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SHALOM KUMAR 17070125075 Mechanical 2021-2022

Aeroplane building

Aeroplanes in General move us from point A to point B

faster than any other publicly available transport on
earth. A modern commercial jet aircraft from point A
to point B they take zooming through the air to planes
are essentially pressurised cylinders zooming through
the air 10 kilometres above the ground they take us to
work. A modern commercial jet aircraft is made by set
of a team of thousands of engineers and designers
spend years developing the design for both the aircraft
and how it will be manufactured they have to take into
account the desired passenger capacity the range and
speed of the plane passenger comfort requirements for
landing and navigating airports flight controls fuel
efficiency how and where materials and parts will be
sourced and produced a million details over the course
of the design engineers use computer simulations and
wind tunnel models to test the aerodynamics of the
aircraft in its take off cruising and landing
configurations and even use scale model engines
powered by compressed air to understand the wing
and general direction dynamics complicated have to be
independently tested the wing flaps in the landing gear
deployment and the engines and so on they even
shoot several dead ducks into the engine at high speed
to make sure it can continue to provide thrust if it
encounters a flock of birds once a plane is designed the
O.SHALOM KUMAR 17070125075 Mechanical 2021-2022

parts all 2.65 million of them have to be manufactured

and assembled some by Airbus itself and many like the
engines and landing gear by outside contractors in the
case of the a 350 aircraft the wing tops and bottoms
are made in an additive process using carbon fibre
infused resonance tape which is end cured in a massive
of and until it becomes stronger and lighter than steel
let me say that again that it’s going to be an airplane
wing made out of table boxes are assembled and fitted
with electrical hydraulic and fuel systems painted and
then the flaps slats fuselage and rear pressure
bulkhead are built separately again out of carbon fibre
composite materials auxiliary power unit put in place
vertical stabilisers and horizontal tailplane are attached
seats end ventilation and cabin in cockpit interiors are
installed etc finally at the very end it’s time for the
engines they are the most expensive part so they put
on last the plane then undergoes in flight testing to
make sure all the systems are working as intended
aircraft is being developed high altitude take off wing
bending strength etc and in addition to this extensive
prototype testing every single plane that comes off the
assembly line is taken on its own test flights once the
test pilots and test fight engineers are happy we’re
done the plane heads out onto the runway for delivery
engineering manufacturing infrastructure and
technology that every single part of the process has its
own expert there are air traffic control experts seat
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experts wing flap experts wind tunnel engine model

experts and even carbon fibre recycling experts also
that you and I can get from New York to London in a
few hours instead of a few days .

Boeing’s rent in plant builds the 737 and all its

configurations for customers globally production line it
takes nine days for applying to do this loop and be
assembled let’s break it down more than 9737 since
launching a single jet in the mid 1960s and each one
started life something like this a hollow fuselage built
in Wichita Kansas on hold by train Tartness once that
shell enters the factory days one through 3 are really
all about the internals it’s like building a house first
engineers install the plumbing and electrics and the
installation on the Customer gets to do a walk through
inspection before its told out of the factory and then
first flight

the latest model 747the dash 8hurtling down the

runway for takeoff suddenly the pilot has to slam on
the brakes screeching to a home dealer at home fire
fighters scramble but do nothing this isn’t a disaster in
the making but one of the many tests the latest model
747 will face if she bursts into flames she fails for
almost 40 years the jumbo was the undisputed queen
of the skies recently she’s lost that crown to the bigger
Airbus a 318and the team of Boeing wants it back they
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going to completely redesign this iconic plane in the

worlds largest building the Boeing mega factory after
510 minutes fire crews called the brakes in the 747
wheels its proof can abort a take off safely and left
passengers escape Boeing hopes this will be her only
aborted takeoff the 747 dash is the latest and most
technologically advanced version of the companies
flagship she’ll be the worlds longest airliner and more
importantly the greenest in her class what every jumbo
that graces the skies shall be born at Everett
Washington just north of Seattle Boeing’s mega factory
is the largest building on the planet its doors hold the
Guinness World Record for the largest mural first
plane ever built here was a 747 the original jumbo jet
quickly establishes herself as the undisputed 2017 the
Airbus a 318 eclipse his hair in size and capacity’s a
double Decker seating 550 passengers the a 318 his
there’s really an up turn in the aerospace industry for
seeing people fly more often airplanes are full there’s
really a lot of demand for new aeroplanes but not just
any planes airlines are demanding more efficient
planes the a 380 fits the bill-but in this environment
the old jumbo doesn’t cut it anymore boring fuel costs
and concern for the environment she’s become
expensive and dirty to fly new about isn’t throwing the
baby out with the bath water instead of designing a
new plane from the ground up which can take a
decade and billions of dollars are they going to give a
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radical makeover to their old favourite a better and

