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Eastern Mediterranean University Department of

echanical Engineering
Laboratory Handout

COURSE: Fluid Mechanics MENG203

Semester: Fall 2020-2021

Name of Experiment: Impact of a jet

Instructor: Marzieh Rezaei

Assistant: Erfan Malekian
: Submitted by: Wael Abed Al Raziq
: Student No: 19700966
: Group No: 01
: Date of experiment: 01
:Date of submission


Activity During Experiment & Procedure 30 %

Data , Results & Graphs 35 %

Discussion, Conclusion & Answer to Questions 30 %

Neat and tidy report writing 5%

Overall Mark
Honor Pledge:
By electronically submitting this report I pledge that I have neither given nor received
unauthorized assistance on this assignment.

__________ ______________
Date Signature
The aim of this search, the force generated by the flow of water when colliding with a flat
plate or a hemispherical cup will be measured, and the results will be compared with the
momentum flow rate calculated in the jet.

. The setup for this experiment consists of a clear cylinder case mounted on a bench that's
connected via a provide hose to a pump associated with an operated valve at one finish.
associate outlet pipe is additionally hooked up to the cylinder from that the water equipped to
the advisement tank is directed. At the highest finish of the hose within the cylinder, wherever
the water hits a flat plate at a specified distance from the nozzle, a nozzle is mounted. A
holding screw attaches the flat plate to the weigh-beam and spring is gift that holds the
mechanism in equilibrium. to ensure that the weigh-beam is horizontal, a tally is employed to
(in equilibrium).

Fig.1 Arrangement of the Impact of a Jet Apparatus

3. Procedure
As well as the distance between the nozzle and the flat plate, the nozzle diameter is
recorded. The jockey's weight is maintained at 0. at the beginning of the experiment. The
pump and the control valve are turned on and the water is deflected upon meeting the flat
plate with a velocity of u0 (m/s). After reaching the plate, the water velocity is recorded as
u1 (m/s).The weight of the jockey is balanced again, so that the tally and the top circular
sheet are equal in quantity (being in equilibrium). The distance is recorded from position
zero to the jockey's weight. The flow rate is raised and the procedure is replicated, although
it also records the time after each trial. The control valve and pump are turned off and
determined by the volumetric flow rate.

4.Results and Calculations


Diameter of nozzle = 10 mm

Cross-sectional area of nozzle (A) = 78.5 mm2 = 7.85 x 10-5 m2

Mass of jockey weight = 0.6 kg

Distance from the center of vane to pivot of lever = 0.15m

Height of vane above nozzle outlet s = 35 mm =

0.035m Weight of jockey weight, W=Mg = 5.89 N

Density of water (p)= 1000 kg/m3


T (s)
(L) (mm)

5 14 20
5 44 14
5 62 12
- Data of group 1
 Calculations:
 ṁ= t

0.005 m 3 kg
 m1=1000
( =0.25
20 s ) s

3 ˙
 m(¿ 2)=1000 0.005 m =0.3571 kg ¿
( )
14 s s

 u0 = A

0.25 m
 u0 (1)= −5
1000∗7.85 x 10

0.3571 m
 u0 (2)= −5
1000∗7.85 x 10

 u1=(u02−0.687)0.5

2 0.5 m
 u1 (1)=((3.1847) −0.687) =3.0749 s

2 0.5 m
 u1 (2) =( 4.5490 −0.687) =4.4728 s

 F p=ṁu 0

 F p(1)=0.25∗3.1847=0.7961 N

 F p (2)=0.3571∗4.5495=1.6244 N

 F w =4 gy

 F w (1)=4∗9.81∗0.014=0.54936 N

 F w(2)=4∗9.81∗0.044=1.72656 N
Mass of t (s) y ṁ (kg/s) u0 (m/s) u1(m/s) FP (N) Fw (N)

Water(kg) (mm)
5 20 14 0.25 3.1847 3.0749 0.7961 0.54936

5 14 44 0.3571 4.5490 4.4728 1.6244 1.72656

5 12 62 0.4166 5.3078 5.2426 2.21122 2.43288

Table: this graph shows the results of flat plate

5.Questions for Further Discussion


Forces with respect to time

2.5 2.21

2 1.73

1.5 Fp
1 0.8

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

The graph shows that the force that the plate does on the water is greater than the force of
water that do on the plate with respect to time.

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