Revisiting The EU Cybersecurity Strategy: A Call For EU Cyber Diplomacy

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16 FEBRUARY 2021 Introduction

Revisiting the EU Cybersecurity Strategy:

A Call for EU Cyber Diplomacy
Annegret Bendiek and Matthias C. Kettemann

In December 2020, the European Union (EU) presented its new strategy on cybersecu-
rity with the aim of strengthening Europe’s technological and digital sovereignty. The
document lists reform projects that will link cybersecurity more closely with the EU’s
new rules on data, algorithms, markets, and Internet services. However, it clearly falls
short of the development of a European cyber diplomacy that is committed to both
“strategic openness” and the protection of the digital single market. In order to achieve
this, EU cyber diplomacy should be made more coherent in its supranational, demo-
cratic, and economic/technological dimensions. Germany can make an important con-
tribution to that by providing the necessary legal, technical, and financial resources
for the European External Action Service (EEAS).

In 2019, the EU registered around 450 attacks security dilemma of the nuclear age (Foreign
on critical infrastructures in the energy and Affairs, May/June 2019). How is the EU re-
water supply sectors as well as information sponding strategically to the changed global
and communication technologies in the political environment? What role can the
health, transport, and finance sectors. The EU play in preventing cyberattacks, for
vulnerabilities of technologically inter- example on power plants, in advance? Are
dependent societies became particularly there crises management structures in place
evident during the Covid-19 pandemic. In at the European level to ensure immediate
December, cybercriminals targeted the and comprehensive action if necessary?
European Medicines Agency. In order to
preserve its socio-political model, the EU
must assert itself in a security environment EU Cybersecurity Strategy
that is characterized by mutual threat per-
ceptions and an increasingly dynamic tech- Since 2015, the EU has been working on
nological arms race. The director of the its response options to attacks from – and
Technology and National Security Program conflicts in – the cyber and information
at the Center for a New American Security, space (CIS). Some foreign and security
Paul Scharre, pointed out some time ago policy initiatives have been launched in the
that the technology race is repeating the last few years (see SWP Comment 19/2018).
Worth mentioning here are, among others, Since 2018, the EU has had the Cyber
the Diplomatic Response Framework (Cyber Diplomacy Toolbox at its disposal to counter
Diplomacy Toolbox) and the Cyber Defence serious cyberattacks (see SWP Comment
Policy Framework (both 2018); the EU 19/2018). It has thus designed its own sanc-
Cybersecurity Act and the EU toolbox for tions regime against IT attacks that was
5G security (both 2019); as well as the EU deployed in July 2020 in the course of the
Security Union Strategy and the Screening technical and legal handling of the 2015
of (Digital) Investment (2020). Since 2020, hacker attacks on the German parliament.
the EU has focused its activities – together To implement the cybersecurity strategy,
with the member states – on building proposals will be made under the Common
operational capacity to prevent, deter, and Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) to expand
respond to serious cyber incidents in Europe. the EU Cyber Diplomacy Toolbox to effec-
The current framework is set by the new tively counter attacks on critical infrastruc-
EU Cybersecurity Strategy for the Digital ture, supply chains, and democratic institu-
Decade, presented in December 2020 by the tions and processes.
European Commission and the High Repre- Although the cybersecurity strategy
sentative for Foreign Affairs and Security refers to EU initiatives such as those to com-
Policy, Josep Borrell. It is closely linked to bat hybrid threats, the European Democracy
other Union initiatives, such as the Digital Action Plan, as well as EU emergency and
Single Market Strategy, the Commission’s crisis management, the deepening of con-
Economic Recovery Plan, and the Security fidence- and security-building measures of
Union Strategy 2020–2025. EU cyber diplomacy toward third countries
The new cybersecurity strategy includes remains largely underexplored. The need
the establishment of a “Joint Cyber Unit” for such actions has been noted, but no
that will be tasked with strengthening the concrete examples or institutional venues
IT capabilities of defense communities in to implement them have been provided.
the field of cybersecurity and law enforce- The cybersecurity strategy thus expresses a
ment agencies in cooperation with civilian one-sided understanding of security policy
and diplomatic communities. According that shows little awareness of the fact that
to the strategy, the EU will also draw on technical and technocratic actions must be
the work of the European Defence Agency accompanied by diplomacy.
and promote cooperation in the military
domain of operation, drawing on the newly
created European Defence Fund. Further- Desideratum Cyber Diplomacy
more, the EU will be given a “cybersecurity
shield” to identify threats early and take The one-sidedness of the EU cybersecurity
countermeasures before damage is done. strategy is a problem because international
The Commission wants to establish an EU- norm-building is a key element for trust
wide “network of Security Operations and security in the cyber and information
Centres across the EU.” It is to serve as a space. The EEAS needs to be empowered for
cooperation platform for the civilian and this very task of cyber diplomacy by align-
military authorities of the Union and mem- ing its mandate accordingly. The current
ber states that are responsible for cyber- strategy neglects the important lesson of
security and to improve coordination in the the nuclear age, namely that disarmament
event of major attacks. To protect critical and trust-building actions lead to generally
infrastructures, existing EU law and the enhanced security. Political scientist Joseph
2016 EU Network and Information Security S. Nye, for example, argues that, contrary to
Directive (NIS Directive) are to be revised, popular belief, deterrence in cyberspace
and greater use will be made of artificial can work. He is convinced that the develop-
intelligence to identify cyberattacks against ment of international norms, which has so
hospitals, utilities, and transport networks. far been very limited, can have a positive