greener jumbo the dash 8 will fly faster travel of third
of the way around the world without refuelling and
burn a lot cleaner than any 747 before it we really
think the 747 dash 8 is the right size airplane for the
market Airbus offers of course the bigger airplane in
the a 380 this 747 dash 8 will burn less fuel perceive
than a 380 so important decisions for an airline when
they’re deciding on what type of big airplane they need
but the a 380 is already flying so Boeing has some
catching up to dogood thing that in the hunger next
door they’ve got some innovative technology ready to
go this is weather making the revolutionary carbon
fibre Dreamliner the 787chill end the 747 her
innovative win design and brand new fuel efficient
engines the new jumbo is even named after her little
sister she will be the 747 dash 8she’s borrowing from
the future but also from her own 40 year heritage the
747 story starts in the mid 1960s the invention of jet
aircraft has created an upsurge in air travel demand for
intercontinental flights is taking off and one carrier
leads the way panel-by 1965 Panama is desperate for
bigger and longer to build an aircraft with a range of
5000 kilometres that will seek 350 people twice as
many people as any plane before it’s an impress a
dented task for chief engineer as the of the 747 when
had to develop an airplane with for 350 past years
instead of 100 how do you do it in the first thought was
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still put one airplane on top of another 40 years before

the a 380 Joe considers a double Decker when my
engineers got to work on it and we looked at the
troubles with a double Decker he get list a dozen of
him and that’s where they conceived the idea of a wide
aeroplane with two Isles legend has it panama’s one
trip tells Boeing if you build it I’ll buy the signs up for
25 jumbos worth a total of 3.7 billion dollars in today’s
moneyBoeing accept the challenge small problem they
don’t have a factory large enough to make his 747 so in
1966 Boeing begins construction of the biggest mega
factory the world has ever seen workers start building
the original 747 even as the walls of the factory go up
around them they become known as the incredibles
the emblem they build the first ever 747 is only meant
to be a stop the mid 60s the world wants supersonic
flight planes that can travel faster than the speed of
soundBoeing records it will only ever sell 50 passengers
747 believes the real future for The Jets end is it
supersonic swing wing which will go head to head with
the European Concorde but the supersonic dream
proves and economic dead end it’s a gas guzzler Boeing
never gets beyond this full scale mocha instant it’s the
747 with more fuel efficient engines that goes from
stopgap to ruler of the skies since 1968 boeings built
over 1400 jumbos together they flown the equivalent
of 101 thousand trips to the moon and back move
been handcrafted here at the Boeing mega factory in
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43 years that hasn’t changed making the jumbo is still

hands on work there is not a robot inside assembly line
process it’s really important to get the cadence going
or sometimes we call it a drum beat it’s all about
cycling and that is having our mechanics be able to
work on a job and then cycle back to the next
aeroplane and keep the rhythm going but nothing is
actually made hereEverett is simply a massive assembly
hub hearts from all corners of the globe converge on
average aircraft seats from Germany wing elements
from China flaps from Australia the new 747 dash 8
alone needs more than 6,000,000 pounds they all need
to be here just in time just in time manufacturing is a
proven method that saves Boeing money by not having
to purchase and store parts too far in advance but it’s
risky timing is everything yes we do have heard
shortages the key to our success and being able to
keep manufacturing building is to make sure that parts
that will actually stop the production system never
become short one of the biggest components you
don’t want hanging around is a $20,000,000 engine
well engines are expensive commodity and so were
managing or money from a standpoint of weapon
inventory costs so engines are usually put on and all of
our models about a day or two before they roll out of
the factory and they come that was just in time it’s
hard to misplace at 7:47 engine but Boeing needs to
keep track of over 6 million parts not all as obvious as a
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710 engines 747 dash eight starts with the most

