when the simplified version option is
Projects and Unpacks a .mpzip file.
packing»Unpack project This menu item is hidden when the simplified version option is
Projects and Upgrades a project that contains files that were created in an earlier
packing»Upgrade project version of Multisim.
This menu item is hidden when the simplified version option is
Projects and Backs up or restores a project.
packing»Version control
Print Opens a standard Print dialog box.
Print preview Previews the design as it will be printed. Opens a separate window,
where you can move from page to page and zoom in for details.
You can also print what you preview.
Print options»Print sheet Allows you to set the page margins, page orientation (landscape or
setup portrait), zoom level and output options.
These settings apply only to the current sheet.
Print options»Print Prints the faces of any or all of the instruments in your design.
Recent designs Displays a list of the eight most recently saved design files. To
reopen a file, select it from the list.
Recent projects Displays a list of the eight most recently saved projects. To re-open
a project, select it from the list.
This menu item is hidden when the simplified version option is
File information Displays the File Information dialog box.
Exit Closes all open design windows and exits Multisim. If you have
unsaved changes in any designs, you are prompted to save or
cancel them.
2- Edit Menu
The following table describes the commands found in the Edit menu.

Command Description
Undo Undoes the most recently performed action.
Redo Redoes the most recently performed undo.
Cut Removes selected components, designs or text. The cut
selection is placed on the Windows clipboard so you can paste it
Copy Copies selected components, designs or text. The copy is placed
on the Windows clipboard. You can then use the Paste
command to paste the copy elsewhere, including other
applications such as word processors.
Paste Places the contents of the clipboard. The cursor shows a
“ghosted” image of the item to be pasted. Click to indicate
where the item is to be pasted.
Paste special»Paste as Pastes the selection on the clipboard as a subcircuit.
Paste special»Paste without Places an exact copy of a copied section of the schematic on the
renaming on-page connectors workspace without renaming any nets or connectors. Old and
new nets remain connected.
Delete Permanently removes selected components or text. Does not
place the selection on the clipboard and does not affect anything
currently on the clipboard.
Use the Delete command with care. Deleted information cannot
be retrieved, although a delete can be recovered using the Undo
Delete multi-page Displays the Delete Multi-Page dialog box where you select the
page to be removed from a multi-page file.
Use the Delete multi-page command with care. Deleted
information cannot be retrieved, although a delete can be
recovered using the Undo command.
Select all Selects all items in the active design window.
To select all but a few items, use the Select All command and
then deselect the ones you don’t want using <Ctrl>.
Find Displays the Find Component dialog box.
Merge selected buses Displays the Merge Buses dialog box.
Graphic annotation»Fill Displays a palette where you can change the fill color of graphic
color elements like rectangles.
Graphic annotation»Pen Displays a palette where you can change the color of lines for
color graphic elements, excluding placed text.
Graphic annotation»Pen Displays options for the appearance of lines for graphics
style elements, excluding placed text.
Graphic annotation»Fill type Displays options for the appearance of the fill of graphic
elements like rectangles.
Graphic annotation»Arrow Displays available arrows used to end lines and other graphic
Order Either sends a selected graphic item to the back, or brings it to
the front.
Assign to layer Assigns the selected item to an annotation layer.
Layer settings Displays the Visibility dialog box. The settings found in this
dialog box are also found in the Visibility tab of the Sheet
Properties dialog box.
Orientation»Flip vertically Flips the selection vertically.
Orientation»Flip Flips the selection horizontally.
Orientation»Rotate 90o Rotates the selection 90 degrees clockwise.
Orientation»Rotate 90o Rotates the selection 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
counter clockwise
Align»Align left Aligns the left edges of the selected elements.
Align»Align right Aligns the right edges of the selected elements.
Align»Align centers Moves the selected elements vertically so their centers are
vertically aligned.
Align»Align bottom Aligns the bottom edges of the selected elements.
Align»Align top Aligns the top edges of the selected elements.
Align»Align centers Moves the selected elements horizontally so their centers are
horizontally aligned.
Title block position»Bottom Places the title block at the bottom right of the sheet.
Title block position»Bottom Places the title block at the bottom left of the sheet.
Title block position»Top Places the title block at the top right of the sheet.
Title block position»Top left Places the title block at the top left of the sheet.
Edit symbol/title block Does an edit of a selected component’s symbol, or a selected
title block.
Font Displays the Font dialog box, where you can change various
font properties. Contains the same information as the Font tab
in the Sheet Properties dialog box.
Comment Edits the contents of a selected comment.
Forms/questions Displays the Edit Form dialog box where you enter and edit
questions related to the design.
Properties Opens the properties dialog box of the item selected in the
active window. If there is no item selected, the Sheet
Properties dialog box displays.

3- View Menu
The following table describes the commands found in the View menu.