SWP Comment 16
February 2021

effect on security in the CIS. For this, he states outside Europe: Is it when the attackers
said, it is essential not to limit the principle penetrate the network and disrupt it, or
of deterrence to classic territorial defense already when they scan the infrastructure
and immediate retaliation. Rather, cost- of a potential critical infrastructure facility
benefit analyses of unintended consequen- and try to find weak points?
tial costs would deter potential intruders The cybersecurity strategy also mentions
from launching attacks. jointly coordinated NATO-EU situational
The fact that a “cyberwar” has not yet awareness in the CIS, but it remains un-
taken place could be indicative of the effec- specific about its implementation. The
tiveness of this strategy. International norm potential of the Helsinki-based European
processes can also dissuade state actors Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid
from attacking critical infrastructure. Threats to build “legal resilience” in rela-
The norms for responsible state behavior tion to state interference is equally under-
in cyberspace, developed by the United utilized in EU-NATO cooperation. Some
Nations (UN) Group of Governmental Ex- governments advocate active countermeas-
perts, prohibit attacks against critical ures, along the lines of the United States
infrastructure. The UN General Assembly demonstrating its supremacy in cyberspace.
negotiations demonstrate that, despite Others, however, argue for the development
political differences, work is underway on of a consensual frame of reference that
common norms for lawful state behavior assigns accountability to states according to
and due diligence in cyberspace. Under the their resilience measures to prevent conflict
Cyber Diplomacy Toolbox, the Horizontal escalation in the CIS. The EU strategy seeks
Working Party on Cyber Issues is tasked to integrate both approaches more effec-
with these matters; however, so far it has tively than in the past. In order to realize
only had a coordinating and not a shaping this ambition, the EEAS must be given a
role in EU cyber diplomacy due to lacking stronger mandate in the future in terms of
EU supranational competence. personnel, funding, and legal competence.
Furthermore, there is still little consen- Digital sovereignty and resilience can
sus on standards for responding to cyber only be achieved as a pan-European and
actions below the thresholds relevant under pan-societal task that includes close coordi-
international law (retorsion); for the approval nation at the EU level as well as with demo-
of hardware and software; for dealing with cratic partners; moreover, economic policy
supply chain dependencies; and for vulner- and technological expertise must be explic-
ability management. The November 19, itly included. This means that EU cyber
2020 “non-paper” by Germany and five diplomacy must set the framework for this,
other EU member states also remains un- as the CIS is not bound by the competencies
clear with regard to concrete actions. The or borders of individual countries. Public
dangers posed by proxies, i.e., non-state institutions, business, the scientific com-
actors acting on behalf of the state, reduce munity, and civil society must work hand
the effectiveness of trust- and security-build- in hand much more intensively at the Euro-
ing actions. The Council of Europe’s Buda- pean level than they have to date. The
pest Convention is to be revised accordingly establishment of a European Cybersecurity
in order to take more effective action against Industrial, Technology and Research Com-
non-state cybercrime with a second supple- petence Centre and a network of national
mentary protocol. Another source of danger coordination centres are a first good step.
that should not be underestimated is the Cyber diplomacy can create the supra-
high number of low-threshold attacks, for national, democratic, economic, and tech-
example against small and medium-sized nological conditions, both internally and
enterprises. It still needs to be clarified externally, to provide the necessary infra-
what counts as a critical IT security incident structure, know-how, and cutting-edge tech-
that must be reported, including to partner nology.