important part of all the wing takes up a quarter of the
jumbos factory space the new wings of the 747 are the
largest Boeing has ever built each one is big enough to
fit for three bedroom houses on top come down the
wing design is crucial to making the new 747 more
efficient and therefore greener the 747 for the first 40
years had a 1960’s technology airfoil and the latest
modern design airfoils that have been used on that
787have a different shape of airfoil which improves the
lift to drag ratio which improves the fuel burn on the
aeroplane assembly starts with a wing on its edge to
allow easy access the wing skeleton is made of 3 Spires
which run along the length joined by 55 ribs provides
great structural integrity which will be needed the wing
support the full weight of the plane in flight the
stresses of turbulence plus each wing will carry up to
58 tons of fuel the aluminium skin of the wing is
attached to the frame with thousands of fastness
everyone of them is to make sure it’s all torque downs
the wing nears completion it starts to take on its
unique shape it’s the shape of the wind that will lift a
440,000 kilo jumbo into the air as wings move through
there they create an area of low pressure above and
high pressure below which creates leftAirplane is in
flight of course there’s air flowing around the wing and
the net pressure if you will on the wing is one in an
upward direction this just one problem when these air
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flows meet at the wing tips air from below the wing
moves around to the top this circular flow phones of
vortex or dirty air dam with pressure on the wing and
reduces the lift it can generate the solution is slanted
or raped wing tips these new wing tips forced to
vortices to format the very end of the wings and help
reduce drag the new design also creates new
challenges test flights revealed a small vibration in the
wings loners flutter the wings have been oscillating up
to five centimetres during the testing on the airplane
we put the airplane through all corners in the envelope
the speed envelope the altitude envelope when we
were at high speed with certain payload on the
airplane insert and fuel we did notice a small vibration
of the wing and engine combination in extreme cases
flutter could bring a plane down by literally shaking the
wings off to meet regulations and prevent delays the
problem with the wing needs to be eliminated or it
could ground the 747 program the first time in the late
60s the original 747 had a different wing issue wind
tunnel test show the pressure on the wing was not
distributed correctly threatening a complete redesign
but Joe Sutter came to the rescue-we came up the idea
of justice twisting out word wing down a couple of
degrees they thought was maybe this would work well
he tried that into internal and was just said simple fix
we solve the problems they simple things works it
distributes the stresses on the jumbles wings correctly
O.SHALOM KUMAR 17070125075 Mechanical 2021-2022

on the 747 is good to twist is key to the incredibles

completing the jumbo on time for its launch but the
dash 8 story takes a different twist in a typically
21st century solution engineers use the planes
computer systems to cancel out the vibrations they call
this computer system fly by wire a huge improvement
on the cables that used to control the wings a pilot
input would cause a cable to move which word in turn
signal to the surface to move a fly by wire system is
where we’ve got computers in the loop it’s where
where pilot will move the column turn the wheel and
when they do that it sends and electronic signal by a
wire to the actuator that will control the surface now
what that allows you to do is put more computer and
more flight control software technology into the
handling characteristics of the airplane they can use
the computer system to make tiny changes to the wing
controls to cancel out the flutters the big flight capacity
requirements blended together so we could build a
fairly optimum airplane for both the passenger role
and the freight role getting passengers on is easy
getting launch car go on that’s a challenge we looked a
lot of different schemes and when concept was to put
up nose door on the airplane for some way of loading
freight from the nose in a radical design move cargo
will enter through the nose this place is the flight deck
above and out of the sway and so that famous hump is
bornPan Am president one trip immediately sees the
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potential one trip turn around look at this area it says

what’s his shoes florin his chief engineer said will it be
a good crew rest area-and on triplicate it the
engineering says this will be reserved for passenger
sand that’s how this upper deck that we know fly on
came into being on the new passenger 747 that’s why
comic hump is expanded to the length of an entire 737
back at the factory work is progressing on the fuselage
it’s built in several sections real middle on the front
without famous home each section is assembled panel
by panel all the body panels are coated with a green
protective vinyl to prevent damage during construction
only the nose is made as one piece part of the main
body is built upside down for easier workflow then it’s
rotated 180 degrees in a special turn fixture so they
can put on the roof-what’s the symbol it’s so unreal dli
only a mammoth 34 ton crane can lift its total of 26
cranes on fifty kilometres of ceiling tracks fly the
sections around the massive complex yeah tell all the
airline pilots hey we clone first for you doing just pick it
up require wherever it’s gotta go started back down
and you can get to go to work on it there are a couple
of people have a fear of ice the tour in this job but its
best if you don’t before the fuselage pieces and move
to their final assembly position’s critical to make sure
that nothing is left behind all bolt could cause a
disaster if it bold into the wrong place such as an
engine or even one of the fuel tanks every river every
O.SHALOM KUMAR 17070125075 Mechanical 2021-2022

