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SHALOM KUMAR 17070125075 Mechanical 2017-2021

Porsche 911 car manufacturing

911 the world’s most successful sports car it's rear mounted
boxer engine and classic styling are unmistakable. it
combines sportiness and everyday functionality, like no other
vehicle a street legal race car. it’s an expression of style here
is where the famous 911 is made in Stuttgart zuffenhausen .
Germany has been producing one of the icons of the
automotive industry since 1963, it’s the best low sports car in
the world at the inner sanctum of the Portia faithful the price
of development centre in engineers work to make each new
generation of the sports coupe even better than its
predecessor while always remaining nothing less than a
genuine 911 and always keep there is no other product in the
Automotive World with a compatible life story love hot a
unique design from day one and unequal racing history over
the course of decades the 911 has earned the label legend
men Racing history for their very own new condition we can
restore almost everything and now 8th generation is also on
its way to becoming a legend on four wheels Portia plots
insert and house in Germany this is where they build the
legendary 911 the sports car builders main plant is a place
with a long tradition since the first 911 was created here in
1963 a small swag and speed stern has achieved mythical
heights and the name Portia has become world renowned
the result of decades of research and development now the
3000 employees in series production fabricate around 250
cars per day that we actually its open housing planet is
Porsches home sweet home and the 911 is clearly the icon of
the Porsche brand and since every night 11:00 ever built
that’s well over one million now came from this factory in
O.SHALOM KUMAR 17070125075 Mechanical 2017-2021

Sutton housing it’s easy to understand the importance that

that’s open house in plant places on the 911 the list price for
the Top Model of the 911 turbo has is just over 200,000
euro’s for that song the proud owner comes away with a 1.6
ton sports car with a 650 horse power engine to accelerate
from zero to 100 kilometres per hour the 911 turbo s takes
just under 2.7 seconds cuckoo Love you distinguish is the 911
we have highly specialised material composites we have an
aluminium shell we have high strength steels right where it
matters intelligent lightweight construction that’s the top
priority the complex transport system of the plant is also
intelligent the bodies move from station to station in their
own mezzanine just below the ceiling that saves space and
the desperately needed because the car plant right in the
middle of a city like the one here instead got seven housing
actually borders on sheer impossibility the Portia plant rises
several stories and each floor is packed to the gills with
workstations there are 130 in the body works alone robots
handled most of the high precision punching welding and
gluing the machines are more accurate than humans and
they work longer hours a robot doesn’t even know what it
means to get tired on a transport sled the bodies enter the
homestretch from here on in the final 50 metres human
hands can also intervene here 30 employees install the last
parts such as the trunk lid which has everyone knows is in
front of the 911 once the hinges have been bolted on it the
employees verify the gaps when those caps exceed
specifications with noise can get loud fast at top speed after
4 hours each of the 236 kilogram bodies is whisked away in
an elevator and automatically transferred to one of the paint
shops the path they take is another unique feature of the
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plant conveyed through overhead sky ways high above the

grounds of the plant the cars move from one production hall
to another hello all portion 9 elevens are painted in the main
plant insert and housing the priming of the bodies begins in a
cathodic electrodeposition bath electric current flows
through the entire basin the coating it contains is positively
charged while the vehicle itself is negatively grounded there’s
a mutual attraction between the car and the primer this
enables the 20 microns 0.8 mm thick primer to reach even
the smallest cavities providing first class corrosion protection
throughout and then the machines get busy again robots
spray on three more coatings to protect against stone
impacts then the actual colour coding and finally the clear
code the entire process takes nine hours upon completion
the car weighs about 19 kg more the coated bodies continue
their journey moving along a 250 metre overhead route to
the other end of the plant site the sports car legends basic
outline is already apparent that’s the way it should be
because one rule has never changed a 911 must look like a
911 in the early 1960s the first generation established its
paradigmatic look prominent headlights flanking a flat hood
and the continuous sweep of the roofline back to the rear
end this design has long been considered a classic hanita for
carbon one of the specifications right from the start was that
everyone should be able to identify the car as a poor shirt
buy it still wet and that meant a fastback please take but
what later became the legendary 911 had a different name at
first the first 100 cars were still sold under the originally
intended number 901 and that’s also how it was unveiled at
the 1963 auto show in Frankfurt on mind Germany the first
new development from Portia in 15 years but then Peugeot
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raised an objection to the name because the French