Command Description
Full screen Shows the workspace without any toolbars or menu items
Parent sheet Displays the active subcircuit or hierarchical block’s parent sheet.
Zoom in Increases the magnification of your view of the design.
Zoom out Decreases the magnification of your view of the design.
Zoom area Zooms in on selected components when the workspace is
displayed at less than 100%.
Zoom sheet Displays the entire active sheet on the workspace at once.
Zoom to magnification Displays the Zoom dialog box where you enter the desired
Zoom selection Zooms in on a selected area of the workspace—hold down the
mouse button and drag to select an area.
Grid Shows or hides a grid in the background of the design window.
This helps you place elements in specific locations on a grid.
Border Shows or hides the design’s border.
Print page bounds Shows or hides page boundaries in the design window. This helps
you note where designs will appear on printed output.
Ruler bars Shows or hides the ruler bars on the top and left margins that
appear outside of the workspace.
Status bar Shows or hides the status bar at the bottom of the workspace.
Design Toolbox Shows or hides the Design Toolbox.
Spreadsheet View Select/deselect to show/hide the Spreadsheet View.
SPICE Netlist Viewer Displays the SPICE Netlist Viewer.
LabVIEW Co-simulation Displays the LabVIEW Co-simulation Terminals view.
Circuit Parameters Displays the Circuit Parameters view.
Description Box Opens a window in which you can enter comments or information
about the design.
Toolbars»<toolbar name> Shows or hides the selected toolbar. Choose to show or hide any
or all of the toolbars discussed below.
Show comment/probe Shows or hides information boxes for selected comments or
Grapher Shows or hides the Grapher, which shows the results of
simulation on a graph or chart.

4- Place Menu
The following table describes the commands found in the Place menu.

Command Description
Component Browses the databases (Master Database, Corporate
Database, User Database and any installed manufacturer
database) for components to be placed.
Probe Places various probe types on the design.
Junction Places a junction where you click.
Wire Places a wire on the workspace that is not connected to any
Bus Places a bus with segments created as you click.
This menu item is hidden when the simplified version option is
Connectors»On-page Places an on-page connector on your workspace.
connector This menu item is hidden when the simplified version option is
Connectors»Global connector Places a global connector on your workspace.
This menu item is hidden when the simplified version option is
Connectors»Hierarchical Adds a connector to a design for use in a hierarchical block or
connector a subcircuit.
This menu item is hidden when the simplified version option is
Connectors»Input connector Adds an input connector to a design for use in a hierarchical
block or a subcircuit.
This menu item is hidden when the simplified version option is
Connectors»Output connector Adds an output connector to a design for use in a hierarchical
block or a subcircuit.
This menu item is hidden when the simplified version option is
Connectors»Bus hierarchical Places a bus connector between the main sheet and a
connector hierarchical block or subcircuit.
Connectors»Off-page Places an off-page connector on your workspace.
connector This menu item is hidden when the simplified version option is
Connectors»Bus off-page Places a bus connector between the main sheet and a multi-
connector page.
Connectors»Current input Places a current input terminal for use with LabVIEW
terminal Multisim co-simulation.
Connectors»Voltage input Places a voltage input terminal for use with LabVIEW
terminal Multisim co-simulation.
Connectors»Voltage output Places a voltage output terminal for use with LabVIEW
terminal Multisim co-simulation.
New hierarchical block Places a sheet without any components in a hierarchical
This menu item is hidden when the simplified version option is
Hierarchical block from file Places a sheet in a hierarchical structure.
This menu item is hidden when the simplified version option is
Replace by hierarchical block Replaces the elements that you have selected with a
hierarchical block.
New subcircuit Places a new subcircuit without, any components.
This menu item is hidden when the simplified version option is
Replace by subcircuit Replaces the selected components with a subcircuit containing
those components.
Multi-page Opens a new flat page.
This menu item is hidden when the simplified version option is
Bus vector connect This is the preferred method for placing numerous connections
from a multi-pinned device, such as an IC, to a bus.
This menu item is hidden when the simplified version option is
Comment “Pins” a comment to the workspace, or directly to a
component. When a component with an attached comment is
moved, the comment also moves.
Text Places text on the design.
Graphics Places an assortment of graphic elements.
Supported picture types are:
- Bitmap files (*.bmp)—Bitmap file format.
- JPEG (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.jpe, *.jfif)—Joint Photographic
Experts Group (JPG) file format.
- GIF (*.gif)—CompuServe Graphics Interchange file format.
- TIFF (*.tif, *.tiff)—Tagged Image file format.
- PNG (*.png)—Portable Network Graphics file format.
- ICO (*.ico)—Icon file format.
- CUR (*.cur)—Cursor file format.
Circuit parameter legend Places a legend for each defined circuit parameter on the
Title Block Places a title block on your workspace.
5- MCU Menu
This menu contains commands for the Multisim MCU functionality.

6- Simulate Menu
The following table describes the commands found in the Simulate menu.