fastener you put in it could be a critical item I

remember in old saying I heard years ago quantity is
something you can’t quality is something you count on
Boeing never sleeps inside the worlds largest building
an extremely complicated manoeuver is under way
launch now it’s time to bring it all together to make
this dash look like a jumbo joining up the three
sections of the fuselage is one of the most demanding
jobs in the entire assembly process which is weight
done in the dead of night-it’s safer fewer people on the
floor less chance of something going wrong millions of
dollars worth of aircraft parts coming together this is
an extremely delicate industrial dance the Grand Cru
have to pay attention to the smallest details the crew
positioning the forward section to receive the wings
when lowering a section the team must be precise the
line up to make sure that we said in the cradle at the
right position it’s a matter of quarter entry the way the
wings are now joined to the centre fuselage they span
almost the entire width of the factory floor to tractors
must pull exactly the same speed to stop the wing
section from wearing off into the sides of the factory
the clearance between the walls on the wing tips is just
five centimetres next the tail section joins up with the
rest of the plane the characteristic jumbo out line is
taking shape 76 metres long and 68 metres across
thousands of hands have got the aircraft to this stage
the task of managing and organising such a large crew
O.SHALOM KUMAR 17070125075 Mechanical 2021-2022

isn’t easy but it’s something Boeing has had plenty of

practice add over the last 40 years during the alias
Boeing face to financial meltdown it came close to
bankruptcy there were layoffs and pressure to hold
development running the 747 program was a real
challenge every working very hard to get all of the
drawings out at that time so the engineering
department it was peeking out about 4500 people I
was asked to make a big cut in that we needed 8
hundred more engineers I think maybe I’m gonna lose
my job today but I’m going to tell him the way I see it I
figured that was when I did the best job I could have
for Boeing if I had reduced the engineering force the
whole program couldn’t tumbled the latest jumbo jet
program also has the potential to tumbling 2008
Boeing’s machinists go on strike for 2 months throwing
an already tight schedule into disarray each day last
costs Boeing $100,000,000 added to the wing
engineering issues Boeing is forced to delay delivery by
two years somebody has cancelled their orders but
Boeing’s immediate concern is to finish this one it’s
time to give her some power time for the new engines
full revolutionary ones the old 747 747 engines
consume over 12,000 litres of fuel per hour with oil
prices at all time high airlines are seeking anyway to
minimise fuel consumption finding a more efficient
engine is critical to the dash 8 successGeneral Electric
is at the forefront of jet engine design these bring new
O.SHALOM KUMAR 17070125075 Mechanical 2021-2022

engines are the most efficient they have ever

madeBoeing challenge ga to adapt them for the new
747but they don’t come cheap with a list price of
$20,000,000 each these engines are the new jumbles
single most expensive component but they’re worth
every cent composite materials used in the fan blades
and casing trim 180 kg from each engine multiplied up
by four minutes he calls almost 10 extra passenger
sand with fewer fan blades and lower turning speeds
these are the quietest engines GE has ever made they
can push through more air with less work and that
means burning less fuels how do they do that only 10%
of the air is mixed with fuel and burns in the
combustion chamber driving a series of turbines that
power the big fan at the front and that’s the fan which
pushes the other 90% of the air out the back of the
engine creating thrust despite burning less fuel 4 of
them can propel a fully laden 747 dash 8 but over 1000
kilometres per hour just one of these engines create as
much last as all eight engines on a big 52back at the
factory it’s time to hang the engines massive concrete
blocks hang on the wings where the engines will go
without them the aeroplane would sit back on its tail
each engine weigh 7 tons and there are four engines
to get off their trolleys and onto the wings that’s like to
do slowly and carefully they put on tension and test if
the full which is a slightly misaligned it won’t go in
square and there in troubl. positions on the plane that
O.SHALOM KUMAR 17070125075 Mechanical 2021-2022

we like alright start pulling your pants we communicate

well together this way keeps from getting into any
troubles harness up for safety safety were about
twelve inches away we’re going to pull the bolts from
the front fitting there’s a pin up front that lines up the
forward mount so we look that up with anti seize will
come up another 6 inches make sure everything is
clear there will come up the last six inches and then
put all for bolts invert close tolerance within 1000of an
inch come on upon only takes eight bolts to hang these
massive engines off for started are grabbing have we
got 50% not yet I’m still getting these down axle torque
on those bolts are 625 foot pounds on the rear 375
foot pounds on the front the fronts are designed to
share off that’s purdah Zayn and that’s in case there is
any problems that the engine will share at the front fall
back and break away from the plane without taking out
wings or flaps or any of that1there are three more
engines to mount once again the crew will need to
burn the midnight oil to get the job done after weeks
of painstaking word it’s almost time to switch the
based on but first there’s more painstaking work every
circuit needs to be checked one by 1displaying uses a
lot of electricity enough to power over 50 household
214 kilometres of wiring runs through the aircraft it all
converges in the electronics by it’s the plains nervous
system the new fly by wire technology is controlled by
onboard computers but it’s not totally automated the
O.SHALOM KUMAR 17070125075 Mechanical 2021-2022