automaker reserve the right to all model designations with a
zero in the middle portion simply turned the 901 into the 911
and set a new benchmark the first models had a 2 liter 6
cylinder rear mounted boxer engine 130 horse power
accelerated it up to 210 kilometres per hour extreme
performance in those days from day one the new Porsche
was a genuine sports car and it also came at a price 21900
deutschmarks about 3 times the price of its predecessor the
356 that pales in comparison to the value of first and second
generation 9 elevens today now a fully restored one of a kind
can cost nearly 1,000,000 you rose the specialists at early 911
s in Germany transformed rust buckets into gleaming
collectors items the men and women specialise in the model
series 356 3993 which still had an air cooled engine for
complete restorations the waiting list is long some of these
projects take years for the employees to complete their mark
hope almost nothing is beyond repair break in fasteners we
can restore almost everything there are wear limits in the
engine transmission suspensions where we purchase original
parts from Portia Sir about 30% of every car is completely
new that means for example body parts of course in order to
restore services you can restore practically everything in the
interiors that’s nice now every material is available for every
model year at the companies facility 911 is a dream car after
all that has its price and can also take a lot of time have insert
fun house and individual dream cars are built in series
production all of the companies two door sports cars come
from this assembly line not only all 911 models but also all
seven eighteens like the Boxster and the Cayman hello a fully
painted body rolls off the assembly line at the first of 117
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stations assemblers mount protective shells to prevent

scratches and damage and they remove the doors this gives
mechanics easier access to the interior and elevator takes the
driver side door to St 108 one floor below where it will be
reassembled on the car a few hours from now these
employees slide a heavy Sachin to the car it contains the cars
nervous system the wire harness is supplied as a
prefabricated assembly and now only needs to be routed this
operation takes for men because the work must be
completed in 175 seconds that’s the cycle time then comes
the next car the assembly line advances at 2:00 metres per
minute and no two cars are like a 911 can be followed by a
came and the employees here are perfectly able to assemble
all models tea house for rent upper the challenge of course is
the high qualification level of our employees and this enables
us to produce all cars on one series production line from the
basic 911 to the cup race car benefit about the advantages
that we only need one body works on paint shop and one car
assembly line for our entire 2 door sports car product range
at the next station the employees install the instrument
panel their cockpit pre installation colleagues have already
assembled it at a small assembly line right next to the main
line using an assembly arm a mechanic slides the finished
instrument panel into the car to prevent damage the
component is covered with a blue protective man the
tachometer not the speedometer is located in the middle
that’s where it belongs in a 911 because racing drivers are
concerned with rpm not kilometres per hour a few metres
later every convertible gets a life saving component the roll
bar should the car ever rollover to bars will extend within
fractions of a second to protect their heads of the occupants
O.SHALOM KUMAR 17070125075 Mechanical 2017-2021

each variant of the 911 whether coupe cabriolet targa or

speedster is equipped with special extras that’s complicated
but the wide range of models helps boost sales these
advanced developments known as derivatives or a Porsche
tradition the first 911 convertible that comes with a stylish
selling point the distinctive roll bar mounted behind the
doors what later became a worldwide success was born of
necessity in order to be able to sell the convertible on the
important U.S. market it had to comply with the safety
regulations enforced there at the time a pure convertible was
prohibited so Portia quickly invented the targa roll bar a
classic convertible without a roll bar was not launched until
1983 over the years the model range has continuously grown
and the range of colours along with it out on the road the
911 also stands out for its many special coatings few of its
contemporaries are as colourful as this sports car and it’s also
getting stronger wider and flashier more and more of a true
racing car the ducktail rear spoiler is the hallmark of this
development then in 1975 a new Top Model appears the
turbo for about 65,000 bulletproof pains still have yet to
reach the assembly line in soufan house and this is laminated
glass thin layer of special adhesive then be employees
carefully install the pain a vacuum lifter helps them position
the glass down to the millimeter because it speeds
approaching 320 kilometres per hour any tiny imperfection in
the windshield can have fatal consequences the first part of
the assembly line has completed its work the instrument
panel on board electronics and most of the cars shell are now
completed an elevator lowers the future 911 to the floor
below the car traverses the next stations in a Rotary
conveyor suspended from the ceiling the frame always holds
O.SHALOM KUMAR 17070125075 Mechanical 2017-2021