Command Description
Run Runs/resumes the simulation of the active design. Running a
simulation initializes the circuit, performs the circuit simulation
and displays the results on the instrument or grapher.
Pause Pauses the simulation.
Stop Stops the simulation.
Analyses and simulation Displays the Analyses and Simulation dialog box.
Instruments»Multimeter Places a Multimeter, which is used to measure AC or DC
voltage or current, resistance, or decibel loss between two nodes
in a circuit.
Instruments»Function Places a Function Generator. This is a voltage source that
generator supplies sine, triangular or square waves.
Instruments»Wattmeter Places a Wattmeter, which provides the combined functions of
a voltmeter and an ammeter. This instrument measures the
magnitude of the active power, that is, the product of the voltage
difference and the current flowing through the current terminals
in a circuit.
Instruments»Oscilloscope Places a dual-channnel Oscilloscope. This instrument displays
the magnitude and frequency variations of electronic signals. It
can provide a graph of the voltage of one or two signals over
time, or allow comparison of one waveform to another.
Instruments»Four channel Places a Four Channel Oscilloscope.
Instruments»Bode plotter Places a Bode Plotter, which produces a graph of a circuit’s
frequency response. This is useful for analyzing filter circuits.
Instruments»Frequency Places a Frequency Counter.
counter This instrument is hidden when the simplified version option is
Instruments»Word Places a Word Generator, which sends digital words or patterns
generator of bits into circuits as a bit stream.
Instruments»Logic analyzer Places a Logic Analyzer, which displays the levels of up to 16
digital signals in a circuit. This instrument is used for fast data
acquisition of logic states and advanced timing analysis to help
design large systems and carry out troubleshooting.
Instruments»Logic Places a Logic Converter. This instrument can be attached to a
converter circuit to derive the truth table or Boolean expression the circuit
embodies, or to produce a circuit from a truth table or Boolean
Instruments»IV analyzer Places an IV Analyzer, which is used to measure current-voltage
Instruments»Distortion Places a Distortion Analyzer. A typical Distortion Analyzer
analyzer provides distortion measurements for audio signals in the range
of 20 Hz to 100 KHz.
This instrument is hidden when the simplified version option is
Instruments»Spectrum Places a Spectrum Analyzer, which is used to measure
analyzer frequency versus amplitude.
This instrument is hidden when the simplified version option is
Instruments»Network Places a Network Analyzer. This is used to measure the
analyzer scattering parameters (or S-parameters) of a circuit, commonly
used to characterize a circuit intended to operate at higher
This instrument is hidden when the simplified version option is
Instruments»Agilent Places a simulated Agilent Technologies 33120A Function
function generator Generator on the workspace. This is a 15 MHz synthesized
function generator with built-in arbitrary waveform capability.
Instruments»Agilent Places a simulated Agilent Technologies 34401A Multimeter
multimeter on the workspace. This is a 6 1/2-digit, high-performance digital
Instruments»Agilent Places a simulated Agilent Technologies 54622D Oscilloscope
oscilloscope on the workspace. This is a 2-channel +16 logic channels, 100-
MHz bandwidth oscilloscope.
Instruments»LabVIEW Displays a number of LabVIEW instruments that you can place
instruments on the workspace.
Instruments»NI ELVISmx Displays a number of NI ELVISmx instruments that you can
instruments place on the workspace.
Instruments»Tektronix Places a simulated Tektronix TDS 2024 Oscilloscope on the
oscilloscope workspace.
Instruments»Current probe Places a “clamp-on” current probe on the workspace.
Mixed-mode simulation Use to choose between optimizing either the accuracy or the
settings speed of simulation when digital components are included in
your design.
Probe settings Displays the Probe Settings dialog box.
Reverse probe direction Reverses the polarity of a selected Current Probe.
Locate reference probe Highlights a selected probe’s corresponding Reference Probe.
NI ELVIS II simulation Displays the Select instruments for simulation dialog box.
Postprocessor Opens the Postprocessor dialog box, which you use to combine
the results of several analyses in different ways. To use the
Postprocessor, you must have performed at least one analysis on
your circuit.
This function is hidden when the simplified version option is
Simulation error log/audit Shows or hides the simulation log, which records all the events
trail of a circuit simulation.
This function is hidden when the simplified version option is
XSPICE command line Opens a window into which you can type Xspice commands.
interface This function is hidden when the simplified version option is
Load simulation settings Loads a set of simulation settings that you saved earlier.
Save simulation settings Saves a set of simulation settings for later use.
Automatic fault option Applies faults to randomly selected components in the design.
You choose the number of faults (either in total, or the number of
each type of fault) to be applied.
Clear instrument data Clears simulation data from instruments like the oscilloscope.
Does not clear the Grapher.
Use tolerances Select to use the component tolerances set in individual
components during simulation.
This function is hidden when the simplified version option is
7- Transfer Menu
The following table describes the commands found in the Transfer menu.

Command Description
Transfer to Transfers a design from Multisim to Ultiboard 14.
Ultiboard»Transfer to
Ultiboard 14
Transfer to Transfers a design from Multisim to Ultiboard 12. Only appears
Ultiboard»Transfer to if Ultiboard 12 is installed on your computer.
Ultiboard 12
Transfer to Transfers a design from Multisim to an Ultiboard file.
Ultiboard»Transfer to
Ultiboard file
Forward annotate to Annotates changes made to a schematic file in Multisim to its
Ultiboard»Forward existing Ultiboard 14 file.
annotate to Ultiboard 14.0 This transfer function is hidden when the simplified version
option is selected.
Forward annotate to Annotates changes made to a schematic file in Multisim to its
Ultiboard»Forward existing Ultiboard 12 file. Only appears if Ultiboard 12 is
annotate to Ultiboard 12 installed on your computer.
This transfer function is hidden when the simplified version
option is selected.
Forward annotate to Annotates changes made to a schematic file in Multisim to an
Ultiboard»Forward Ultiboard file.
annotate to Ultiboard file This transfer function is hidden when the simplified version
option is selected.
Backward annotate from file Backward annotates changes made to a design in Ultiboard (for
example, deleted components) to the Multisim design file.
Displays a file browser where you choose the backward
annotation file corresponding to your design file. The design file
must be open before you use this command.
This transfer function is hidden when the simplified version
option is selected.
Export to other PCB layout If you are using a PCB layout package other than Ultiboard, you
file can create files in the necessary formats for transfer to third party
layout packages.
This transfer function is hidden when the simplified version
option is selected.
Export SPICE netlist Exports the netlist of your design. Opens a standard file browser
where you can choose the file name and folder for the exported
This transfer function is hidden when the simplified version
option is selected.
Highlight selection in When Ultiboard is running, and you have selected components
Ultiboard in Multisim, the corresponding components are highlighted in
This function is hidden when the simplified version option is

8-  Tools Menu
The following table describes the commands found in the Tools menu.