SWP Comment 16
February 2021

The Supranational Dimension teria of the member states are not to be
harmonized, as attribution is to remain
Sectorally conceived policy silos – in a sovereign act. The EEAS, with its Intelli-
which the digital dimensions of foreign, gence and Analysis Centre, would have to
defense, and domestic policy are developed be provided new personnel and technical
in parallel – are notoriously ill-suited to competencies if it is to (be able to) publicly
cybersecurity. On the other hand, it makes state who is responsible for cyber incidents;
sense for the EU Commission to support the this would be of particular importance for
interlocking of internal market regulations, countering hybrid threats, which also in-
the fight against cybercrime, the CFSP, and clude disinformation. Measures under the
the Common Security and Defence Policy, Cyber Diplomacy Toolbox do not require
as well as initiatives of the Permanent legally secured attribution in every case.
Structured Cooperation. An annual imple- Rather, they aim to defend against cyber
mentation report, modeled after the pro- incidents using political-communicative
gress reports on the implementation of the and technical means. It should be possible
Security Union Strategy, would be bene- to tailor the use of resources, depending
ficial and should give more attention to on the conflict situation.
aspects that have been neglected so far, In addition, it should be considered
such as technical intelligence and infor- how the actions envisaged in the toolbox
mation exchange. can be deployed in the event of a failure
In particular, it should systematically of key infrastructures in such a way that
cover: the preparation and use of cyber- the ability to command, act, and function is
attacks; the manipulation and sabotage of maintained. Horizontal and vertical cyber-
business, financial, and industrial markets; security cooperation between the EEAS and
the increasing vulnerability of critical infra- the Commission on the one hand, and be-
structure; and the growing threat to the tween the EU and the member states on the
reliability of traditional defense systems other, is key for the resilience of the ICT
from military hackers. Although the new structures. This crisis management exists
Strategic Compass is intended to facilitate only as a blueprint and must be under-
common EU situational awareness, this pinned by the member states in terms of
will require that internal and external cyber- personnel, funding, and competencies.
security agencies prepare to pool their intel- The EU member states should recognize
ligence in the EEAS when needed. Situa- that digitalization challenges classic diplo-
tional awareness should be underpinned by macy at the national level, to the extent
a “horizon scanning” facility, at least as a that the foreign policy role of the EU Com-
first step. Artificial intelligence should help mission changes in the course of imple-
establish early crisis detection. menting the European Digital Strategy: Its
This should be followed up by the devel- role is gaining more weight in cyber diplo-
opment of an attribution procedure in the macy. It is the Commission that urges mem-
CFSP decision-making process. To date, ber states to be vigilant about attempts to
there are no common standards for clearly divide them, both externally and internally.
identifying the perpetrator of a cyberattack. This call for vigilance with regard to foreign
The Framework for a Joint EU Diplomatic direct investments or the acquisition of stra-
Response to Malicious Cyber Activities in- tegic assets, especially in the digital economy,
dicates that member states may use differ- by third countries could take even greater
ent methods and procedures for attributing account of the risks posed by the volatility
malicious cyber activities, as well as employ or undervaluation of European stock mar-
“different methods and procedures to estab- kets.
lish a degree of certainty on attributing a
malicious cyber activity.” However, the
methods, procedures, definitions, and cri-