the body precisely at working height and turns it into position

this gives employees optimal access to the car at all times
along the edge of this section of the assembly line the fuel
tanks are already lined up and ready for installation they’re
made of non flammable plastic and have a 67 litre capacity
according to the manufacturer that gives the sports car a
range of more than 750 kilometres on the highway an
employee installs the fuel tank from underneath in the 911
the tank is located in the front just behind the luggage
compartment the next step is a festive occasion the marriage
ceremony begins the term engine marriage refers to the
process of connecting the drive train to the body two
assembly lines merge at this intersection on the left from pre
assembly the driverless transport system supplies the
previous symbol drive module with suspension engine and
exhaust system on the right the upper section arrives from
the assembly line suspended from the ceiling when the to
sub assemblies are lined up one on top of the other the
Rotary conveyor slowly lowers the body onto the running
gear the moment of the marriage for employees service
groomsmen joining body and drive train together with
minute precision To ensure that this marriage really indoors
the men secured the module with 96 screws technicians
previously assembled the drive train on an assembly line
before independent wheel suspensions for the all wheel
drive the exhaust line the transmission and of course the
centrepiece the boxer engine hello that assembly line is
located in a production hall of its own here 350 employees
do nothing other than build engines the power units traverse
100 workstations before completion along the way they
undergo a series of functional tests io which means okay and
O.SHALOM KUMAR 17070125075 Mechanical 2017-2021

a green light indicate that is simply can continue which

means not okay indicates that manual rework is required 40
different models are produced here they all have one thing in
common their boxer engines every engine arrives in
individual parts the 2/2 of the crankcase crankshaft Pistons
and six connecting rods at this station an employee prepares
for the assembly of the boxer engine by attaching each piston
to a connecting rod he then insert the finished components
into the six cylinders where combustion will occur later on
the conveyor belt rolls on every two minutes and 47 seconds
if the next employee installs the crankshaft later it will
transfer the motion of the Pistons to the transmission in a
safety cage for robot joints the 2/2 of the boxer motor
precisely Atta 180 degree angle 2 rows of three cylinders
each or arranged in a flat plane across from one another
that’s what makes the boxer so different from other engines
in the common v engine two rows of cylinders or arranged in
a v formation hence the name the piston pairs move in a
slightly offset sequence relative to one another so one lags
behind the other in the boxer engine however the piston
rose are arranged at 180 degree angles to one another and
each pair operates synchronously when one piston moves
towards the crankshaft the other mirrors the exact same
motion like 2 boxers dancing toward each other and then
separating again this principle results in smoother operation
About some of the box engine profile is extremely flat so it
also has a very low centre of gravity which is important for
the car and its driving dynamics the engine has to fit in the
rear of the car that would be difficult with a V8 engine most
strikingly the orientation of the boxer engine is not vertical
but lies flat this approach has a long tradition at Portia
O.SHALOM KUMAR 17070125075 Mechanical 2017-2021

because the 911 has been driven by a horizontal six cylinder

boxer engine Porsche engineers were aware of the turbo lag
problem and eventually solved it over the course of
development if but today the turbocharger principle remains
the same even in the models currently coming out of soften
housing the exhaust gas flowing from the engine drives the
turbine of the turbocharger the latter internal increases the
fresh air supply to the engine which delivers more horse
power mounted to the engine block of the newest 911 or not
one but 2 turbo chargers with them the car reaches 650
horse power here to the mechanics have just two minutes
and 50 seconds to complete the installation they have to
keep pace the entire engine must be completely assembled
within five hours my colleagues here assembly handled 900
pounds including individual components and hardware such
as screws and also separate sub assemblies that’s 900
pounds to produce one turbo engine finally each engine goes
on the test stand and employee rules the engine into a high
security chamber performed he connects the utilities to the
engine electrical power supply few line and extraction hoses
that collect the exhaust gases the measurement will show if
everything works and the engine delivers full power the door
closes and the heat test can begin the fully automated
system slowly brings the boxer up to speed at 20:05 100 rpm
the engine starts to warm up the computer then relentlessly
pushes power output to the maximum 490 seconds the
system applies full throttle the sensors continuously measure
dozens of parameters such as torque oil purchase or coolant
temperature fuel pressure and charge air pressure this
engine has passed the test the department releases 260
engines per day all In Sync so they can be installed at the
O.SHALOM KUMAR 17070125075 Mechanical 2017-2021