   Note  The Tools menu is hidden when the simplified version option is selected.

Command Description
Component wizard Displays the Component Wizard, which takes you through the
steps required to create a component.
Database»Database Displays the Database Manager, where you can add component
manager families, assign button icons to families, edit, copy and delete
components, and enter or modify user field titles for those
component families.
Database»Save Saves the selected component, including any changes you made to
component to database it, to the database.
Database»Merge database Displays the Merge Database dialog box where you can merge the
contents of another database into your User or Corporate
Database»Convert Converts components in an existing Corporate or User Database
database into Multisim format.
Variant manager Displays the Variant Manager dialog box.
Set active variant Displays the Active Variant dialog box.
Circuit wizards»555 timer Displays a dialog where you can design astable or monostable
wizard timer circuits.
Circuit wizards»Filter Displays a dialog where you can design Low Pass, High Pass, Band
wizard Pass and Band Reject filters.
Circuit wizards»Opamp Displays a dialog where you can design the following opamp
wizard circuits: Inverting Amplifier; Non-inverting Amplifier; Difference
Amplifier; Inverted Summing Amplifier; Non-inverted Summing
Amplifier; Scaling Adder.
Circuit Wizards»CE BJT Displays a dialog where you can design common emitter amplifier
amplifier wizard circuits by entering the desired specifications into its fields.
SPICE netlist Displays a Save As dialog box where you save the contents of the
viewer»Save SPICE SPICE Netlist Viewer as a .cir file.
SPICE netlist Selects all of the text in the SPICE Netlist Viewer.
viewer»Select all
SPICE netlist Copies the contents of the SPICE Netlist Viewer.
viewer»Copy SPICE
SPICE netlist Prints the contents of the SPICE Netlist Viewer.
viewer»Print SPICE
SPICE netlist Checks for changes to the active design, and updates the netlist
viewer»Regenerate accordingly.
SPICE netlist
Advanced RefDes Renumbers components on the workspace. This is useful if you
configuration have numbers that appear all over the workspace, depending on
where they were placed, or if you have numbers missing in a
Replace components Before using, select the desired component(s) in the design window
to be replaced. Invokes the Select a Component dialog box from
which you can select a new component. Click OK to replace the
old component(s) with the selected new one.
Update components If you open a design that was created in an older version of
Multisim, you can use this command to update its components to
match the current database.
Update subsheet symbols Updates hierarchical block and subcircuit symbols on designs from
older versions of Multisim.
Electrical rules check Displays the Electrical Rules Check dialog box where you can
create reports of electrical connection errors, such as an output pin
connected to a power pin.
Clear ERC markers Clears ERC error markers from the workspace that were placed
during earlier ERC runs.
Toggle NC marker Places a no connection (NC) marker on a selected pin, which
prevents wires from being attached to that pin.
Symbol Editor Creates and edits component symbols.
Title Block Editor Edits the appearance of, or creates a new, title block.
Description Box Editor Displays the screen where you edit the contents of the Description
Capture screen area Takes a screen capture of a specific area of your screen.
View Breadboard Displays the Breadboard View.
The Tools menu is hidden when the simplified version option is
Online design resources Launches a web page for the selected product. For example,
Analog Devices, Circuits from the Lab.
Education website Launches your Internet browser and directs you to the National
Instruments Academic website.
The Tools menu is hidden when the simplified version option is

9-  Reports Menu
The following table describes the commands found in the Reports menu.

   Note  The Reports menu is hidden when the simplified version option is selected.

Command Description
Bill of Materials Use to print a Bill of Materials (BOM) for your design. A BOM lists the
components used in your design and provides a summary of the components
needed to manufacture the circuit board.
Component Use to produce a report showing all information stored in the database for a
detail report particular component.
Netlist report Use to print a report that provides connectivity information for each
Cross reference Use to produce a detailed list of all components in the active design.
Schematic Use to print a report that lists the quantities of various elements in your
statistics design, such as real components, virtual components and nets.
Spare gates Use to produce a report that lists the components in a design that have unused
report gates.

10- Options Menu

The following table describes the commands found in the Options menu.

Command Description
Global Displays the Global Options dialog box.
options This function is hidden when the simplified version option is selected.
Sheet Displays the Sheet Properties dialog box.
properties This function is hidden when the simplified version option is selected.
Global Sets global restrictions on Multisim’s functionality for other users. You control
restrictions these restrictions through the use of passwords.
Circuit Sets restrictions on a particular design’s functionality for other users. You
restrictions control these restrictions through the use of passwords.
Simplified Changes the interface display by hiding some of the more complicated functions
version in the Standard toolbar and hiding some of the more complex instruments and
The simplified version option can be enabled or disabled using Global
Restrictions. If the simplified version is disabled, it is greyed out in the
Options menu.
Lock toolbars Locks all docked toolbars in their current position. Floating toolbars will be
locked in place if you move them to a docked position. This can also be done
from the Toolbars tab of the Customize dialog box.
Customize Tailors your interface to your personal preferences.
interface This function is hidden when the simplified version option is selected.

11-  Window Menu

The following table describes the commands found in the Window menu.