SWP Comment 16
February 2021

The Democratic Dimension management of the Internet, and in the
global communications infrastructure, they
Digital foreign policy and cyber diplomacy argue, are highly asymmetric and can be
must place more attention than traditional used by powerful states as weapons against
foreign and security policies to involving political opponents. The Corona pandemic
non-governmental interest groups and in- and the assertive posturing of US and Chi-
dependent scientists in the policy process nese technology companies have given this
and to ensuring that the multistakeholder impression more weight. On many issues –
approach is applied as broadly as possible. from access to the global financial and
To be sure, the practice of multistakeholder monetary system and innovative techno-
governance to date has been criticized for logy to needed medicines, digital commu-
being misused by large digital corporations nications, and network infrastructure –
as an instrument for globalizing their own forums, podiums, and supply chains con-
business interests and technical standards. trolled by private actors constitute a source
However, the decisive integration of all of power. States currently find themselves
societal stakeholders has ultimately proven overwhelmed when their presidents can
to be a factor that safeguards fundamental be stripped of their virtual megaphones by
rights. In particular, a reform of the global digital CEOs.
Internet governance infrastructure is as Against this backdrop, the revitalization
necessary as it is important, whereby the of bilateral cyber diplomacy in the form of
“democratic” dimension must be strength- a trade and technology council between the
ened, for example by expanding the role EU and the United States has gained special
of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) as attention for transatlantic cooperation since
a global stakeholder meeting, consistently Joe Biden’s election as US president. From
involving parliamentary representatives the US perspective, any reconfiguration of a
in IGF meetings, and including local and European cyber foreign and security policy
regional initiatives. Within this framework, should be based on an alliance of democratic
the EU’s external cyber foreign policy, man- multilateralists that must include the United
dated by the member states, will be able to States. Europe will only be strong enough
continue to work toward ensuring that cen- to defend the functioning of the digital in-
tral institutions such as the Internet Corpo- ternal market based on European treaties
ration for Assigned Names and Numbers against China and other authoritarian states
(ICANN) and the Internet Engineering Task if it cooperates with democracies such as
Force (IETF) are geared toward inclusivity Canada, Australia, Japan, the United States,
and participation of all social groups and and others, even if they only cooperate in
not just toward the interests of business the short term (ad hoc coalitions).
(see SWP Research Paper 14/2019). Parlia- The literature already contains concrete
mentary expertise is particularly in demand proposals in this regard, some with far-
here, as it has been increasingly used in reaching consequences. In October 2019,
recent IGFs. Richard A. Clarke and Rob Knake advocated
The technology-induced uncertainty in the establishment of a US-led “Internet
global politics is clearly reflected at all Freedom League” that would encompass all
levels in a fundamentally changed percep- states committed to a free, open, and demo-
tion of the opportunities and dangers of cratic Internet. It should form a digital block
connectivity and interdependence. US analogous to the European Schengen Area,
political scientists Henry Farrell and Abra- within which data, services, and products
ham L. Newman point out that interde- could move freely, whereas all those states
pendence is not only a promise but also a that do not respect freedom of expression
danger (International Security, July 2019). and the protection of privacy and allow
Global networks and supply chains in cybercrime would be excluded: “The goal
the financial and trading systems, in the should be a digital version of the Schengen