right time there’s no warehouse for the engines our logistic

system has to be very sophisticated because in this system
it’s tremendously important to have the right part with the
right quality in the right place at the right time because we
can’t just store the parts in a warehouse autonomous trolleys
move the engines to ward the series production area the
drive list transport system known as delivers them to a kind
of shunting yard automatic doors there’s a gigantic high base
storage rack off limits to employees a fully automated crane
handles all the work it parks the boxers on the rack for short
time a software program notifies the system when the
assembly line needs a specific engine the crane immediately
retrieves the appropriate engine it’s all done within a matter
of minutes meanwhile the is already delivering the next
boxer traffic continuously shuttles back and forth no sound
from outside may disturb the acoustics laboratory this is
where the sound of the 911 is measured and this is how it
looks 911 to my way of thinking must develop a voluminous
powerful sound down below and this typical how loud at the
top yeah hear me okay here we visualise the sound of the
acceleration sequence that we just executed you think this is
the rpm axis exit so the car runs from 1500 rpm in our case
now up to 6000 rpm then here on this axis we basically see
how I frequencies or how high the Joneses the phone is we
hope that and coloured indicating how loud it is blue is soft
and red and yellow or where the engine roars acoustic
fingerprints the fingerprint is generated using microphones
which are arrange data precisely specified distance around
the car the insulation of the sound chamber is more than a
full metre thick and ensures absolute silence the room itself
is mounted on dampers to prevent vibrations from infiltrating
O.SHALOM KUMAR 17070125075 Mechanical 2017-2021

My go father in this case to dummies ahead with a big deal in

microphone it’s made in the shape of a human torso and you
can see here that the years have also been made to resemble
the human ear and in this case this is simply to record the
passengers hearing impression with the greatest possible oral
accuracy oversight the engineer dinner rates a complete
sound That means starting out slowly at 1500 rpm then
accelerating at full throttle up to 6000 rpm in 4th gear
maintaining speed and finally letting the card coast to a stop
at idle in just under 2 minutes the test is over the basic
principle also applies to the 911 the engine makes the sound
but the exhaust system also plays a decisive role especially
the position of the exhaust pipes the tail pipe position had
not today’s tail pipe position of course also has a significant
impact on the sound and see how people are unaware of the
fact that moving the tail pipes close together offers different
design possibilities sport exhaust system is characterised by
its robust course sound pattern which then sort of gets out of
hand again at high rpm and breaks into that distinctive
sawmill Hal authors sorry and after all getting a little out of
hand is what the 911 is all about sound wins eventually
found its way into serial production so the test lab on 4
wheels is still part of the portion 911 today insert housing the
employees now install more electronics in a 9 eleven than
ever before on the last section of the assembly line this turbo
s is now being equipped with critical aerodynamic
components at the rear of the sports car and employee
installs key elements of the movable rear wing it Electro
mechanic Lia just itself to driving conditions at 90 kilometres
per hour the wing deploys automatically at higher speeds the
angle of attack increase is to generate more down thrust the
O.SHALOM KUMAR 17070125075 Mechanical 2017-2021

deployable wing a characteristic feature installed exactly

where the famous ducktail or rear spoiler used to be this
right the word spoiler if the air flows only across the top in
other words a typical ducktail or rear lip spoiler we say wing
if the air flow is both across the top and underneath the wing
is much more efficient and generates a lot of down thrust
that’s why the aerodynamic engineers always try to make
The thing is wide and low as possible and configure it as a
wing and then deploy it as far out as possible in order not to
disturb the air flowing underneath which is extremely
important for the efficiency there are variable aerodynamic
elements in front as well a front spoiler made of plastic is
installed under the bumper by filling it with compressed air
the component extends while the car is moving the
Airstream is also affected by the flaps the front air intakes the
on board computer adjust the angle of attack according to
speed and cooling requirements combined all of the
aerodynamic components installed in supreme housing
increase the cars down thrust by up to 170 kg dynamics
between efficiency in other words the lowest possible air
resistance and down thrust what do you look at the wheels
you look at the spokes what effect they have make the
underbody smooth countersink the screw holes and properly
design gaps and transitions while also ensuring that it also
comes out that way in the factory everyday talk in the public
so how’s com but before the sports car leaves the factory it
must first be developed since the 1970s this takes place in
the portion development center in vizha meanwhile the
engineers here have registered more than 7 thousand
patterns today the grounds are considered to be one of the
German industries most carefully guarded sites 1500 people
O.SHALOM KUMAR 17070125075 Mechanical 2017-2021