Command Description
New window Creates a copy of the existing window.
Close Closes the active file.
Close all Closes all open files.
Cascade Arranges design windows so that they overlap.
Tile Resizes all open design windows so they all show on the screen in a horizontal
horizontally orientation. Allows you to quickly scan all open files.
Tile vertically Resizes all open design windows so they all show on the screen in a vertical
orientation. Allows you to quickly scan all open files.
[List windows] Lists the open Multisim design files. Select one to make it active.
This function is hidden when the simplified version option is selected.
Next window Displays the next window.
Previous Displays the previous window.
Windows Displays thumbnails of the files that you currently have open.

12- Help Menu

The following table describes the commands found in the Help menu.

Command Description
Multisim help Displays the Multisim Help.
NI ELVISmx help Displays the NI ELVISmx Help.
New Features and Displays the Multisim 14.0 Features and Improvements topic, which
Improvements contains information about the lastest release.
Getting Started Displays Getting Started with NI Circuit Design Suite.
Patents Displays a file with a list of National Instruments software-related
Find examples Displays the Example Finder.
About Multisim Displays information on the edition number of Multisim.




To understand and implement NOT GATE practical using Multism.

 Laptop OR Desktop
 Installed Multism
 SPDT Switch
 Ground

After the end of this practical students will be able to demonstrate NOT GATE
themselves and capable to implement NOT GATE.

A logic gate is electronic circuit which is used for different Binary decisions
according to input. Not Gate accepts only one input and provides one output. When
we are assigning zero as input it provides one as output. When we are applying one
as input in NOT GATE it provides zero as output. Zero represents low logic and
one represents high logic. Logic Gates we can implement through Multism by
using resistors, transistors or Logic Gate IC’s. NOT GATE is also known as
inverter. Its IC is identified as 7404.

This is symbol of NOT GATE

IC Diagram:
Whenever we implement NOT GATE in any circuit, we are using Schematic

Followings are the steps for making a digital circuit using Multism:

 Go to Multism and open a new blank Schematic in Multism.

 Place down NOT GATE from the component database. Right
click and select Place Component. Choose the followings.

 Place the component on the Schematic.

 In order to evaluate the behavior of the component we will use

a virtual switch and LED. Place the following components on
the Schematic.

 Insert Ground on your Schematic.

 Place down VCC.
 Wire the components together to create the digital logic circuit
as below.

 Once you have completed the schematic you can evaluate the
operation of NOT GATE. Click Run on the tool bar as shown

Here we observed in the digital logic circuit that how a NOT GATE is resulting.
When we are assigning zero as input it is providing one as output. When we are
applying one as input it is providing zero as output. Zero represents low logic and
one represents high logic.

We have successfully understand the basic concept of NOT GATE and
implemented it using Multism.




To understand and implement AND GATE practical using Multism.

 Laptop OR Desktop
 Installed Multism
 Two Switches
 Ground
After the end of this practical students will be able to demonstrate AND GATE
themselves and capable to implement AND GATE.

AND GATE is the type of basic logic gate it accepts two inputs like A and B
variable and it provides one output C. When inputs are high (1) it provides high (1)
in the outputs. When we are applying the logic high (1) to A variable and logic
high (1) to B variable it provides logic high (1) in the output. When we are
applying low (0) logic to A and B variable it provides logic low (0) in the output.
When we are applying B variable it provides logic low (0) in the output. When we
are applying logic low (0) to A variable and logic high (1) to B variable it provides
logic low (0) in the output.

Moreover, when we are applying logic high (1) to A variable and logic low (0) to
B variable it provides low (0) logic in the output.

This is symbol for representation of AND GATE.

IC Diagram:
Followings are the steps for making a digital circuit using Multism:

 Go to Multism and open a new blank Schematic in Multism.

 Place down NOT GATE from the component database. Right

click and select Place Component. Choose the followings.
 Place the component on the Schematic.

 In order to evaluate the behavior of the component we will use

two virtual switches and LED. Place the following components
on the Schematic.

 Insert Ground onz your Schematic.

 Place down VCC.

 Wire the components together to create the digital logic circuit
as below.

 Once you have completed the schematic you can evaluate the
operation of NOT GATE. Click Run on the tool bar as shown

Here we have observed that how an AND GATE is resulting. When inputs are high
(1) it provides high (1) in the outputs. When we are applying the logic high (1) to
A variable and logic high (1) to B variable it provides logic high (1) in the output.
When we are applying low (0) logic to A and B variable it provides logic low (0)
in the output. When we are applying B variable it provides logic low (0) in the
output. When we are applying logic low (0) to A variable and logic high (1) to B
variable it provides logic low (0) in the output.
We have successfully understand the basic concept of AND GATE and
implemented it using Multism.




To understand and implement OR GATE practical using Multism.

 Laptop OR Desktop
 Installed Multism
 Two Switches
 Ground
After the end of this practical students will be able to demonstrate OR GATE
themselves and capable to implement OR GATE.

When we are applying low (0) to A variable and low (0) to B variable as input it
provides us low (0)in output. When we are applying low (0) to A variable and high
(1) to B variable as input to OR gate it provides high (1) in the output.

When we are applying high (1) value to A variable and low (0) to B variable as
input to OR GATE it provides high (1) in the output.

When we are applying high (1) input to A variable and high (1) input to B variable
then it provides high (1) value in the output.

From these statements we understand that it performs the addition of logical

values. However, the logical expression will be,

C = A+B

(C represents output and A and B are the inputs)

This is symbol for representation of OR GATE.


OR GATE with Discrete Components:

Followings are the steps for making a digital circuit using Multism:

 Go to Multism and open a new blank Schematic in Multism.

