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How have I the identified activities contributed to the goals/mission of the organization?


2:00pm to 3:30pm (1.50 hours)

Self-Reflections & Observations

Preliminary emails are exchanged. I was asked to merge the data that is provided on two spreadsheets
into one spreadsheet. I have worked how to make the merge.


7:00pm to 10:30pm (3.50 hours)

Self-Reflections & Observations

I also need to work on the proper data alignment. After reading data, I found some discrepancies, asked
few questions and discussed a plan how to organize data.


7:00pm to 11:00pm (4.00 hours)

Self-Reflections & Observations

I have received a feed from the site manager. And I have completed and submitted my first tasks for
merging data into one excel sheet as per the directions from site manager. Most of data is related to the
Fall 2020-2021, Winter 2020-2021, Spring 2020-2021 and Extended Fall 2020-2021.


1:00pm to 2:00pm (1.00 hours)

Self-Reflections & Observations

I have some adjustment to the excel file as per the feedback from the site manager.

7:00pm to 9:00pm (2.00 hours)

Self-Reflections & Observations

I have received a new task for data analysis. The main goals include 1. creating a third tab that should
contain those schools that have basketball courts and football fields and 2. calculating location distance
between two addresses. I have read the relevant files and planned how to execute the tasks.


7:00pm to 10:00pm (3.00 hours)

Self-Reflections & Observations

I have worked to make changes in the excel files and created new tab with additional data. A simple
draft of completed work is submitted for the site manager's review.


8:30am to 10:00am (1.50 hours)

Self-Reflections & Observations

On September 12, I was asked to find longitude and latitude and then calculate the distance between
two valid addresses. I have researched online and few options like google API, Nominatim API, etc to
find the longitude and latitude of an address. I have chosen Nominatim API, as it is free to use. Google
API comes with a cost. I also worked on the sudo code to calculate the distance in miles from the
longitude and latitude of two addresses.


6:00am to 9:30am (3.50 hours)

Self-Reflections & Observations

I have integrated Nominatim API in excel using VB code. And then I have coded a function to calculate
the distance in miles from the longitude and latitude of two addresses. Once everything is done, I have
tested the code with the data that I have from the site manager and modified the code to cover the
negative cases like wrong address or empty address.


9:30pm to 11:30pm (2.00 hours)

Self-Reflections & Observations

I have received a new requirement for matching by zip code and then do matching by latitude and
longitude on Sep 15. Multiple files are given to me. I have reviewed requirement and finally combined
all the data in one sheet. After, result set includes 133459 rows.


9:00am to 11:00am (2.00 hours)

Self-Reflections & Observations

On 19, I have an email to fix some errors in the earlier file. A new pdf file was given, and I needed the
data from that pdf to be transferred into a spreadsheet. I have transferred all the data to the excel. And
with the permission from the site manager, I have decided to move all raw data from the "big data"
excel file to the database, so that we get our expected result more easily and correctly.


3:00pm to 5:00pm (2.00 hours)

Self-Reflections & Observations

I have worked to move all data from "big data" excel file to MySQL database. I have also notified the
site-manager that I am ready to work on the data manipulation, as long as I have corrected

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