SWP Comment 16
February 2021

Agreement.” In this cyber and information cryption, and cybersecurity also has eco-
space, which according to the US view has nomic consequences for players on the
yet to be developed, vulnerable online sys- international market who want to continue
tems would be identified, their operators to operate in the digital single market –
informed, and their resilience jointly worked despite the high requirements, for example,
on; malware and botnets would be elimi- for compliance with standard contractual
nated at an early stage; and cyberattacks clauses for data transfers, which were made
among the members would be prohibited – even more stringent by the restrictive case
similar to the coordination of global health law of the European Court of Justice in July
policy by the World Health Organization. 2020. The EU’s cyber diplomacy must nego-
Certainly, these goals are broadly consistent tiate the future global standard contractual
with, but go beyond, UN standards for re- clauses on data transfer as well as a new
sponsible state behavior. Such a tech diplo- transatlantic Privacy Shield with the United
macy alliance should integrate the EU’s States in the Transatlantic Council on Trade
various cybersecurity programs in the West- and Technology.
ern Balkans and the six Eastern Partnership EU approaches to the management of
countries in the EU’s immediate neighbor- critical Internet resources also imposed by
hood, as well as in other countries world- the Digital Services Act and Digital Markets
wide. Act will in the future envisage even stricter
targets than before: Dependencies on indi-
vidual suppliers are to be diversified. Audit-
The Economic-technological ing by means of an EU-wide IT security
Dimension label is to link market access for all market
participants to minimum standards and
In his influential study on the danger of certifications. Encryption technologies are
fragmentation of the global Internet, politi- to ensure high European security standards
cal scientist Milton L. Mueller describes in the future in order to guarantee the integ-
forcefully that all hopes for a global Inter- rity and security of data. However, civil
net depended directly on non-state and society and the business community are
private actors continuing to play an essen- critical of mandatory decryption or master
tial role in its governance. There is no keys for law enforcement agencies, as de-
guarantee that individual European mem- manded by individual governments.
ber states will not mimic the Internet An important initiative for securing Euro-
censorship measures being pursued by pean digital sovereignty is the strengthen-
Russia and China using deep packet in- ing of the European cloud and data infra-
spection tools and banning VPNs unless structure project GAIA-X. In order to assert
they are countered by a strong social and themselves against non-European market
legal corrective. This corrective can have power, leading member states and the Euro-
both a cognitive and a power-political pean Commission are attempting to bundle
effect. In the European Commission, out- European companies and leverage their
standing expertise has been built up in own values based on the EU treaties as a
preparation of relevant legal acts on digital competitive advantage against third parties.
markets, services, algorithms, and data – Data protection and data security should no
in contrast to American, Chinese, and Rus- longer be seen as a hindrance to technologi-
sian standardization. This knowledge of cal development, but as a driver of inno-
regulations, standards, and norms is in vation – especially in light of the fact that
high demand by various international play- quantum computing can already circum-
ers such as the African Union, the ASEAN vent common methods of cryptography.
states, Brazil, Australia, and South Korea. EU digital sovereignty is complex, but
Europe’s role as an exporter of standards that does not mean that everything should
in data protection and data security, en- now be done autonomously via the EU

SWP Comment 16
February 2021

Commission, but rather that a technically Strategic openness is central to maintaining
sophisticated strategic choice should be the internal market in order to effectively
made to control those truly critical com- counter the siren songs of mercantilist iso-
ponents. Cyber diplomacy of the EEAS, in lationism and territorial sovereignty think-
close consultation with the European Com- ing, even in the digital age. The EU’s digital
mission, requires an intensive cooperation self-assertiveness manifests in reducing
between public and private partnerships if dependencies, promoting the empower-
it is to be technically competitive. There- ment of civil rights, holding platforms
fore, it should strive to promote the devel- accountable, and increasing the competi-
opment of trusted IT through these partner- tiveness of the European economy.
ships. Artificial intelligence can be used With this aspiration in mind, EU cyber
associatively for the early detection of diplomacy should, first, help citizens retain
attacks on automated systems. Finally, in- informational self-determination over their
formation about Indicators of Compromise, personal data. Second, cyber diplomacy, in
i.e., characteristics and data that indicate a the service of the EU’s digital sovereignty,
system or network is compromised, must is linked to the strategic capacity to act and
be made available to all stakeholders so presupposes that the Union can also assert
that everyone can participate in the solu- its ideas on data protection and security
tions offered. internationally. Third, a European “resover-
The cyber diplomacy conducted by EEAS, eignization” in cyber diplomacy in the digi-
in cooperation with the Commission or the tal age means realizing that a minimum de-
Cyber Security Agency, should be enabled gree of dominance or control by the EU over
to raise these technological requirements to the necessary technological resources –
the level of European infrastructures so that from Internet nodes to cloud infrastructure
industry and the owner of the critical infra- to international standard-setting – is what
structures can benefit from the results. Last makes digital sovereignty possible in the
but not least, the Commission intends first place. Fourth, this includes ensuring
to broaden the scope of what critical infra- that European laws are applied to cyber-
structure should include. In addition to space and are enforced by European courts.
traditional sectors such as energy, institu- China and the United States, for example,
tions of national and strategic interest will essentially limit themselves to domestic
also be targeted. In the future, the Commis- providers for critical infrastructure (hard-
sion will have an even greater role in ensur- ware and software) for cybersecurity
ing the availability, integrity, and confiden- reasons. Fifth, in the spirit of reciprocity and
tiality of European data through a single competitiveness, harmonization of IT
market external policy. security legislation and procurement and
licensing rules at the EU level would be
logical. Cooperation between the EU and
Update of Cyber Diplomacy democracies such as the United States,
Needed Canada, Singapore, South Korea, and
Taiwan could promote this.
A world that is growing together needs These goals are served by the EU’s new
common rules and a binding legal frame- and planned legal acts and strategies on
work so that common markets can develop data, markets, services, and algorithms in
and the security dilemma can be resolved. Europe and, most recently, on cybersecurity.
If EU member states turn to a truly EU As the Union moves forward in this way,
cyber diplomacy that is guided by the maxim member states should also be prepared
of “strategic openness” in its institutional, to update Europe’s narrative as a force
democratic, and economic dimensions, they for peace in the digital age through more
can ensure that the post-war era will only robust and coordinated foreign, security,
not become the digital pre-war era. and defense policies and by honoring their