 Place down OR GATE from the component database. Right
click and select Place Component. Choose the followings.

 Place the component on the Schematic.

 In order to evaluate the behavior of the component we will use

two virtual switches and LED. Place the following components
on the Schematic.

 Insert Ground on your Schematic.

 Place down VCC.

 Wire the components together to create the digital logic circuit
as below.

 Once you have completed the schematic you can evaluate the
operation of OR GATE. Click Run on the tool bar as shown

Here we have observed that how an OR GATE is resulting.

When we are applying low (0) to A variable and low (0) to B variable as input it
provides us low (0)in output. When we are applying low (0) to A variable and high
(1) to B variable as input to OR gate it provides high (1) in the output.

When we are applying high (1) value to A variable and low (0) to B variable as
input to OR GATE it provides high (1) in the output.
When we are applying high (1) input to A variable and high (1) input to B variable
then it provides high (1) value in the output.

We have successfully understand the basic concept of OR GATE and implemented
it using Multism.




To understand and implement NAND GATE practical using Multism.

 Laptop OR Desktop
 Installed Multism
 Two Switches
 Ground
After the end of this practical students will be able to demonstrate NAND GATE
themselves and capable to implement NAND GATE.

NAND GATE provides low (0) when high (1) is applied to all its inputs.

In other words NAND GATE provides high (1) if low (0) is applied to any of its
inputs. This logic gate can be implemented with AND GATE and NOT GATE by
connecting AND GATE output to NOT GATE input. In this condition, inputs will
be applied to AND GATE input pins and output will be taken at NOT GATE
output pin. If A and B are two inputs to NAND GATE and C is its output then,

C = (A.B)’

This is symbol for representation of NAND GATE.


NAND GATE with Discrete Components:

Followings are the steps for making a digital circuit using Multism:

 Go to Multism and open a new blank Schematic in Multism.

 Place down NAND GATE from the component database. Right

click and select Place Component. Choose the followings.
 Place the component on the Schematic.

 In order to evaluate the behavior of the component we will use

two virtual switches and LED. Place the following components
on the Schematic.

 Insert Ground on your Schematic.

 Place down VCC.

 Wire the components together to create the digital logic circuit
as below.

 Once you have completed the schematic you can evaluate the
operation of NAND GATE. Click Run on the tool bar as shown

Here we have observed that how an NAND GATE is resulting.

When we are applying low (0) to A variable and low (0) to B variable as input it
provides us low (0) in output. When we are applying low (0) to A variable and
high (1) to B variable as input to OR gate it provides high (1) in the output.

When we are applying high (1) value to A variable and low (0) to B variable as
input to OR GATE it provides high (1) in the output.
When we are applying high (1) input to A variable and high (1) input to B variable
then it provides high (1) value in the output.

We have successfully understand the basic concept of NAND GATE and
implemented it using Multism.




To understand and implement XOR GATE practical using Multism.

 Laptop OR Desktop
 Installed Multism
 Two Switches
 Ground
After the end of this practical students will be able to demonstrate XOR GATE
themselves and capable to implement XOR GATE.

XOR GATE provides binary high (1) only when not same logic levels are applied
to its inputs (i.e low (0) is applied to one input and high (1) is applied to second
input). In other words , XOR GATE provides binary low (0) whenever same logic
levels are applied to its input (i.e low (0) or high (1) is applied to both inputs). This
Logic Gate can also be implemented with one AND, NAND and OR GATE by
connecting one input pin of OR gate and NAND GATE to one common junction,
this junction is one input of XOR GATE. By connecting second input pin of OR
GATE and NAND GATE to second common junction, this is second input of XOR
GATE. Connecting these OR GATE and NAND GATE outputs to AND GATE
inputs, Output of this AND gate will provide XOR output. If A and B are two
inputs to XOR GATE and Z is its output then Z-A ⊕B-A’.B+A.B’.
⊕ Sign express Exclusive OR function between A and B.

This is symbol for representation of XOR GATE.


XOR GATE with Discrete Components:

Followings are the steps for making a digital circuit using Multism:

 Go to Multism and open a new blank Schematic in Multism.

 Place down XOR GATE from the component database. Right
click and select Place Component. Choose the followings.

 Place the component on the Schematic.

 In order to evaluate the behavior of the component we will use

two virtual switches and LED. Place the following components
on the Schematic.


 Insert Ground on your Schematic.

 Place down VCC.

 Wire the components together to create the digital logic circuit

as below.
 Once you have completed the schematic you can evaluate the
operation of XOR GATE. Click Run on the tool bar as shown

Here we have observed that how an XOR GATE is resulting.

XOR GATE provides binary high (1) only when not same logic levels are applied
to its inputs (i.e low (0) is applied to one input and high (1) is applied to second
input). In other words , XOR GATE provides binary low (0) whenever same logic
levels are applied to its input (i.e low (0) or high (1) is applied to both inputs).
We have successfully understand the basic concept of XOR GATE and
implemented it using Multism.




To understand and implement NOR GATE practical using Multism.

 Laptop OR Desktop
 Installed Multism
 Two Switches
 Ground
After the end of this practical students will be able to demonstrate NOR GATE
themselves and capable to implement NOR GATE.

