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You are given a sample program for weight gaining here.

After viewing this presentation, you will be

engage to answer the following questions. Turn in your answer here. Besides, there will be a
confirmation of your answer through online feedbacking. You will be scheduled to be online to defend
your answer for this. For those who failed to confirm you will be missed a 10% of your mid-term exam

1. What is the meaning of ACSM?

 The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
2. How many minutes of low to moderate aero and muscular endurance activity recommended by
the ACSM?
 The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends a minimum of 5 to 10
minutes of low to moderate aerobic and muscular endurance activity.
3. What is the purpose of the first phase warming up exercise?
 The purpose of the first phase warming up exercise is to prepare our body system for
the following activities or exercise also it is very important because it reduced the risk of
having an injuries, cramps, muscle soreness and stiffness also to adopt our body to the
demand of the workout.
4. Do warm up exercise helped increase body temperature & decrease the risk of irregular
 Yes, warm ups helps to increase body temperature and decrease the risk of irregular
heartbeat because warm up dilates the blood vessels, that will ensure that the muscle
are well supplied by the oxygen. It also raises muscles temperature for optimal
flexibility and efficiency. By slowly raising the heart rate, the warm-up also helps
minimize stress on your heart.
5. If you are a runner and will participate in a triathlon, would stretch-warm-up could contribute
for your speed enhancement? Why?
 Yes, stretch-warm-up gives a big factor to every athlete it helps our body to prepare for
a long period of activities it serves as a starting engine that will gives our body “heat”
also increase the range motion and it reduced the risk of having an injuries during the
6. What is water intoxication?
 It occurs when you drink too much water, when the normal balance of electrolytes in
the body is pushed outside safe limits by excessive water intake. It can cause fatigue,
headache and vomiting, muscle weakness or cramping, drowsiness etc… Drinking too
much water can increase the pressure inside the skull. This can cause various symptoms
and, in severe cases, become fatal.
7. Discuss in one paragraph the hydration guidelines before, during and after Physical Activity.
 When doing some physical activities, there’s hydration guidelines that need to be
followed in order us to avoid some problems. The Guidelines suggest about 2 cups
before activity and about 1 cup for each 15-20 minute during activity. After activity,
drink about 2 cups for each pound of weight lost. This mechanism helps to provide the
actual body’s need for fluid, also to avoid dehydration and avoid water intoxication in
the body.
8. Plan your own exercise routine, follow the attached format for this. (3 points)


Name: Labrador Haji L.

Yr/section: BSESS-FSM 3A

State your GOAL: My goal is to become healthy and to get a work form my ambition and to support my
family in the future..

Based on your anthropometric, posture, fitness assessment (HR & SR), you can formulate your
Personal Fitness Program Plan.

Activity Set1 Set2 Set3

Muscle exercise Push-ups Weight lift Planks

Aerobic exercise Walking Running Cycling

Muscular endurance Push-ups Sit-ups Squats

Cardiovascular exercise Jogging Cycling Jump’n’jack

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