Star Wars Risk Original Trilogy Summary 1.1

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Star Wars Risk Original Trilogy May 29, 2008

v. 1.1
• Separate cards by faction. Shuffle each faction deck separately.
• Place one Death Star on the Force Meter track.
• Place the Imperial Base tokens face down, mix them, and place them into a face-down stack.
• Consult the Setup Chart for appropriate numbers of starting troops and player turn order. (This varies by
the number of players.) Players sit in clockwise order.
• In turn order, players claim starting planets one at a time. (Note: the Hutts and Rebels are limited in the
number of starting planets they may claim.) After the Hutts and Rebels have claimed all their starting
planets, the Imperial player claims any remaining planets.
• Imperial player places the other Death Star on an Imperial-controlled planet.
• Place reinforcements on starting claimed planets. In turn order, players place one troop at a time on a
claimed planet until all starting troops have been deployed.
• If the Hutts are being actively played (i.e., not “Neutral”), place an extra Hutt piece on the track indicating
the number of Resource Planets claimed by the Hutts.

Victory Conditions (instantaneous):

• Rebels win if they find and destroy the Imperial Base with the Emperor or destroy all Imperial armies.
• Imperial player(s) win if they eliminate all Rebel forces.
• Hutts win if they take control of 10 of the 13 resource planets.

Turn Sequence (Each Player in Turn):

1. (Imperial player only) Imperial player draws top token from the Imperial Base stack and places it on an
Imperial-controlled planet. No planet may get more than one token unless there is no other option.
2. Count planets owned and divide by 3 (round down). Receive this number of troops + region bonus(es).
3. Turn in sets of 3 cards for additional troops and/or turn in a single card/turn to build a ship. Players may
play any number of cards as Directives during the turn. Directives are discarded once used.
4. Place new units on planets that the player controls.
5. Invade (like standard Risk—attacker may roll up to 3 dice, defender rolls up to 2). Note: Results may be
modified by Ships and Bases (see below). Continue to invade adjacent planets as long as desired.
6. End of turn troop fortification: Move any number of troops from one planet to one connected planet
controlled by that player.
7. End of turn ship fortification: move Ships as above.
8. (Team Play only) Ask if you can take over one of your teammate’s planets.
9. (Imperial player only) Roll D6. Death Star may be moved ≤ this number of planets. The Imperial player
may immediately destroy the planet by playing a “Fire the Death Star” card. When a planet is destroyed,
replace the planet with an asteroid counter; the planet space is now impassible.
10. Draw one card if at least one planet was captured. Draw 2 cards if planets are captured from two different
opposing factions. Imperial or Rebel players may draw extra cards depending on the Force Meter.

Ship and Base attributes:

• Per Fighter: re-roll one “1” die result until the die shows a number other than “1”.
• Per Bomber: Add 1 to highest die roll. (Only 1 bomber may affect each die.)
• Per Capital Ship: Replace 1 D6 with D8.
• Imperial Base: Entire battle is defended with D8’s.
• Note: ships used to attack a planet must be moved to the conquered planet. Any ships defending a
conquered planet are destroyed.

Attacking Death Star:

• The Death Star can be attacked from the planet it currently occupies or from an adjacent planet. The planet
the Death Star occupies cannot be attacked from an adjacent planet; the Death Star must be destroyed first.
• Death Star is destroyed on 18+ on all dice (counting effects of any ships and cards). If successfully
destroyed by the Rebel player, move Force Meter one space towards light side. Otherwise, all attackers are
destroyed. Attackers may choose to continue to attack the Death Star as long as they wish.

Star Wars Risk Original Trilogy May 29, 2008
v. 1.1
Force Meter (move as events occur):
• Toward Light Side: when Rebels conquer a planet with an Imperial Base or destroy the Death Star.
• Toward Dark Side: when the Death Star destroys a planet or when a new Death Star is built.

Capturing Imperial Bases:

• Hutts destroy Base: Base is revealed but Imperial may move it to another Imperial controlled planet.
• Rebels destroy Base: If an Imperial Guard is revealed, move the Force Meter one space towards light side.
If the Emperor is revealed, the Rebels automatically win the game.

Team Play Notes:

• Players may not attack teammate’s planets.
• Teammate’s planets count as being connected for fortification purposes, but players must end their
fortification move on a planet that they themselves control.
• Neutral Hutts. Neutral Hutt troops can be attacked, but they are never initiate attacks or are reinforced.
• Taking over teammate’s planets:
o Player may take command of only one teammate’s planets/turn (teammate must agree).
o Planet changing hands may only have one troop on it and may not have Ships or a Base.
• Imperial players may place bases on any Imperial owned planets. Players may jointly decide how to move
the Death Star.
• Teammates draw from the same faction deck, but each player keeps their own hand of cards. No trading of
cards is allowed, but teammates may show their cards and discuss strategies.
• Eliminated players discard all their cards. Their turn is skipped for the rest of the games.


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