pilot can override the computer and there are multiple

layers of backup if something should go wrong if I were
to lower the flap it takes hydraulic systems to do that
but if for some reason the hydraulics run available we
could use the air or pneumatic air pressure to lower
the flags of that was unavailable we could use
electricity to lower the plants so there’s multiple layers
of redundancy technicians use a special computer to
send a test signal  to every single circuit moment of
truth time to plug in the factory power supply and fire
her up for the first time power on is a key moment in
completing a dash aid with engines in place this jumbo
is almost ready to take to the skies but first she needs
and interior like the engines and wings a new interior is
borrowed from her little sister the Dream liner there’s
new colours more space and mood lightingBoeing
customers have their own idea of interior design each
one’s there jumbo painted in the colours inside and
out hello in the mega factories huge paint shop the
green protective vinyl is washed offa base layer is
sprayed on by hand followed by several coats of
colour depending on the customers liveryThey need to
be careful with the number of layers they applied too
much paint could mask tell tale signs of metal fatigue
besides the extra weight of more paint would only
increase fuel consumption typical paint job uses 500
kilos of paint will last for years this one is painted in
Boeing zone colours because it’s time to put her
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through her passengers must undergo a series of

gruelling test flights before delivery test pilots push the
plane to extremes they will never be enjoyed by its
passenger unless they work for Boeing just putting
away the hand luggage won’t be enough for this flight
these Boeing engineers have to try everything down
from their lunch today you don’t have a clampdown
things fly in the air and it will literally go straight up to
the ceiling and it can come down and hit you on add
the flight load survey is one of the most gruelling tests
for the plane and for those on boards strong stomach
comes in handy it might look like fun but it’s serious
business the flight load survey tests weight loads
across the plane black the pilots perform extreme
manoeuvres pitching the plane up then down going
from zero gravity to 2 GS in seconds stressing the
fuselage and the wings it’s great fun for them for the
first couple of minutes but imagine that we do this for
several hours at a time sooner or later maybe it’s not
such great fun anymore during these tests the weight
distribution of the plane is controlled using water the
pilot turn engineers component water through barrels
to shift weight along the fuselage this simulates various
load configurations the plane might encounter when
it’s in service the forward centre gravity heavyweight
lightweight we need to make sure that it over the
entire range of operating envelope of the airplane that
the characteristics are good next the duck shaped faces
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the brewing velocity minimum unstick test test pilots

try to take off slowly as possible-this forces detail to
script the runway pass the text the plane was safely lift
off at this position you have a pilot word to
inadvertently abused take off and that to strike the
ground before take off their playing can still lift off
safely in that attitude and so when we do that we
attach a long wooden block on the tail so that will drag
the tail on the grounded we don’t damage the skin of
the airplane that way next they put this new jet
through the flutter test flutter is the aviation word for
vibration test pushes fly by wire control to the limit’s
all high speed generally above the ordinary envelope
that we let airline pilots operate the aircraft at we
vibrate each of the axes of the airplane by quite
literally kicking the controls one at a time to watch how
the controls react and make sure that the airplane in
fact damps the vibration out a quiet and smooth
ending in a very quick fashion Now it’s time to slam on
the brakes see what happens-airline pilots typically are
trained how to recover from an approach to a stall but
rarely if ever actually see an aircraft in a stalled state-
we see it all the time we’ve done hundreds and
hundreds of stalls on just this model of airplane and
they are really they’re really quite benign the stall is
wanna planes nose rises to high the wings then stop
generating lefthand the plane begins to fall from the
sky I just released back pressure on the call and let it
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migrate towards the centre and sometimes I just drop

my hands to my side the airplane recovers just find all
by itself thousands of workers have put together
6,000,000 parts to form this one aircraft conquered
everything the test pilots could throw survived
manufacturing delays and for just 330 $3,000,000 you
can have a brand new Boeing 747 dash 8 all of your
own the new jumbo is ready to take on the ultimate
test competition in the skiesI would tell new pilots of
the 747 dash 8 could be excited this is a wonderful
machine but I think this 747 days shape will be there
airplane it takes it will be the airplane for the next 20
years the worlds biggest building this mega factory is
delivering its 3380 first aircraft a little bit lately with the
way the brand new 747 dash 8 is ready to reclaim her
title as queen of the skies

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