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Go into all the world and preach the Godspell to the whole creation”. St Mark 16,13 .

Form: Intermediate II
Plan N°5

Generative topic: Why bridges do not fall down?

Topic: Forces on Objects
Concept: Force

Unit long understanding goals:

• Students will comprehend what a force is.

• Students will predict what happens when forces act on objects.
• Students will relate gravity and the movement of objects.
• Students will describe the 3 laws of motion.
• Students will relate forces and their environment.
• Students will explain how we can apply a force to an object.

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Control Test
Guided Performance – Personal Work Plan 5 Force Sc1


→ Research about forces. You can also find information on pages 423 to 427.
→ Answer: What two things should you describe about a force that acts on an
→ Answer: How do balanced forces affect the motion of an object?
→ Define force.

o Watch the following video:


→ Define force using a more complete sentence.

→ Answer:
1. In which units is force measured?
2. What is ment by “net force”?
3. What is ment by “friction”?

→ Give an example of friction using your everydays life.

→ Describe the 3 types of friction.

o _________________________________________________________
o _________________________________________________________
o _________________________________________________________

→ Name a way that friction is helpful.


Guided Performance – Personal Work Plan 5 Forces Sc2

Types and effects of forces

o Watch the following video:
o Answer:
1. Which are the 2 types of forces? _________________________________
2. List 2 examples of contact forces.
3. List 2 examples of non-contact forces.
4. List the 5 effects of forces acting on objects.

Guided Performance – Personal Work Plan 5 Forces Sc3


→ Research about motion. You can also find information on pages 432 to 440.
→ Define motion.

→ Give an example of motion from your everydays life.

→ Answer: What is the difference between speed and velocity?

→ Answer: Which are the units of speed?


→ Answer: How is the formula for calculating average speed?


→ Calculate the average speed of a car for each example:

a) A car moves from A to B (20 km) and it takes 30 minutes. Then it goes to C
(10 km) and it takes 10 minutes.

b) A car moves from A to B (50 km) and it takes 1.5 hours. Then it goes to C
(20 km) and it takes 0.5 hours.

→ Answer: What is the difference between instantaneous and average speed?


→ Define acceleration.
→ Answer: Which are the units of acceleration?

→ A car traveling along a curved road at 80 km/h slows down to 60 km/h.

Answer: Is the car accelerating? Justify.

Guided Performance Plan 5 Forces Sc4

Newton’s Laws

→ Describe the 3 laws of Newton. Use pages 436, 438 and 440.
o 1st law:
o 2nd law:
o 3rd law:
→ Predict: You are riding a bicycle. You stop to place a heavy object on the back
of the bike. How will the increased mass affect the bike’s acceleration if you
pedal with the same force? Explain your reasoning.


Think about your plan and look back at all you have answered. Then, complete the

Which question was the easiest for me to answer? Why?

Which question was the hardest for me to answer? Why?

Is there something I now realize I should study more?

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