NOR logic gate comes under the umbrella of Universal Logic Gate. The
identification code of NOR logic gate is 7402. It access two inputs and provide one
output. When we are applying low (0) logic to A variable as input and low (0)
logic to B variable as input .it provides High (1) in output. Moreover, when we are
applying low (0) logic to A variable and high (1) logic to B variable then it
provides Low (0) logic in output. Similarly when we applying high (1) logic to A
variable and low (0) to B variable then it provide Low (0) in output. Similarly
when we are applying high (1) logic to A variable and high (1) to B variable then it
provides low (0) in output. From these statements we have learnt that NOR logic
gate produces a low (0) output when one or more input are High (1).

This is symbol for representation of NOR GATE.


Followings are the steps for making a digital circuit using Multism:

 Go to Multism and open a new blank Schematic in Multism.

 Place down NOR GATE from the component database. Right

click and select Place Component. Choose the followings.
 Place the component on the Schematic.

 In order to evaluate the behavior of the component we will use

two virtual switches and LED. Place the following components
on the Schematic.


 Insert Ground on your Schematic.

 Place down VCC.

 Wire the components together to create the digital logic circuit

as below.
 Once you have completed the schematic you can evaluate the
operation of NOR GATE. Click Run on the tool bar as shown

Here we have observed that how an NOR GATE is resulting.

When we are applying low (0) logic to A variable as input and low (0) logic to B
variable as input .it provides High (1) in output. Moreover, when we are applying
low (0) logic to A variable and high (1) logic to B variable then it provides Low (0)
logic in output. Similarly when we applying high (1) logic to A variable and low
(0) to B variable then it provide Low (0) in output. Similarly when we are applying
high (1) logic to A variable and high (1) to B variable then it provides low (0) in
output. From these statements we have learnt that NOR logic gate produces a low
(0) output when one or more input are High (1).

We have successfully understand the basic concept of NOR GATE and
implemented it using Multism.




To understand and implement XNOR GATE practical using Multism.

 Laptop OR Desktop
 Installed Multism
 Two Switches
 Ground
After the end of this practical students will be able to demonstrate XNOR GATE
themselves and capable to implement XNOR GATE.

XNOR GATE comes under the umbrella of basic logic gates. It accepts two inputs
and provides one output. When we are applying low (0) logic to A variable and
low (0) to B variable as input to XNOR GATE then it provides HIGH or ONE as
output. When we are applying low or zero to A variable and high or one to B
variable as input to XNOR GATE then it gives ZERO or LOW in the output.
When we are applying high or one logic to A variable and low or zero to B
variable as input to XNOR GATE then it gives ZERO or LOW in the output.
When we are applying high or one logic to A variable and high or one to B
variable as input to XNOR GATE then it gives HIGH or ONE in the output.

This is symbol for representation of XNOR GATE.


Followings are the steps for making a digital circuit using Multism:

 Go to Multism and open a new blank Schematic in Multism.

 Place down XNOR GATE from the component database. Right

click and select Place Component. Choose the followings.
 Place the component on the Schematic.

 In order to evaluate the behavior of the component we will use

two virtual switches and LED. Place the following components
on the Schematic.

 Insert Ground on your Schematic.

 Place down VCC.

 Wire the components together to create the digital logic circuit
as below.

 Once you have completed the schematic you can evaluate the
operation of XNOR GATE. Click Run on the tool bar as shown

Here we have observed that how an XNOR GATE is resulting.

It accepts two inputs and provides one output. When we are applying low (0) logic
to A variable and low (0) to B variable as input to XNOR GATE then it provides
HIGH or ONE as output. When we are applying low or zero to A variable and high
or one to B variable as input to XNOR GATE then it gives ZERO or LOW in the
output. When we are applying high or one logic to A variable and low or zero to B
variable as input to XNOR GATE then it gives ZERO or LOW in the output.
When we are applying high or one logic to A variable and high or one to B
variable as input to XNOR GATE then it gives HIGH or ONE in the output.

We have successfully understand the basic concept of XNOR GATE and
implemented it using Multism.




To construct XOR GATE using discrete components.

 Laptop OR Desktop
 Installed Multism
 4 Diodes
 Two Switches
 Probe
 2 Transistors
 4 Resistor
 Ground
After the end of this practical students will be able to demonstrate XOR GATE
themselves and capable to construct XOR GATE using discrete components.


When voltages at terminals A and B are at opposite logic gates forward biases the
Emitter-Base junction and turns ON the transistor. Thus an approximate Logic
High voltage VH-0.6V-VCE is available at output terminal Z. The Logic LOW
voltage is approximately 0V but the sink current limited by the collector resistance
10K ohm.

As the Logic High input current for TTL is approximately 0.4mA, which is the
transistors emitter current and would generate a voltage drop of approximately 4V
across 10K ohm resistor. But the problem is the 10K ohm resistor cannot provide
the required sink current 0.4mA when the output Z is at logic ZERO. Thus this
XOR configuration seems to be suitable only for CMOS or TTL inputs at A and B
and capable of driving only CMOS at output Y.

Followings are the steps for making XOR GATE by its discrete components using
 Go to Multism and open a new blank Schematic in Multism.

 Place down two SPDT switches on your blank Schematic.

Choose the followings.
 Place four diodes on the Schematic.

 Place down two Transistors on Schematic.

 Place down four Resistors on Schematic.

 Insert Ground on your Schematic.

 Place down VCC.

 Place down Probe on Schematic.

 Wire the components together to create the digital logic circuit
as below.

 Click Run on the tool bar as shown below.

We have successfully understand the basic concept of XOR GATE, and
constructed it by using discrete components in Multism.




To construct XNOR GATE using discrete components.

