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ELEC301 - Fall 2019


1. Can you represent the input/output relation of the system

y(t) = x(t − 2) + x(2 − t)
with an impulse response? Explain it formally.

For a system to be represented completely by an impulse response, it should be an

LTI system. So it’s enough to check whether it is linear and time-invariant.
For time-invariance, the output must be equal to y(t − τ ) when input is x(t − τ ).
When the input is shifted, the output should be

x((t − τ ) − 2) + x(2 − (t − τ )) = x((t − τ ) − 2) + x(2 − t + τ )

But if we shift the output τ units in time, it becomes

x(t − τ − 2) + x(2 − t − τ )

Since they are not equal, the system is not an LTI, hence, it cannot be represented
by an impulse response.

2. Either find the inverse of the following system or prove that it is not invertible by
giving a counter example:
x[n + 1], n≥0
y[n] =
x[n], n ≤ −1

Consider x[n] = kδ[n]. In that case, y[n] = 0, ∀n. The output is always the same for
different k values. So, the distinct functions are not mapped to the distinct output
functions. Hence, the system is not invertible.

3. A signal x(t) is input to a system with an impulse response

h(t) =
Which of the following signals cannot be the output of this system? Explain for-

• y1 (t) = cos(187πt)
• y2 (t) = 6e−j300πt
• y3 (t) = 4 sin(375πt)
• y4 (t) = −3 cos(150πt) + 2ej450πt

1, |ω| < 374π
F {h(t)} = F {374 sinc(374t)} = rect374π (ω) =
0, otherwise

So, it is a lowpass filter with a cutoff frequency 374π. Any output containing a
higher frequency cannot be output of this system, which are y3 (t) and y4 (t).

4. For the given system

X 4
y[n] = x[k]

determine whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):

- T/F: The system is linear.

- T/F: The system is time-invariant.
- T/F: The system is memoryless.
- T/F: The system is stable.
- T/F: The system is causal.

Explain each of them formally.

It is linear because when given 0 input, the system produces 0 output, and the oper-
ation is linear.
It is not time-invariant. Consider δ[n] and δ[n − 1].
It is not memoryless. Consider n = 1. Then the output depends on the past inputs.
It is not stable. For stability, bounded input should produce bounded output. Con-
sider x[n] = 1∀n. It produces infinite output at infinity.
It is not causal. Consider n = −1. ın that case, the output depends on the future

5. Given that
x[n] =
g 2 [n]
with g[n] being purely imaginary odd function, explain your answers to the follow-
ing questions formally:

(a) Can X(jΩ) be equal to j/ cos(Ω)?

(b) Can X(jΩ) be equal to 1/ sin(Ω)?

(c) Can X(jΩ) be equal to 1/Ω2 ?

No. Because x[n] is real and even, so X(jΩ) should be real and even too, but that
function is not real.
No, because that function is not even.
Yes, it can be; it is both real and even.

6. Let y(t) be the output of the system whose impulse response is h(t) = 2sinc(2t)
when the input x(t) has a frequency response shown as in the Figure 1. Calculate
Z ∞
|x(t) − y(t)|2 dt.

Figure 1: Figure for question 6.

1, |ω| < 2π
F {h(t)} = F {2 sinc(2t)} = rect2π (ω) =
0, otherwise

So, the system is a lowpass filter with 2π cutoff frequency.

Z ∞ Z ∞
2 1
|x(t) − y(t)| dt = |X(jω) − Y (jω)|2 dω
−∞ 2π −∞

Due to the lowpass filter, we only have the region of the outside of the filter. The
area can be calculated easily from the figure, and the result of the integral is 3.25.

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