work here 5000 of them in development developing a new

portion 911 costs many millions of euro’s in the 9000 square
metre design centre the employees are already creating the
sports car of tomorrow because by the time of world
premieres unveiled to the public the car is already practically
a venerable relic to the designers their work was completed a
long time ago exactly how much time it takes to develop a
new model is a trade secret every new 911 poses the same
problem it must not be too new a house for the big
challenges to make the new 911 recognisable as the new kid
at first glance well also clearly retaining its 911 identity no no
not if sign massage so we have to strike a balance how
progressive how far do I go with new design elements
element upstairs the designers first draft a basic outline on
the controls computer on the ground floor employees then
create physical models in various sizes and finally also a full
scale clay model the team adds plastic rims and lamps to the
mockup then a film is glued to the entire model it simulates
the paint work and lets developers see how light reflects
from the surface hello to the naked eye the model is barely
distinguishable from a real car for the designers working on
the 911 here is still something special the sports car establish
is the look for the companies entire model range we are
many we have a clearly defined design DNA in all the
accentual elements responsible for Porsche brand identity
ultimately derived from the 911 from 901 example is how the
front fenders are higher than the hood always refer to as the
topography when I look at the back of the car I see these
heavily accentuated shoulders clear several such accentual
elements and they can all be attributed to the 911 after 900 F
solid fuel the 911 has retained its basic form throughout the
O.SHALOM KUMAR 17070125075 Mechanical 2017-2021

decades the flat front with the prominent headlights and the
sweeping roofline back to the rear end over the years
Porsches icon has grown longer and above all wider it should
never appear pretentious however say the designers slight
understatement is the declared objective how it operates
over the entire life of the car and there are empirical values
subject an engine to a program like that for 200 hours and it
survives then it will never fail because this legendary sports
car is exported all over the world it must perform perfectly
under all kinds of adverse weather conditions for that reason
the pre production models are tested in an extremely wide
range of climate zones at temperature differences of more
than 60 degrees Celsius the engine brakes and driver
assistance systems must function reliably at all times the
global testing program is carried out World over but after all
the computer simulations test and hours and wind tunnel
tests the final judgement still comes down to intuitive feeling
the ultimate test is our driving dynamics specialists who then
drive these cars so in the final approval the car is suspended
over the final yards of the assembly line an employee mounts
the impressive front wheels with 25.4 centimetre wide tyres
back in 1963 the first generation only needed 18.5
centimetre wide tyres the rear tires are actually 31.5
centimetres wide now driving transmits most of its rear
mounted engines power to the road through the rear wheels
after that old Volt batteries connected an employee installs
the sports steering wheel the driver can select any of five
different driving modes here at the touch of a button in the
final step at this workstation the employee installs the drivers
airbag the 911 interior has a total of six airbags now that the
interior is nearly complete the technicians mount them back
O.SHALOM KUMAR 17070125075 Mechanical 2017-2021

in place because every gram counts in a sports car the weight

of every party is kept to a minimum the seats in the current
911 weight three kilograms less-than the old model of its
predecessor the companies own saddlery does nearly all of
the leather work for the interior it takes about two whole
hides to up holster one car employees painstakingly inspect
the material for imperfections Just over 400 men and women
work in the saddlery and so the leather two doors trim and
dashboards the 911 interior comprises dozens of individual
parts it takes 10 man hours to upholstery them every 911
should be a unique specimen it’s estimated that two cars
with identical equipment leave the plant only once a year
building the most personal car and you can see that about
4000 of 911’s are built before a configuration is repeated go
down you want to hold the possible combinations are almost
endless inside the most popular colour is black but classic
brown leather is still in high demand and in terms of design
there’s clearly a long tradition of model diversity but who
actually buys a car like this over the years Porsche has
established a very clear idea of the typical 911 driver
meaning of him not when I look at our market research down
and then we generally find a self employed person in most
cases it’s a man he’s in his mid 50s it’s the higher the horse
power the younger he is and he is very loyal to the brand it
so generally speaking once tonight 11 always a 911
customers today paid more than 200,000 euro’s for a turbo s
from housing after 117 manufacturing stations and 56 man
hours the sports car rolls off the assembly line one last time
the logistic system transports the car down one floor after a
painstaking quality control the tires finally touch the asphalt
O.SHALOM KUMAR 17070125075 Mechanical 2017-2021

tradition holds end the current 911 should also be the best
one ever but what will the 911 of the future look .

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