 Laptop OR Desktop
 Installed Multism
 4 Diodes
 Two Switches
 Probe
 2 Transistors
 4 Resistor
 Ground
After the end of this practical students will be able to demonstrate XNOR GATE
themselves and capable to construct XNOR GATE using discrete components.


When the voltage at A and B terminals are at opposite logic state, a voltage of
higher voltage minus lower voltage minus 1.2V (voltage drop between two diodes)
forward bias the Emitter-Base junction of the Transistor. This turns ON the
transistor and the Logic LOW voltage available at the collector of the transistor is
approximately equal to 0.6+VL+VCE, where VL is the Logic LOW input and
VCE is the Collector to Emitter voltage of the transistor. When the both inputs A
and B are at the same Logic Levels, the Emitter to Base junction of the transistor
cannot be forward biased, thus the transistor is in OFF state and the output Y is at
supply voltage.

Followings are the steps for making XNOR GATE by its discrete components
using Multism:
 Go to Multism and open a new blank Schematic in Multism.

 Place down two SPDT switches on your blank Schematic.

Choose the followings.
 Place four diodes on the Schematic.

 Place down two Transistors on Schematic.

 Place down four Resistors on Schematic.

 Insert Ground on your Schematic.

 Place down VCC.

 Place down Probe on Schematic.

 Wire the components together to create the digital logic circuit
as below.

 Click Run on the tool bar as shown below.

We have successfully understand the basic concept of XNOR GATE, and
constructed it by using discrete components in Multism.




To verify De Morgan’s Laws practically using logic gates.

In this experiment students will implement digital circuit according to
De Morgan’s Laws and will verify its validity practically.

Required Tools/Equipment:
• Analog & Digital Training System (M21-7000).

• Connecting Wires (Jumpers).

• Basic Logic Gates ICs (NOT =74HC04, AND =74HC08, OR =

According To De Morgans Law;


Circuit Equivalent to RHS of Eq. ii Fig.11.4

1. Construct circuit according to Fig. 11.3 and 11.4.

2. Apply inputs according to truth table 11.2.

3. Same output of Z and Q will prove validity of De Morgan’s
Law’s equation ii.

Input(A) Input(B) Output(X) Output(Y)

Low(0) Low(0) High(1) High(1)
Low(0) High(1) Low(0) Low(0)
High(1) Low(0) Low(0) Low(0)
High(1) High(1) Low(0) Low(0)

Table 11.1

Verification of Eq. ii

Input(A) Input(B) Output(X) Output(Y)

Low(0) Low(0) High(1) High(1)
Low(0) High(1) High(1) High(1)
High(1) Low(0) High(1) High(1)
High(1) High(1) Low(0) Low(0)




To verify Karnaugh Map Validation Using SOP.
In this experiment students will reduce a logic expression using K-map
and will verify their simplification practically.

Required Tools/Equipment:-
1) Analog & Digital Training System (M21-7000).
2) Connecting Wires (Jumpers).
3) Basic Logic Gates ICs (NOT =74HC04, AND =74HC08, OR =


A Karnaugh map provides a systematic method for simplifying

Boolean expressions, if properly used, will produce the simplest SOP
or POS expression possible, known as the minimum expression.
A Karnaugh map is similar to a truth table because it represents all of
the possible values of input variables and the resulting output of each
value. Instead of being organized into columns and rows like a truth
table, the Karnaugh map is an array of cells, in which each cell
represents a binary value of the input variables.[2]


Consider a SOP expression:


This expression yield following truth table:

This Truth Table will produce K map as shown:

Carefully following K-Map rules, expression will be reduced as shown:

Reduced equation will be: X =

1. Construct digital circuit of above mentioned SOP expression as:

2. Apply input to this circuit according to table below and

completely fill it.
A B C +++=

0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1

0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1

0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1

1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1

1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0




To verify Karnaugh Map Validation Using POS.
In this experiment students will reduce a logic expression using K-map
and will verify their simplification practically.
Required Tools/Equipment: -
37) Analog & Digital Training System (M21-7000).

38) Connecting Wires (Jumpers).

39) Basic Logic Gates ICs (NOT =74HC04, AND =74HC08, OR =

A Karnaugh map provides a systematic method for simplifying
Boolean expressions, if properly used, will produce the simplest SOP
or POS expression possible, known as the minimum expression.
A Karnaugh map is like a truth table because it represents all of the
possible values of input variables and the resulting output of each
value. Instead of being organized into columns and rows like a truth
table, the Karnaugh map is an array of cells, in which each cell
represents a binary value of the input variables.
Consider a POS expression:
(𝐴 + 𝐵 + 𝐶) (𝐴 + 𝐵 + 𝐶̅) (𝐴 + 𝐵̅ + 𝐶) (𝐴 + 𝐵̅ + 𝐶̅) (𝐴̅ + 𝐵̅ +
𝐶) = X The process for minimizing a POS expression is same as SOP
expression except that we have to group zeros (0s) to produce
minimum sum terms instead of grouping 1s to produce minimum
product terms.
Thus combination of binary values of expression are
(0 + 0 + 0)(0 + 0 + 1)(0 + 1 + 0)(0 + 1 + 1)(1 + 1 + 0)

This expression yield following truth table:

This Truth Table will produce K map as shown:

Carefully following K-Map rules, grouping zeros to produce minimum
expression will be reduced as shown:

(𝐴). (𝐵̅ + 𝐶)

Reduced equation will be: X = 𝐴 ∙ (𝐵̅ + 𝐶)

2. Construct digital circuit of above mentioned POS expression as:

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