SWP Comment 16
February 2021

strategic orientation and institutional
anchoring in EU cyber diplomacy. This
would at least be the logical consequence.
Qualified majority decisions are certainly
needed to be able to respond with restric-
tive measures in the event of serious cyber-
But harmonization is not always the
path to optimization. A pan-European and
pan-societal approach to cybersecurity
© Stiftung Wissenschaft means formalizing the exchange of knowl-
und Politik, 2021 edge between institutions, security author-
All rights reserved ities, academia, and industry. Defense and
diplomacy in the cyber and information
This Comment reflects
space remain sovereign tasks. At least since
the authors’ views.
the ruling of the Federal Constitutional
The online version of Court (BVerfG) on the Federal Intelligence
this publication contains Service of May 19, 2020, and the BVerfG’s
functioning links to other non-acceptance decision of December 16,
SWP texts and other relevant
2020, it has become clear that the obliga-
tions of all German authorities under the
SWP Comments are subject rule of law do not end at the state’s external
to internal peer review, fact- borders, and that the state is fundamentally
checking and copy-editing. liable for violations of fundamental rights
For further information on abroad – this also applies in the CIS. This
our quality control pro-
means that close cooperation is required in
cedures, please visit the SWP
website: https://www.swp- this complex cybersecurity architecture. At the same time, it places new demands on
quality-management-for- constitutional principles in Germany, such
swp-publications/ as the separation between defense and
police powers and the limits to the deploy-
Stiftung Wissenschaft und
ment of the military within German bor-
Politik ders. Effective and accountable cybersecurity
German Institute for policy at the national level creates condi-
International and tions that enable administrative assistance at
Security Affairs the EU level and in cooperation with alliance
partners in a legally secure manner – with
Ludwigkirchplatz 3–4
10719 Berlin EU cyber diplomacy as the centerpiece.
Telephone +49 30 880 07-0
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ISSN (Print) 1861-1761

ISSN (Online) 2747-5107
doi: 10.18449/2021C16

(English version
of SWP-Aktuell 12/2021)
Dr. Annegret Bendiek is Deputy Head of the EU / Europe Research Division at SWP.
PD Dr. Matthias C. Kettemann, LL.M. (Harvard), is Research Programme Head at the Leibniz Institute for
Media Research / Hans-Bredow-Institut and Research Group Leader at the Humboldt Institute for Internet
and Society and at the Sustainable Computing Lab at the Vienna University of Economics and Business.

SWP Comment 16
February 2021

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